package org.seqcode.viz.metaprofile;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.List;
import org.seqcode.gseutils.Args;
public class MetaConfig {
public boolean printHelp = false;
public boolean batchRun= false;
public boolean cluster = false;
public int winLen = 10000;
public int bins = 100;
public int readExt = 0;
public double lineMin =0;
public double lineMax = 100;
public int lineThick = 1;
public double pbMax = 100;
public char strand = '.';
public boolean drawColorBar = true;
public boolean saveSVG = false;
public boolean transparent = false;
public boolean printMatrix = false;
public String profilerType = "fiveprime";
public String profileStyle = "Line";
public List<String> peakFiles = null;
public String outName = "meta";
public Color color =;
public char baseLimit='.'; //Only draw meta-plots for tags with this character at baseLimitRelPosition relative to 5' end (. = draw all tags)
public int baseLimitRelPosition=0;
public int fivePrimeShift=0;
public MetaConfig(String [] args){
if(args.length < 2){
printHelp = true;
winLen = Args.parseInteger(args,"win", 10000);
bins = Args.parseInteger(args,"bins", 100);
readExt = Args.parseInteger(args,"readext", 0);
fivePrimeShift = Args.parseInteger(args,"readshift", 0);
lineMin = Args.parseDouble(args,"linemin", 0);
lineMax = Args.parseDouble(args,"linemax", 100);
lineThick = Args.parseInteger(args,"linethick", 1);
pbMax = Args.parseDouble(args,"pbmax", 100);
strand = Args.parseString(args, "strand", ".").charAt(0);
drawColorBar = !Args.parseFlags(args).contains("nocolorbar");
saveSVG = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("svg");
transparent = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("transparent");
printMatrix = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("printMatrix");
profilerType = Args.parseString(args, "profiler", "simplechipseq");
profileStyle = Args.parseString(args, "style", "Line");
peakFiles = (List<String>)Args.parseStrings(args, "peaks");
outName = Args.parseString(args, "out", "meta");
batchRun = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("batch");
cluster = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("cluster");
color =;
String newCol = Args.parseString(args, "color", "blue");
for(int s=0; s<args.length; s++){
Integer R = new Integer(args[s+1]);
Integer G = new Integer(args[s+2]);
Integer B = new Integer(args[s+3]);
Integer A = new Integer(args[s+4]);
color= new Color(R,G,B,A);
baseLimit = Args.parseString(args, "baselimit", ".").charAt(0);
baseLimitRelPosition = Args.parseInteger(args, "baselimitposition", 0);
public boolean helpWanted(){return printHelp;}
* Returns a string describing the arguments handled by this config parser.
* @return String
public String getArgsList(){
return(new String(""+
"\t--profiler <simplechipseq/fiveprime/nucleosome> \n" +
"\t--win <profile width> --bins <num bins> \n" +
"\t--linemin <min> --linemax <max> \n" +
"\t--readext <extension>\n" +
"\t--readshift <5' shift>\n" +
"\t--peaks <peaks file name>\n" +
"\t--out <output root name> \n" +
"\t--color <red/green/blue> or --color4 <R G B A>\n" +
"\t--strand <+-.>\n" +
"\t--baselimit <./A/C/G/T: only draw tags with this base at below position>\n" +
"\t--baselimitposition <only draw tags with above base at this position>\n" +
"\t--printMatrix [flag to print the matrix of tags] \n"+
"\t--cluster [flag to cluster in batch mode] \n" +
"\t--batch [a flag to run without displaying the window]\n" +
"\t--nocolorbar [flag to turn off colorbar in batch mode]\n" +
"\t--transparent [flag for transparent background]\n" +
"\t--style <Line/Histo>\n" +
"\t--svg [flag to save an SVG image]\n"));