package org.myrobotlab.service; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import java.util.List; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener; import org.myrobotlab.codec.serial.ArduinoMsgCodec; import org.myrobotlab.codec.serial.Codec; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Level; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Logging; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggingFactory; import org.myrobotlab.service.Arduino.Sketch; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.PinDefinition; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * * @author GroG * */ public class ArduinoTest { public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArduinoTest.class); static boolean testVirtual = false; static Arduino arduino = null; static Serial serial = null; static TestCatcher catcher = null; static VirtualDevice virtual = null; static Python logic = null; static String vport = "vport"; static Serial uart = null; int servoPin = 9; static ArduinoMsgCodec codec = new ArduinoMsgCodec(); // FIXME - test for re-entrant !!!! // FIXME - single switch for virtual versus "real" hardware @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {"setUpBeforeClass"); // Runtime.start("gui", "GUIService"); arduino = (Arduino) Runtime.start("arduino", "Arduino"); serial = arduino.getSerial(); catcher = (TestCatcher) Runtime.start("catcher", "TestCatcher"); virtual = (VirtualDevice) Runtime.start("virtual", "VirtualDevice"); // FIXME - needs a seemless switch if (testVirtual){ virtual.createVirtualArduino(vport); } logic = virtual.getLogic(); catcher.subscribe(arduino.getName(), "publishError"); uart = virtual.getUart(vport); uart.setCodec("arduino"); Codec codec = uart.getRXCodec(); codec.setTimeout(1000); uart.setTimeout(100); // don't want to hang when decoding results... arduino.setBoardMega(); arduino.connect(vport); // serial.removeListener("onByte", serviceName, inMethod); Service.sleep(500); // nice to be able to check messages // uart.addByteListener(catcher);"here"); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { catcher.clear(); catcher.isLocal = true; serial.clear(); serial.setTimeout(100); uart.clear(); uart.setTimeout(100); /* * arduino.clearLastError(); arduino.hasError(); */ } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } @Test public void testReleaseService() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testStartService() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testStopService() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } /* * not a good test * * @Test public void testArduino() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } */ @Test public void testAddCustomMsgListener() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testAnalogReadPollingStart() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testAnalogReadPollingStop() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public final void testAnalogWrite() throws InterruptedException, IOException {"testAnalogWrite"); arduino.analogWrite(10, 0); String decoded = uart.decode(); assertEquals("analogWrite/10/0\n", decoded); arduino.analogWrite(10, 127); decoded = uart.decode(); assertEquals("analogWrite/10/127\n", decoded); arduino.analogWrite(10, 128); decoded = uart.decode(); assertEquals("analogWrite/10/128\n", decoded); arduino.analogWrite(10, 255); decoded = uart.decode(); assertEquals("analogWrite/10/255\n", decoded); arduino.error("test");"errors %b", catcher.hasError())); // Runtime.clearErrors(); /* * if (Runtime.hasErrors()){ ArrayList<Status> errors = * Runtime.getErrors(); //throw new IOException("problem with errors"); * } */ /* * uart.decode(); codec.decode(newByte) * * catcher.checkMsg("bla"); */ } @Test public final void testConnect() throws IOException {"testConnect - begin"); arduino.disconnect(); arduino.connect(vport); assertTrue(arduino.isConnected()); assertEquals(ArduinoMsgCodec.MRLCOMM_VERSION, arduino.getVersion().intValue());"testConnect - end"); } @Test public void testConnectVirtualUART() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testCreatePinList() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testDigitalReadPollingStart() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testDigitalReadPollingStop() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public final void testDigitalWrite() {"testDigitalWrite"); arduino.digitalWrite(10, 1); assertEquals("digitalWrite/10/1\n", uart.decode()); arduino.digitalWrite(10, 0); assertEquals("digitalWrite/10/0\n", uart.decode()); // arduino.digitalWrite(10, 255); // assertEquals("digitalWrite/10/0", uart.decode()); } @Test public final void testDisconnect() throws IOException {"testDisconnect"); arduino.disconnect(); assertTrue(!arduino.isConnected()); arduino.digitalWrite(10, 1); assertEquals(0, uart.available()); arduino.connect(vport); assertTrue(arduino.isConnected()); uart.clear(); arduino.digitalWrite(10, 1); assertEquals("digitalWrite/10/1\n", uart.decode()); } @Test public void testGetBoardType() { // arduino.setBoardMega() } @Test public void testGetPinList() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testGetSerial() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public final void testGetSketch() {"testGetSketch"); Sketch sketch = arduino.getSketch(); assertNotNull(sketch); assertTrue( > 0); arduino.setSketch(null); assertNull(arduino.getSketch()); arduino.setSketch(sketch); assertEquals(sketch, arduino.getSketch()); } @Test public final void testGetVersion() {"testGetVersion"); assertEquals(ArduinoMsgCodec.MRLCOMM_VERSION, arduino.getVersion().intValue()); } @Test public void testIsConnected() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testMotorAttach() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testAttach() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testDetach() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testMotorDetach() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testMotorMove() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testMotorMoveTo() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testMotorStop() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testOnByte() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testOnConnect() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testGetPortName() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testOnCustomMsg() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testOnDisconnect() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public final void testPinModeIntString() {"testPinModeIntString"); arduino.pinMode(8, "OUTPUT"); assertEquals("pinMode/8/1\n", uart.decode()); } @Test public final void testPinModeIntegerInteger() {"testPinModeIntegerInteger"); arduino.pinMode(8, Arduino.OUTPUT); assertEquals("pinMode/8/1\n", uart.decode()); } @Test public void testPublishCustomMsg() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishLoadTimingEvent() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishMRLCommError() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishPin() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishServoEvent() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishTrigger() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishVersion() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPulseInt() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPulseIntInt() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPulseIntIntInt() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPulseIntIntIntInt() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPulseStop() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishPulse() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishPulseStop() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSendMsg() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSensorAttach() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSensorPollingStart() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSensorPollingStop() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public final void testServoAttachServoInteger() throws Exception {"testServoAttachServoInteger"); Servo servo = (Servo) Runtime.start("servo", "Servo"); // NOT THE WAY TO ATTACH SERVOS !! // isAttached will not get set // dont know a good fix - asside from not using it ! // arduino.servoAttach(servo, servoPin); // re-entrant test // arduino.servoAttach(servo, servoPin); // common way arduino.servoAttach(servo, servoPin); // another way // servo.setPin(servoPin); // servo.setController(arduino); assertTrue(servo.isAttached()); // re-entrant test arduino.servoAttach(servo, servoPin); assertTrue(servo.isAttached()); // assertEquals(servoPin, servo.getPin().intValue()); assertEquals(arduino.getName(), servo.getController()); assertEquals("servoAttach/7/9/5/115/101/114/118/111\n", uart.decode()); servo.moveTo(0); assertEquals("servoWrite/7/0\n", uart.decode()); servo.moveTo(90); assertEquals("servoWrite/7/90\n", uart.decode()); servo.moveTo(180); assertEquals("servoWrite/7/180\n", uart.decode()); servo.moveTo(0); assertEquals("servoWrite/7/0\n", uart.decode()); // detach servo.detach(); assertEquals("servoDetach/7/0\n", uart.decode()); servo.moveTo(10); String shouldBeNull = uart.decode(); assertNull(shouldBeNull); // re-attach servo.attach(); assertEquals("servoAttach/7/9/5/115/101/114/118/111\n", uart.decode()); assertTrue(servo.isAttached()); // assertEquals(servoPin, servo.getPin().intValue()); assertEquals(arduino.getName(), servo.getController()); servo.moveTo(90); assertEquals("servoWrite/7/90\n", uart.decode()); servo.releaseService(); } @Test public void testServoAttachServo() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testServoDetach() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testServoSweepStart() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testServoSweepStop() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testServoWrite() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testServoWriteMicroseconds() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetBoard() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetBoardMega() {"testSetBoardMega"); String boardType = arduino.getBoardType(); arduino.setBoardMega(); assertEquals(Arduino.BOARD_TYPE_MEGA, arduino.getBoardType()); List<PinDefinition> pins = arduino.getPinList(); assertEquals(70, pins.size()); arduino.setBoard(boardType); } @Test public void testSetBoardUno() {"testSetBoardUno"); String boardType = arduino.getBoardType(); arduino.setBoardUno(); assertEquals(Arduino.BOARD_TYPE_UNO, arduino.getBoardType()); List<PinDefinition> pins = arduino.getPinList(); assertEquals(20, pins.size()); arduino.setBoard(boardType); } @Test public void testSetDebounce() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetDigitalTriggerOnly() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetLoadTimingEnabled() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetPWMFrequency() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetSampleRate() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetSerialRate() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testServoEventsEnabled() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetServoSpeed() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetSketch() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetTriggerIntInt() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSetTriggerIntIntInt() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testSoftReset() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testPublishSensorData() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testMotorReset() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testMain() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testUpdate() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testGetDataSinkType() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testGetSensorType() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testGetSensorConfig() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } @Test public void testGetMetaData() { // fail("Not yet implemented"); } public static class JUnitListener extends RunListener { public void testAssumptionFailure(Failure failure) {"testAssumptionFailure"); } public void testFailure(Failure failure) {"testFailure"); } public void testFinished(Description description) {"testFinished"); } public void testIgnored(Description description) {"testIgnored"); } public void testRunFinished(Result result) {"testRunFinished"); } public void testRunStarted(Description description) {"testRunStarted"); } public void testStarted(Description description) {"testStarted"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { LoggingFactory.init(Level.INFO); ArduinoTest.setUpBeforeClass(); ArduinoTest test = new ArduinoTest(); test.testConnect(); JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore(); // junit.addListener(listener); Result result =;"Result was: {}", result); // WebGui gui = (WebGui) Runtime.start("webgui", "WebGui"); // ServiceInterface gui = Runtime.start("gui", "GUIService"); Runtime.dump();"here"); // serial.removeByteListener(gui.getName()); // uart.removeByteListener(gui.getName()); Runtime.dump(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logError(e); } } }