package org.seqcode.projects.seqview.paintable; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.*; import org.seqcode.genome.location.ExonicGene; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Gene; import org.seqcode.genome.location.Region; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; import org.seqcode.projects.seqview.model.*; import org.seqcode.viz.DynamicAttribute; public class ExonGenePainter extends RegionPaintable { private GeneModel model; private NonOverlappingLayout<Gene> layout; private GeneProperties props; private DynamicAttribute attrib; private double htRat, wdRat; private Vector<Gene> genes; public ExonGenePainter(GeneModel model) { super(); layout = new NonOverlappingLayout<Gene>(); this.model = model; attrib = DynamicAttribute.getGlobalAttributes(); htRat = .03; wdRat = .03; model.addEventListener(this); props = new GeneProperties(); initLabels(); } public GeneProperties getProperties() { return props; } public void clickedOnItem(ActionEvent e) { String geneName = e.getActionCommand(); } public void cleanup() { super.cleanup(); model.removeEventListener(this); } public void removeEventListener(Listener<EventObject> l) { super.removeEventListener(l); if (!hasListeners()) { model.removeEventListener(this); } } public synchronized void eventRegistered(EventObject e) { if (e.getSource() == model && model.isReady()) { setCanPaint(true); setWantsPaint(true); genes = null; setLayoutGenes(); notifyListeners(); } } public int getMaxVertSpace() { int numTracks = layout.getNumTracks(); //return Math.min(Math.max(70,numTracks * 12),140); return 80; } public int getMinVertSpace() { int numTracks = layout.getNumTracks(); //return Math.min(Math.max(70,numTracks * 12),140); return 80; } private void setLayoutGenes() { if (canPaint() && genes == null) { Iterator<Gene> itr = model.getResults(); genes = new Vector<Gene>(); while(itr.hasNext()) { genes.add(; } layout.setRegions(genes); } } public int getNumTracks() { return layout.getNumTracks(); } private static int xcoord(int base, int x1, int baseStart, double scale) { return x1 + (int)Math.round((double)(base - baseStart) * scale); } public void paintItem(Graphics2D g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (!canPaint()) { return; } g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GASP); boolean drawtracklabel = props.DrawTrackLabel; boolean drawgenenames = props.DrawGeneNames; boolean drawallgenenames = props.DrawAllGeneNames; int w = x2 - x1, h = y2 - y1; int my = y1 + (h / 2); int numTracks = Math.max(1, layout.getNumTracks()); int trackHeight = Math.max(2, h/(numTracks*2)); int halfTrackHeight = Math.max(1, trackHeight/2); Region region = model.getRegion(); int rs = region.getStart(), re = region.getEnd(); int rw = re - rs + 1; double xScale = (double)w / (double)rw; int[] a = new int[7]; int[] b = new int[7]; clearLabels(); boolean drewAnything = false; Font oldFont = g.getFont(); g.setFont(attrib.getRegionLabelFont(w,h)); FontMetrics fontmetrics = g.getFontMetrics(); //-------------------------------------------------- HashSet<String> labels = new HashSet<String>(); ArrayList<Gene> painted=new ArrayList<Gene>(); for(Gene gene : genes) { if(!painted.contains(gene)){ painted.add(gene); int track = 0; if(!layout.hasTrack(gene)) { System.err.println("No track assigned to gene: " + gene.getName()); } else { track = layout.getTrack(gene); } int gy1 = y1 + (2 * trackHeight * track); int gy2 = gy1 + trackHeight; int texty = gy2 + trackHeight; int gmy = gy1 + halfTrackHeight; int geneHeight = Math.max(2, (int)Math.floor((double)trackHeight * 0.80)); int halfHeight = trackHeight / 2; int halfGeneHeight = geneHeight / 2; int gtop = gmy - (halfGeneHeight/2), gbottom = gtop + (geneHeight/2); int rectheight = gbottom - gtop; int geneStart = gene.getStart(), geneEnd = gene.getEnd(); boolean strand = gene.getStrand() == '+'; int gx1 = xcoord(geneStart, x1, rs, xScale); int gx2 = xcoord(geneEnd, x1, rs, xScale); int gleft = Math.max(x1, gx1), gright = Math.min(x2, gx2); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(gx1, gmy, gx2, gmy); arrangeArrow(a, b, strand, trackHeight, gx1, gx2, gmy); g.drawPolyline(a, b, 7); if(gene instanceof ExonicGene) { ExonicGene exonGene = (ExonicGene)gene; Iterator<Region> exons = exonGene.getExons(); while(exons.hasNext()) { Region exon =; int ex1 = xcoord(exon.getStart(), x1, rs, xScale); int ex2 = xcoord(exon.getEnd(), x1, rs, xScale); int eleft = Math.max(x1, ex1); int eright = Math.min(x2, ex2); int rectwidth = eright - eleft + 1; g.setColor(Color.GRAY); g.fillRect(eleft, gtop, rectwidth, gbottom - gtop); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(eleft, gtop, rectwidth, gbottom - gtop); drewAnything = true; } } else { int rectwidth = gright - gleft + 1; g.setColor(Color.GRAY); g.fillRect(gleft, gtop, rectwidth, gbottom - gtop); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(gleft, gtop, rectwidth, gbottom - gtop); drewAnything = true; } boolean alwaysDrawNames = props.AlwaysDrawNames; // Somewhat prettier gene-name output int fontsize = g.getFont().getSize(); int nx = Math.max(x1 + 3, gx1 + 3); // gotta do the Math.max(), to make sure the name is on the screen. //int ny = gmy + (halfGeneHeight / 2) - 2; //int ny = texty; int ny = gmy + (halfGeneHeight/2) + Math.min(fontsize, trackHeight) + 1; int rectwidth = gright - gleft + 1; ArrayList<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>(); labels.clear(); String first; if (gene.getName().endsWith("Rik")) { first = gene.getID(); aliases.add(gene.getName()); } else { first = gene.getName(); aliases.add(gene.getID()); } aliases.addAll(gene.getAliases()); String todraw = null; addLabel(gleft,gy1,rectwidth,trackHeight*2,first); labels.add(first); if(alwaysDrawNames || first.length() * fontsize < rectwidth) { todraw = first; } g.setColor(; for (String s : aliases) { if(!s.endsWith("Rik")) { String newtodraw = todraw + ", " + s; if (drawallgenenames && todraw != null && fontmetrics.charsWidth((newtodraw).toCharArray(),0,newtodraw.length()) < rectwidth) { todraw = newtodraw; } if(!labels.contains(s)) { addLabel(gleft,gy1,rectwidth,trackHeight*2,s); labels.add(s); } } } if (todraw != null && drawgenenames) { Rectangle2D textrect = fontmetrics.getStringBounds(todraw, g); int diff = (gright-gleft)/2 - (int)Math.round(textrect.getWidth()) / 2; g.drawString(todraw, nx + diff, ny); } } } g.setFont(oldFont); } private void arrangeArrow(int[] a, int[] b, boolean strand, int geneHeight, int gx1, int gx2, int my) { int gxw = gx2 - gx1; double arrowHt = htRat * geneHeight; double arrowWd = wdRat * gxw; int a1, a2, a3; if(arrowWd > arrowHt) { arrowWd = arrowHt; } // forward arrow if(strand) { int startX = gx1; a1 = startX; a2 = (int) Math.round(startX + (arrowWd * 8)); a3 = (int) Math.round(startX + (arrowWd * 12)); } else { // backward arrow int startX = gx2+1; a1 = startX; a2 = (int) Math.round(startX - (arrowWd * 8)); a3 = (int) Math.round(startX - (arrowWd * 12)); } a[0] = a1; a[1] = a1; a[2] = a2; a[3] = a2; a[4] = a3; a[5] = a2; a[6] = a2; int b1 = (int) Math.round(my); int b2 = (int) Math.round(my - (arrowHt * 13)); int b3 = (int) Math.round(my - (arrowHt * 10)); int b4 = (int) Math.round(my - (arrowHt * 16)); b[0] = b1; b[1] = b2; b[2] = b2; b[3] = b3; b[4] = b2; b[5] = b4; b[6] = b2; } }