package org.myrobotlab.control.widget;
// Andrew Davison, October 2006,
/* A collection of Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS textfields
representing the buttons on the game pad,
divided into two rows
When a button is pressed, the textfield's
background colour changes from OFF_COLOUR to ON_COLOUR
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class JoystickButtonsPanel extends JPanel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// background colours for the textfields (game pad buttons)
// below is not used?
// private static final Color OFF_COLOUR = Color.LIGHT_GRAY;
// private static final Color ON_COLOUR = Color.YELLOW;
// not used
// private JTextField buttonTFs[]; // represents the game pad buttons
* Add the textfields to the panel and store references to them in a
* buttonTFs[] array.
* Each textfield contains a number, is uneditable, and starts with an
* OFF_COLOUR background (meaning it's not pressed).
public JoystickButtonsPanel() {
* // initialize buttonTFs[] buttonTFs = new
* JTextField[Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS]; for (int i = 0; i <
* Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS; i++) { buttonTFs[i] = new JTextField("" + (i), 2);
* buttonTFs[i].setEditable(false); buttonTFs[i].setBackground(OFF_COLOUR);
* }
* setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); // vertical box layout
* makeRow(0, Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS / 2); // 1st row
* makeRow(Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS / 2, Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS); // 2nd row
} // end of ButtonsPanel()
// not used method below
// private void makeRow(int start, int end)
// // a row of textfields from buttonTFs[start] to buttonTFs[end-1]
// {
// JPanel rowPanel = new JPanel();
// rowPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(rowPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); // horiz
// // box
// // layout
// JPanel p;
// for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
// p = new JPanel();
// p.setBackground(Color.white);
// p.add(buttonTFs[i]); // add button to its own panel p to stop
// // resizing
// rowPanel.add(p); // add panel p to row
// }
// add(rowPanel);
// } // end of makeRow()
public void setButton(int buttonNum, Float value) {
* Color c = (value == Joystick.BUTTON_ON) ? ON_COLOUR : OFF_COLOUR;
* buttonTFs[buttonNum].setBackground(c);
public void setButtons(boolean bVals[])
* Use the bVals[] array to switch the buttonTFs on/off by changing the
* background colour of their textfields.
* if (bVals.length != Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS) System.out.println(
* "Wring number of button values"); else { Color c; for (int i = 0; i <
* Joystick.NUM_BUTTONS; i++) { c = (bVals[i] == true) ? ON_COLOUR :
* OFF_COLOUR; buttonTFs[i].setBackground(c); } repaint(); }
} // end of setButtons()
} // end of ButtonsPanel class