package org.seqcode.projects.seqview.paintable; import; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; import org.seqcode.math.probability.NormalDistribution; import org.seqcode.math.stats.StatUtil; import org.seqcode.projects.seqview.model.InteractionArcModel; import org.seqcode.projects.seqview.model.SeqHistogramModel; import org.seqcode.viz.DynamicAttribute; public class SeqHistogramPainter extends RegionPaintable { private SeqHistogramModel histomodel; private InteractionArcModel arcmodel; private DynamicAttribute attrib; protected static List configurationFields = null; private SeqHistogramProperties props; private double[] gaussian; //Gaussian kernel for density estimation private int kernelVar = 0; private boolean alignPaired = false; public SeqHistogramPainter(SeqHistogramModel hmodel, InteractionArcModel pmodel, boolean drawSingleStrandAndArcs) { super(); histomodel = hmodel; arcmodel = pmodel; props = new SeqHistogramProperties(); histomodel.addEventListener(this); if(arcmodel!=null) arcmodel.addEventListener(this); attrib = DynamicAttribute.getGlobalAttributes(); alignPaired = arcmodel!=null; if(alignPaired && !drawSingleStrandAndArcs){ props.Stranded=false; props.DrawPairedCurves=true; props.MaxReadCount = 100; } } public SeqHistogramProperties getProperties() {return props;} public void setProperties(SeqHistogramProperties p) {props = p;} public void savePropsInDir(File dir) { super.savePropsInDir(dir); saveModelPropsInDir(dir,histomodel); } public void loadPropsInDir(File dir) { super.loadPropsInDir(dir); loadModelPropsInDir(dir,histomodel); } public void cleanup() { super.cleanup(); histomodel.removeEventListener(this); if(arcmodel!=null){ arcmodel.removeEventListener(this); } } public boolean canPaint() { return histomodel.isReady() && (arcmodel==null || arcmodel.isReady()); } public synchronized void eventRegistered(EventObject e) { if (e.getSource() == histomodel || (arcmodel!=null && e.getSource() == arcmodel )) { if(histomodel.isReady() && (arcmodel==null || arcmodel.isReady())){ setCanPaint(true); setWantsPaint(true); notifyListeners(); } } } //pre-calculate and store the Guassian kernel prob., for efficiency private void initGaussianKernel(int var){ kernelVar = var; gaussian = new double[250]; NormalDistribution gaussianDist = new NormalDistribution(0, var*var); for (int i=0;i<gaussian.length;i++) gaussian[i]=gaussianDist.calcProbability((double)i); } // convert a weight histogram to a gaussian kernel density profile private Map<Integer,Float> convertKernelDensity(Map<Integer,Float> data){ Map<Integer,Float> results = new TreeMap<Integer,Float>(); int min= Integer.MAX_VALUE; int max= Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int pos: data.keySet()){ if (min>pos) min = pos; if (max<pos) max= pos; } // get all reads, convert to basepair-resolution density double[] profile = new double[max-min+1+100]; // add 50bp padding to the ends for (int pos: data.keySet()){ profile[pos-min+50]=(double)data.get(pos); } double[] densities = StatUtil.symmetricKernelSmoother(profile, gaussian); // set density values back to the positions (only at certain resolution) // so that we can paint efficiently int step = 1; if (max-min>1024) step = (max-min)/1024; for (int i=min-50; i<=max+50; i+=step){ results.put(i, (float)densities[i-min+50]); } return results; } public void removeEventListener(Listener<EventObject> l) { super.removeEventListener(l); if (!hasListeners()) { histomodel.removeEventListener(this); if(arcmodel!=null){ arcmodel.removeEventListener(this);System.out.println("ListenerRemoved"); } } } public void paintItem(Graphics2D g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GASP); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); if (!canPaint()) { return; } boolean stranded = getProperties().Stranded; int trackWidth = x2 - x1; int trackHeight = y2-y1; boolean autoUpdateBins = getProperties().BinAutoUpdate; boolean logscale =false; Map<Integer,Float> plus = histomodel.getPlus(), minus = histomodel.getMinus(); double maxobs = 0; for (int i : plus.keySet()) { if (plus.get(i) > maxobs) { maxobs = plus.get(i); } } for (int i : minus.keySet()) { if (minus.get(i) > maxobs) { maxobs = minus.get(i); } } int maxhits = props.MaxReadCount; if (maxhits < 0) {maxhits = (int)maxobs;} int regionStart = histomodel.getRegion().getStart(); int regionEnd = histomodel.getRegion().getEnd(); //Set y coordinates for drawing int readh = (props.DrawPairedCurves && alignPaired) ? (int)((y2-y1)*0.7) : (y2-y1); int ready2 = y1+readh; int pairh = (y2-y1)-readh; int pairy1 = ready2; int midpoint = (y1 + ready2) / 2; Stroke oldStroke = g.getStroke(); int linewidth = getProperties().getLineWidth(); if (linewidth < 0) { linewidth = trackWidth / (histomodel.getRegion().getWidth() / histomodel.getProperties().BinWidth); } if (linewidth < 1) { linewidth = 1; } int actualBinWidth = histomodel.getProperties().BinWidth; if(autoUpdateBins){ if (trackWidth / linewidth < histomodel.getRegion().getWidth() / histomodel.getProperties().BinWidth) { actualBinWidth = histomodel.getRegion().getWidth() / (trackWidth / linewidth); combineBins(plus, actualBinWidth); combineBins(minus, actualBinWidth); } } int binPixels = trackWidth/(histomodel.getRegion().getWidth() / histomodel.getProperties().BinWidth); if(binPixels<1) binPixels=1; g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float)linewidth)); // Draw Gaussian density probabilities (if viewing <10Kbp) int gk_var = histomodel.getProperties().GaussianKernelVariance; if (gk_var!=0 && regionEnd-regionStart<=getProperties().getDrawGaussianMaxWindow()){ if (gaussian==null){ this.initGaussianKernel(gk_var); } else if (gk_var!=kernelVar){ this.initGaussianKernel(gk_var); } Map<Integer, Float> density_p = convertKernelDensity(plus); Map<Integer, Float> density_m = convertKernelDensity(minus); // find max prob float max= Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (float prob: density_p.values()) if (max<prob) max= prob; for (float prob: density_m.values()) if (max<prob) max= prob; double scaling = (maxobs/max)*2; if (stranded) { g.setColor(getProperties().getMinusColor()); int x_prev = -1; int y_prev = -1; for (int pos : density_p.keySet()) { double val = density_p.get(pos)*scaling; int xpix = getXPos(pos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); int ypix = getYPos(val, 0, maxhits, y1, midpoint, logscale); if (x_prev!=-1) g.drawLine(x_prev, y_prev, xpix, ypix); x_prev = xpix; y_prev = ypix; } g.setColor(getProperties().getPlusColor()); x_prev = -1; y_prev = -1; for (int pos : density_m.keySet()) { double val = density_m.get(pos)*scaling; int xpix = getXPos(pos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); int ypix = midpoint + (ready2 - getYPos(val, 0, maxhits, midpoint, ready2, logscale)); if (x_prev!=-1) g.drawLine(x_prev, y_prev, xpix, ypix); x_prev = xpix; y_prev = ypix; } } } //Draw the read density if (stranded) { HashMap<Integer,Double> plotXVals = new HashMap<Integer,Double>(); //Plus strand : first screen out overlapping rects (take max), then plot g.setColor(getProperties().getMinusColor()); for (int pos : plus.keySet()) { double val = plus.get(pos); int xpix = getXPos(pos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); if(!plotXVals.containsKey(xpix) || plotXVals.get(xpix)<val){ plotXVals.put(xpix,val); } } for(int xpix : plotXVals.keySet()){ double val = plotXVals.get(xpix); int ypix = getYPos(val, 0, maxhits, y1, midpoint, logscale); g.fillRect(xpix, ypix, binPixels, midpoint-ypix); } plotXVals.clear(); //Minus strand g.setColor(getProperties().getPlusColor()); for (int pos : minus.keySet()) { double val = minus.get(pos); int xpix = getXPos(pos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); if(!plotXVals.containsKey(xpix) || plotXVals.get(xpix)<val){ plotXVals.put(xpix,val); } }for(int xpix : plotXVals.keySet()){ double val = plotXVals.get(xpix); int ypix = midpoint + (ready2 - getYPos(val, 0, maxhits, midpoint, ready2, logscale)); g.fillRect(xpix, midpoint, binPixels, ypix-midpoint); } //Line & trimmings g.setColor(Color.darkGray); g.drawLine(x1, midpoint, x2, midpoint); g.setFont(attrib.getPointLabelFont(trackWidth,trackHeight)); int fh = g.getFont().getSize(); int step = Math.max(1,(int)Math.round(maxhits / 1)); //y-axis scale for (int i = step; i <= Math.ceil(maxhits); i += step) { int ypos = getYPos(i, 0, maxhits, y1+fh, midpoint, logscale); g.drawString(Integer.toString(i),5,ypos); ypos = midpoint + (ready2 - getYPos(i, 0, maxhits, midpoint, ready2, logscale)); g.drawString(Integer.toString(i),5,ypos); } g.setColor(; } else { //Plot density : first screen out overlapping rects (take max), then plot HashMap<Integer,Double> plotXVals = new HashMap<Integer,Double>(); g.setColor(getProperties().getUnstrandedColor()); for (int pos : plus.keySet()) { if (true/*!model.getProperties().ShowInteractionHistogram || !pvals.containsKey(pos)*/) { double val = plus.get(pos); if (minus.containsKey(pos)) { val += minus.get(pos); } int xpix = getXPos(pos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); if(!plotXVals.containsKey(xpix) || plotXVals.get(xpix)<val){ plotXVals.put(xpix,val); } } } for (int pos : minus.keySet()) { if (plus.containsKey(pos)) { continue; } double val = minus.get(pos); int xpix = getXPos(pos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); if(!plotXVals.containsKey(xpix) || plotXVals.get(xpix)<val){ plotXVals.put(xpix,val); } } for(int xpix : plotXVals.keySet()){ double val = plotXVals.get(xpix); int ypix = getYPos(val, 0, maxhits, y1, ready2, logscale); g.fillRect(xpix, ypix, binPixels, ready2-ypix); } for(int xpix : plotXVals.keySet()){ double val = plotXVals.get(xpix); int ypix = getYPos(val, 0, maxhits, y1, ready2, logscale); g.fillRect(xpix, ypix, binPixels, ready2-ypix); } //Line & trimmings g.setColor(Color.darkGray); g.drawLine(x1, ready2, x2, ready2); g.setFont(attrib.getPointLabelFont(trackWidth,trackHeight)); int fh = g.getFont().getSize(); int step = Math.max(1,(int)Math.round(maxhits / 1)); //y-axis scale labels for (int i = step; i <= Math.ceil(maxhits); i += step) { int ypos = getYPos(i, 0, maxhits, y1+fh, ready2, logscale); g.drawString(Integer.toString(i),5,ypos); } g.setColor(; } //Draw pairing arcs if(props.DrawPairedCurves && alignPaired){ List<PairedHit> pairs = arcmodel.getResults(); for(PairedHit pair : pairs){ if(pair.leftChrom==pair.rightChrom && pair.leftPos>=arcmodel.getRegion().getStart() && pair.leftPos<=arcmodel.getRegion().getEnd() && pair.rightPos>=arcmodel.getRegion().getStart() && pair.rightPos<=arcmodel.getRegion().getEnd() ){ int lPos = pair.lesserPos(); int rPos = pair.greaterPos(); if(pair.pairCode==1){ g.setColor(getProperties().getMateArcColor()); }else{ //Junction-mapped reads are a different color, //and it looks better if they go from the end of one block to the start of the other g.setColor(getProperties().getSplitReadArcColor()); if(pair.lesserStrand()) lPos = pair.lesserPos()+pair.lesserLength()-1; if(!pair.greaterStrand()) rPos = pair.greaterPos()-pair.greaterLength()+1; } int xA =getXPos(lPos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); int xB =getXPos(rPos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); double pwidth = rPos-lPos; int xMid = (xA+xB)/2; int yMid = (int)(((double)pwidth/(double)(regionEnd-regionStart)) * pairh*2) + pairy1; g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); QuadCurve2D loop = new QuadCurve2D.Float(xA, pairy1, xMid, yMid, xB, pairy1); g.draw(loop); } } } //Draw labels g.setStroke(oldStroke); if(histomodel.isDataError()){ g.setFont(attrib.getRegionLabelFont(trackWidth,trackHeight)); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawString("ReadDB Data Error: " +getLabel(),x1 + g.getFont().getSize()*2,y1 + g.getFont().getSize()); }else if (getProperties().DrawTrackLabel) { g.setFont(attrib.getRegionLabelFont(trackWidth,trackHeight)); g.setColor(; g.drawString(getLabel(),x1 + g.getFont().getSize()*2,y1 + g.getFont().getSize()); }if(getProperties().DrawBinSize) { g.setFont(attrib.getPointLabelFont(trackWidth,trackHeight)); g.setColor(getProperties().getUnstrandedColor()); String binString = new String("(bin size: "+actualBinWidth+"bp)"); g.drawString(binString,x2 - g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(binString) - g.getFont().getSize()*2,y1 + g.getFont().getSize()); } } /** * If the binWidth was too small then there aren't enough pixels to show * each bin and so they'll be drawn overlapping. This method * resizes the bins into bins of width binWidth * by combining skinny bins that map to the same fat bin */ private void combineBins(Map<Integer,Float> map, int binWidth) { if (map == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null map"); } java.util.List<Integer> keys = new ArrayList<Integer>(); keys.addAll(map.keySet()); for (int p : keys) { if (p % binWidth == 0) { continue; } else { int newbin = (p / binWidth) * binWidth; if (map.containsKey(newbin)) { map.put(newbin, map.get(newbin) + map.get(p)); } else { map.put(newbin, map.get(p)); } map.remove(p); } } } }