// // LegacyQTTools.java // /* OME Bio-Formats package for reading and converting biological file formats. Copyright (C) 2005-@year@ UW-Madison LOCI and Glencoe Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package loci.formats.gui; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel; import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import loci.common.Location; import loci.common.ReflectException; import loci.common.ReflectedUniverse; import loci.formats.FormatException; import loci.formats.MissingLibraryException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Utility class for working with QuickTime for Java. * * <dl><dt><b>Source code:</b></dt> * <dd><a href="http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/browser/bioformats.git/components/bio-formats/src/loci/formats/gui/LegacyQTTools.java">Trac</a>, * <a href="http://git.openmicroscopy.org/?p=bioformats.git;a=blob;f=components/bio-formats/src/loci/formats/gui/LegacyQTTools.java;hb=HEAD">Gitweb</a></dd></dl> */ public class LegacyQTTools { // -- Constants -- private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LegacyQTTools.class); public static final String NO_QT_MSG = "QuickTime for Java is required to read some QuickTime files. " + "Please install QuickTime for Java from http://www.apple.com/quicktime/"; public static final String JVM_64BIT_MSG = "QuickTime for Java is not supported with a 64-bit JVM. " + "Please invoke the 32-bit JVM (-d32) to utilize QTJava functionality."; public static final String EXPIRED_QT_MSG = "Your version of QuickTime for Java has expired. " + "Please reinstall QuickTime for Java from http://www.apple.com/quicktime/"; protected static final String[] SUFFIXES = {"mov", "qt"}; protected static final boolean MAC_OS_X = System.getProperty("os.name").equals("Mac OS X"); // -- Static fields -- /** * This custom class loader searches additional paths for the QTJava.zip * library. Java has a restriction where only one class loader can have a * native library loaded within a JVM. So the class loader must be static, * shared by all QTForms, or else an UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown when * attempting to initialize QTJava multiple times. */ protected static final ClassLoader LOADER = constructLoader(); protected static ClassLoader constructLoader() { // set up additional QuickTime for Java paths URL[] paths = null; if (MAC_OS_X) { try { paths = new URL[] { new URL("file:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/QTJava.zip") }; } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { LOGGER.info("", exc); } return paths == null ? null : new URLClassLoader(paths); } // case for Windows String windir = System.getProperty("java.library.path"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(windir, ";"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { Location f = new Location(st.nextToken(), "QTJava.zip"); if (f.exists()) { try { paths = new URL[] {f.toURL()}; } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { LOGGER.info("", exc); } return paths == null ? null : new URLClassLoader(paths); } } return null; } // -- Fields -- /** Flag indicating this class has been initialized. */ protected boolean initialized = false; /** Flag indicating QuickTime for Java is not installed. */ protected boolean noQT = false; /** Flag indicating 64-bit JVM (does not support QTJava). */ protected boolean jvm64Bit = false; /** Flag indicating QuickTime for Java has expired. */ protected boolean expiredQT = false; /** Reflection tool for QuickTime for Java calls. */ protected ReflectedUniverse r; // -- LegacyQTTools API methods -- /** Initializes the class. */ protected void initClass() { if (initialized) return; String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch"); if (arch != null && arch.indexOf("64") >= 0) { // QTJava is not supported on 64-bit Java; don't even try noQT = true; jvm64Bit = true; initialized = true; return; } boolean needClose = false; r = new ReflectedUniverse(LOADER); try { r.exec("import quicktime.QTSession"); r.exec("QTSession.open()"); needClose = true; // for LegacyQTReader and LegacyQTWriter r.exec("import quicktime.io.QTFile"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.movies.Movie"); // for LegacyQTReader r.exec("import quicktime.app.view.MoviePlayer"); r.exec("import quicktime.app.view.QTImageProducer"); r.exec("import quicktime.io.OpenMovieFile"); r.exec("import quicktime.qd.QDDimension"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.StdQTConstants"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.movies.TimeInfo"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.movies.Track"); // for LegacyQTWriter r.exec("import quicktime.qd.QDGraphics"); r.exec("import quicktime.qd.QDRect"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.image.CSequence"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.image.CodecComponent"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.image.ImageDescription"); r.exec("import quicktime.std.movies.media.VideoMedia"); r.exec("import quicktime.util.QTHandle"); r.exec("import quicktime.util.RawEncodedImage"); r.exec("import quicktime.util.EndianOrder"); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError err) { noQT = true; Throwable t = err.getException(); if (t instanceof SecurityException) { SecurityException exc = (SecurityException) t; if (exc.getMessage().indexOf("expired") >= 0) expiredQT = true; } } catch (Throwable t) { noQT = true; LOGGER.debug("Could not find QuickTime for Java", t); } finally { if (needClose) { try { r.exec("QTSession.close()"); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.debug("Could not close QuickTime session", t); } } initialized = true; } } /** Whether QuickTime is available to this JVM. */ public boolean canDoQT() { if (!initialized) initClass(); return !noQT; } /** Whether this JVM is 64-bit. */ public boolean isJVM64Bit() { if (!initialized) initClass(); return jvm64Bit; } /** Whether QuickTime for Java has expired. */ public boolean isQTExpired() { if (!initialized) initClass(); return expiredQT; } /** Gets the QuickTime for Java version number. */ public String getQTVersion() { if (isJVM64Bit()) return "Not available"; else if (isQTExpired()) return "Expired"; else if (!canDoQT()) return "Missing"; else { try { String qtMajor = r.exec("QTSession.getMajorVersion()").toString(); String qtMinor = r.exec("QTSession.getMinorVersion()").toString(); return qtMajor + "." + qtMinor; } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.debug("Could not retrieve QuickTime for Java version", t); return "Error"; } } } /** Gets QuickTime for Java reflected universe. */ public ReflectedUniverse getUniverse() { if (!initialized) initClass(); return r; } /** Gets width and height for the given PICT bytes. */ public Dimension getPictDimensions(byte[] bytes) throws FormatException, ReflectException { checkQTLibrary(); try { r.exec("QTSession.open()"); r.setVar("bytes", bytes); r.exec("pict = new Pict(bytes)"); r.exec("box = pict.getPictFrame()"); int width = ((Integer) r.exec("box.getWidth()")).intValue(); int height = ((Integer) r.exec("box.getHeight()")).intValue(); r.exec("QTSession.close()"); return new Dimension(width, height); } catch (ReflectException e) { r.exec("QTSession.close()"); throw new FormatException("PICT height determination failed", e); } } /** Converts the given byte array in PICT format to a Java image. */ public synchronized Image pictToImage(byte[] bytes) throws FormatException { checkQTLibrary(); try { r.exec("QTSession.open()"); // Code adapted from: // http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2002/12/23/jmf.html?page=2 r.setVar("bytes", bytes); r.exec("pict = new Pict(bytes)"); r.exec("box = pict.getPictFrame()"); int width = ((Integer) r.exec("box.getWidth()")).intValue(); int height = ((Integer) r.exec("box.getHeight()")).intValue(); // note: could get a RawEncodedImage from the Pict, but // apparently no way to get a PixMap from the REI r.exec("g = new QDGraphics(box)"); r.exec("pict.draw(g, box)"); // get data from the QDGraphics r.exec("pixMap = g.getPixMap()"); r.exec("rei = pixMap.getPixelData()"); // copy bytes to an array int rowBytes = ((Integer) r.exec("pixMap.getRowBytes()")).intValue(); int intsPerRow = rowBytes / 4; int pixLen = intsPerRow * height; r.setVar("pixLen", pixLen); int[] pixels = new int[pixLen]; r.setVar("pixels", pixels); r.setVar("zero", new Integer(0)); r.exec("rei.copyToArray(zero, pixels, zero, pixLen)"); // now coax into image, ignoring alpha for speed int bitsPerSample = 32; int redMask = 0x00ff0000; int greenMask = 0x0000ff00; int blueMask = 0x000000ff; int alphaMask = 0x00000000; DirectColorModel colorModel = new DirectColorModel( bitsPerSample, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask); r.exec("QTSession.close()"); return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(new MemoryImageSource( width, height, colorModel, pixels, 0, intsPerRow)); } catch (ReflectException e) { try { r.exec("QTSession.close()"); } catch (ReflectException exc) { LOGGER.info("Could not close QuickTime session", exc); } throw new FormatException("PICT extraction failed", e); } } /** Checks whether QTJava is available, throwing an exception if not. */ public void checkQTLibrary() throws MissingLibraryException { if (isJVM64Bit()) throw new MissingLibraryException(JVM_64BIT_MSG); if (isQTExpired()) throw new MissingLibraryException(EXPIRED_QT_MSG); if (!canDoQT()) throw new MissingLibraryException(NO_QT_MSG); } }