package org.seqcode.motifs; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import*; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; /** * For each input motif, searches entire database for similar motifs. * Produces an output image for each showing the input motif and * those that are similar */ public class SimilarMotifs { public static void main(String args[]) throws NotFoundException, SQLException { boolean normalize = Args.parseFlags(args).contains("normalize"); int compareLength = Args.parseInteger(args,"compareLength",-1); double maxDistance = Args.parseDouble(args,"maxDistance",3.0); WMComparator comparator = new WMDistanceComparator(normalize,compareLength); Collection<WeightMatrix> inputmatrices = Args.parseWeightMatrices(args); System.err.println("Looking for matches to " + inputmatrices.size() + " matrices"); Collection<WeightMatrix> allmatrices = WeightMatrix.getAllWeightMatrices(); MarkovBackgroundModel bgModel = null; String bgmodelname = Args.parseString(args,"bgmodel","whole genome zero order"); BackgroundModelMetadata md = BackgroundModelLoader.getBackgroundModel(bgmodelname, 1, "MARKOV", Args.parseGenome(args).cdr().getDBID()); if (md != null) { bgModel = BackgroundModelLoader.getMarkovModel(md); } else { System.err.println("Couldn't get metadata for " + bgmodelname); } for (WeightMatrix m : allmatrices) { m.toFrequency(bgModel); } for (WeightMatrix m : inputmatrices) { m.toFrequency(bgModel); } for (WeightMatrix m : inputmatrices) { ArrayList<WeightMatrix> cluster = new ArrayList<WeightMatrix>(); cluster.add(m); for (WeightMatrix other : allmatrices) { if (other.equals(m)) { continue; } double distance =, other); if (distance <= maxDistance) { cluster.add(other); } } if (cluster.size() > 1) { String fname = m.toString().replaceAll("[^\\w\\d]","_") + ".png"; ClusterMotifs.drawCluster(cluster,fname); for (WeightMatrix wm : cluster) { System.out.println(wm.getName() + "\t" + wm.getVersion()); } } } } }