/* * Created on Apr 3, 2006 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments */ package org.seqcode.viz; /** * @author Lindy Briggs * * AttributeCalculator is an interface, originally created by Lindy, * that allows us to get dynamic "attributes" (line widths, point widths, etc) * based on the *size* of the window that we're drawing into. This allows for * a more natural scaling process, and doesn't require us to write the same * sizing code into each of our painters (or worse, have them all use a fixed * style at all sizes). */ public interface AttributeCalculator { public int getPointWidth(int w, int h, double scale); public int getLineWidth(int w, int h, double scale); public int getFontSize(int w, int h, double scale); public void setPointWidth(int w); public void setLineWidth(int w); public void setFontSize(int size); }