package org.seqcode.math.diff; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Pair; import org.seqcode.math.stats.Lowess; import org.seqcode.math.stats.NegativeBinomialDistrib; import Jama.Matrix; /** * DESeqDifferentialEnrichment: implements the differential enrichment method proposed by Anders & Huber (Genome Biology 2010). * i.e. The DESeq method * * @author Shaun Mahony * @version %I%, %G% */ public class DESeqDifferentialEnrichment extends DifferentialEnrichment{ protected Normalization normalizer; //DESeq requires a separate normalization method protected CountsDataset data; protected Lowess[] lowess; //Local regression models. Indexed by condition protected double lowessBandwidthPct = (double)0.2; //DESeq parameters protected double[][] q; //Strength parameters (i.e. estimates on condition means). Indexed by unit & condition protected double[][] w; //Sample variances. Indexed by unit & condition protected double[][] z; //Variance correction parameters. Indexed by unit & condition protected double[][] v; //Variance estimates. Indexed by unit & condition protected double[] m; //Number of replicates for each condition. Indexed by condition public DESeqDifferentialEnrichment(Normalization norm){ super(); normalizer = norm; } @Override public CountsDataset execute(CountsDataset data) { = data; int ref = data.getFocalCondition(); //Normalize normalizer.normalize(data); normalizer.savePairwiseMAPlots(data, true); //Initialize DESeq variables double[][] k = data.getCounts().getArray(); double [] scaling = data.scaling; int numConds = data.numConds; int numUnits = data.numUnits; int numSamples = data.numSamples; int [] design =; m = new double[numConds]; q = new double[numUnits][numConds]; w = new double[numUnits][numConds]; z = new double[numUnits][numConds]; v = new double[numUnits][numConds]; lowess = new Lowess[numConds]; for(int c=0; c<numConds; c++){ m[c]=0; for(int u=0; u<numUnits; u++){ q[u][c]=0; w[u][c]=0; z[u][c]=0; v[u][c]=0; } } for(int samp=0; samp<numSamples; samp++) m[design[samp]]++; //q: Strength parameters for(int u=0; u<numUnits; u++){ for(int c=0; c<numConds; c++){ double currQ=0; for(int samp=0; samp<numSamples; samp++){ if(design[samp]==c){ currQ+=k[u][samp]/scaling[samp]; } }currQ/=m[c]; q[u][c] = currQ; } } //w & z: sample variance estimates for(int u=0; u<numUnits; u++){ for(int c=0; c<numConds; c++){ if(m[c]>1){ double currW=0, currInvS=0; for(int samp=0; samp<numSamples; samp++){ if(design[samp]==c){ currW+=((k[u][samp]/scaling[samp])-q[u][c])*((k[u][samp]/scaling[samp])-q[u][c]); currInvS+=1/scaling[samp]; } } currW/=(m[c]-1); w[u][c] = currW; z[u][c] = (q[u][c]/m[c])*currInvS; } } } //Construct graph of (q,w) and estimate smooth local function //The function is built here only for conditions that have >1 replicate for(int c=0; c<numConds; c++){ if(m[c]>1){ ArrayList<QWItem> vals = new ArrayList<QWItem>(); for(int u=0; u<numUnits; u++) vals.add(new QWItem(u, q[u][c], w[u][c], z[u][c])); //xval must be monotonically increasing for loess method Collections.sort(vals); double[] xval = new double[numUnits]; double[] yval = new double[numUnits]; Matrix xy = new Matrix(numUnits,2); int u=0; for(QWItem item : vals){ xval[u]=(double)item.q; yval[u]=(double)item.w; xy.set(u,0,item.q); xy.set(u,1,item.w); u++; } //Run Lowess lowess[c]= new Lowess(xval, yval, lowessBandwidthPct); double [] fityval = lowess[c].getYEst(); //Variance estimates u=0; for(QWItem item : vals){ item.v = fityval[u] - item.z; v[item.index][c] = item.v; u++; } //Print charts & data this.printMeanVarData(xy, data.getCondName(c)); this.saveMeanVarPlot(xy, fityval, data.getCondName(c), true); } } //If the reference condition has replicates, and other conditions don't, use the reference function for those. if(m[ref]>1){ for(int c=0; c<numConds; c++){ if(m[c]==1){ lowess[c] = lowess[ref]; }}} //If reference condition has only a single replicate, pool all counts and build a single shared reference function. if(m[ref]==1){ ArrayList<QWItem> vals = new ArrayList<QWItem>(); for(int c=0; c<numConds; c++) for(int u=0; u<numUnits; u++) vals.add(new QWItem(u, q[u][c], w[u][c], z[u][c])); //xval must be monotonically increasing for loess method Collections.sort(vals); double[] xval = new double[numUnits]; double[] yval = new double[numUnits]; Matrix xy = new Matrix(numUnits,2); int u=0; for(QWItem item : vals){ xval[u]=(double)item.q; yval[u]=(double)item.w; xy.set(u,0,item.q); xy.set(u,1,item.w); u++; } //Run Lowess for(int c=0; c<numConds; c++){ lowess[c]= new Lowess(xval, yval, lowessBandwidthPct); double [] fityval = lowess[c].getYEst(); //Variance estimates u=0; for(QWItem item : vals){ item.v = fityval[u] - item.z; v[item.index][c] = item.v; u++; } } } //Update data to include mean & variance estimates data.setCondMeans(new Matrix(q)); data.setCondRawVars(new Matrix(v)); //Calculate p-values for each gene, each condition vs reference double[] Kref=new double[numUnits]; double[] Kx=new double[numUnits]; //Total counts for conditions REF and X double[] Qzero=new double[numUnits]; //Pooled mean (under null hypothesis) double[] MUref=new double[numUnits]; double[] MUx=new double[numUnits]; //Mean for conditions REF and X double[] SIGMAref; double[] SIGMAx; //Variance for conditions REF and X double[] rawSCVref=new double[numUnits]; double[] rawSCVx=new double[numUnits]; //raw SCV double[] Pref=new double[numUnits]; double[] Px=new double[numUnits]; double[] Rref=new double[numUnits]; double[] Rx=new double[numUnits]; double[] fullVarRef = new double[numUnits]; double[] fullVarX = new double[numUnits]; //Iterate through each condition for(int x=0; x<numConds; x++){ if(x!=ref){ for(int u=0; u<numUnits; u++){ //Kref Kref[u]=0; for(int samp=0; samp<numSamples; samp++){if(design[samp]==ref){Kref[u]+=k[u][samp];}} //Kx Kx[u]=0; for(int samp=0; samp<numSamples; samp++){if(design[samp]==x){Kx[u]+=k[u][samp];}} //Qzero Qzero[u]=0; for(int samp=0; samp<numSamples; samp++){ if(design[samp]==x || design[samp]==ref){Qzero[u]+=k[u][samp]/scaling[samp];} }Qzero[u]/=(m[ref]+m[x]); //Means MUref[u] = Qzero[u]*(scaling[ref]*m[ref]); MUx[u] = Qzero[u]*(scaling[x]*m[x]); //Set fold double fold = q[u][x]>0 ? q[u][ref]/q[u][x] : q[u][ref]; data.setCondFold(u, x, fold); data.setCondMean(u, x, Qzero[u]); } //Variance SIGMAref = lowess[ref].estimateValues(Qzero); SIGMAx = lowess[x].estimateValues(Qzero); for(int u=0; u<numUnits; u++){ rawSCVref[u] = SIGMAref[u]/(Qzero[u]*Qzero[u]); rawSCVx[u] = SIGMAx[u]/(Qzero[u]*Qzero[u]); fullVarRef[u] = Math.max( MUref[u] + (rawSCVref[u] * Qzero[u] * Qzero[u] * (scaling[ref]*scaling[ref]*m[ref])), MUref[u] * (1+1e-8) ); fullVarX[u] = Math.max( MUx[u] + (rawSCVx[u] * Qzero[u] * Qzero[u] * (scaling[x]*scaling[x]*m[x])), MUx[u] * (1+1e-8) ); Pref[u] = MUref[u]/fullVarRef[u]; Px[u] = MUx[u]/fullVarX[u]; Rref[u] = (MUref[u]*MUref[u])/(fullVarRef[u]-MUref[u]); Rx[u] = (MUx[u]*MUx[u])/(fullVarX[u]-MUx[u]); if(Pref[u]>0 && Px[u]>0 && Rref[u]>0 && Rx[u]>0){ Double pObs = NegativeBinomialDistrib.pdf( (int)Kref[u], Rref[u], Pref[u] ) * NegativeBinomialDistrib.pdf( (int)Kx[u], Rx[u], Px[u] ); if(pObs.isInfinite() || pObs.isNaN()){ data.setDEpval(u, x, 1.0); }else{ Pair<Double,Double> totalAbove = addFromMiddle((int)(Kref[u]+Kx[u]), pObs, MUref[u], fullVarRef[u], MUx[u], fullVarX[u], true, 1e-4); Pair<Double,Double> totalBelow = addFromMiddle((int)(Kref[u]+Kx[u]), pObs, MUref[u], fullVarRef[u], MUx[u], fullVarX[u], false, 1e-4); double p = (totalAbove.cdr()+totalBelow.cdr())/(; data.setDEpval(u, x, p); } }else{ data.setDEpval(u, x, 1.0); } } } } return data; } /** * Method used to evaluate the upper or lower half of the p(a,b) distribution. * The P value of a pair of observed count sums (kA, kB) is the sum of * all probabilities less or equal to p(kA, kB), given that the overall sum is kS. * * This method is ported from pval.c in the DESeq code. * * @param kS * @param pobs * @param muA * @param vA * @param muB * @param vB * @param upwards * @param eps * @return */ private Pair<Double,Double> addFromMiddle( int kS, double pobs, double muA, double vA, double muB, double vB, boolean upwards, double eps){ int k = (int)((double)kS * muA / (muA+muB)); if( !upwards ) k++; double total = 0; double esttotal = NegativeBinomialDistrib.pdf(kS, (muA+muB)*(muA+muB) / (vA+vB-muA-muB), (muA+muB) / (vA+vB)); double obstotal = 0; int step = 1; double val = 0; double sizeA = muA*muA / (vA-muA); double probA = muA/vA; double sizeB = muB*muB / (vB-muB); double probB = muB/vB; int knew; double prevval; while( upwards ? (k < kS) : (k > 0) ) { prevval = val; while(true){ if( upwards ) { if( k + step > kS ) step = kS - k; knew = k + step; } else { if( k - step < 0 ) step = k; knew = k - step; } val = NegativeBinomialDistrib.pdf( knew, sizeA, probA) * NegativeBinomialDistrib.pdf( kS - knew, sizeB, probB); if( (step == 1) || (Math.abs( val - prevval ) < eps * esttotal/kS) ) break; step >>= 1; } k = knew; total += val * step; if( val <= pobs ) { if( prevval <= pobs ) { obstotal += val * step; } else { obstotal += val * ( 1 + (step-1) * ( pobs - val ) / ( prevval - val ) ); } } if( (step < Integer.MAX_VALUE) && (Math.abs( val - prevval ) < eps * esttotal/kS / 4) ) { step <<= 1; } } return(new Pair<Double,Double>(total, obstotal)); } /** * QWItem: separate class is necessary because the Lowess class requires a sorted list of points, and * we need a way to map back to the original data structure. * @author Shaun Mahony * @version %I%, %G% */ public class QWItem implements Comparable<QWItem>{ public int index; public double q, w; public double z, v; public QWItem(int index, double q, double w, double z){ this.index=index; this.q=q; this.w=w; this.z=z; } @Override public int compareTo(QWItem x) { if(this.q<x.q){return -1;} else if(this.q>x.q){return 1;} return 0; } } }