/* * $RCSfile: CBlkRateDistStats.java,v $ * $Revision: 1.1 $ * $Date: 2005/02/11 05:02:07 $ * $State: Exp $ * * Class: CBlkRateDistStats * * Description: The coded (compressed) code-block with * rate-distortion statistics. * * * * COPYRIGHT: * * This software module was originally developed by Rapha�l Grosbois and * Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel * Askel�f (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David * Bouchard, F�lix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research * Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000 * standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This * software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000 * Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio * Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000 * Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG * 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not * including other intellectual property rights, for this software module * with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module * or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products * claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use * this software module in hardware or software products are advised that * their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of * this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability * for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license * or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard * conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this * software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this * software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from * using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming * products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or * derivative works of this software module. * * Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners. * */ package jj2000.j2k.entropy.encoder; import jj2000.j2k.entropy.*; import jj2000.j2k.wavelet.analysis.*; import java.io.*; /** * This class stores coded (compressed) code-blocks with their associated * rate-distortion statistics. This object should always contain all the * compressed data of the code-block. It is applicable to the encoder engine * only. Some data of the coded-block is stored in the super class, see * CodedCBlk. * * <P>The rate-distortion statistics (i.e. R-D slope) is stored for valid * points only. The set of valid points is determined by the entropy coder * engine itself. Normally they are selected so as to lye in a convex hull, * which can be achived by using the 'selectConvexHull' method of this class, * but some other strategies might be employed. * * <P>The rate (in bytes) for each truncation point (valid or not) is stored * in the 'truncRates' array. The rate of a truncation point is the total * number of bytes in 'data' (see super class) that have to be decoded to * reach the truncation point. * * <P>The slope (reduction of distortion divided by the increase in rate) at * each of the valid truncation points is stored in 'truncSlopes'. * * <P>The index of each valid truncation point is stored in 'truncIdxs'. The * index should be interpreted in the following way: a valid truncation point * at position 'n' has the index 'truncIdxs[n]', the rate * 'truncRates[truncIdxs[n]]' and the slope 'truncSlopes[n]'. The arrays * 'truncIdxs' and 'truncRates' have at least 'nVldTrunc' elements. The * 'truncRates' array has at least 'nTotTrunc' elements. * * <P>In addition the 'isTermPass' array contains a flag for each truncation * point (valid and non-valid ones) that tells if the pass is terminated or * not. If this variable is null then it means that no pass is terminated, * except the last one which always is. * * <P>The compressed data is stored in the 'data' member variable of the super * class. * * @see CodedCBlk * */ public class CBlkRateDistStats extends CodedCBlk { /** The subband to which the code-block belongs */ public SubbandAn sb; /** The total number of truncation points */ public int nTotTrunc; /** The number of valid truncation points */ public int nVldTrunc; /** The rate (in bytes) for each truncation point (valid and non-valid * ones) */ public int truncRates[]; /** The distortion for each truncation point (valid and non-valid ones) */ public double truncDists[]; /** The negative of the rate-distortion slope for each valid truncation point */ public float truncSlopes[]; /** The indices of the valid truncation points, in increasing * order. */ public int truncIdxs[]; /** Array of flags indicating terminated passes (valid or non-valid * truncation points). */ public boolean isTermPass[]; /** The number of ROI coefficients in the code-block */ public int nROIcoeff = 0; /** Number of ROI coding passes */ public int nROIcp = 0; /** * Creates a new CBlkRateDistStats object without allocating any space for * 'truncRates', 'truncSlopes', 'truncDists' and 'truncIdxs' or 'data'. * */ public CBlkRateDistStats() { } /** * Creates a new CBlkRateDistStats object and initializes the valid * truncation points, their rates and their slopes, from the 'rates' and * 'dist' arrays. The 'rates', 'dist' and 'termp' arrays must contain the * rate (in bytes), the reduction in distortion (from nothing coded) and * the flag indicating if termination is used, respectively, for each * truncation point. * * <P>The valid truncation points are selected by taking them as lying on * a convex hull. This is done by calling the method selectConvexHull(). * * <P> Note that the arrays 'rates' and 'termp' are copied, not * referenced, so they can be modified after a call to this constructor. * * @param m The horizontal index of the code-block, within the subband. * * @param n The vertical index of the code-block, within the subband. * * @param skipMSBP The number of skipped most significant bit-planes for * this code-block. * * @param data The compressed data. This array is referenced by this * object so it should not be modified after. * * @param rates The rates (in bytes) for each truncation point in the * compressed data. This array is modified by the method but no reference * is kept to it. * * @param dists The reduction in distortion (with respect to no information * coded) for each truncation point. This array is modified by the method * but no reference is kept to it. * * @param termp An array of boolean flags indicating, for each pass, if a * pass is terminated or not (true if terminated). If null then it is * assumed that no pass is terminated except the last one which always is. * * @param np The number of truncation points contained in 'rates', 'dist' * and 'termp'. * * @param inclast If false the convex hull is constructed as for lossy * coding. If true it is constructed as for lossless coding, in which case * it is ensured that all bit-planes are sent (i.e. the last truncation * point is always included). * */ public CBlkRateDistStats(int m, int n, int skipMSBP, byte data[], int rates[], double dists[], boolean termp[], int np, boolean inclast) { super(m,n,skipMSBP,data); selectConvexHull(rates,dists,termp,np,inclast); } /** * Compute the rate-distorsion slopes and selects those that lie in a * convex hull. It will compute the slopes, select the ones that form the * convex hull and initialize the 'truncIdxs' and 'truncSlopes' arrays, as * well as 'nVldTrunc', with the selected truncation points. It will also * initialize 'truncRates' and 'isTermPass' arrays, as well as * 'nTotTrunc', with all the truncation points (selected or not). * * <P> Note that the arrays 'rates' and 'termp' are copied, not * referenced, so they can be modified after a call to this method. * * @param rates The rates (in bytes) for each truncation point in the * compressed data. This array is modified by the method. * * @param dists The reduction in distortion (with respect to no * information coded) for each truncation point. This array is modified by * the method. * * @param termp An array of boolean flags indicating, for each pass, if a * pass is terminated or not (true if terminated). If null then it is * assumed that no pass is terminated except the last one which always is. * * @param n The number of truncation points contained in 'rates', 'dist' * and 'termp'. * * @param inclast If false the convex hull is constructed as for lossy * coding. If true it is constructed as for lossless coding, in which case * it is ensured that all bit-planes are sent (i.e. the last truncation * point is always included). * */ public void selectConvexHull(int rates[], double dists[], boolean termp[], int n, boolean inclast) { int first_pnt; // The first point containing some coded data int p; // last selected point int k; // current point int i; // current valid point int npnt; // number of selected (i.e. valid) points int delta_rate; // Rate difference double delta_dist; // Distortion difference float k_slope; // R-D slope for the current point float p_slope; // R-D slope for the last selected point int ll_rate; // Rate for "lossless" coding (i.e. all coded info) // Convention: when a negative value is stored in 'rates' it meas an // invalid point. The absolute value is always the rate for that point. // Look for first point with some coded info (rate not 0) first_pnt = 0; while (first_pnt < n && rates[first_pnt] <= 0) { first_pnt++; } // Select the valid points npnt = n-first_pnt; p_slope = 0f; // To keep compiler happy ploop: do { p = -1; for (k=first_pnt; k<n; k++) { if (rates[k] < 0) { // Already invalidated point continue; } // Calculate decrease in distortion and rate if (p >= 0) { delta_rate = rates[k]-rates[p]; delta_dist = dists[k]-dists[p]; } else { // This is with respect to no info coded delta_rate = rates[k]; delta_dist = dists[k]; } // If exactly same distortion don't eliminate if the rates are // equal, otherwise it can lead to infinite slope in lossless // coding. if (delta_dist < 0f || (delta_dist == 0f && delta_rate > 0)) { // This point increases distortion => invalidate rates[k] = -rates[k]; npnt--; continue; // Goto next point } k_slope = (float)(delta_dist/delta_rate); // Check that there is a decrease in distortion, slope is not // infinite (i.e. delta_dist is not 0) and slope is // decreasing. if (p>=0 && (delta_rate <= 0 || k_slope >= p_slope )) { // Last point was not good rates[p] = -rates[p]; // Remove p from valid points npnt--; continue ploop; // Restart from the first one } else { p_slope = k_slope; p = k; } } // If we get to last point we are done break; } while (true); // We end the loop with the break statement // If in lossless mode make sure we don't eliminate any last bit-planes // from being sent. if (inclast && n > 0 && rates[n-1] < 0) { rates[n-1] = -rates[n-1]; // This rate can never be equal to any previous selected rate, // given the selection algorithm above, so no problem arises of // infinite slopes. npnt++; } // Initialize the arrays of this object nTotTrunc = n; nVldTrunc = npnt; truncRates = new int[n]; truncDists = new double[n]; truncSlopes = new float[npnt]; truncIdxs = new int[npnt]; if (termp != null) { isTermPass = new boolean[n]; System.arraycopy(termp,0,isTermPass,0,n); } else { isTermPass = null; } System.arraycopy(rates,0,truncRates,0,n); for (k=first_pnt, p=-1, i=0; k<n; k++) { if (rates[k]>0) { // A valid point truncDists[k] = dists[k]; if (p<0) { // Only arrives at first valid point truncSlopes[i] = (float)(dists[k]/rates[k]); } else { truncSlopes[i] = (float)((dists[k]-dists[p])/ (rates[k]-rates[p])); } truncIdxs[i] = k; i++; p = k; } else { truncDists[k] = -1; truncRates[k] = -truncRates[k]; } } } /** * Returns the contents of the object in a string. This is used for * debugging. * * @return A string with the contents of the object * */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + "\n nVldTrunc = "+nVldTrunc+", nTotTrunc="+nTotTrunc+", num. ROI"+ " coeff="+nROIcoeff+", num. ROI coding passes="+nROIcp; } }