package; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.ParseException; import; import; import; import; import org.seqcode.genome.Species; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; /** * Usage: * java --species "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" --wmname HSF1 --wmversion MacIsaac06 --wmtype TAMO --wmfile v1.HSF1.wm */ public class WeightMatrixImport { private static int MAX_MOTIF_LEN = 200; public static void main(String args[]) { String species = null; String wmname = null, wmversion = null, wmtype = null; String wmfile = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--species")) { species = args[++i]; if (species.indexOf(';') != -1) { String[] pieces = species.split(";"); species = pieces[0]; } } if (args[i].equals("--wmname")) { wmname = args[++i]; if (wmname.indexOf(';') != -1) { String[] pieces = wmname.split(";"); wmname = pieces[0]; wmversion = pieces[1]; if (pieces.length >= 3) { wmtype = pieces[2]; } } } if (args[i].equals("--wmversion")) { wmversion = args[++i]; } if (args[i].equals("--wmtype")) { wmtype = args[++i]; } if (args[i].equals("--") || args[i].equals("--wmfile")) { wmfile = args[++i]; } } // if (species == null) { // System.err.println("Must supply a --species"); System.exit(1); // } if (wmfile == null) { System.err.println("Must supply a --wmfile"); System.exit(1); } try { if(wmname==null) { System.err.println("Reading multiple motifs from file " + wmfile); insertMultiWMFromFile(species,wmtype,wmfile, wmversion); } else { if (wmversion == null) { System.err.println("Must supply a --wmversion"); System.exit(1); } insertWMFromFile(species,wmname,wmversion,wmtype,wmfile); } } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Must supply a valid species and genome"); } catch (UnknownRoleException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Couldn't connect to role annotations"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Couldn't find the input file"); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static int insertMatrixIntoDB(WeightMatrix matrix) throws SQLException, NotFoundException { java.sql.Connection cxn =DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("annotations"); int wmid = -1; PreparedStatement exists = cxn.prepareStatement("select id from weightmatrix where species = ? and name = ? and version = ? and type = ?"); exists.setInt(1,matrix.speciesid); exists.setString(2,; exists.setString(3,matrix.version); exists.setString(4,matrix.type); ResultSet rs = exists.executeQuery(); if (! { rs.close(); PreparedStatement insertwm; if (matrix.bgMapID != -1) { insertwm = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into weightmatrix(id,species,name,version,type,bg_model_map_id) values (weightmatrix_id.nextval,?,?,?,?,?)"); insertwm.setInt(5, matrix.bgMapID); } else { insertwm = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into weightmatrix(id,species,name,version,type) values (weightmatrix_id.nextval,?,?,?,?)"); } insertwm.setInt(1,matrix.speciesid); insertwm.setString(2,; insertwm.setString(3,matrix.version); insertwm.setString(4,matrix.type); // System.err.println(String.format("Inserting %s %s %s",, matrix.version, matrix.type)); insertwm.execute(); insertwm.close(); PreparedStatement getId = cxn.prepareStatement("select weightmatrix_id.currval from dual"); rs = getId.executeQuery(); if ( { wmid = rs.getInt(1); } else { System.err.println("No weight matrix id"); System.exit(1); } rs.close(); getId.close(); PreparedStatement insertWMSM = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into weightmatrix_species_map(id, species_id, wm_id) values (weightmatrix_id.nextval, ?, ?)"); insertWMSM.setInt(1, matrix.speciesid); insertWMSM.setInt(2, wmid); insertWMSM.execute(); insertWMSM.close(); } else { wmid = rs.getInt(1); PreparedStatement deleteold = cxn.prepareStatement("delete from weightmatrixcols where weightmatrix = ?"); deleteold.setInt(1,wmid); deleteold.execute(); deleteold.close(); } rs.close(); exists.close(); PreparedStatement insertcol = cxn.prepareStatement("insert into weightmatrixcols(weightmatrix,position,letter,weight) values(?,?,?,?)"); insertcol.setInt(1,wmid); for (int col = 0; col < matrix.length(); col++) { // System.err.println(String.format(" Column %d %f %f %f %f", col, // matrix.matrix[col]['A'], // matrix.matrix[col]['C'], // matrix.matrix[col]['T'], // matrix.matrix[col]['G'])); insertcol.setInt(2,col); insertcol.setString(3,"A"); insertcol.setFloat(4,matrix.matrix[col]['A']); insertcol.execute(); insertcol.setString(3,"C"); insertcol.setFloat(4,matrix.matrix[col]['C']); insertcol.execute(); insertcol.setString(3,"T"); insertcol.setFloat(4,matrix.matrix[col]['T']); insertcol.execute(); insertcol.setString(3,"G"); insertcol.setFloat(4,matrix.matrix[col]['G']); insertcol.execute(); } insertcol.close(); cxn.commit(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role annotations", ex); } return wmid; } /** * Parses in weight matrices in transfac format with counts or frequencies * (not log odds) * * @param wmfile * @param version * @return * @throws IOException */ public static List<WeightMatrix> readTRANSFACFreqMatrices(String wmfile, String version) throws IOException { int[] indices = { 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T' }; LinkedList<WeightMatrix> matrices = new LinkedList<WeightMatrix>(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(wmfile))); String line; WeightMatrix matrix = null; int motifCount = 0; Vector<float[]> arrays = new Vector<float[]>(); // Read in Transfac format first Species currentSpecies = null; String name = null, id = null, accession = null; Pattern speciesPattern = Pattern.compile(".*Species:.*, (.*)\\."); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.length() > 0) { String[] pieces = line.split("\\s+"); if (pieces[0].equals("AC")) { accession = pieces[1]; // System.err.println("read AC " + accession); } else if (pieces[0].equals("NA")) { name = pieces[1]; // System.err.println("read NA " + name); } else if (pieces[0].equals("ID")) { id = pieces[1]; // System.err.println("read ID " + id); arrays.clear(); name = null; accession = null; currentSpecies = null; } else if (pieces[0].equals("BF") && currentSpecies == null) { Matcher matcher = speciesPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { String specname =; try { currentSpecies = new Species(specname); // System.err.println("Got species " + specname); } catch (NotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Couldn't find species " + specname); // ignore it and move on } } } else if (pieces[0].equals("DE")) { name = pieces[1]; if (pieces.length >= 3) { String v_string = pieces[2]; if (pieces.length >= 4) { for (int v = 3; v < pieces.length; v++) { v_string = v_string + "," + pieces[v]; } } if (version != null) { version = v_string + "," + version; } else { version = v_string; } } //initialize id and accession if they're still null if (id == null) { id = ""; } if (accession == null) { accession = ""; } } else if (pieces[0].equals("//")||pieces[0].equals("XX")) { if (name != null && accession != null && id != null && arrays.size() > 0) { matrix = new WeightMatrix(arrays.size()); for (int i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { matrix.matrix[i]['A'] = arrays.get(i)[0]; matrix.matrix[i]['C'] = arrays.get(i)[1]; matrix.matrix[i]['G'] = arrays.get(i)[2]; matrix.matrix[i]['T'] = arrays.get(i)[3]; } = name; matrix.version = version; if (id.length() > 0) { matrix.version = matrix.version + " " + id; } if (accession.length() > 0) { matrix.version = matrix.version + " " + accession; } // System.err.println("read version " + matrix.version); if (currentSpecies != null) { matrix.speciesid = currentSpecies.getDBID(); matrix.species = currentSpecies.getName(); } matrix.type = "TRANSFAC"; matrix.normalizeFrequencies(); matrices.add(matrix); // clean up to prepare to parse next pwm arrays.clear(); name = null; id = null; accession = null; currentSpecies = null; } else { // System.err.println(String.format("name %s id %s species %s",name,id,currentSpecies // == null ? "null" : currentSpecies.toString())); } } else if (name != null && (pieces.length == 5 || pieces.length == 6) && Character.isDigit(pieces[0].charAt(0))) { // Load the matrix float[] fa = new float[4]; // System.err.println(" adding matrix line"); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { fa[i - 1] = Float.parseFloat(pieces[i]); } arrays.add(fa); } } } br.close(); return matrices; } public static Set<Integer> insertMultiWMFromFile(String species, String wmtype, String wmfile, String wmversion) throws IOException, SQLException, NotFoundException { HashSet<Integer> ids = new HashSet<Integer>(); List<WeightMatrix> matrices = null; System.err.println("type is " + wmtype+ " and file is " + wmfile + " and version is " + wmversion); if(wmtype.matches(".*TAMO.*")) { int speciesid = (new Species(species)).getDBID(); matrices = PWMParser.readTamoMatrices(wmfile); for(WeightMatrix matrix : matrices) { matrix.speciesid = speciesid; } } else if (wmtype.matches(".*TRANSFAC.*")) { matrices = PWMParser.readTRANSFACFreqMatrices(wmfile, wmversion); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*JASPAR.*")) { matrices = PWMParser.readJASPARFreqMatrices(wmfile, wmversion); } else if (wmtype.toUpperCase().matches(".*GIMME.*")) { matrices = PWMParser.readGimmeMotifsMatrices(wmfile,wmversion,wmtype); } else { throw new NotFoundException("Unknown weight matrix type " + wmtype); } for(WeightMatrix matrix : matrices) { ids.add(insertMatrixIntoDB(matrix)); } return ids; } /* reads a weight matrix from the specified file, inserts it into the database with the specified name and version, and returns its dbid. This means that the file may contain only a single weight matrix*/ public static int insertWMFromFile(String species, String wmname, String wmversion, String wmtype, String wmfile) throws SQLException, NotFoundException, UnknownRoleException, FileNotFoundException, ParseException, IOException { WeightMatrix matrix; System.err.println("name " + wmname + " version " + wmversion + " type " + wmtype); if (wmtype.matches(".*TAMO.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readTamoMatrix(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*MEME.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readMemeMatrix(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*SEQ.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readAlignedSequenceMatrix(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*TRANSFAC.*")) { //TODO add a method to read a single transfac matrix matrix = PWMParser.readTRANSFACFreqMatrices(wmfile, wmversion).get(0); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*PRIORITY.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.parsePriorityBestOutput(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*UniProbe.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readUniProbeFile(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.toUpperCase().matches(".*GIMME.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readGimmeMotifsMatrices(wmfile,wmversion,wmtype).get(0); } else { System.err.println("Didn't see a program I recognize in the type. defaulting to reading TAMO format"); matrix = PWMParser.readTamoMatrix(wmfile); } = wmname; matrix.version = wmversion; matrix.type = wmtype; matrix.speciesid = (new Species(species)).getDBID(); return insertMatrixIntoDB(matrix); } /* reads a weight matrix from the specified file, inserts it into the database with the specified name and version, and returns its dbid. This means that the file may contain only a single weight matrix*/ public static int insertWMFromFile(String species, String wmname, String wmversion, String wmtype, String wmfile, String bgFreq) throws SQLException, NotFoundException, UnknownRoleException, FileNotFoundException, ParseException, IOException { WeightMatrix matrix; if (wmtype.matches(".*TAMO.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readTamoMatrix(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*MEME.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readMemeMatrix(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*SEQ.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readAlignedSequenceMatrix(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*TRANSFAC.*")) { //TODO add a method to read a single transfac matrix matrix = PWMParser.readTRANSFACFreqMatrices(wmfile, wmversion).get(0); } else if (wmtype.matches(".*PRIORITY.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.parsePriorityBestOutput(wmfile); } else if (wmtype.toUpperCase().matches(".*GIMME.*")) { matrix = PWMParser.readGimmeMotifsMatrices(wmfile,wmversion,wmtype).get(0); } else { System.err.println("Didn't see a program I recognize in the type. defaulting to reading TAMO format"); matrix = PWMParser.readTamoMatrix(wmfile); } = wmname; matrix.version = wmversion; matrix.type = wmtype; matrix.speciesid = (new Species(species)).getDBID(); return insertMatrixIntoDB(matrix); } /** * Constructs a matrix from a set of strings. The strings must all have the same length. * The WeightMatrix returned has the frequencies of the bases at each position given. * * @param strings * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ public static WeightMatrix buildAlignedSequenceMatrix(Collection<String> strings) throws ParseException { WeightMatrix wm = null; int[] counts = null; for(String line : strings) { line = line.trim().toUpperCase(); if(line.length() > 0) { if(wm == null) { wm = new WeightMatrix(line.length()); counts = new int[line.length()]; for(int i = 0; i < wm.length(); i++) { counts[i] = 0; for(int j = 0; j < wm.matrix[i].length; j++) { wm.matrix[i][j] = (float)0.0; } } } if(line.length() != wm.length()) { throw new ParseException("Line \"" + line + "\" was of uneven length (" + wm.length() + ")", 0); } for(int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { char c = line.charAt(i); if(c != 'N' && c != '-') { wm.matrix[i][c] += (float)1.0; counts[i] += 1; } } } } for(int i = 0; wm != null && i < wm.length(); i++) { if(counts[i] > 0) { for(int j = 0; j < wm.matrix[i].length; j++) { wm.matrix[i][j] /= (float)counts[i]; } } else { for(int j = 0; j < wm.matrix[i].length; j++) { wm.matrix[i][j] = (float)1.0 / (float)(wm.matrix[i].length); } } } return wm; } }