import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.myrobotlab.arduino.ArduinoUtils; import org.myrobotlab.framework.MRLException; import org.myrobotlab.logging.Level; import org.myrobotlab.logging.LoggingFactory; import org.myrobotlab.sensor.AnalogPinSensor; import org.myrobotlab.service.Arduino; import org.myrobotlab.service.Motor; import org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime; import org.myrobotlab.service.Servo; import com.pi4j.jni.Serial; import com.sun.source.tree.AssertTree; @Ignore public class ArduinoChaosTest { @Test public void testArduino() throws IOException, MRLException, InterruptedException { boolean upload = false; LoggingFactory.init(Level.INFO); String port = "COM30"; String board = Arduino.BOARD_TYPE_UNO; if (upload) { boolean success = ArduinoUtils.uploadSketch(port, board); assertTrue(success); } // Arduino arduino = (Arduino) Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino"); //Serial serial = (Serial) arduino.getSerial(); arduino.boardType= board; arduino.connect("COM30"); // let the board connect Thread.sleep(2000); // digital PWM pins for hbrdige/motor control. int leftPwm = 6; int rightPwm = 7; // analog feedback pin A0 on the Uno int potPin = 14; boolean testMotor = true; boolean testServo = true; boolean startAnalogPolling = true; // Start testing the functions one by one to make sure we're worky! // debug enable/disable first. arduino.setDebug(true); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.setDebug(false); Thread.sleep(1000); // Now iterate all of the possible commands arduino.digitalWrite(0, 0); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.analogWrite(0, 110); Thread.sleep(1000); // TODO: is this a digital or analog pin? arduino.pinMode(2, "INPUT"); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.pinMode(2, "OUTPUT"); Thread.sleep(1000); Servo servo = (Servo)Runtime.createAndStart("servo", "Servo"); // servo.setPin(13); // arduino.servoAttach(servo); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.servoSweepStart(servo); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.servoSweepStop(servo); Thread.sleep(1000); // TODO : this blows up // arduino.servoWrite(servo); servo.moveTo(90); Thread.sleep(1000); int pos = 90; arduino.publishServoEvent(pos); Thread.sleep(1000); int uS = 1400; servo.writeMicroseconds(uS); // TODO: why does this blow up // arduino.servoWriteMicroseconds(servo); Thread.sleep(1000); servo.setSpeed(0); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.servoDetach(servo); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.enableBoardStatus(); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.enableBoardStatus(); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.setPWMFrequency(1, 100); // int analogReadPin = 2; // arduino.analogReadPollingStart(analogReadPin); // Thread.sleep(1000); //Thread.sleep(1000); //arduino.analogReadPollingStop(analogReadPin); Thread.sleep(1000); int digitalPin = 3; arduino.enablePin(digitalPin); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.disablePin(digitalPin); Thread.sleep(1000); int pulsePin = 1; arduino.pulse(pulsePin); Thread.sleep(1000); // TODO: what is this? arduino.pulseStop(); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.setTrigger(3, 122); Thread.sleep(1000); // TODO: which pin are we debouncing? arduino.setDebounce(10); // TODO: what is this for? Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.setDigitalTriggerOnly(true); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.setDigitalTriggerOnly(false); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.setSerialRate(Serial.BAUD_RATE_57600); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.setSerialRate(Serial.BAUD_RATE_115200); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.getVersion(); Thread.sleep(1000); // TODO: what does "12" mean? 12 hertz?! arduino.setSampleRate(12); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.softReset(); Thread.sleep(1000); AnalogPinSensor s = new AnalogPinSensor(3, 2); // arduino.sensorAttach(s); Thread.sleep(1000); // ?! // arduino.sensorPollingStart("A0", 123); Thread.sleep(1000); arduino.sensorPollingStop("A0"); // TODO: add the // AF_BEGIN // AF_SET_PWM_FREQ // AF_SET_PWM // AF_SET_SERVO // NOP // DEBUG_ENABLE // DEBUG_DISABLE // unknown command should return an error! // arduino.digitalWrite(0, 1); // if (startAnalogPolling) { // arduino.analogReadPollingStart(potPin); // } // 5 second pause ? // Thread.sleep(5000); System.out.println("Press the any key to continue.");; arduino.enableBoardStatus(); Motor motor = (Motor)Runtime.createAndStart("motor", "Motor"); // motor.setType2Pwm(leftPwm, rightPwm); // motor.attach(arduino); // arduino.attachDevice(motor); // null config is this right ? // servo.attach(); int angle = 0; int max = 5000; while (true) { // try to overrun? // rand between -1 and 1. if (testMotor) { double rand = (Math.random() - 0.5)*2; motor.move(rand); } if (testServo) { angle++; servo.moveTo(angle %180); } } } }