package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; import org.seqcode.genome.GenomeConfig; import org.seqcode.genome.location.AnnotationLoader; import org.seqcode.gseutils.ArgParser; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Args; /** * EventsConfig: * Maintains settings for events and binding models. * * @author Shaun Mahony * @version %I%, %G% */ public class EventsConfig { protected GenomeConfig gconfig; protected Genome gen=null; protected boolean printHelp=false; protected BindingModel defaultModel=null; protected boolean addAnnotations=false; protected boolean addSequences=true; protected List<AnnotationLoader> geneAnnotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationLoader>(); protected int maxAnnotDistance=50000; protected boolean annotOverlapOnly=false; protected boolean calcEventBaseCompositions=false; //Calculate base compositions around events and tags belonging to events. Useful for analyzing permanganate ChIP-seq protected double qMinThres=0.001; //Minimum Q-value for reported binding events protected double minEventFoldChange=1.5; protected double differentialSignificanceP = 0.01; protected boolean runDiffTests = true; //Run differential enrichment testing protected String Rpath=""; protected double edger_overdispersion = 0.15; //Overdispersion used by EdgeR differential enrichment tests protected boolean eventsFileTXTExtension=false; protected boolean printBED=true; //Constants public final double LOG2 = Math.log(2); public final double LOG_FC_LIMIT = 10; //Maximum absolute log fold-change reported public final boolean CALC_EVENTS_LL=false; //Calculate component-wise log-likelihoods during ML protected String[] args; public String getArgs(){ String a=""; for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) a = a+" "+args[i]; return a; } public EventsConfig(GenomeConfig gcon, String[] arguments){ gconfig = gcon; gen = gconfig.getGenome(); this.args=arguments; ArgParser ap = new ArgParser(args); if(args.length==0 || ap.hasKey("h")){ printHelp=true; }else{ try{ //Test for a config file... if there is concatenate the contents into the args if(ap.hasKey("config")){ ArrayList<String> confArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); String confName = ap.getKeyValue("config"); File confFile = new File(confName); if(!confFile.isFile()) System.err.println("\nCannot find configuration file: "+confName); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(confFile)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); String[] words = line.split("\\s+"); if(!words[0].startsWith("--")) words[0] = new String("--"+words[0]); confArgs.add(words[0]); if(words.length>1){ String rest=words[1]; for(int w=2; w<words.length; w++) rest = rest+" "+words[w]; confArgs.add(rest); } } String [] confArgsArr = confArgs.toArray(new String[confArgs.size()]); String [] newargs =new String[args.length + confArgsArr.length]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, newargs, 0, args.length); System.arraycopy(confArgsArr, 0, newargs, args.length, confArgsArr.length); args = newargs; ap = new ArgParser(args); } //Read distribution file String modelFile = Args.parseString(args, "d", null); // read distribution file if (modelFile != null){ File pFile = new File(modelFile); if(!pFile.isFile()){ System.err.println("\nCannot find read distribution file: "+modelFile); System.exit(1); } defaultModel = new BindingModel(pFile); } /****Gene Annotation****/ //Gene Annotations Collection<String> tfiles = Args.parseStrings(args,"transcripts"); Collection<String> dbgenes = Args.parseStrings(args,"dbgenes"); for(String s:dbgenes) geneAnnotations.add(new AnnotationLoader(gen, s, "refGene", maxAnnotDistance, annotOverlapOnly)); for(String s:tfiles) geneAnnotations.add(new AnnotationLoader(gen, s, "file", maxAnnotDistance, annotOverlapOnly)); if(geneAnnotations.size()>0) addAnnotations=true; /****Miscellaneous arguments****/ //Record event base compositions calcEventBaseCompositions = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("eventbasecomp") ? true : false; //Q-value threshold qMinThres = Args.parseDouble(args,"q",qMinThres); //differential p-value threshold differentialSignificanceP = Args.parseDouble(args,"diffp",differentialSignificanceP); //Event Fold-change minimum minEventFoldChange = Args.parseDouble(args,"minfold",minEventFoldChange); //Turn off DE testing runDiffTests = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("nodifftests") ? false : true; //R path Rpath = Args.parseString(args, "rpath", Rpath); if(Rpath.length()>0 && !Rpath.endsWith(File.separator)) Rpath = Rpath+File.separator; //EdgeR overdispersion parameter edger_overdispersion = Args.parseDouble(args,"edgerod",edger_overdispersion); //Add .txt extension to events files eventsFileTXTExtension= Args.parseFlags(args).contains("eventsaretxt"); //No BED output printBED = !(Args.parseFlags(args).contains("nobed")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Merge a set of estimated genomes * @param estGenomes * @return */ public Genome mergeGenomes(List<Genome> estGenomes){ //Combine the chromosome information HashMap<String, Integer> chrLenMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for(Genome e : estGenomes){ Map<String, Integer> currMap = e.getChromLengthMap(); for(String s: currMap.keySet()){ if(!chrLenMap.containsKey(s) || chrLenMap.get(s)<currMap.get(s)) chrLenMap.put(s, currMap.get(s)); } } gen =new Genome("Genome", chrLenMap); return gen; } //Accessors public Genome getGenome(){return gen;} public boolean helpWanted(){return printHelp;} public boolean isAddingAnnotations(){return addAnnotations;} public boolean isAddingSequences(){return addSequences;} public List<AnnotationLoader> getGeneAnnotations(){return geneAnnotations;} public int getMaxAnnotDistance(){return maxAnnotDistance;} public boolean getAnnotOverlapOnly(){return annotOverlapOnly;} public BindingModel getDefaultBindingModel(){return defaultModel;} public boolean getCalcEventBaseCompositions(){return calcEventBaseCompositions;} public double getQMinThres(){return qMinThres;} public double getMinEventFoldChange(){return minEventFoldChange;} public double getDiffPMinThres(){return differentialSignificanceP;} public boolean getRunDiffTests(){return runDiffTests;} public String getRpath(){return Rpath;} public double getEdgeROverDisp(){return edger_overdispersion;} public boolean getEventsFileTXTExtension(){return eventsFileTXTExtension;} public boolean getPrintBED(){return printBED;} /** * returns a string describing the arguments handled by this parser. * @return String */ public String getArgsList(){ return(new String("" + "BindingModels:\n" + "\t--d <read distribution model file>\n" + "\t--eventbasecomp [flag to record event base compositions]\n"+ "EventTesting:\n"+ "\t--q <Q-value minimum, i.e corrected p-value(default="+qMinThres+")>\n" + "\t--minfold <min event fold-change (default="+minEventFoldChange+")>\n" + "\t--nodifftests [flag to turn off DE tests]\n" + "\t--rpath <path to the R bin dir (default: R is in $PATH). Note that you need to install edgeR separately>\n" + "\t--edgerod <EdgeR overdispersion (default="+edger_overdispersion+")>\n" + "\t--diffp <minimum p-value for differential enrichment (default="+differentialSignificanceP+")>\n" + "\t--eventsaretxt [add .txt to events file extension]\n"+ "\t--nobed [do not print BED files]" + "Annotations:\n" + "\t--transcripts <transcripts file>\n" + "\t--dbgenes refGene\n" + "")); } }