package; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.nio.channels.*; import*; import*; /** * <p>API for remote access to the readdb server. * * <p>Calls throw IOException on network errors. * Calls throw ClientException on other errors (authentication, authorization, invalid request ,etc. * * <p>Client generally assumes that the hit positions are the 5' end of the hit. * * <p>Client IS NOT REENTRANT. Do not overlap calls to a single Client object. * * <p>The current version of Client keeps a separate thread that would close the connection if it is idle too long. * * <p>Most method parameters that are object types (eg Integer, Boolean) are optional. If a null value * is passed then no filtering is done based on that parameter. * <p>Standard parameters shared across methods: * <ul> * <li> alignid is the name of the alignment. * <li> isType2 specifies whether to work on ordinary single-ended reads (false) or the "type 2" reads (true). * An example of type 2 reads are the R2 reads in paired-end ChIP-exo. * <li> isPaired specifies whether to work on single-ended reads (false) or paired-end reads (true) * <li> isLeft if isPaired is true, then isLeft specifies whether to work on the left read (true) * or right read (false) of the pair * <li> plusStrand specifies whether to return only reads on the plus strand (true) or minus strand (false). null * means that reads on both strands should be returned. * <li> minWeight specifies the minimum weight of reads (or read pairs) to be returned or included in * the histogram * <li> start, stop specify the lowest (inclusive) and highest (exclusive) coordinates of reads * that should be included in the results * </ul> * * */ public class Client implements ReadOnlyClient { public static final String SaslMechanisms[] = {"CRAM-MD5","DIGEST-MD5"}; Socket socket; //the socket to talk to the server. outstream and instream are from the socket OutputStream outstream; BufferedInputStream instream; Thread closeTimerThread=null; //checks time of last activity - closes connection if idle for too long byte[] buffer; //temporary space for receiving data; contents not persistent between method calls private static final int BUFFERLEN = 8192*20; private final int socketLoadDataReadTimeout = 1000*60*8; //socket timeout in ms: set to 8 minutes because we should only be relying on the timeout to detect server shutdowns, and some uses of Client (e.g. loading a lot of reads to ReadDB) can take a long time on the Server. private final int socketQueryReadTimeout = 60000; //socket timeout in ms for queries private final int threadSleepTime = 30000; //check time of last activity thread sleep time in ms private final int connectionIdleTimeLimit = 1000*60*10; //close idle connection after this time (10 minutes) private long lastActivityTime; //Time of last activity is updated by each query private boolean connectionOpen=false; private Request request; private boolean printErrors; private String hostname, username, password; private int portnum; /** Connects to a ReadDB server on the specified host and port using the specified * username and password. * @throws IOException on network errors * @throws ClientException if the client cannot authenticate to the server */ public Client (String hostname, int portnum, String username, String passwd) throws IOException, ClientException { init(hostname,portnum,username,passwd); } /** * Creates the default connection * as specified by ~/.readdb_passwd or a readdb_passwd found in the classpath * Must have keys hostname, port, username, and passwd in a format * that java.util.PropertyResourceBundle can read * * @throws IOException on network errors * @throws ClientException if the client cannot authenticate to the server */ public Client() throws IOException, ClientException { String homedir = System.getenv("HOME"); String basename = "readdb_passwd"; if (System.getenv("READDBROLE") != null) { basename = System.getenv("READDBROLE") + basename; } String fname = homedir + "/." + basename; File propfile = new File(fname); PropertyResourceBundle bundle = null; if (propfile.exists() && propfile.canRead()) { bundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(new FileInputStream(propfile)); if (System.getenv("DEBUGPW") != null) { System.err.println("Opening readdb properties from " + propfile); } } else { ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); URL url = cl.getResource(basename); if (System.getenv("DEBUGPW") != null) { System.err.println("Opening readdb properties from " + url); } if (url != null) { bundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(url.openStream()); } else { throw new IOException("Can't read connection properties from " + url); } } String hostname = bundle.getString("hostname"); String port = bundle.getString("port"); String username = bundle.getString("username"); String password = bundle.getString("passwd"); init(hostname, Integer.parseInt(port), username, password); } private void init(String hostname, int portnum, String username, String passwd) throws IOException, ClientException { this.hostname=hostname; this.portnum=portnum; this.username=username; this.password = passwd; if(closeTimerThread!=null && closeTimerThread.isAlive()) closeTimerThread.interrupt(); synchronized(this){ socket = new Socket(hostname,portnum); socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); socket.setSendBufferSize(BUFFERLEN); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(BUFFERLEN); /* linger = true, time = 0 means that the other side gets a reset if the socket is closed on our end (eg, java exits). We turn this off just before sending a "bye" to allow for a graceful shutdown. But the RST in other cases lets the server figure out that we've disappeared */ socket.setSoLinger(true,0); socket.setSoTimeout(socketQueryReadTimeout); outstream = socket.getOutputStream(); outstream.flush(); instream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); connectionOpen=true; lastActivityTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); buffer = new byte[BUFFERLEN]; if (!authenticate(hostname,username,passwd)) { throw new ClientException("Authentication Exception Failed"); } request = new Request(); printErrors = false; //Start a new check alive thread closeTimerThread = new Thread(new ClientConnectionTimerThread(this)); closeTimerThread.start(); } } /** * Re-connect to the ReadDB sever using the same settings */ public void reConnect(){ try { init(hostname, portnum, username, password); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClientException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Pings the ReadDB server, * @return true if the server pongs */ public boolean connectionAlive(){ String response=""; try{ synchronized (this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="ping"; sendString(request.toString()); response = readLine(); } if (response.equals("pong")) { return true; } else { return false; } }catch(IOException e){ //SocketException could be generated by a timeout return false; } } /** * Return some basic information about the server * @return string */ public String getServerInfo(){ return("ReadDB\t"+hostname+"\t"+portnum+"\t"+username); } /** * Determines whether the client will print error messages to STDERR. Useful for debugging * but may produce unwanted screen output. */ public void printErrors(boolean b) {printErrors = b;} /** * performs the SASL authentication exchange with the server. currently called by the constructor */ private boolean authenticate(String hostname, String username, String password) throws IOException { SaslClient sasl = null; try { sendString(username + "\n"); Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<String,String>(); props.put("Sasl.POLICY_NOPLAINTEXT","true"); props.put("Sasl.POLICY_NOANONYMOUS","true"); sasl = Sasl.createSaslClient(SaslMechanisms, username, "readdb", hostname, props, new ClientCallbackHandler(username,password)); if (sasl == null) { return false; } byte[] response = (sasl.hasInitialResponse() ? sasl.evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]) : new byte[0]); byte continueByte = 1; while (continueByte != 0) { outstream.write((response.length + "\n").getBytes()); outstream.write(response); outstream.flush(); int length = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); byte[] challenge = new byte[length]; int read = 0; while (read < length) { read +=, read, length - read); } /* the continueByte tells us whether the server expects to do another round. Necessary because sometimes isComplete() returned true here but the server wasn't done */ continueByte = (byte); if (!sasl.isComplete()) { response = sasl.evaluateChallenge(challenge); } else { response = new byte[0]; } } sasl.dispose(); String status = readLine(); return (status.equals("authenticated as " + username)); } catch (SaslException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (sasl != null) { sasl.dispose(); } return false; } } /** sends a string to the server and flushes the socket */ private void sendString(String s) throws IOException { outstream.write(s.getBytes()); outstream.flush(); lastActivityTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** reads one line from the server. blocking. */ private String readLine() throws IOException { int pos = 0; int i; while ((i = != -1) { if (i == '\n') { break; } else { buffer[pos++] = (byte)i; } } String out = new String(buffer,0,pos); //System.err.println("READ " + out); lastActivityTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return out; } /** * Tells the server to shut itself down. Use this to stop the server process. * @throws IOException on network errors * @throws ClientException if the user isn't authorized to shut the server down. */ public void shutdown() throws IOException, ClientException{ synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type = "shutdown"; sendString(request.toString()); } } /** this was to fix a bug in the server. You shouldn't need it for general use. * Regenerate the index for this alignment and chromosome */ public void reIndex(String align, int chrom, boolean isType2, boolean paired) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type = "reindex"; request.alignid = align; request.chromid = chrom; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPaired = paired; sendString(request.toString()); outstream.flush(); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { System.out.println(response); } } } /** This was to fix a bug in the server. You shouldn't need it for general use. * Resort the hits for a single-ended alignment and regenerate the index. */ public void checksort(String align, int chrom) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type = "checksort"; request.alignid = align; request.chromid = chrom; sendString(request.toString()); outstream.flush(); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { System.out.println(response); } } } /** * Stores a set of SingleHit objects (representing an un-paired or single-ended read * aligned to a genome) in the specified alignment. The hits are appended * to any hits that have already been stored in the alignment. */ public void storeSingle(String alignid, List<SingleHit> allhits, boolean isType2) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); socket.setSoTimeout(socketLoadDataReadTimeout); } int step = 10000000; for (int pos = 0; pos < allhits.size(); pos += step) { Map<Integer, List<SingleHit>> map = new HashMap<Integer,List<SingleHit>>(); for (int i = pos; i < pos + step && i < allhits.size(); i++) { SingleHit h = allhits.get(i); if (!map.containsKey(h.chrom)) { map.put(h.chrom, new ArrayList<SingleHit>()); } map.get(h.chrom).add(h); } for (int chromid : map.keySet()) { synchronized(this){ List<SingleHit> hits = map.get(chromid); Collections.sort(hits); int chunk = step; for (int startindex = 0; startindex < hits.size(); startindex += chunk) { int count = ((startindex + chunk) < hits.size()) ? chunk : (hits.size() - startindex); request.clear(); request.type="storesingle"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid = chromid; request.isType2 = isType2;"numhits",Integer.toString(count)); try{ sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); throw new ClientException(response); } int[] ints = new int[count]; for (int i = startindex; i < startindex + count; i++) { ints[i - startindex] = hits.get(i).pos; } Bits.sendInts(ints, outstream,buffer); float[] floats = new float[count]; for (int i = startindex; i < startindex + count; i++) { floats[i - startindex] = hits.get(i).weight; ints[i - startindex] = Hits.makeLAS(hits.get(i).length, hits.get(i).strand); } Bits.sendFloats(floats, outstream,buffer); Bits.sendInts(ints, outstream,buffer); System.err.println("Sent " + count + " hits to the server for " + chromid + "," + alignid); outstream.flush(); response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { throw new ClientException(response); } }catch (IOException ioe){ //IOException here is probably a socket time-out. //I think it's best to kill the process at this point, since we won't know if the sent reads actually got loaded. System.err.println(ioe); System.exit(1); } } } } } socket.setSoTimeout(socketQueryReadTimeout); } /** * Stores a set of PairedHit objects (representing an paired-ended read * aligned to a genome) in the specified alignment. The hits are appended * to any hits that have already been stored in the alignment */ public void storePaired(String alignid, List<PairedHit> allhits) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); socket.setSoTimeout(socketLoadDataReadTimeout); } Map<Integer, List<PairedHit>> map = new HashMap<Integer,List<PairedHit>>(); for (PairedHit h : allhits) { if (!map.containsKey(h.leftChrom)) { map.put(h.leftChrom, new ArrayList<PairedHit>()); } map.get(h.leftChrom).add(h); } for (int chromid : map.keySet()) { synchronized(this){ List<PairedHit> hits = map.get(chromid); System.err.println("SENDING PAIRED HITS n="+hits.size() + " for chrom " + chromid); int chunk = 1000000; for (int startindex = 0; startindex < hits.size(); startindex += chunk) { int count = ((startindex + chunk) < hits.size()) ? chunk : (hits.size() - startindex); request.clear(); request.type="storepaired"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.isLeft=true;"numhits",Integer.toString(count)); try{ sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); throw new ClientException(response); } int[] ints = new int[count]; for (int i = startindex; i < startindex + count; i++) { ints[i-startindex] = hits.get(i).leftPos; } Bits.sendInts(ints, outstream,buffer); float[] floats = new float[count]; int[] codes = new int[count]; for (int i = startindex; i < startindex + count; i++) { floats[i-startindex] = hits.get(i).weight; codes[i-startindex] = hits.get(i).pairCode; ints[i-startindex] = Hits.makeLAS(hits.get(i).leftLength, hits.get(i).leftStrand, hits.get(i).rightLength, hits.get(i).rightStrand); } Bits.sendFloats(floats, outstream,buffer); Bits.sendInts(codes, outstream,buffer); Bits.sendInts(ints, outstream,buffer); for (int i = startindex; i < startindex + count; i++) { ints[i-startindex] = hits.get(i).rightChrom; } Bits.sendInts(ints, outstream,buffer); for (int i = startindex; i < startindex + count; i++) { ints[i-startindex] = hits.get(i).rightPos; } Bits.sendInts(ints, outstream,buffer); System.err.println("Sent " + count + " hits to the server"); outstream.flush(); response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } }catch (IOException ioe){ //IOException here is probably a socket time-out. //I think it's best to kill the process at this point, since we won't know if the sent reads actually got loaded. System.err.println(ioe); System.exit(1); } } } } socket.setSoTimeout(socketQueryReadTimeout); } /** Returns true if the alignment and chromosome exist and are accessible * to the user. Returns false if they don't exist or if they aren't accessible */ public boolean exists(String alignid) throws IOException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="exists"; request.alignid=alignid; sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (response.equals("exists")) { return true; } else if (response.equals("unknown")) { return false; } else { return false; } } } /** * Deletes an alignment (all chromosomes). isPaired specifies whether to delete * the paired or single ended reads. */ public void deleteAlignment(String alignid, boolean isPaired) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="deletealign"; request.isPaired = isPaired; request.alignid=alignid; sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } } } /** * Returns the set of chromosomes that exist for this alignment. */ public Set<Integer> getChroms(String alignid, boolean isType2, boolean isPaired, Boolean isLeft) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="getchroms"; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isLeft = isLeft; request.isPaired = isPaired; request.alignid=alignid; sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } int numchroms = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); Set<Integer> output = new HashSet<Integer>(); while (numchroms-- > 0) { output.add(Integer.parseInt(readLine())); } return output; } } /** * Returns the total number of hits in this alignment. */ public int getCount(String alignid, boolean isType2, boolean isPaired, Boolean isLeft, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { int count = 0; for (int c : getChroms(alignid, isType2, isPaired, isLeft)) { count += getCount(alignid, c, isType2, isPaired, null,null,null,isLeft,plusStrand); } return count; } /** * Returns the sum of the weights of all hits in this alignment */ public double getWeight(String alignid, boolean isType2, boolean isPaired, Boolean isLeft, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { double total = 0; for (int c : getChroms(alignid, isType2, isPaired, isLeft)) { total += getWeight(alignid, c, isType2, isPaired, null, null, null, isLeft, plusStrand); } return total; } /** returns the total number of hits on the specified chromosome in the alignment. * Any of the object parameters can be set to null to specify "no value" */ public int getCount(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean isLeft, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="count"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isPaired = paired; request.isLeft = isLeft == null ? true : isLeft; sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } int numhits = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); return numhits; } } /** returns the total weight on the specified chromosome in this alignment */ public double getWeight(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean isLeft, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="weight"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isPaired = paired; request.isLeft = isLeft == null ? true : isLeft; sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } return Double.parseDouble(readLine()); } } /** * returns the sorted (ascending order) hit positions in the specified range of a chromosome,alignment pair. */ public int[] getPositions(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean isLeft, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="gethits"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isPaired = paired; request.isLeft = isLeft;"wantpositions","1"); sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } int numhits = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); return Bits.readInts(numhits, instream, buffer); } } /** * returns the hit weights in the specified range of a chromosome,alignment pair. The weights * will be in the same order as the sorted positions returned by getPositions() */ public float[] getWeightsRange(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean isLeft, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="gethits"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isPaired = paired; request.isLeft = isLeft;"wantweights","1"); sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } int numhits = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); return Bits.readFloats(numhits, instream, buffer); } } public List<SingleHit> getSingleHits(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="gethits"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isPaired = false;"wantpositions","1");"wantweights","1");"wantlengthsandstrands","1"); sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } List<SingleHit> output = new ArrayList<SingleHit>(); int numhits = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.add(new SingleHit(chromid,0,(float)0.0,false,(short)0)); } IntBP ints = new IntBP(numhits); ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(instream); Bits.readBytes(, rbc); for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).pos = ints.get(i); } FloatBP floats = new FloatBP(numhits); Bits.readBytes(, rbc); for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).weight = floats.get(i); } Bits.readBytes(, rbc); for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { int j = ints.get(i); SingleHit h = output.get(i); h.length = Hits.getLengthOne(j); h.strand = Hits.getStrandOne(j); } return output; } } public List<PairedHit> getPairedHits(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isLeft, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="gethits"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isLeft = isLeft; request.isType2 = false; request.isPaired = true;"wantpositions","1");"wantweights","1");"wantpaircodes","1");"wantlengthsandstrands","1");"wantotherchroms","1");"wantotherpositions","1"); sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(String.format("align %s chrom %d: %s", alignid, chromid, response)); } List<PairedHit> output = new ArrayList<PairedHit>(); int numhits = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.add(new PairedHit(chromid,0,false,(short)0, chromid,0,false,(short)0,(float)0,0)); } IntBP ints = new IntBP(numhits); ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(instream); Bits.readBytes(, rbc); if (isLeft) { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).leftPos = ints.get(i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).rightPos = ints.get(i); } } FloatBP floats = new FloatBP(numhits); Bits.readBytes(, rbc); for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).weight = floats.get(i); } Bits.readBytes(, rbc); for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).pairCode = ints.get(i); } Bits.readBytes(, rbc); if (isLeft) { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { int j = ints.get(i); PairedHit h = output.get(i); h.leftLength = Hits.getLengthOne(j); h.leftStrand = Hits.getStrandOne(j); h.rightLength = Hits.getLengthTwo(j); h.rightStrand = Hits.getStrandTwo(j); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { int j = ints.get(i); PairedHit h = output.get(i); h.leftLength = Hits.getLengthTwo(j); h.leftStrand = Hits.getStrandTwo(j); h.rightLength = Hits.getLengthOne(j); h.rightStrand = Hits.getStrandOne(j); } } Bits.readBytes(, rbc); if (isLeft) { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).rightChrom = ints.get(i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).leftChrom = ints.get(i); } } Bits.readBytes(, rbc); if (isLeft) { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).rightPos = ints.get(i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numhits; i++) { output.get(i).leftPos = ints.get(i); } } return output; } } /** * returns a TreeMap from positions to counts representing a histogram * of the hits in a range with the specified binsize. Bins with a count * of zero are not included in the output. * * Ex: getHistgram("foo","1+",1,100,10) * 6: 5 * 16: 0 * 36: 30 * * minweight is the minimum weight for reads to be included in the histogram. * * dedup is the limit on how many times reads with any given 5' position will be counted. * A value of zero means no limit. A limit of, eg, 2, means that at most two reads at * any 5' position will be included in the output. For weighted histograms, the choice of reads * included is unspecified. For methods that operate on a set of alignments, this many * reads from each alignment will be included. * * Normally, a read is only counted in a single bin as defined by its position (generally * the 5' end of the read). A non-zero read-Extension counts the read in any * bin that you cross within that many bases of the read's position. A negative value * goes backwards (smaller coordinates) and a larger value goes forward. You need * to get the sign right depending on the strandedness of the chromosome that you're * working with. */ public TreeMap<Integer,Integer> getHistogram(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { return getHistogram(alignid, chromid, isType2, paired, extension,binsize,0,start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand,true); } public TreeMap<Integer,Integer> getHistogram(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, int dedup, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand, boolean isLeft) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="histogram"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.isLeft = isLeft; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isPaired = paired;"binsize",Integer.toString(binsize)); if (dedup > 0) {"dedup",Integer.toString(dedup)); } if (extension != 0) {"extension",Integer.toString(extension)); } sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } int numints = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); int out[] = Bits.readInts(numints, instream, buffer); TreeMap<Integer,Integer> output = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i += 2) { output.put(out[i], out[i+1]); } return output; } } public TreeMap<Integer,Float> getWeightHistogram(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { return getWeightHistogram(alignid, chromid, isType2, paired, extension, binsize, 0, start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand, true); } public TreeMap<Integer,Float> getWeightHistogram(String alignid, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, int dedup, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand, boolean isLeft) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="weighthistogram"; request.alignid=alignid; request.chromid=chromid; request.start = start; request.end = stop; request.minWeight = minWeight; request.isType2 = isType2; request.isPlusStrand = plusStrand; request.isLeft = isLeft; request.isPaired = paired;"binsize",Integer.toString(binsize)); if (dedup > 0)"dedup",Integer.toString(dedup)); if (extension!=0)"extension",Integer.toString(extension)); sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } int numints = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); int out[] = Bits.readInts(numints, instream, buffer); float weight[] = Bits.readFloats(numints, instream,buffer); TreeMap<Integer,Float> output = new TreeMap<Integer,Float>(); for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { output.put(out[i], weight[i]); } return output; } } public TreeMap<Integer,Integer> getHistogram(Collection<String> alignids, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { return getHistogram(alignids,chromid,isType2, paired,extension,binsize,0,start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand); } public TreeMap<Integer,Integer> getHistogram(Collection<String> alignids, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, int dedup, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { TreeMap<Integer,Integer> output = null; for (String alignid : alignids) { TreeMap<Integer,Integer> o = getHistogram(alignid,chromid,isType2, paired,extension,binsize,dedup,start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand,true); if(paired) //run for isLeft =true & false o.putAll(getHistogram(alignid,chromid,isType2, paired,extension,binsize,dedup,start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand,false)); for (int k : o.keySet()) { if ((k - start - binsize / 2) % binsize != 0 ) { System.err.println(String.format("Bad key %d for binsize %d and start %d in %s,%d", k, binsize, start, alignid,chromid)); } } if (output == null) { output = o; } else { for (int k : o.keySet()) { if (output.containsKey(k)) { output.put(k, output.get(k) + o.get(k)); } else { output.put(k,o.get(k)); } } } } return output; } public TreeMap<Integer,Float> getWeightHistogram(Collection<String> alignids, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { return getWeightHistogram(alignids,chromid,isType2, paired,extension,binsize,0,start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand); } public TreeMap<Integer,Float> getWeightHistogram(Collection<String> alignids, int chromid, boolean isType2, boolean paired, int extension, int binsize, int dedup, Integer start, Integer stop, Float minWeight, Boolean plusStrand) throws IOException, ClientException { TreeMap<Integer,Float> output = null; for (String alignid : alignids) { TreeMap<Integer,Float> o = getWeightHistogram(alignid,chromid,isType2, paired,extension,binsize,dedup,start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand, true); if(paired) //run for isLeft =true & false o.putAll(getWeightHistogram(alignid,chromid,isType2, paired,extension,binsize,dedup,start,stop,minWeight,plusStrand, false)); if (output == null) { output = o; } else { for (int k : o.keySet()) { if (output.containsKey(k)) { output.put(k, output.get(k) + o.get(k)); } else { output.put(k,o.get(k)); } } } } return output; } /** * Returns a Map from READ, WRITE, and ADMIN to lists of principals that have those privileges on the specified alignment. */ public Map<String,Set<String>> getACL(String alignid) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="getacl"; request.alignid=alignid; sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } Map<String,Set<String>> output = new HashMap<String,Set<String>>(); fillPartACL(output); fillPartACL(output); fillPartACL(output); return output; } } /* fills one section of the acl output data structure. A section is either read, write, or admin. */ private void fillPartACL(Map<String,Set<String>> output) throws IOException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); String type = readLine(); int entries = Integer.parseInt(readLine()); Set<String> out = new HashSet<String>(); while (entries-- > 0) { out.add(readLine()); } output.put(type,out); } } /** * Applies the specified ACLChangeEntry objects to the acl for this experiment/chromosome. */ public void setACL(String alignid, Set<ACLChangeEntry> changes) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="setacl"; request.alignid=alignid; for (ACLChangeEntry a : changes) { request.list.add(a.toString()); } sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } } } /** * Adds the specified user (princ) to a group. */ public void addToGroup(String princ, String group) throws IOException, ClientException { synchronized(this){ if(!connectionOpen) reConnect(); request.clear(); request.type="addtogroup";"princ",princ);"group",group); sendString(request.toString()); String response = readLine(); if (!response.equals("OK")) { if (printErrors) { System.err.println("not-OK response to request: " + response); System.err.println("request was " + request); } throw new ClientException(response); } } } /** * Closes this connection to the server. */ public void close() { if(closeTimerThread!=null && closeTimerThread.isAlive()) closeTimerThread.interrupt(); if(connectionOpen) closeConnection(); connectionOpen=false; } /** * Closes this connection to the server. */ public void closeConnection() { if (socket == null) { return; } try { socket.setSoLinger(false,0); request.clear(); request.type="bye"; sendString(request.toString()); outstream.close(); outstream = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { instream.close(); instream = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { socket.close(); socket = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } connectionOpen=false; //System.err.println("Readdb client closed"); } /** * ClientConnectionTimerThread closes the connection if it is idle for too long * @author mahony * */ class ClientConnectionTimerThread implements Runnable{ Client parent; //reference to parent class public ClientConnectionTimerThread(Client p){ parent = p; } public void run() { while(true){ try { Thread.sleep(threadSleepTime); //System.out.println("ClientConnectionTimerThread: checking ("+(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastActivityTime)+")\tconnectionOpen="+connectionOpen); if(connectionOpen && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastActivityTime >connectionIdleTimeLimit){ parent.closeConnection(); //System.out.println("ClientConnectionTimerThread: connection closed"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } } } } } /** * SASL callback handler for the authentication exchange */ class ClientCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler { private String name, pass; public ClientCallbackHandler(String n, String p) {name = n; pass = p;} public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) { for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { if (callbacks[i] instanceof NameCallback) { NameCallback nc = (NameCallback)callbacks[i]; nc.setName(name); } if (callbacks[i] instanceof PasswordCallback) { PasswordCallback pc = (PasswordCallback)callbacks[i]; pc.setPassword(pass.toCharArray()); } } } }