package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; class Request { public String type, alignid; public Integer chromid, start, end; public Boolean isPaired, isLeft, isPlusStrand, isType2; public Float minWeight; public Map<String,String> map; public List<String> list; public Request () { map = new HashMap<String,String>(); list = new ArrayList<String>(); type = null; alignid = null; chromid = null; start = null; end = null; isPaired = null; isLeft = true; isPlusStrand = null; isType2 = null; minWeight = null; } public void clear() { type = null; alignid = null; chromid = null; start = null; end = null; isPaired = null; isLeft = true; isPlusStrand = null; isType2 = null; minWeight = null; map.clear(); list.clear(); } /** * parses from a list of strings in the same format as toString() outputs. * returns null on success or an error message on failure. */ public String parse(List<String> args) { clear(); for (String s : args) { String pieces[] = s.split("\\s*=\\s*"); if (pieces.length == 2) { if (pieces[0].equals("alignid")) { alignid = pieces[1]; } else if (pieces[0].equals("requesttype")) { type = pieces[1]; } else if (pieces[0].equals("chromid")) { try { chromid = new Integer(pieces[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "invalid number for chromid " + pieces[1] ; } } else if (pieces[0].equals("start")) { try { start = new Integer(pieces[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "invalid number for start " + pieces[1] ; } } else if (pieces[0].equals("end")) { try { end = new Integer(pieces[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "invalid number for end " + pieces[1] ; } } else if (pieces[0].equals("ispaired")) { isPaired = new Boolean(pieces[1]); } else if (pieces[0].equals("isleft")) { isLeft = new Boolean(pieces[1]); } else if (pieces[0].equals("isplusstrand")) { isPlusStrand = new Boolean(pieces[1]); } else if (pieces[0].equals("istype2")) { isType2 = new Boolean(pieces[1]); } else if (pieces[0].equals("minweight")) { try { minWeight = new Float(pieces[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "invalid minweight " + pieces[1] ; } } else { map.put(pieces[0],pieces[1]); } } else if (pieces.length == 1) { list.add(s); } else { return "Invalid number of fields on line " + s; } } if (type == null) { return "must provide a requestype"; } if (isPaired == null) { isPaired = false; } if (isType2 == null) { isType2 = false; } if (isPaired && isLeft == null) { return "must provide isleft when providing ispaired"; } if (!isPaired) { isLeft = false; } return null; } public String toString() { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); if (type != null) { out.append("requesttype=" + type + "\n"); } else { throw new NullPointerException("no request type"); } if (alignid != null) { out.append("alignid=" + alignid + "\n"); } if (chromid != null) { out.append("chromid=" + chromid + "\n"); } if (start != null) { out.append("start=" + start + "\n"); } if (end != null) { out.append("end=" + end + "\n"); } if (isPaired != null) { out.append("ispaired=" + isPaired + "\n"); } if (isLeft != null) { out.append("isleft=" + (isLeft == null || isLeft ? "true" : "false") + "\n"); } if (isPlusStrand != null) { out.append("isplusstrand=" + isPlusStrand + "\n"); } if (isType2 != null) { out.append("istype2=" + isType2 + "\n"); } if (minWeight != null) { out.append("minweight=" + minWeight + "\n"); } for (String k : map.keySet()) { out.append(k + "=" + map.get(k) + "\n"); } for (String l : list) { out.append(l + "\n"); } out.append("ENDREQUEST\n"); return out.toString(); } }