package org.myrobotlab.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.myrobotlab.framework.Service; import org.myrobotlab.framework.ServiceType; import org.myrobotlab.genetic.GeneticAlgorithm; import org.myrobotlab.genetic.Chromosome; import org.myrobotlab.genetic.Genetic; import org.myrobotlab.kinematics.CollisionDectection; import org.myrobotlab.kinematics.CollisionItem; import org.myrobotlab.kinematics.DHLink; import org.myrobotlab.kinematics.DHRobotArm; import org.myrobotlab.kinematics.Matrix; import org.myrobotlab.kinematics.Point; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Level; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggingFactory; import org.myrobotlab.math.MathUtils; import org.myrobotlab.service.Servo.IKData; import; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.IKJointAnglePublisher; import org.myrobotlab.service.interfaces.PointsListener; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * * InverseKinematics3D - This class provides a 3D based inverse kinematics * implementation that allows you to specify the robot arm geometry based on DH * Parameters. This will use a pseudo-inverse jacobian gradient descent approach * to move the end affector to the desired x,y,z postions in space with respect * to the base frame. * * Rotation and Orientation information is not currently supported. (but should * be easy to add) * * @author kwatters * */ public class InverseKinematics3D extends Service implements IKJointAnglePublisher, PointsListener, Genetic { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InverseKinematics3D.class.getCanonicalName()); private DHRobotArm currentArm = null; private HashMap<String, DHRobotArm> arms = new HashMap<String, DHRobotArm>(); // we will track the joystick input to specify our velocity. private Point joystickLinearVelocity = new Point(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); private Matrix inputMatrix = null; transient InputTrackingThread trackingThread = null; Point goTo; private CollisionDectection collisionItems = new CollisionDectection(); public static final int IK_COMPUTE_METHOD_PI_JACOBIAN = 1; public static final int IK_COMPUTE_METHOD_GENETIC_ALGORYTHM = 2; private int computeMethod = IK_COMPUTE_METHOD_PI_JACOBIAN; private int geneticPoolSize = 200; private double geneticMutationRate = 0.01; private double geneticRecombinationRate = 0.7; private int geneticGeneration = 300; private boolean geneticComputeSimulation = false; private HashMap<String, Servo> currentServos = new HashMap<String, Servo>(); private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Servo>> servos = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Servo>>(); private double time; public InverseKinematics3D(String n) { super(n); // TODO: init } public void startTracking() {"startTracking - starting new joystick input tracking thread %s_tracking", getName())); if (trackingThread != null) { stopTracking(); } trackingThread = new InputTrackingThread(String.format("%s_tracking", getName())); trackingThread.start(); } public void stopTracking() { if (trackingThread != null) { trackingThread.setTracking(false); } } public class InputTrackingThread extends Thread { private boolean isTracking = false; public InputTrackingThread(String name) { super(name); } @Override public void run() { // Ok, here we are. if we're running.. // we should be updating the move to based on the velocities // that are being tracked with the joystick. // how many ms to wait between movements. long pollInterval = 250; isTracking = true; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (isTracking) { long pause = now + pollInterval - System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // the number of milliseconds until we update the position Thread.sleep(pause); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block"Interrupted tracking thread."); e.printStackTrace(); isTracking = false; } // lets get the current position // current position + velocity * time Point current = currentPosition(); Point targetPoint = current.add(joystickLinearVelocity.multiplyXYZ(pollInterval / 1000.0)); if (!targetPoint.equals(current)) {"Velocity: {} Old: {} New: {}", joystickLinearVelocity, current, targetPoint); } invoke("publishTracking", targetPoint); moveTo(targetPoint); // update current timestamp to determine how long we should wait // before the next moveTo is called. now = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public boolean isTracking() { return isTracking; } public void setTracking(boolean isTracking) { this.isTracking = isTracking; } } public void changeArm(String arm) { if (arms.containsKey(arm)) { currentArm = arms.get(arm); currentServos = servos.get(arm); } else {"IK service have no data for {}", arm); } } public Point currentPosition() { return currentArm.getPalmPosition(); } public Point currentPosition(String arm) { if (arms.containsKey(arm)) { return arms.get(arm).getPalmPosition(); }"IK service have no data for {}", arm); return new Point(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public void moveTo(double x, double y, double z) { // TODO: allow passing roll pitch and yaw moveTo(new Point(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0)); } public void moveTo(String arm, double x, double y, double z) { moveTo(arm, new Point(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0)); } /** * This create a rotation and translation matrix that will be applied on the * "moveTo" call. * * @param dx * - x axis translation * @param dy * - y axis translation * @param dz * - z axis translation * @param roll * - rotation about z (in degrees) * @param pitch * - rotation about x (in degrees) * @param yaw * - rotation about y (in degrees) * @return */ public Matrix createInputMatrix(double dx, double dy, double dz, double roll, double pitch, double yaw) { roll = MathUtils.degToRad(roll); pitch = MathUtils.degToRad(pitch); yaw = MathUtils.degToRad(yaw); Matrix trMatrix = Matrix.translation(dx, dy, dz); Matrix rotMatrix = Matrix.zRotation(roll).multiply(Matrix.yRotation(yaw).multiply(Matrix.xRotation(pitch))); inputMatrix = trMatrix.multiply(rotMatrix); return inputMatrix; } public Point rotateAndTranslate(Point pIn) { Matrix m = new Matrix(4, 1); m.elements[0][0] = pIn.getX(); m.elements[1][0] = pIn.getY(); m.elements[2][0] = pIn.getZ(); m.elements[3][0] = 1; Matrix pOM = inputMatrix.multiply(m); // TODO: compute the roll pitch yaw double roll = 0; double pitch = 0; double yaw = 0; Point pOut = new Point(pOM.elements[0][0], pOM.elements[1][0], pOM.elements[2][0], roll, pitch, yaw); return pOut; } public void centerAllJoints() { currentArm.centerAllJoints(); publishTelemetry(); } public void centerAllJoints(String arm) { if (arms.containsKey(arm)) { arms.get(arm).centerAllJoints(); }"IK service have no data for {}", arm); } public void moveTo(Point p) { //"Move TO {}", p ); if (inputMatrix != null) { p = rotateAndTranslate(p); } boolean success = false; if(computeMethod == IK_COMPUTE_METHOD_PI_JACOBIAN) { success = currentArm.moveToGoal(p); } else if (computeMethod == IK_COMPUTE_METHOD_GENETIC_ALGORYTHM) { goTo = p; GeneticAlgorithm GA = new GeneticAlgorithm(this, geneticPoolSize, currentArm.getNumLinks(), 8, geneticRecombinationRate, geneticMutationRate); //HashMap<Integer,Integer> lastIteration = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); int retry = 0; long timeToWait = 0; while (retry++ < 100) { Chromosome bestFit = GA.doGeneration(geneticGeneration); // this is the number of time the chromosome pool will be recombined and mutate //DHRobotArm checkedArm = simulateMove(bestFit.getDecodedGenome()); currentArm = simulateMove(bestFit.getDecodedGenome()); for (int i = 0; i < currentArm.getNumLinks(); i++){ Servo servo = currentServos.get(currentArm.getLink(i).getName()); while (timeToWait + servo.lastActivityTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) { sleep(1); } servo.moveTo(currentArm.getLink(i).getPositionValueDeg().intValue()); } timeToWait = (long)(time*1000); if (collisionItems.haveCollision()) { //collision avoiding need to be improved CollisionItem ci = null; int itemIndex = 0; int linkIndex = 0; for (DHLink l : currentArm.getLinks()) { boolean foundIt = false; for (itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < 2; itemIndex++) { if (l.getName().equals(collisionItems.getCollisionItem()[itemIndex].getName())) { ci = collisionItems.getCollisionItem()[itemIndex]; foundIt = true; break; } } if (foundIt) break; //we have the item to watch linkIndex++; } if (ci == null) {"Collision between static item {} and {} detected", collisionItems.getCollisionItem()[0].getName(), collisionItems.getCollisionItem()[1].getName()); break; //collision is between items that we can't control } int dmove = 0; int deltaMove = 5; if (collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[itemIndex].getX() >= collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[1-itemIndex].getX()) { dmove+=deltaMove; } else dmove-=deltaMove; if (collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[itemIndex].getY() >= collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[1-itemIndex].getY()) { dmove+=deltaMove; } else dmove-=deltaMove; if (collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[itemIndex].getZ() >= collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[1-itemIndex].getZ()) { dmove+=deltaMove; } else dmove-=deltaMove; ArrayList<Object> tempPos = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (DHLink l : currentArm.getLinks()) { Point actPoint = currentArm.getJointPosition(linkIndex); Double distAct = actPoint.distanceTo(collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[1-itemIndex]); l.incrRotate(MathUtils.degToRad(dmove)); Point newPoint = currentArm.getJointPosition(linkIndex); Double distNew = newPoint.distanceTo(collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[1-itemIndex]); if (distAct < distNew) { l.incrRotate(MathUtils.degToRad(dmove * -2)); } tempPos.add(l.getPositionValueDeg()); } currentArm = simulateMove(tempPos); for (int k = 0; k < currentArm.getNumLinks(); k++){ Servo servo = currentServos.get(currentArm.getLink(k).getName()); while (timeToWait + servo.lastActivityTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) { sleep(1); } servo.moveTo(currentArm.getLink(k).getPositionValueDeg().intValue()); } timeToWait = (long) (time*1000); } else break; } } if (success) { publishTelemetry(); } } public void moveTo(String arm, Point p) { changeArm(arm); moveTo(p); } public void publishTelemetry() { Map<String, Double> angleMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (DHLink l : currentArm.getLinks()) { String jointName = l.getName(); double theta = l.getTheta(); // angles between 0 - 360 degrees.. not sure what people will really want? // - 180 to + 180 ? angleMap.put(jointName, (double) MathUtils.radToDeg(theta) % 360.0F); } invoke("publishJointAngles", angleMap); // we want to publish the joint positions // this way we can render on the web gui.. double[][] jointPositionMap = createJointPositionMap(); // TODO: pass a better datastructure? invoke("publishJointPositions", (Object) jointPositionMap); } public double[][] createJointPositionMap() { return createJointPositionMap(currentArm); } public double[][] createJointPositionMap(String arm) { changeArm(arm); return createJointPositionMap(currentArm); } public double[][] createJointPositionMap(DHRobotArm arm) { double[][] jointPositionMap = new double[arm.getNumLinks() + 1][3]; // first position is the origin... second is the end of the first link jointPositionMap[0][0] = 0; jointPositionMap[0][1] = 0; jointPositionMap[0][2] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= arm.getNumLinks(); i++) { Point jp = arm.getJointPosition(i - 1); jointPositionMap[i][0] = jp.getX(); jointPositionMap[i][1] = jp.getY(); jointPositionMap[i][2] = jp.getZ(); } return jointPositionMap; } public DHRobotArm getCurrentArm() { return currentArm; } public DHRobotArm getArm(String arm) { if (arms.containsKey(arm)) { return arms.get(arm); } else return currentArm; } public void setCurrentArm(DHRobotArm currentArm) { this.currentArm = currentArm; } public void addArm(String name, DHRobotArm currentArm) { arms.put(name, currentArm); this.currentArm = currentArm; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { LoggingFactory.init(Level.INFO); Runtime.createAndStart("python", "Python"); Runtime.createAndStart("gui", "GUIService"); InverseKinematics3D inversekinematics = (InverseKinematics3D) Runtime.start("ik3d", "InverseKinematics3D"); // InverseKinematics3D inversekinematics = new InverseKinematics3D("iksvc"); inversekinematics.setCurrentArm(InMoovArm.getDHRobotArm()); // inversekinematics.getCurrentArm().setIk3D(inversekinematics); // Create a new DH Arm.. simpler for initial testing. // d , r, theta , alpha // DHRobotArm testArm = new DHRobotArm(); // testArm.addLink(new DHLink("one" ,400,0,0,90)); // testArm.addLink(new DHLink("two" ,300,0,0,90)); // testArm.addLink(new DHLink("three",200,0,0,0)); // testArm.addLink(new DHLink("two", 0,0,0,0)); // inversekinematics.setCurrentArm(testArm); // set up our input translation/rotation // // if (false) { // double dx = 400.0; // double dy = -600.0; // double dz = -350.0; // double roll = 0.0; // double pitch = 0.0; // double yaw = 0.0; // inversekinematics.createInputMatrix(dx, dy, dz, roll, pitch, yaw); // } // Rest position... // Point rest = new Point(100,-300,0,0,0,0); // rest. // inversekinematics.moveTo(rest); // LeapMotion lm = (LeapMotion)Runtime.start("leap", "LeapMotion"); // lm.addPointsListener(inversekinematics); boolean attached = true; if (attached) { // set up the left inmoov arm InMoovArm leftArm = (InMoovArm) Runtime.start("leftArm", "InMoovArm"); leftArm.connect("COM21"); // leftArm.omoplate.setMinMax(0, 180); // attach the publish joint angles to the on JointAngles for the inmoov // arm. inversekinematics.addListener("publishJointAngles", leftArm.getName(), "onJointAngles"); } // Runtime.createAndStart("gui", "GUIService"); // OpenCV cv1 = (OpenCV)Runtime.createAndStart("cv1", "OpenCV"); // OpenCVFilterAffine aff1 = new OpenCVFilterAffine("aff1"); // aff1.setAngle(270); // aff1.setDx(-80); // aff1.setDy(-80); // cv1.addFilter(aff1); // // cv1.setCameraIndex(0); // cv1.capture(); // cv1.undockDisplay(true); /* * GUIService gui = new GUIService("gui"); gui.startService(); */ Joystick joystick = (Joystick) Runtime.start("joystick", "Joystick"); joystick.setController(2); // joystick.startPolling(); // attach the joystick input to the ik3d service. joystick.addInputListener(inversekinematics); Runtime.start("webgui", "WebGui"); Runtime.start("log", "Log"); } @Override public Map<String, Double> publishJointAngles(HashMap<String, Double> angleMap) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return angleMap; } public double[][] publishJointPositions(double[][] jointPositionMap) { return jointPositionMap; } public Point publishTracking(Point tracking) { return tracking; } @Override public void onPoints(List<Point> points) { // TODO : move input matrix translation to here? or somewhere? // TODO: also don't like that i'm going to just say take the first point // now. // TODO: points should probably be a map, each point should have a name ? moveTo(points.get(0)); } public void onJoystickInput(JoystickData input) { // a few control button pushes // Ok, lets say the the "a" button starts tracking if ("0".equals( {"Start Tracking button pushed."); startTracking(); } else if ("1".equals( { stopTracking(); } // and the "b" button stops tracking // TODO: use the joystick input to drive the "moveTo" command. // TODO: joystick listener interface? // // input.value // depending on input we want to get the current position and move in some // direction. // or potentially stay in the same place.. // we start at the origin // initially at rest. // we can set the velocities to be equal to the joystick inputs // with some gain/amplification. // Ok, so this will track the y,rx,ry inputs from the joystick as x,y,z // velocities // we want to have a minimum threshold o/w we set the value to zero // quantize float threshold = 0.1F; if (Math.abs(input.value) < threshold) { input.value = 0.0F; } double totalGain = 100.0; double xGain = totalGain; // invert y control. double yGain = -1.0 * totalGain; double zGain = totalGain; if ("x".equals( { // x axis control (left/right) joystickLinearVelocity.setX(input.value * xGain); } else if ("y".equals( { // y axis control (up/down) joystickLinearVelocity.setY(input.value * yGain); } if ("ry".equals( { // z axis control (forward / backwards) joystickLinearVelocity.setZ(input.value * zGain); } //"Linear Velocity : {}", joystickLinearVelocity); // on a loop I want to sample the current joystickLinearVelocity // at some interval and move the current position by the new dx,dy,dz // computed based // off the input from the joystick. // relying on the current position is probably bad. // TODO: track the desired position independently of the current position. // we will allow translation, x,y,z // for the input point. } /** * This static method returns all the details of the class without it having * to be constructed. It has description, categories, dependencies, and peer * definitions. * * @return ServiceType - returns all the data * */ static public ServiceType getMetaData() { ServiceType meta = new ServiceType(InverseKinematics3D.class.getCanonicalName()); meta.addDescription("a 3D kinematics service supporting D-H parameters"); meta.addCategory("robot", "control"); return meta; } public void setDHLink (String name, double d, double theta, double r, double alpha) { DHLink dhLink = new DHLink(name, d, r, MathUtils.degToRad(theta), MathUtils.degToRad(alpha)); currentArm.addLink(dhLink); } public void setDHLink (Servo servo, double d, double theta, double r, double alpha) { DHLink dhLink = new DHLink(servo.getName(), d, r, MathUtils.degToRad(theta), MathUtils.degToRad(alpha)); servo.addIKServoEventListener(this); currentServos.put(servo.getName(), servo); dhLink.addPositionValue(servo.getPos()); dhLink.setMin(MathUtils.degToRad(theta + Math.min(servo.getMinInput(), servo.getMaxInput()))); dhLink.setMax(MathUtils.degToRad(theta + Math.max(servo.getMaxInput(), servo.getMinInput()))); currentArm.addLink(dhLink); } public void setDHLink (String armName, String name, double d, double theta, double r, double alpha) { changeArm(armName); setDHLink(name, d, theta, r, alpha); } public void setDHLink (String armName, Servo servo, double d, double theta, double r, double alpha) { changeArm(armName); setDHLink(servo, d, theta, r, alpha); } public void setNewDHRobotArm() { currentArm = new DHRobotArm(); } public void moveTo(int x , int y, int z, int roll, int pitch, int yaw) { moveTo(new Point(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)); } public void moveTo(int x, int y, int z) { Point goTo = new Point((double)x,(double)y,(double)z,0.0,0.0,0.0); moveTo(goTo); } public void moveTo(String arm, int x, int y, int z) { changeArm(arm); moveTo(x, y, z); } @Override public void calcFitness(ArrayList<Chromosome> pool) { for (Chromosome chromosome : pool) { DHRobotArm arm = new DHRobotArm(); double fitnessMult = 1; double fitnessTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentArm.getNumLinks(); i++){ //copy the value of the currentArm DHLink newLink = new DHLink(currentArm.getLink(i)); newLink.addPositionValue((double)chromosome.getDecodedGenome().get(i)); Double delta = currentArm.getLink(i).getPositionValueDeg() - (Double)chromosome.getDecodedGenome().get(i); double timeOfMove = Math.abs(delta / currentServos.get(currentArm.getLink(i).getName()).getVelocity()); if (timeOfMove > fitnessTime) { fitnessTime = timeOfMove; } arm.addLink(newLink); } if (geneticComputeSimulation) { //work well but long computing time arm = simulateMove(chromosome.getDecodedGenome()); } Point potLocation = arm.getPalmPosition(); Double distance = potLocation.distanceTo(goTo); //not sure about weight for roll/pitch/yaw. adding a wrist will probably help // double dRoll = (potLocation.getRoll() - goTo.getRoll())/360; // fitnessMult*=(1-dRoll)*10000; // double dPitch = (potLocation.getPitch() - goTo.getPitch())/360; // fitnessMult*=(1-dPitch)*10000; // double dYaw = (potLocation.getYaw() - goTo.getYaw())/360; // fitnessMult*=(1-dYaw)*10000; if (fitnessTime < 0.1) { fitnessTime = 0.1; } //fitness is the score showing how close the results is to the target position Double fitness = (fitnessMult/distance*1000);// + (1/fitnessTime*.01); if (fitness < 0) fitness *=-1; chromosome.setFitness(fitness); } return; } // convert the genetic algorythm to the data we want to use @Override public void decode(ArrayList<Chromosome> chromosomes) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub for (Chromosome chromosome : chromosomes ){ int pos=0; ArrayList<Object>decodedGenome = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (DHLink link: currentArm.getLinks()){ Double value=0.0; for (int i= pos; i< chromosome.getGenome().length() && i < pos+8; i++){ if(chromosome.getGenome().charAt(i) == '1') value += 1 << i-pos; } pos += 8; if (value < MathUtils.radToDeg(link.getMin()-link.getInitialTheta())) value = link.getPositionValueDeg(); if (value > MathUtils.radToDeg(link.getMax()-link.getInitialTheta())) value = link.getPositionValueDeg(); decodedGenome.add(value); } chromosome.setDecodedGenome(decodedGenome); } } private DHRobotArm simulateMove(ArrayList<Object> decodedGenome) { // simulate movement of the servos in time to get an approximation of their position time = 0.1; boolean isMoving = true; DHRobotArm oldArm = currentArm; // stop simulating when all servo reach position while (isMoving) { isMoving = false; DHRobotArm newArm = new DHRobotArm(); for (int i = 0; i < currentArm.getNumLinks(); i++) { DHLink newLink = new DHLink(currentArm.getLink(i)); double degrees = currentArm.getLink(i).getPositionValueDeg(); double deltaDegree = java.lang.Math.abs(degrees - (Double)decodedGenome.get(i)); double deltaDegree2 = time * (Integer)currentServos.get(currentArm.getLink(i).getName()).getVelocity(); if (deltaDegree >= deltaDegree2) { deltaDegree = deltaDegree2; isMoving = true; } if (degrees > ((Double)decodedGenome.get(i)).intValue()) { degrees -= deltaDegree; } else if (degrees < ((Double)decodedGenome.get(i)).intValue()) { degrees += deltaDegree; } newLink.addPositionValue( degrees); newArm.addLink(newLink); } double[][] jp = createJointPositionMap(newArm); //send data to the collision detector class for (int i = 0; i < currentArm.getNumLinks(); i++) { CollisionItem ci = new CollisionItem(new Point(jp[i][0], jp[i][1], jp[i][2], 0 , 0, 0), new Point(jp[i+1][0], jp[i+1][1], jp[i+1][2], 0, 0, 0), currentArm.getLink(i).getName()); if (i != currentArm.getNumLinks()-1) { ci.addIgnore(currentArm.getLink(i+1).getName()); } collisionItems.addItem(ci); } collisionItems.runTest(); if (collisionItems.haveCollision() ){ //"Collision at {} - {}", collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[0], collisionItems.getCollisionPoint()[1]); return oldArm; } oldArm = newArm; //"time: {} Position:{}", ((Double)time).floatValue(), newArm.getPalmPosition().toString()); //"collision: {}", collisionItems.haveCollision()); for (int i = 1; i < jp.length; i++){ //"jp:{} {} - {} - {}", newArm.getLink(i-1).getName(), ((Double)jp[i][0]).intValue(), ((Double)jp[i][1]).intValue(), ((Double)jp[i][2]).intValue()); } time += 0.2; } return oldArm; } public String addObject(double oX, double oY, double oZ, double eX, double eY, double eZ, String name, double radius) { return addObject(new Point(oX, oY, oZ, 0, 0, 0), new Point(eX, eY, eZ, 0, 0, 0), name, radius); } public String addObject(Point origin, Point end, String name, double radius) { CollisionItem item = new CollisionItem(origin, end, name, radius); collisionItems.addItem(item); return item.getName(); } public String addObject(String name, double radius) { return addObject(new Point(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), name, radius); } public void clearObject(){ collisionItems.clearItem(); } public void setComputeMethodPSIJacobian() { computeMethod = IK_COMPUTE_METHOD_PI_JACOBIAN; } public void setComputeMethodGeneticAlgorythm() { computeMethod = IK_COMPUTE_METHOD_GENETIC_ALGORYTHM; } public void setGeneticPoolSize(int size) { geneticPoolSize = size; } public void setGeneticMutationRate(double rate) { geneticMutationRate = rate; } public void setGeneticRecombinationRate(double rate) { geneticRecombinationRate = rate; } public void setGeneticGeneration(int generation) { geneticGeneration = generation; } public void setGeneticComputeSimulation(boolean compute) { geneticComputeSimulation = compute; } public void objectAddIgnore(String object1, String object2) { collisionItems.addIgnore(object1, object2); } public void onIKServoEvent(IKData data) { for (DHLink l: currentArm.getLinks()) { if (l.getName().equals({ l.addPositionValue(data.pos.doubleValue()); } } } }