package org.seqcode.math.numeric; import java.util.*; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Pair; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D; import cern.jet.math.Arithmetic; import cern.jet.math.Functions; /* * Implementations of code from Numerical Recipes, for * general use. */ public abstract class Numerical { public static class NumericalException extends RuntimeException { public NumericalException() { super(); } public NumericalException(String m) { super(m); } } public static double log_add(double v1, double v2) { if(Double.isNaN(v1)) { return v2; } if(Double.isNaN(v2)) { return v1; } if(v1 >= v2) { return v1 + Math.log((double)1.0 + Math.exp(v2 - v1)); } else { return log_add(v2, v1); } } public static double log_subtract(double v1, double v2) { return v1 + Math.log((double)1.0 - Math.exp(v2 - v1)); } public static double log_sum_exp(DoubleMatrix1D exponents) { double maxExp = exponents.aggregate(Functions.max, Functions.identity); if (maxExp == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else { double expSum = exponents.aggregate(, Functions.chain(Functions.exp, Functions.minus(maxExp))); return maxExp + Math.log(expSum); } } public static double log_sum_exp(double[] exponents) { if (exponents.length >= 1) { double maxExponent = exponents[0]; for (int i = 1; i < exponents.length; i++) { maxExponent = Math.max(maxExponent, exponents[i]); } return Numerical.log_sum_exp(exponents, maxExponent); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("array has zero-length"); } } public static double log_sum_exp(double[] exponents, double maxExp) { if (maxExp == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (exponents.length >= 1) { double expSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < exponents.length; i++) { expSum = expSum + Math.exp(exponents[i] - maxExp); } return maxExp + Math.log(expSum); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("array has zero-length"); } } private static double gammln_cof[] = { 76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941677, 24.01409824083091, -1.231739572450155, 0.1208650973866179e-2, -0.5395239384953e-5 }; public static final double LOG_ZERO = Math.log(1.0e-99); private static final double EPS1 = 0.001; private static final double EPS2 = 1.0e-8; private static final int ITMAX = 100; private static final int MAXIT = 100; private static final double EPS = 3.0e-7; private static final double FPMIN = 1.0e-30; private static double factln_a[]; static { factln_a = new double[101]; for(int i = 0; i < factln_a.length; i++) { factln_a[i] = (float)0.0; } } // pg. 625 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static Pair<Double,Double> kstwo(double[] data1, double[] data2) { int j1 = 1, j2 = 1; double fn1 = 0.0, fn2 = 0.0; Arrays.sort(data1); Arrays.sort(data2); double en1 = (double)data1.length; double en2 = (double)data2.length; double d = 0.0; double d1, d2, dt; while(j1 <= data1.length && j2 <= data2.length) { d1 = data1[j1-1]; d2 = data2[j2-1]; if(d1 <= d2) { fn1 = (double)j1 / en1; j1++; } if(d2 <= d1) { fn2 = (double)j2 / en2; j2++; } if((dt = Math.abs(fn2-fn1)) > d) { d = dt; } } double en = Math.sqrt(en1 * en2 / (en1 + en2)); double prob = probks((en + 0.12 + 0.11/en) * d); return new Pair<Double,Double>(d, prob); } // pg. 626 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double probks(double alam) { double a2 = -2.0 * alam * alam; double sum = 0.0, termbf = 0.0, fac = 2.0; for(int j = 1; j <= 100; j++) { double dj = (double)j; double term = fac * Math.exp(a2 * dj * dj); sum += term; if(Math.abs(term) <= EPS1 * termbf || Math.abs(term) <= EPS2 * sum) { return sum; } fac = -fac; termbf = Math.abs(term); } return 1.0; } // pg. 218 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static Pair<Double,Double> gser(double a, double x) { double gamser, gln; int n; double sum, del, ap; gln = gammln(a); if(x <= 0.0) { if(x < 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } gamser = 0.0; return new Pair<Double,Double>(gamser, gln); } else { ap = a; del = sum = 1.0 / a; for(n = 1; n <= ITMAX; n++) { ap += 1.0; del *= x / ap; sum += del; if(Math.abs(del) < Math.abs(sum) * EPS) { gamser = sum * Math.exp(-x + a + Math.log(x) - gln); return new Pair<Double,Double>(gamser, gln); } } throw new NumericalException("a too large, ITMAX too small"); } } // pg. 617 in Numerical Recipes in C public static Pair<Double,Double> avevar(Collection<Double> values) { double s, ep; double ave, var; ave = 0.0; int n = values.size(); for(Double v : values) { ave += v; } ave /= (double)n; var = ep = 0.0; for(Double v : values) { s = v - ave; ep += s; var += (s * s); } var = (var - ep * ep / (double)n) / (double)(n - 1); return new Pair<Double,Double>(ave, var); } // pg. 617-618 in Numerical Recipes in C public static Pair<Double,Double> tutest(Collection<Double> data1, Collection<Double> data2) { Pair<Double,Double> results = null; double var1, var2, df, ave1, ave2; int n1 = data1.size(), n2 = data2.size(); Pair<Double,Double> p1 = avevar(data1), p2 = avevar(data2); ave1 = p1.getFirst(); var1 = p1.getLast(); ave2 = p2.getFirst(); var2 = p2.getLast(); double temp1 = var1 / (double)n1, temp2 = var2 / (double)n2; double temp = temp1 + temp2; double stemp = temp * temp, stemp1 = temp1 * temp1, stemp2 = temp2 * temp2; double t = (ave1 - ave2) / Math.sqrt(temp); df = stemp / (stemp1 / (double)(n1 - 1) + stemp2 / (double)(n2-1)); double prob = betai(0.5 * df, 0.5, df/(df + (t * t))); results = new Pair<Double,Double>(t, prob); return results; } // pg. 219 in Numerical Recipes in C. public static Pair<Double,Double> gcf(double a, double x) { Pair<Double,Double> ret = null; double gammcf, gln; int i; double an, b, c, d, del, h; gln = gammln(a); b = x + 1.0 - a; c = 1.0 / FPMIN; d = 1.0 / b; h = d; for(i = 1; i <= ITMAX; i++) { an = -((double)i) * (((double)i)-a); b += 2.0; d = an * d + b; if(Math.abs(d) < FPMIN) { d = FPMIN; } c = b + an / c; if(Math.abs(c) < FPMIN) { c = FPMIN; } d = 1.0 / d; del = d * c; h *= del; if(Math.abs(del-1.0) < EPS) { break; } } if(i > ITMAX) { throw new NumericalException("a too large, ITMAX too small"); } gammcf = Math.exp(-x + a * Math.log(x) - gln) * h; ret = new Pair<Double,Double>(gammcf, gln); return ret; } // pg. 220 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double erff(double x) { return x < 0.0 ? -gammp(0.5, x*x) : gammp(0.5, x*x); } // pg. 220 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double erffc(double x) { return x < 0.0 ? 1.0 + gammp(0.5, x*x) : gammq(0.5, x*x); } // pg. 221 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double erfcc(double x) { double t, z, ans; z = Math.abs(x); t = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * z); ans = t * Math.exp(-z * z - 1.26551223 + t * (1.00002368 + t * (0.37409196 + t * (0.09678418 + t * (-0.18628806 + t * (0.27886807 + t * (-1.13520398 + t * (1.48851587 + t * (-0.82215223 + t * 0.17087277))))))))); return x >= 0.0 ? ans : 2.0-ans; } // pg. 218 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double gammp(double a, double x) { if(x < 0.0 || x <= 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if(x < (a + 1.0)) { Pair<Double,Double> p = gser(a, x); return p.getFirst(); } else { Pair<Double,Double> p = gcf(a, x); return 1.0 - p.getFirst(); } } // pg. 218 (Numerical Recipes in C); public static double gammq(double a, double x) { if(x < 0.0 || x <= 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if(x < (a + 1.0)) { Pair<Double,Double> p = gser(a, x); return 1.0-p.getFirst(); } else { Pair<Double,Double> p = gcf(a, x); return p.getFirst(); } } // pg. 214 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double gammln(double xx) { double x, y, tmp, ser; int j; y = x = xx; tmp = x + 5.5; tmp -= (x + 0.5) * Math.log(tmp); ser = 1.000000000190015; for(j = 0; j <= 5; j++) { ser += gammln_cof[j] / ++y; } return -tmp + Math.log(2.5066282746310005 * ser / x); } // pg 215 public static double factln(int n) { if(n<0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative factorial: " + n); } if(n <= 1) { return 0.0; } if(n <= 100) { if(factln_a[n] <= 0.0) { factln_a[n] = gammln((float)n + 1.0); } return factln_a[n]; } else { return gammln((float)n + 1.0); } } public static double binomial(int draws, int hits, double theta) { if(theta < 0.0 || theta > 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if(draws < 0 || hits < 0 || hits > draws) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } double hit_prob = 1.0, nohit_prob = 1.0; double notheta = 1.0 - theta; for(int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { hit_prob *= theta; } for(int i = 0; i < draws-hits; i++) { nohit_prob *= notheta; } return bico(draws, hits) * hit_prob * nohit_prob; } public static double log_binomial(int draws, int hits, double theta) { if(theta <= 0.0 || theta >= 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("theta: " + theta); } if(draws < 0 || hits < 0 || hits > draws) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("d/h: " + draws + "," + hits); } double log_theta = Math.log(theta); double log_notheta = Math.log(1.0 - theta); double hit_prob = 0.0, nohit_prob = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { hit_prob += log_theta; } for(int i = 0; i < draws-hits; i++) { nohit_prob += log_notheta; } return log_bico(draws, hits) + hit_prob + nohit_prob; } public static double log_binomialPValue(int draws, int hits, double theta) { double sum = log_binomial(draws, hits, theta); for(int i = hits+1; i < draws; i++) { sum = log_add(sum, log_binomial(draws, i, theta)); } return sum; } public static double log_bico(int n, int k) { return factln(n) - factln(k) - factln(n-k); } public static double bico(int n, int k) { return Math.floor(0.5 + Math.exp(factln(n) - factln(k) - factln(n-k))); } // pg. 641 (Numerical Recipes in C). public static SpearmanResult spear(double[] data1, double[] data2) { int n = data1.length; if(data2.length != n) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("arrays must be of same length"); } double d, zd, probd, rs, probrs; int j; double vard, t, sg, sf, fac, en3n, en, df, aved; Double[] wksp1, wksp2; SpearmanResult sr = null; wksp1 = new Double[n]; wksp2 = new Double[n]; for(j = 1; j <= n; j++) { wksp1[j-1] = data1[j-1]; wksp2[j-1] = data2[j-1]; } Sorter<Double,Double> sorter = new Sorter<Double,Double>(); sorter.sort2(wksp1, wksp2); sf = crank(wksp1); sorter.sort2(wksp2, wksp1); sg = crank(wksp2); d = 0.0; for(j = 1; j <= n; j++) { double temp = wksp1[j-1] - wksp2[j-1]; d += temp * temp; } en = (double)n; en3n = en * en * en - en; aved = en3n / 6.0 - (sf + sg) / 12.0; fac = (1.0 - sf / en3n) * (1.0-sg / en3n); double temp = en + 1.0; temp *= temp; vard = ((en-1.0)*en*en*temp / 36.0) * fac; zd = (d - aved) / Math.sqrt(vard); probd = erfcc(Math.abs(zd)/1.4142136); rs = (1.0 - (6.0/en3n)*(d + (sf + sg)/12.0))/Math.sqrt(fac); fac = (rs + 1.0) * (1.0-rs); if(fac > 0.0) { t = rs * Math.sqrt((en-2.0)/fac); df = en - 2.0; probrs = betai(0.5 * df, 0.5, df/(df + t * t)); } else { probrs = 0.0; } sr = new SpearmanResult(d, zd, probd, rs, probrs); return sr; } // pg. 642 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double crank(Double[] w) { int n = w.length; int j = 1, ji, jt; double t, rank; double s = 0.0; while(j < n) { if(w[j] != w[j-1]) { w[j-1] = (double)j; ++j; } else { for(jt = j+1; jt <= n && w[jt-1] == w[j-1]; jt++) ; rank = 0.5 * (double)(j + jt - 1); for(ji = j; ji <= (jt-1); ji++) { w[ji-1] = rank; } t = (double)(jt - j); s += (t * t * t - t); j = jt; } } if(j == n) { w[n-1] = (double)n; } return s; } // pg. 227 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double betacf(double a, double b, double x) { int m, m2; double aa, c, d, del, h, qab, qam, qap; qab = a + b; qap = a + 1.0; qam = a - 1.0; c = 1.0; d = 1.0 - qab * x / qap; if(Math.abs(d) < FPMIN) { d = FPMIN; } d = 1.0 / d; h = d; for(m = 1; m <= MAXIT; m++) { m2 = 2 * m; double dm = (double)m, dm2 = (double)m2; aa = dm * (b-dm) * x /((qam + dm2)*(a + dm2)); d = 1.0 + aa * d; if(Math.abs(d) < FPMIN) { d = FPMIN; } c = 1.0 + aa / c; if(Math.abs(c) < FPMIN) { c = FPMIN; } d = 1.0 / d; h *= d * c; aa = -(a+dm) * (qab + dm)*x / ((a+dm2)*(qap+dm2)); d = 1.0 + aa * d; if(Math.abs(d) < FPMIN) { d = FPMIN; } c = 1.0 + aa / c; if(Math.abs(c) < FPMIN) { c = FPMIN; } d = 1.0/d; del = d * c; h *= del; if(Math.abs(del-1.0) < EPS) { break; } } if(m > MAXIT) { throw new NumericalException("a or b too big or MAXIT too small."); } return h; } // pg. 227 (Numerical Recipes in C) public static double betai(double a, double b, double x) { double bt; if(x < 0.0 || x > 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if(x == 0.0 || x == 1.0) { bt = 0.0; } else { bt = Math.exp(gammln(a+b) - gammln(a) - gammln(b) + a * Math.log(x) + b * Math.log(1.0-x)); } if(x < (a + 1.0) / (a + b + 2.0)) { return bt * betacf(a, b, x) / a; } else { return 1.0-bt * betacf(b, a, 1.0-x) / b; } } public static class SpearmanResult { private double d, zd, probd, rs, probrs; public SpearmanResult(double _d, double _zd, double _probd, double _rs, double _probrs) { d = _d; zd = _zd; probd = _probd; rs = _rs; probrs = _probrs; } public double getD() { return d; } public double getZD() { return zd; } public double getProbD() { return probd; } public double getRS() { return rs; } public double getProbRS() { return probrs; } } public static class Sorter<X extends Comparable, Y> { public Sorter() { } public void sort2(X[] arr, Y[] brr) { if(arr.length != brr.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } Sortable<X, Y>[] array = new Sortable[arr.length]; for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { array[i] = new Sortable<X, Y>(arr[i], brr[i]); } Arrays.sort(array); for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { arr[i] = array[i].getValue(); brr[i] = array[i].getData(); } } } public static class Sortable<X extends Comparable,Y> implements Comparable<Sortable<X,Y>> { private X value; private Y data; public Sortable(X v, Y d) { value = v; data = d; } public X getValue() { return value; } public Y getData() { return data; } public int hashCode() { int code = 17; code += data.hashCode(); code *= 37; code += data.hashCode(); code *= 37; return code; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof Sortable)) { return false; } Sortable s = (Sortable)o; if(!value.equals(s.value)) { return false; } if(!data.equals( { return false; } return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(Sortable<X,Y> s) { return value.compareTo(s.value); } } /** * Computes the log-space PDF of the Poisson distribution with the * specified mean. Code lifted from the COLT Poisson class so that it can * be implemented as a static method instead of having to instantiate a * COLT Poisson object * @param mean * @param k * @return */ public static double poissonLogPDF(double mean, int k) { return k * Math.log(mean) - Arithmetic.logFactorial(k) - mean; } /** * LambertW function * default value for <tt>maxIters = 100</tt> * @see org.seqcode.math.numeric.Numerical#lambertW(int, double, double, int) */ public static double lambertW(int branch_index, double z, double thres) { return lambertW(branch_index, z, thres, 100); }//end of lambertW method /** * LambertW function * default value for <tt>thres = 1e-12</tt> * @see org.seqcode.math.numeric.Numerical#lambertW(int, double, double, int) */ public static double lambertW(int branch_index, double z, int maxIters) { return lambertW(branch_index, z, 1e-12, maxIters); }//end of lambertW method /** * LambertW function * default values for <tt>thres = 1e-12, maxIters = 100</tt> * @see org.seqcode.math.numeric.Numerical#lambertW(int, double, double, int) */ public static double lambertW(int branch_index, double z) { return lambertW(branch_index, z, 1e-12, 100); }//end of lambertW method /** * This method finds the solution of the equation: W * exp(W) = z <br> * for only the W_{0} and W_{-1} branches. * This function is known as the Lambert W function. <br> * For more information see: <br> * <a href=""> * Structure Learning in Conditional Probability Models via an Entropic Prior and Parameter Extinction * </a> * <br> * <a href=""> * On the Lambert W Function * </a> * <br> * <a href=""> * Lambert W function * </a> * @param branch_index Valid values 0 or -1. <br> * 0 for principal (W_{0}), -1 for W_{-1} branch * @param z The value whose we wish to determine the W s.t. W * exp(W) = z <br> * Valid values for z: z > -exp(-1) * @param thres precision threshold * @param maxIters maximum number of iterations for searching for W * @return */ public static double lambertW(int branch_index, double z, double thres, int maxIters) { if(branch_index != -1 && branch_index != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The only valid values for branch_index is -1 (W_{-1}) and 0 (W_{0})."); } double W; int numIters; if( z < -Math.exp(-1) ) { System.out.printf("The real branches of Lambert W function are not defined for z < -exp(-1) = %.4f.\n", -Math.exp(-1)); W = Double.NaN; return W; } numIters = 0; W = initW(branch_index, z); if(Double.isNaN(W)) { return W; } double delta; while(numIters < maxIters) { delta = W*Math.exp(W) - z; if(delta == 0) { break; } if(Math.abs(-delta/(Math.exp(W)*(W+1))) < thres) { break; } W -= delta/(Math.exp(W)*(W+1) - (delta*(W+2)/(2*(W+1)))); numIters++; } return W; }//end of lambertW method private static double initW(int branch_index, double z) { double W_init; // Positive z if(z >= 0) { // branch W_{0} if(branch_index == 0) { if( z <= 500.0 ) { W_init = 0.665*(1 + 0.0195*Math.log(z + 1.0))*Math.log(z + 1.0) + 0.04; } else {W_init = Math.log(z - 4.0) - (1.0 - 1.0/Math.log(z))*Math.log(Math.log(z)); } } // branch W_{-1} - It is NOT defined for z >= 0 else { W_init = Double.NaN; } } // Negative z else { // z not too near -Math.exp(-1) if(Math.abs(z + Math.exp(-1)) > 0.01) { // branch W_{0} if(branch_index == 0) { W_init = 0; } // branch W_{-1} else { W_init = Math.log(-z) - Math.log(-Math.log(-z)); } } // z too near -Math.exp(-1) else { if( z == -Math.exp(-1)) { W_init = -1; } else { // branch W_{0} if(branch_index == 0) { W_init = -1 + Math.sqrt(2*(Math.exp(1)*z +1)); } // branch W_{-1} else { W_init = -1 - Math.sqrt(2*(Math.exp(1)*z +1)); } } } } return W_init; }//end initW method }//end of Numerical class