package org.myrobotlab.i2c;
import org.myrobotlab.framework.Platform;
public class I2CFactory {
* Create new I2CBus instance
* @return Return a new I2CBus impl instance.
* @throws IOException
public static I2CBus getInstance(int busNumber) throws IOException {
* String architecture = Platform.getArch(); try { String I2CBusType =
* "org.myrobotlab.i2c.I2CBusProxy"; if
* (architecture.equals(Platform.ARCH_ARM)) { // raspi I2CBusType =
* ""; }
* Object[] param = new Object[0];
* Class<?> c; c = Class.forName(I2CBusType); Class<?>[] paramTypes = new
* Class[param.length]; for (int i = 0; i < param.length; ++i) {
* paramTypes[i] = param[i].getClass(); } Constructor<?> mc =
* c.getConstructor(paramTypes); return (I2CBus) mc.newInstance(param); }
* catch (Exception e) { Logging.logException(e); return null; }
// pi4j's factory calls the implementation directly
// which would not be my first choice - but since it does
// I will do the same here... otherwise I'll need to invoke
// without an interface
Platform platform = Platform.getLocalInstance();
if (platform.isArm()) {
// raspi
return I2CBusImpl.getBus(busNumber);
} else {
return I2CProxyImpl.getBus(busNumber);
// return I2CBusImpl.getBus(busNumber);
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub