/* * $RCSfile: RawImageInputStream.java,v $ * * * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any * kind. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY * EXCLUDED. SUN MIDROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL * NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF * USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, * CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND * REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR * INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for * use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any * nuclear facility. * * $Revision: 1.1 $ * $Date: 2005/02/11 05:01:20 $ * $State: Exp $ */ package com.sun.media.imageio.stream; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Transparency; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace; import java.awt.color.ICC_Profile; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel; import java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel; import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URL; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier; import javax.imageio.stream.*; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.sun.media.imageioimpl.common.ImageUtil; /** * This class defines the content of the <code>ImageInputStream</code> * containing several raw images with the same image type: the number of * the images, the image type, the offset for the first sample of each image, * and the image size information. * * <p><code>ImageInputStream</code> methods are not commented individually. * These methods merely forward the call to the <code>ImageInputStream</code> * specified when the <code>RawImageInputStream</code> is constructed.</p> */ public class RawImageInputStream implements ImageInputStream { private static final String[] preDefinedColorSpaces = new String[]{"GRAY", "sRGB", "LINEAR_RGB", "PYCC", "CIEXYZ"}; private static final int[] preDefinedTypes = new int[]{ ColorSpace.CS_GRAY, ColorSpace.CS_sRGB, ColorSpace.CS_LINEAR_RGB, ColorSpace.CS_PYCC, ColorSpace.CS_CIEXYZ }; /** Gets the attribute from the node. */ private static String getAttribute(Node node, String name) { NamedNodeMap map = node.getAttributes(); node = map.getNamedItem(name); return (node != null) ? node.getNodeValue() : null; } /** Gets the boolean type attribute. */ private static boolean getBoolean(Node node, String name) { String s = getAttribute(node, name); return (s == null) ? false : (new Boolean(s)).booleanValue(); } /** Gets the integer type attribute. */ private static int getInt(Node node, String name) { String s = getAttribute(node, name); return (s == null) ? 0 : (new Integer(s)).intValue(); } /** Gets the integer type attribute. */ private static byte[] getByteArray(Node node, String name) { String s = getAttribute(node, name); if (s == null) return null; StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(s); int count = token.countTokens(); if (count == 0) return null; byte[] buf = new byte[count]; int i = 0; while(token.hasMoreElements()) { buf[i++] = new Byte(token.nextToken()).byteValue(); } return buf; } /** Gets the integer type attribute. */ private static int[] getIntArray(Node node, String name) { String s = getAttribute(node, name); if (s == null) return null; StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(s); int count = token.countTokens(); if (count == 0) return null; int[] buf = new int[count]; int i = 0; while(token.hasMoreElements()) { buf[i++] = new Integer(token.nextToken()).intValue(); } return buf; } private static int getTransparency(String s) { if ("BITMASK".equals(s)) return Transparency.BITMASK; else if ("OPAQUE".equals(s)) return Transparency.OPAQUE; else if ("TRANSLUCENT".equals(s)) return Transparency.TRANSLUCENT; else return 0; } private static ColorSpace getColorSpace(Node node) throws IOException { NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node child = nodes.item(i); if ("colorSpace".equals(child.getNodeName())) { String s = child.getNodeValue(); for (int j = 0; j < preDefinedColorSpaces.length; j++) { if (preDefinedColorSpaces[j].equals(s)) return ColorSpace.getInstance(preDefinedTypes[j]); } InputStream stm = new URL(s).openStream(); ColorSpace cp = new ICC_ColorSpace(ICC_Profile.getInstance(stm)); stm.close(); return cp; } } return null; } /** The wrapperred <code>ImageInputStream</code>. */ private ImageInputStream source; /** The image type for all the images in the stream. */ private ImageTypeSpecifier type; /** The position of the first sample for each image. */ private long[] imageOffsets; /** The image sizes. */ private Dimension[] imageDimensions; /** Constructor. * @param source The <code>ImageInputStream</code> containing all the raw * images. * @param type The <code>ImageTypeSpecifier</code> for all the images * in the stream. * @param imageOffsets The position of the first sample for each image * in the stream. * @param imageDimensions The image size for each image in the stream. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the sizes of * <code>imageOffsets</code> * and <code>imageDimensions</code> are different or if * either array is null. */ public RawImageInputStream(ImageInputStream source, ImageTypeSpecifier type, long[] imageOffsets, Dimension[] imageDimensions) { if (imageOffsets == null || imageDimensions == null || imageOffsets.length != imageDimensions.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (I18N.getString("RawImageInputStream0")); } this.source = source; this.type = type; this.imageOffsets = imageOffsets; this.imageDimensions = imageDimensions; } /** * Constructor. * * <p>This constructor is the same as * {@link #RawImageInputStream(ImageInputStream,ImageTypeSpecifier, * long[],Dimension[])} except that a <code>SampleModel</code> is * supplied instead of an <code>ImageTypeSpecifier</code>. This * constructor creates a <code>ColorModel</code> for the supplied * <code>SampleModel</code> and then creates an * <code>ImageTypeSpecifier</code>.</p> * * <p>Suitable <code>ColorModel</code>s are guaranteed to exist * for all instances of <code>ComponentSampleModel</code>. * For 1- and 3- banded <code>SampleModel</code>s, the * <code>ColorModel</code> will be opaque. For 2- and 4-banded * <code>SampleModel</code>s, the output will use alpha transparency * which is not premultiplied. 1- and 2-banded data will use a * grayscale <code>ColorSpace</code>, and 3- and 4-banded data a sRGB * <code>ColorSpace</code>. Data with 5 or more bands will use a * <code>ColorSpace</code> which satisfies compatibility constraints * but is merely a placeholder and <i>does not perform correct color * conversion to and from the C.I.E. XYZ and sRGB color spaces</i>.</p> * * <p>An instance of <code>DirectColorModel</code> will be created for * instances of <code>SinglePixelPackedSampleModel</code> with no more * than 4 bands.</p> * * <p>An instance of <code>IndexColorModel</code> will be created for * instances of <code>MultiPixelPackedSampleModel</code>. The colormap * will be a grayscale ramp with <code>1 << numberOfBits</code> * entries ranging from zero to at most 255.</p> * * @param source The <code>ImageInputStream</code> containing all the raw * images. * @param sampleModel The <code>SampleModel</code> for all the images * in the stream. * @param imageOffsets The position of the first sample for each image * in the stream. * @param imageDimensions The image size for each image in the stream. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>sampleModel</code> is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the sizes of * <code>imageOffsets</code> * and <code>imageDimensions</code> are different or if * either array is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If it is not possible to create a * <code>ColorModel</code> from the supplied * <code>SampleModel</code>. */ public RawImageInputStream(ImageInputStream source, SampleModel sampleModel, long[] imageOffsets, Dimension[] imageDimensions) { if (imageOffsets == null || imageDimensions == null || imageOffsets.length != imageDimensions.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (I18N.getString("RawImageInputStream0")); } this.source = source; ColorModel colorModel = ImageUtil.createColorModel(sampleModel); if(colorModel == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException (I18N.getString("RawImageInputStream4")); } this.type = new ImageTypeSpecifier(colorModel, sampleModel); this.imageOffsets = imageOffsets; this.imageDimensions = imageDimensions; } /** * Constructor. * * The <code>xmlSource</code> must adhere to the following DTD: * *<pre> *<!DOCTYPE "com_sun_media_imageio_stream_raw_1.0" [ * * <!ELEMENT com_sun_media_imageio_stream_raw_1.0 * (byteOrder?, offset?, width?, height?, * (ComponentSampleModel | * MultiPixelPackedSampleModel | * SinglePixelPackedSampleModel), * (ComponentColorModel | * DirectColorModel | * IndexColorModel)?)> * * <!ATTLIST com_sun_media_imageio_stream_raw_1.0 * xmlns CDATA #FIXED "http://com/sun/media/imageio"> * * <!ELEMENT byteOrder (#PCDATA)> * <!-- Byte order of data stream --> * <!-- Either "NETWORK" or "REVERSE" --> * <!-- Data type: String --> * * <!ELEMENT offset (#PCDATA)> * <!-- Byte offset to the image data in the stream --> * <!-- Data type: long --> * * <!ELEMENT width (#PCDATA)> * <!-- Image width; default value is SampleModel width --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * * <!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)> * <!-- Image height; default value is SampleModel height --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * * <!ELEMENT ComponentSampleModel EMPTY> * <!-- ComponentSampleModel --> * * <!ATTLIST ComponentSampleModel * dataType (BYTE | USHORT | SHORT | INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE) #REQUIRED * <!-- Data type: String --> * w CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel width --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * h CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel height --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * pixelStride CDATA "1" * <!-- SampleModel pixel stride --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * scanlineStride CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel line stride --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * bankIndices CDATA #IMPLIED * <!-- SampleModel bank indices --> * <!-- Data type: int array --> * bandOffsets CDATA #REQUIRED> * <!-- SampleModel band offsets --> * <!-- Data type: int array --> * * <!ELEMENT MultiPixelPackedSampleModel EMPTY> * <!-- MultiPixelPackedSampleModel --> * * <!ATTLIST MultiPixelPackedSampleModel * dataType (BYTE | USHORT | INT) #REQUIRED * <!-- Data type: String --> * w CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel width --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * h CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel height --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * numberOfBits CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Number of bits per pixel --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * scanlineStride CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel line stride --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * dataBitOffset CDATA "0"> * <!-- Offset to first valid bit in a line --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * * <!ELEMENT SinglePixelPackedSampleModel EMPTY> * <!-- SinglePixelPackedSampleModel --> * * <!ATTLIST SinglePixelPackedSampleModel * dataType (BYTE | USHORT | INT) #REQUIRED * <!-- Data type: String --> * w CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel width --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * h CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel height --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * scanlineStride CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- SampleModel line stride --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * bitMasks CDATA #REQUIRED> * <!-- Masks indicating RGBA positions --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * * <!ELEMENT ComponentColorModel EMPTY> * <!-- ComponentColorModel --> * * <!ATTLIST ComponentColorModel * colorSpace (CIEXYZ | GRAY | LINEAR_RGB | PYCC | sRGB | URL) * #REQUIRED * <!-- A string representing a predefined ColorSpace or a URI * representing the location of any ICC profile from which * a ColorSpace may be created. --> * <!-- Data type: String --> * bits CDATA #IMPLIED * <!-- Number of bits per color component --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * hasAlpha (true | false) #REQUIRED * <!-- Whether an alpha channel is present --> * <!-- Data type: boolean --> * isAlphaPremultiplied (true | false) #REQUIRED * <!-- Whether any alpha channel is premultiplied --> * <!-- Data type: boolean --> * transparency (BITMASK | OPAQUE | TRANSLUCENT) #REQUIRED * <!-- The type of transparency --> * transferType (BYTE | USHORT | SHORT | INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE) * #REQUIRED> * <!-- The data transfer type --> * * <!ELEMENT DirectColorModel EMPTY> * <!-- DirectColorModel --> * * <!ATTLIST DirectColorModel * colorSpace (LINEAR_RGB | sRGB | URL) #IMPLIED * <!-- A string representing a predefined RGB ColorSpace or a * URL representing the location of any ICC profile from * which an RGB ColorSpace may be created. --> * <!-- Data type: String --> * bits CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Number of bits per color component --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * rmask CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Bitmask of the red component --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * gmask CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Bitmask of the grenn component --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * bmask CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Bitmask of the blue component --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * amask CDATA "0"> * <!-- Bitmask of the alpha component --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * * <!ELEMENT IndexColorModel EMPTY> * <!-- IndexColorModel --> * * <!ATTLIST IndexColorModel * bits CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Number of bits per color component --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * size CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Number of elements in the colormap --> * <!-- Data type: int --> * r CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Red elements of the colormap --> * <!-- Data type: byte array --> * g CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Green elements of the colormap --> * <!-- Data type: byte array --> * b CDATA #REQUIRED * <!-- Blue elements of the colormap --> * <!-- Data type: byte array --> * a CDATA #IMPLIED> * <!-- Alpha elements of the colormap --> * <!-- Data type: byte array --> *]> *</pre> * * * @param source The <code>ImageInputStream</code> containing all the raw * images. * @param xmlSource The <code>org.xml.sax.InputSource</code> to provide * the xml document in which the stream structure is defined. * * @throws RuntimeException If the parse configuration isn't correct. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of "width" elements isn't * the same as the number of "height" elements. * * @throws SAXException If one is thrown in parsing. * * @throws IOException If one is thrown in parsing, or creating color space * from a URL. */ public RawImageInputStream(ImageInputStream source, org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlSource) throws SAXException, IOException { this.source = source; DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setValidating(true); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); dbf.setAttribute("http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaLanguage", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"); DocumentBuilder db = null; try { db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(I18N.getString("RawImageInputStream1"), ex); } Document doc = db.parse(xmlSource); //gets the byte order NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("byteOrder"); String byteOrder = nodes.item(0).getNodeValue(); if ("NETWORK".equals(byteOrder)) { this.setByteOrder(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); this.source.setByteOrder(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); } else if ("REVERSE".equals(byteOrder)) { this.setByteOrder(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); this.setByteOrder(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } //gets image offsets nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("offset"); int length = nodes.getLength(); this.imageOffsets = new long[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { imageOffsets[i] = new Long(nodes.item(i).getNodeValue()).longValue(); } //gets image dimensions nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("width"); NodeList nodes1 = doc.getElementsByTagName("height"); length = nodes.getLength(); if (length != nodes1.getLength()) throw new IllegalArgumentException (I18N.getString("RawImageInputStream2")); this.imageDimensions = new Dimension[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { String w = nodes.item(i).getNodeValue(); String h = nodes1.item(i).getNodeValue(); imageDimensions[i] = new Dimension((new Integer(w)).intValue(), (new Integer(h)).intValue()); } //get sampleModel SampleModel sampleModel = null; // for ComponentSampleModel nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("ComponentSampleModel"); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodes.item(0); int[] bankIndices =getIntArray (node, "bankIndices"); if (bankIndices == null) sampleModel = new ComponentSampleModel(getInt(node, "dataType"), getInt(node, "w"), getInt(node, "h"), getInt(node, "pixelStride"), getInt(node, "scanlineStride"), getIntArray(node, "bandOffsets")); else sampleModel = new ComponentSampleModel(getInt(node, "dataType"), getInt(node, "w"), getInt(node, "h"), getInt(node, "pixelStride"), getInt(node, "scanlineStride"), bankIndices, getIntArray(node, "bandOffsets")); } // for MultiPixelPackedSampleModel nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("MultiPixelPackedSampleModel"); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodes.item(0); sampleModel = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(getInt(node, "dataType"), getInt(node, "w"), getInt(node, "h"), getInt(node, "numberOfBits"), getInt(node, "scanlineStride"), getInt(node, "dataBitOffset")); } // for SinglePixelPackedSampleModel nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("SinglePixelPackedSampleModel"); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodes.item(0); sampleModel = new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(getInt(node, "dataType"), getInt(node, "w"), getInt(node, "h"), getInt(node, "scanlineStride"), getIntArray(node, "bitMasks")); } //get colorModel ColorModel colorModel = null; // for ComponentColorModel nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("ComponentColorModel"); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodes.item(0); colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(getColorSpace(node), getIntArray(node, "bits"), getBoolean(node, "hasAlpha"), getBoolean(node, "isAlphaPremultiplied"), getTransparency(getAttribute(node, "transparency")), getInt(node, "transferType")); } // for DirectColorModel nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("DirectColorModel"); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodes.item(0); colorModel = new DirectColorModel(getColorSpace(node), getInt(node, "bits"), getInt(node, "rmask"), getInt(node, "gmask"), getInt(node, "bmask"), getInt(node, "amask"), false, Transparency.OPAQUE); } // for IndexColorModel nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("IndexColorModel"); if (nodes.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodes.item(0); byte[] alpha = getByteArray(node, "a"); if (alpha == null) colorModel = new IndexColorModel(getInt(node, "bits"), getInt(node, "size"), getByteArray(node, "r"), getByteArray(node, "g"), getByteArray(node, "b")); else colorModel = new IndexColorModel(getInt(node, "bits"), getInt(node, "size"), getByteArray(node, "r"), getByteArray(node, "g"), getByteArray(node, "b"), alpha); } //create image type this.type = new ImageTypeSpecifier(colorModel, sampleModel); //assign imagedimension based on the sample model if (this.imageDimensions.length == 0) { this.imageDimensions = new Dimension[this.imageOffsets.length]; imageDimensions[0] = new Dimension(sampleModel.getWidth(), sampleModel.getHeight()); for (int i = 1; i < imageDimensions.length; i++) imageDimensions[i] = imageDimensions[0]; } } /** * Retrieves the image type. * * @return the image type */ public ImageTypeSpecifier getImageType() { return type; } /** * Retrieves the image offset of the <code>imageIndex</code>th image. * * @param imageIndex the index of the image of interest. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the provided parameter is out of * range. * @return the offset in the stream to the specified image. */ public long getImageOffset(int imageIndex) { if (imageIndex < 0 || imageIndex >= imageOffsets.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException (I18N.getString("RawImageInputStream3")); return imageOffsets[imageIndex]; } /** Retrieves the dimnsion of the <code>imageIndex</code>th image. * @param imageIndex the index of the image of interest. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the provided parameter is out of * rangle. * @return the size of the specified image. */ public Dimension getImageDimension(int imageIndex) { if (imageIndex < 0 || imageIndex >= imageOffsets.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException (I18N.getString("RawImageInputStream3")); return imageDimensions[imageIndex]; } /** * Retrieves the number of images in the <code>ImageInputStream</code>. * @return the number of image in the stream. */ public int getNumImages() { return imageOffsets.length; } public void setByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder) { source.setByteOrder(byteOrder); } public ByteOrder getByteOrder() { return source.getByteOrder(); } public int read() throws IOException { return source.read(); } public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { return source.read(b); } public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { return source.read(b, off, len); } public void readBytes(IIOByteBuffer buf, int len) throws IOException { source.readBytes(buf, len); } public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException { return source.readBoolean(); } public byte readByte() throws IOException { return source.readByte(); } public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException { return source.readUnsignedByte(); } public short readShort() throws IOException { return source.readShort(); } public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException { return source.readUnsignedShort(); } public char readChar() throws IOException { return source.readChar(); } public int readInt() throws IOException { return source.readInt(); } public long readUnsignedInt() throws IOException { return source.readUnsignedInt(); } public long readLong() throws IOException { return source.readLong(); } public float readFloat() throws IOException { return source.readFloat(); } public double readDouble() throws IOException { return source.readDouble(); } public String readLine() throws IOException { return source.readLine(); } public String readUTF() throws IOException { return source.readUTF(); } public void readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { source.readFully(b, off, len); } public void readFully(byte[] b) throws IOException { source.readFully(b); } public void readFully(short[] s, int off, int len) throws IOException { source.readFully(s, off, len); } public void readFully(char[] c, int off, int len) throws IOException { source.readFully(c, off, len); } public void readFully(int[] i, int off, int len) throws IOException { source.readFully(i, off, len); } public void readFully(long[] l, int off, int len) throws IOException { source.readFully(l, off, len); } public void readFully(float[] f, int off, int len) throws IOException { source.readFully(f, off, len); } public void readFully(double[] d, int off, int len) throws IOException { source.readFully(d, off, len); } public long getStreamPosition() throws IOException { return source.getStreamPosition(); } public int getBitOffset() throws IOException { return source.getBitOffset(); } public void setBitOffset(int bitOffset) throws IOException { source.setBitOffset(bitOffset); } public int readBit() throws IOException { return source.readBit(); } public long readBits(int numBits) throws IOException { return source.readBits(numBits); } public long length() throws IOException { return source.length(); } public int skipBytes(int n) throws IOException { return source.skipBytes(n); } public long skipBytes(long n) throws IOException { return source.skipBytes(n); } public void seek(long pos) throws IOException { source.seek(pos); } public void mark() { source.mark(); } public void reset() throws IOException { source.reset(); } public void flushBefore(long pos) throws IOException { source.flushBefore(pos); } public void flush() throws IOException { source.flush(); } public long getFlushedPosition() { return source.getFlushedPosition(); } public boolean isCached() { return source.isCached(); } public boolean isCachedMemory() { return source.isCachedMemory(); } public boolean isCachedFile() { return source.isCachedFile(); } public void close() throws IOException { source.close(); } }