package org.seqcode.projects.galaxyexo; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.ControlledExperiment; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.ExperimentCondition; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.ExperimentManager; import org.seqcode.deepseq.experiments.ExptConfig; import org.seqcode.genome.GenomeConfig; import org.seqcode.genome.location.StrandedPoint; import org.seqcode.gseutils.ArgParser; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Args; import org.seqcode.math.stats.StatUtil; /** * Utility to quantify a nucleosome "valley" of a signal experiment relative to a control experiment. * It creates a composite plot using reference points (such as plus one nucleosome positions), and * finds the maximum and minimum read heights. The fold difference in the maximum and minimum read * heights are compared to the control experiment to get the relative fold differences in read height. * * Input: * - Genome * - Signal experiment * - Control experiment * - Peak locations (plus one nucleosome) * - Window around peaks in which to count reads * Output: * - A text file containing the enrichmemt * * @author naomi yamada */ public class NucleosomeEnrichmentProfiler { protected ExperimentManager manager; protected ExptConfig exptConfig; protected FeatureCountsLoader featureCountsLoader; protected String outbase; protected int smoothingWidth; public NucleosomeEnrichmentProfiler(String base,ExptConfig econf, ExperimentManager man, FeatureCountsLoader fcloader, int smoothing){ outbase = base; featureCountsLoader = fcloader; exptConfig = econf; manager = man; smoothingWidth=smoothing; } public void execute() throws FileNotFoundException{ File outFile = new File(outbase+File.separator+"nucleosome_enrichment.txt"); outFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(outFile); for (ExperimentCondition condition : manager.getConditions()){ for (ControlledExperiment rep: condition.getReplicates()){ if ( !rep.hasControl()){ System.err.println("Please provide the control experiment to get statistics."); System.exit(0); } double[] composite = featureCountsLoader.sampleComposite(rep); double[] contComposite = featureCountsLoader.controlComposite(); // smooth composite plot double[] smoothedSignal = StatUtil.gaussianSmoother(composite, smoothingWidth); double[] smoothedControl = StatUtil.gaussianSmoother(contComposite, smoothingWidth); double ratio = getMaxCounts(smoothedSignal)*getMinCounts(smoothedControl)/(getMinCounts(smoothedSignal)*getMaxCounts(smoothedControl)); writer.println("Sample Name "+rep.getSignal().getName()+"\tRatio: "+ratio+"\tSignal: "+rep.getSignal().getHitCount()); } } writer.close(); } public double getMaxCounts(double[] array){ double maxCounts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ if (array[i] > maxCounts) maxCounts = array[i]; } return maxCounts; } public double getMinCounts(double[] array){ double minCounts = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ if (array[i] < minCounts) minCounts = array[i]; } return minCounts; } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{ ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(args); if((!ap.hasKey("peaks") && !ap.hasKey("regions")) ) { System.err.println("please input peak files and region files."); System.err.println("Usage:\n " + "NucleosomeEnrichmentProfiler\n " + "--geninfo <genome info file> \n " + "--expt <file name> AND --ctrl <file name> AND --format <SAM/BAM/BED/IDX>\n " + "--peaks <file containing coordinates of peaks> \n " + "\nOPTIONS:\n " + "--out <output directory (default = working directory)> \n " + "--win <window of reads to take around peaks (default=200)> \n " + "--bai <file path to bai file> \n " + "--readshift <number of base pair for read shift (default=7)>\n " + "--smooth <window of gaussian kernel smoothing (default=10)> \n " + ""); System.exit(0); } GenomeConfig gconf = new GenomeConfig(args); ExptConfig econf = new ExptConfig(gconf.getGenome(), args); econf.setPerBaseReadFiltering(false); ExperimentManager manager = new ExperimentManager(econf); // parsing command line arguments int win = Args.parseInteger(args, "win", 500); int fivePrimeShift = Args.parseInteger(args,"readshift", 6); int smooth = Args.parseInteger(args,"smooth", 10); List<StrandedPoint> spoints = RegionFileUtilities.loadStrandedPointsFromFile(gconf.getGenome(), ap.getKeyValue("peaks")); // Get outdir and outbase and make them; String outbase = Args.parseString(args, "out", System.getProperty("user.dir")); FeatureCountsLoader fcLoader = new FeatureCountsLoader(gconf, spoints, win); fcLoader.setFivePrimeShift(fivePrimeShift); NucleosomeEnrichmentProfiler profile = new NucleosomeEnrichmentProfiler(outbase,econf,manager, fcLoader,smooth); profile.execute(); manager.close(); } }