package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; /** * MetadataLoader is the interface for interacting with metadata entries in the core database. * * Methods in this class make use of a simple caching approach. Use the "forceDatabaseRefresh" flag in each method to * ignore the cache and to re-query the database entries (useful if you expect that the database may have been updated * between queries). * * @author mahony */ public class MetadataLoader{ public static final String role = "core"; private boolean allLabsLoaded=false, allCellsLoaded=false, allCondsLoaded=false, allTargetsLoaded=false, allExptTypesLoaded=false, allReadTypesLoaded=false, allAlignTypesLoaded=false, allSeqDataUsersLoaded=false; private Map<String,Lab> labNames; private Map<String,CellLine> cellNames; private Map<String,ExptCondition> condNames; private Map<String,ExptTarget> targetNames; private Map<String,ExptType> exptTypeNames; private Map<String,ReadType> readTypeNames; private Map<String,AlignType> alignTypeNames; private Map<String,SeqDataUser> seqDataUserNames; private Map<Integer,Lab> labIDs; private Map<Integer,CellLine> cellIDs; private Map<Integer,ExptCondition> condIDs; private Map<Integer,ExptTarget> targetIDs; private Map<Integer,ExptType> exptTypeIDs; private Map<Integer,ReadType> readTypeIDs; private Map<Integer,AlignType> alignTypeIDs; private Map<Integer,SeqDataUser> seqDataUserIDs; public MetadataLoader() throws SQLException {this(false);} public MetadataLoader(boolean cacheAll) throws SQLException { labNames = new HashMap<String,Lab>(); labIDs = new HashMap<Integer,Lab>(); cellNames = new HashMap<String,CellLine>(); cellIDs = new HashMap<Integer,CellLine>(); condNames = new HashMap<String,ExptCondition>(); condIDs = new HashMap<Integer,ExptCondition>(); targetNames = new HashMap<String,ExptTarget>(); targetIDs = new HashMap<Integer,ExptTarget>(); exptTypeNames = new HashMap<String,ExptType>(); exptTypeIDs = new HashMap<Integer,ExptType>(); readTypeNames = new HashMap<String,ReadType>(); readTypeIDs = new HashMap<Integer,ReadType>(); alignTypeNames = new HashMap<String,AlignType>(); alignTypeIDs = new HashMap<Integer,AlignType>(); seqDataUserNames = new HashMap<String,SeqDataUser>(); seqDataUserIDs = new HashMap<Integer,SeqDataUser>(); if(cacheAll) cacheAllMetadata(); } /** * Load all metadata tables into the cache Maps * (forces update of all tables if they already exist). * Performs all queries with one connection establishment for efficiency. */ public void cacheAllMetadata() throws SQLException { Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps=null; ResultSet rs = null; try { //Load all Labs cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from lab"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { Lab l = new Lab(rs); labNames.put(l.getName(), l); labIDs.put(l.getDBID(),l); } //Load all Celllines ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from cellline"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { CellLine c = new CellLine(rs); cellNames.put(c.getName(), c); cellIDs.put(c.getDBID(),c); } //Load all ExptConditions ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from exptcondition"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ExptCondition c = new ExptCondition(rs); condNames.put(c.getName(), c); condIDs.put(c.getDBID(),c); } //Load all ExptTargets ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttarget"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ExptTarget f = new ExptTarget(rs); targetNames.put(f.getName(), f); targetIDs.put(f.getDBID(),f); } //Load all ExptTypes ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttype"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ExptType e = new ExptType(rs); exptTypeNames.put(e.getName(), e); exptTypeIDs.put(e.getDBID(),e); } //Load all ReadTypes ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from readtype"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ReadType r = new ReadType(rs); readTypeNames.put(r.getName(), r); readTypeIDs.put(r.getDBID(),r); } //Load all AlignTypes ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from aligntype"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { AlignType a = new AlignType(rs); alignTypeNames.put(a.getName(), a); alignTypeIDs.put(a.getDBID(),a); } //Load all SeqDataUsers ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name, admin from seqdatauser"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { SeqDataUser a = new SeqDataUser(rs); seqDataUserNames.put(a.getName(), a); seqDataUserIDs.put(a.getDBID(),a); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try { ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allLabsLoaded = true; allCellsLoaded = true; allCondsLoaded = true; allTargetsLoaded = true; allExptTypesLoaded = true; allReadTypesLoaded = true; allAlignTypesLoaded = true; allSeqDataUsersLoaded = true; } ////////////////// // Lab stuff ////////////////// /** * Load single Lab by name * * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Lab loadLab(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(labNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return labNames.get(name); } Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; Lab l = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from lab where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { l = new Lab(rs); if(!labIDs.containsKey(l.getDBID())) { labIDs.put(l.getDBID(), l); labNames.put(l.getName(), l); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(l == null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertLab(name); return loadLab(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return l; } } /** * Load single Lab by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Lab loadLab(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(labIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return labIDs.get(dbid); } Lab l = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from lab where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { l = new Lab(rs); labIDs.put(dbid, l); labNames.put(l.getName(), l); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Lab DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return l; } /** * Load a collection of Labs by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<Lab> loadLabs(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<Lab> values = new LinkedList<Lab>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadLab(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all Labs * * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<Lab> loadAllLabs(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allLabsLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return labNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){labNames.clear(); labIDs.clear();} HashSet<Lab> values = new HashSet<Lab>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement loadAllLabs=null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); loadAllLabs = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from lab"); rs = loadAllLabs.executeQuery(); while( { Lab l = new Lab(rs); values.add(l); labNames.put(l.getName(), l); labIDs.put(l.getDBID(),l); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (loadAllLabs != null) { try { loadAllLabs.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allLabsLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert Lab by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertLab(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into lab (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into lab table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } ////////////////// // CellLine stuff ////////////////// /** * Load single CellLine by name * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public CellLine loadCellLine(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(cellNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return cellNames.get(name); } CellLine c=null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from cellline where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { c = new CellLine(rs); if(!cellIDs.containsKey(c.getDBID())) { cellIDs.put(c.getDBID(), c); cellNames.put(c.getName(), c); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(c==null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertCellLine(name); return loadCellLine(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return c; } } /** * Load single CellLine by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public CellLine loadCellLine(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(cellIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return cellIDs.get(dbid); } CellLine c = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from cellline where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { c = new CellLine(rs); cellIDs.put(dbid, c); cellNames.put(c.getName(), c); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Cells DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return c; } /** * Load a collection of CellLines by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<CellLine> loadCellLines(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<CellLine> values = new LinkedList<CellLine>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadCellLine(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all CellLines * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<CellLine> loadAllCellLines(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allCellsLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return cellNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){cellNames.clear(); cellIDs.clear();} HashSet<CellLine> values = new HashSet<CellLine>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from cellline"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { CellLine c = new CellLine(rs); values.add(c); cellNames.put(c.getName(), c); cellIDs.put(c.getDBID(),c); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allCellsLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert a CellLine by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertCellLine(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into cellline (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into cellline table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } ////////////////// // ExptCondition stuff ////////////////// /** * Load a single ExptCondition by name * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ExptCondition loadExptCondition(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(condNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return condNames.get(name); } ExptCondition c=null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from exptcondition where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { c = new ExptCondition(rs); if(!condIDs.containsKey(c.getDBID())) { condIDs.put(c.getDBID(), c); condNames.put(c.getName(), c); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(c==null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertExptCondition(name); return loadExptCondition(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return c; } } /** * Load a single ExptCondition by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ExptCondition loadExptCondition(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(condIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return condIDs.get(dbid); } ExptCondition c = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from exptcondition where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { c = new ExptCondition(rs); condIDs.put(dbid, c); condNames.put(c.getName(), c); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ExptCondition DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return c; } /** * Load a collection of ExptConditions by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ExptCondition> loadExptConditions(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<ExptCondition> values = new LinkedList<ExptCondition>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadExptCondition(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all ExptConditions * @param forceDatabaseRefresh * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ExptCondition> loadAllExptConditions(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allCondsLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return condNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){condNames.clear(); condIDs.clear();} HashSet<ExptCondition> values = new HashSet<ExptCondition>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from exptcondition"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ExptCondition c = new ExptCondition(rs); values.add(c); condNames.put(c.getName(), c); condIDs.put(c.getDBID(),c); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allCondsLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert ExptCondition by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertExptCondition(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into exptcondition (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); //System.out.println("insert into exptcondition (name) values ('" + n + "')"); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into exptcondition table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } ////////////////// // ExptTarget stuff ////////////////// /** * Load a single ExptTarget by name * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ExptTarget loadExptTarget(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(targetNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return targetNames.get(name); } Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; ExptTarget c=null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttarget where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { c = new ExptTarget(rs); if(!targetIDs.containsKey(c.getDBID())) { targetIDs.put(c.getDBID(), c); targetNames.put(c.getName(), c); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(c==null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertExptTarget(name); return loadExptTarget(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return c; } } /** * Load a single ExptTarget by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ExptTarget loadExptTarget(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(targetIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return targetIDs.get(dbid); } ExptTarget c = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttarget where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { c = new ExptTarget(rs); targetIDs.put(dbid, c); targetNames.put(c.getName(), c); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ExptTarget DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return c; } /** * Load a collection of ExptTargets by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ExptTarget> loadExptTargets(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<ExptTarget> values = new LinkedList<ExptTarget>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadExptTarget(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all ExptTargets * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ExptTarget> loadAllExptTargets(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allTargetsLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return targetNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){targetNames.clear(); targetIDs.clear();} HashSet<ExptTarget> values = new HashSet<ExptTarget>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttarget"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ExptTarget f = new ExptTarget(rs); values.add(f); targetNames.put(f.getName(), f); targetIDs.put(f.getDBID(),f); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allTargetsLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert an ExptTarget by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertExptTarget(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into expttarget (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into expttarget table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } ////////////////// // ExptType stuff ////////////////// /** * Load a single ExptType by name * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ExptType loadExptType(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(exptTypeNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return exptTypeNames.get(name); } ExptType e=null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttype where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { e = new ExptType(rs); if(!exptTypeIDs.containsKey(e.getDBID())) { exptTypeIDs.put(e.getDBID(), e); exptTypeNames.put(e.getName(), e); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(e==null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertExptType(name); return loadExptType(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return e; } } /** * Load a single ExptType by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ExptType loadExptType(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(exptTypeIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return exptTypeIDs.get(dbid); } ExptType e = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttype where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { e = new ExptType(rs); exptTypeIDs.put(dbid, e); exptTypeNames.put(e.getName(), e); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ExptType DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return e; } /** * Load a collection of ExptTypes by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ExptType> loadExptTypes(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<ExptType> values = new LinkedList<ExptType>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadExptType(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all ExptTypes * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ExptType> loadAllExptTypes(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allExptTypesLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return exptTypeNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){exptTypeNames.clear(); exptTypeIDs.clear();} HashSet<ExptType> values = new HashSet<ExptType>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from expttype"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ExptType e = new ExptType(rs); values.add(e); exptTypeNames.put(e.getName(), e); exptTypeIDs.put(e.getDBID(),e); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allExptTypesLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert an ExptType by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertExptType(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into expttype (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into expttype table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } ////////////////// // ReadType stuff ////////////////// /** * Load a single ReadType by name * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ReadType loadReadType(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(readTypeNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return readTypeNames.get(name); } ReadType r =null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from readtype where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { r = new ReadType(rs); if(!readTypeIDs.containsKey(r.getDBID())) { readTypeIDs.put(r.getDBID(), r); readTypeNames.put(r.getName(), r); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(r==null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertReadType(name); return loadReadType(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return r; } } /** * Load a single ReadType by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ReadType loadReadType(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(readTypeIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return readTypeIDs.get(dbid); } ReadType e = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from readtype where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { e = new ReadType(rs); readTypeIDs.put(dbid, e); readTypeNames.put(e.getName(), e); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ReadType DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return e; } /** * Load a collection of ReadTypes by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ReadType> loadReadTypes(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<ReadType> values = new LinkedList<ReadType>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadReadType(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all ReadTypes * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<ReadType> loadAllReadTypes(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allReadTypesLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return readTypeNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){readTypeNames.clear(); readTypeIDs.clear();} HashSet<ReadType> values = new HashSet<ReadType>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from readtype"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { ReadType r = new ReadType(rs); values.add(r); readTypeNames.put(r.getName(), r); readTypeIDs.put(r.getDBID(),r); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allReadTypesLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert a ReadType by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertReadType(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into readtype (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into readtype table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } ////////////////// // AlignType stuff ////////////////// /** * Load a single AlignType by name * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public AlignType loadAlignType(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(alignTypeNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return alignTypeNames.get(name); } AlignType a =null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from aligntype where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { a = new AlignType(rs); if(!alignTypeIDs.containsKey(a.getDBID())) { alignTypeIDs.put(a.getDBID(), a); alignTypeNames.put(a.getName(), a); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(a==null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertAlignType(name); return loadAlignType(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return a; } } /** * Load a single AlignType by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public AlignType loadAlignType(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(alignTypeIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return alignTypeIDs.get(dbid); } AlignType a = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from aligntype where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { a = new AlignType(rs); alignTypeIDs.put(dbid, a); alignTypeNames.put(a.getName(), a); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown AlignType DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return a; } /** * Load a collection of AlignTypes by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<AlignType> loadAlignTypes(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<AlignType> values = new LinkedList<AlignType>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadAlignType(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all AlignTypes * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<AlignType> loadAllAlignTypes(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allAlignTypesLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return alignTypeNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){alignTypeNames.clear(); alignTypeIDs.clear();} HashSet<AlignType> values = new HashSet<AlignType>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name from aligntype"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { AlignType a = new AlignType(rs); values.add(a); alignTypeNames.put(a.getName(), a); alignTypeIDs.put(a.getDBID(),a); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allAlignTypesLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert an AlignType by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertAlignType(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into aligntype (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into aligntype table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } ////////////////// // SeqDataUser stuff ////////////////// /** * Load a single SeqDataUser by name * @param name * @param insertIfNone : insert into the database if there is no such entry * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public SeqDataUser loadSeqDataUser(String name, boolean insertIfNone, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(seqDataUserNames.containsKey(name) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return seqDataUserNames.get(name); } SeqDataUser a=null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name, admin from seqdatauser where name=?"); ps.setString(1, name); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { a = new SeqDataUser(rs); if(!seqDataUserIDs.containsKey(a.getDBID())) { seqDataUserIDs.put(a.getDBID(), a); seqDataUserNames.put(a.getName(), a); } } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } if(a==null && insertIfNone){ int id = insertSeqDataUser(name); return loadSeqDataUser(id, forceDatabaseRefresh); }else{ return a; } } /** * Load a single SeqDataUser by ID * @param dbid * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public SeqDataUser loadSeqDataUser(int dbid, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(seqDataUserIDs.containsKey(dbid) && !forceDatabaseRefresh) { return seqDataUserIDs.get(dbid); } SeqDataUser a = null; Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name, admin from seqdatauser where id=?"); ps.setInt(1, dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { a = new SeqDataUser(rs); seqDataUserIDs.put(dbid, a); seqDataUserNames.put(a.getName(), a); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown AlignType DBID: " + dbid); } } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return a; } /** * Load a collection of SeqDataUsers by IDs * @param dbids * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<SeqDataUser> loadSeqDataUsers(Collection<Integer> dbids, boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { LinkedList<SeqDataUser> values = new LinkedList<SeqDataUser>(); for(int dbid : dbids) { values.addLast(loadSeqDataUser(dbid, forceDatabaseRefresh)); } return values; } /** * Load all SeqDataUsers * @param forceDatabaseRefresh : ignore cache and query database directly * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Collection<SeqDataUser> loadAllSeqDataUsers(boolean forceDatabaseRefresh) throws SQLException { if(allSeqDataUsersLoaded && !forceDatabaseRefresh){ return seqDataUserNames.values();} if(forceDatabaseRefresh){seqDataUserNames.clear(); seqDataUserIDs.clear();} HashSet<SeqDataUser> values = new HashSet<SeqDataUser>(); Connection cxn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id, name, admin from seqdatauser"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( { SeqDataUser a = new SeqDataUser(rs); values.add(a); seqDataUserNames.put(a.getName(), a); seqDataUserIDs.put(a.getDBID(),a); } } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, ex); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } allSeqDataUsersLoaded = true; return values; } /** * Insert a SeqDataUser by name * @param n * @return * @throws SQLException */ private int insertSeqDataUser(String n) throws SQLException { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; int id=-1; Connection cxn = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); s = cxn.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); s.executeUpdate("insert into seqdatauser (name) values ('" + n + "')", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = rs.getInt(1); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert new entry into seqdatauser table"); } catch (UnknownRoleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown role: " + role, e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try {rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { }} if (s != null) { try { s.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } return id; } }