package org.aksw.sparqlify.sparqlview; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.aksw.commons.collections.CartesianProduct; import org.aksw.commons.collections.stacks.NestedStack; import org.aksw.commons.util.Pair; import org.aksw.commons.util.reflect.MultiMethod; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.exprs_ext.E_StrConcatPermissive; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.normal_form.Clause; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.restriction.RestrictionImpl; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.restriction.RestrictionManagerImpl; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.QuadUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.ReplaceConstants; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.expr.NodeValueUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.Dialect; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.MyOpAsQuery; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.PrefixSet; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.RdfTermType; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.SparqlView; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.SparqlifyConstants; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.TwoWayBinding; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.Constraint; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.EqualsConstraint; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IndexMetaNode; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IsPrefixOfConstraint; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.MetaIndexFactory; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.OpFilterIndexed; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.PrefixIndex; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.PrefixIndexMetaFactory; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.StartsWithConstraint; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.Table; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.TableBuilder; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.TreeIndex; import org.aksw.sparqlify.database.VariableConstraint; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Algebra; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Op; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.Op1; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpDisjunction; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpDistinct; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpExtend; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpFilter; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpGroup; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpJoin; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpLeftJoin; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpOrder; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpProject; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpQuadPattern; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpSlice; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpUnion; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.QuadPattern; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Equals; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_StrConcat; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprFunction; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; interface ViewFactory<T> { T create(Quad queryQuad, Quad viewQuad, int instanceId, int subId, T parent, TwoWayBinding binding); } class ViewQuad { private SparqlView view; private Quad quad; // TODO Maybe another field for some constraints public ViewQuad(SparqlView view, Quad quad) { this.view = view; this.quad = quad; } public SparqlView getView() { return view; } public Quad getQuad() { return quad; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((quad == null) ? 0 : quad.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((view == null) ? 0 : view.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; ViewQuad other = (ViewQuad) obj; if (quad == null) { if (other.quad != null) return false; } else if (!quad.equals(other.quad)) return false; if (view == null) { if (other.view != null) return false; } else if (!view.equals(other.view)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return view.toString() + ":" + quad.toString(); } } class Context { } //class NestedStack<T> //{ // private NestedStack<T> parent; // private T value; // // public NestedStack(NestedStack<T> parent, T value) { // super(); // this.parent = parent; // this.value = value; // } // // public NestedStack<T> getParent() { // return parent; // } // // public T getValue() { // return value; // } // // // public List<T> asList() { // List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); // // NestedStack<T> current = this; // while(current != null) { // result.add(current.getValue()); // current = current.parent; // } // // Collections.reverse(result); // // return result; // } //} interface ISparqlViewSystem { void addView(SparqlView view); Op getApplicableViews(Query query); // List the views registered with the system Collection<SparqlView> getViews(); } public class SparqlViewSystem implements ISparqlViewSystem { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparqlViewSystem.class); private int viewId = 1; private Table<Object> table; PrefixIndex<Object> idxTest; private Set<SparqlView> views = new HashSet<SparqlView>(); public SparqlViewSystem() { TableBuilder<Object> builder = new TableBuilder<Object>(); builder.addColumn("g_prefix", String.class); builder.addColumn("s_prefix", String.class); builder.addColumn("p_prefix", String.class); builder.addColumn("o_type", Integer.class); builder.addColumn("o_prefix", String.class); builder.addColumn("view", ViewQuad.class); table = builder.create(); Transformer<Object, Set<String>> prefixExtractor = new Transformer<Object, Set<String>>() { @Override public Set<String> transform(Object input) { return Collections.singleton(input.toString()); } }; MetaIndexFactory factory = new PrefixIndexMetaFactory(prefixExtractor); //MetaIndexFactory factory = new PatriciaAccessorFactory(prefixExtractor); IndexMetaNode root = IndexMetaNode.create(table, factory, "s_prefix"); IndexMetaNode s = IndexMetaNode.create(root, factory, "p_prefix"); TreeIndex.attach(table, root); //IndexMetaNode o = IndexMetaNode.create(s, factory, "o"); IndexMetaNode root2 = IndexMetaNode.create(table, factory, "p_prefix"); IndexMetaNode s2 = IndexMetaNode.create(root2, factory, "s_prefix"); TreeIndex.attach(table, root2); //IndexMetaNode o = IndexMetaNode.create(s, factory, "o"); /* idxS = PrefixIndex.attach(prefixExtractor, table, "s_prefix"); PrefixIndex.attach(, "s_prefix"); idxTest = PrefixIndex.attach(prefixExtractor, table, "p_prefix"); idxTest = PrefixIndex.attach(prefixExtractor, table, "o_prefix"); */ } public static Query rewrite(Query query, SparqlViewSystem system, Dialect dialect) { Op rewrittenOp = system.getApplicableViews(query); Query result = MyOpAsQuery.asQuery(rewrittenOp, dialect); System.out.println("Rewritten query: " + result); return result; } @Override public void addView(SparqlView view) { ++viewId; Set<Var> vars = view.getVarsMentioned(); Map<Node, Node> rename = new HashMap<Node, Node>(); for(Var var : vars) { rename.put(var, Var.alloc("view" + viewId + "_" + var.getName())); } SparqlView copy = view.copySubstitute(rename); // Rename the variables in the view to make them globally unique System.out.println("Renamed: " + copy); this.views.add(copy); index(copy); } public static Constraint deriveConstraint(Expr expr) { if(expr instanceof E_StrConcat || expr instanceof E_StrConcatPermissive) { return deriveConstraint(expr); } return null; } public static StartsWithConstraint deriveConstraint(E_StrConcat expr) { return deriveConstraint(expr); } public static StartsWithConstraint deriveConstraint(E_StrConcatPermissive expr) { return deriveConstraint(expr); } public static StartsWithConstraint deriveConstraintConcat(ExprFunction concat) { // TODO If all arguments are constant, we could infer a constant constraint String prefix = ""; for(Expr arg : concat.getArgs()) { if(arg.isConstant()) { prefix += arg.getConstant().asUnquotedString(); } else { break; } } return new StartsWithConstraint(prefix); } public Map<Var, RdfTermType> deriveTypeConstraints(SparqlView view) { Map<Var, RdfTermType> result = new HashMap<Var, RdfTermType>(); for(Entry<Node, Expr> entry : view.getBinding().entrySet()) { Var var = (Var)entry.getKey(); ExprFunction termCtor = (ExprFunction)entry.getValue(); // TODO Use the type field of RdfTerm //String functionIri = termCtor.getFunctionSymbol().toString(); String functionIri = termCtor.getFunctionSymbol().getSymbol(); if(functionIri.equals(SparqlifyConstants.rdfTermLabel)) { Expr arg = termCtor.getArg(1); if(arg.isConstant()) { Object o = NodeValueUtils.getValue(arg.getConstant()); Number number = (Number)o; switch(number.intValue()) { case 1: result.put(var, RdfTermType.URI); break; case 2: case 3: result.put(var, RdfTermType.LITERAL); break; } } } else if(functionIri.equals(SparqlifyConstants.uriLabel)) { result.put(var, RdfTermType.URI); } else if(functionIri.equals(SparqlifyConstants.plainLiteralLabel) || functionIri.equals(SparqlifyConstants.typedLiteralLabel)) { result.put(var, RdfTermType.LITERAL); } } return result; } /** * Derive prefix constraints for variables based on * variable definitions: * * concat('constant', var, rest) -> prefix = 'constant' * * TODO: Actually we should not add these constraints to the view, but just return them * */ public void deriveRestrictions(SparqlView view) { } /* public void deriveRestrictions(SparqlView view) { RestrictionManager restrictions = view.getRestrictions(); for(Entry<Var, PrefixSet> entry : view.getConstraints().getVarPrefixConstraints().entrySet()) { restrictions.stateUriPrefixes(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } for(Entry<Node, Expr> entry : view.getBinding().entrySet()) { Var var = (Var)entry.getKey(); ExprFunction termCtor = (ExprFunction)entry.getValue(); /* if(!(expr instanceof RdfTerm)) { throw new RuntimeException("RdfTerm expected"); }* / // TODO We assume RdfTerm here for now, but should check Expr expr = termCtor.getArgs().get(1); if(expr instanceof E_StrConcat || expr instanceof E_StrConcatPermissive) { StartsWithConstraint constraint = deriveConstraintConcat((ExprFunction)expr); restrictions.stateUriPrefixes(var, new PrefixSet(constraint.getPrefix())); //RdfTerm<Constraint> constraint = new RdfTerm<Constraint>(null, new StartsWithConstraint(prefix), null, null); //view.getConstraints().add(var, constraint); } } } */ public static RdfTermType getType(Node node, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { if(node.isVariable()) { RestrictionImpl r = restrictions.getRestriction((Var)node); if(r != null) { return r.getType(); } } else if(node.isURI()) { return RdfTermType.URI; } else if(node.isLiteral()) { return RdfTermType.LITERAL; } return RdfTermType.UNKNOWN; } private void index(SparqlView view) { if(view.getName().equals("lgd_node_tags_string")) { System.out.println("Debug"); } RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions = new RestrictionManagerImpl(); view.setRestrictions(restrictions); deriveRestrictions(view); //derivePrefixConstraints(view); // Index the pattern constraints /* Map<Var, PrefixSet> prefixConstraints = view.getConstraints().getVarPrefixConstraints(); for(Entry<Var, PrefixSet> entry : prefixConstraints.entrySet()) { restrictions.stateUriPrefixes(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } Map<Var, Type> typeConstraints = deriveTypeConstraints(view); for(Entry<Var, Type> entry : typeConstraints.entrySet()) { restrictions.stateType(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } */ for(Quad quad : view.getQuadPattern()) { List<Collection<?>> collections = new ArrayList<Collection<?>>(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Node node = QuadUtils.getNode(quad, i); if(i == 3) { RdfTermType type = getType(node, restrictions); switch(type) { case URI: collections.add(Collections.singleton(1)); break; case LITERAL: collections.add(Collections.singleton(2)); break; default: // Either URI or literal collections.add(Arrays.asList(1, 2)); break; } } if(node.isVariable()) { PrefixSet p = null; // TODO prefixConstraints.get(node); if(p != null) { collections.add(p.getSet()); } else { collections.add(Collections.singleton("")); } } else if (node.isURI()) { collections.add(Collections.singleton(node.getURI())); /* } else if(node.isLiteral()) { collections.add(Collections.singleton(node.getLiteralLexicalForm())); */ } else { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } } ViewQuad viewQuad = new ViewQuad(view, quad); CartesianProduct<Object> cartesian = new CartesianProduct<Object>(collections); for(List<Object> item : cartesian) { List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(item); row.add(viewQuad); table.add(row); } } /* List<ExprList> clauses = DnfUtils.toClauses(view.getFilter()); System.out.println("DNF = " + clauses); Set<Set<Expr>> dnf = FilterUtils.toSets(clauses); for(Quad quad : view.getQuadPattern()) { Set<Set<Expr>> filter = FilterUtils.determineFilterDnf(quad, dnf); Map<Var, ValueSet<NodeValue>> constraints = FilterUtils.extractValueConstraintsDnf(filter); System.out.println("For quad " + quad + " got expr " + filter); System.out.println("Value const = " + constraints); //graphs.add(new FilteredGraph(quad, filter)); }*/ } public Op getApplicableViews(Query query) { Op op = Algebra.compile(query); op = Algebra.toQuadForm(op); op = ReplaceConstants.replace(op); //op = FilterPlacementOptimizer.optimize(op); // Add a projection if the query contains a result star // in order to filter out auto-generated variables if(query.isSelectType() && query.isQueryResultStar()) { List<Var> vars = query.getProjectVars(); op = new OpProject(op, vars); } System.out.println("Quad form:" + op); //Set<OpSparqlViewPattern> result = getApplicableViews(op); //Set<OpSparqlViewPattern> result = getApplicableViews(op); //TransformFilterPlacement transformer = new TransformFilterPlacement(); //op.(transformer); //op = Algebra.optimize(op); Op augmented = _getApplicableViews(op); //Op optimizedFilters = FilterPlacementOptimizer2.optimize(augmented); //System.out.println(optimizedFilters); Op result = augmented; //Op result = optimizedFilters; System.out.println(result); return result; //return getApp } /** * If a variable equals a (uri or string) constant, it means that the view must provide * a prefix for that value. * * @param a * @param b * @return */ public static VariableConstraint deriveIsPrefixOfConstraint(Expr a, Expr b) { if(!(a.isVariable() && b.isConstant())) { return null; } Object value = NodeValueUtils.getValue(b.getConstant()); return new VariableConstraint(a.getVarName(), new IsPrefixOfConstraint(value.toString())); } /** * Returns IsPrefixOf Constraints for equality expressions between variables and constants. * * Used for looking up view candidates. * Not used for satisfiability checks. * * * @param expr * @return */ public static VariableConstraint deriveViewLookupConstraint(Expr expr) { if(expr instanceof E_Equals) { E_Equals e = (E_Equals)expr; VariableConstraint c = deriveIsPrefixOfConstraint(e.getArg1(), e.getArg2()); if(c == null) { c = deriveIsPrefixOfConstraint(e.getArg2(), e.getArg1()); } return c; } else { return null; } } /** * Order the quads of the quadPattern by selectivity. * * Iterate the quads in order, and for each quad, do a lookup of the * views that may yield answers to it. * So for each quad we get a set of candidate bindings to the views. * * Binding is a mapping from query-var to a set of view variables/constant * The view varibale may have constraints on it, which carry over to the query variable. * * So given * Create View x ... * {?x a Class . } * With ?x.value prefix "foo" * * a query Select {?s ?p ?o } * and a binding(?s = ?x), * then we can infer the constraint on ?x.value prefix "foo" * * So if there is a second pattern * { ?x a Class. ?x label ?z } * * Then we can use this constraint on the lookup at the second pattern. * * Note that the selectivity of query quad pattern change with the bindings, * so we should be able to quickly update the selectivity of the quads in the presence of bindings. * * Another note: Maybe we could treat constants as specially delimited prefixes, * such as 'aaaa' = prefix * 'aaaaa$' = constant */ public List<SparqlViewConjunction> getApplicableViewsBase(OpQuadPattern op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { List<SparqlViewConjunction> result = new ArrayList<SparqlViewConjunction>(); QuadPattern queryQuads = op.getPattern(); //PatternUtils.collectQuads(op); //RestrictionManager restrictions = new RestrictionManager(exprs); Pair<NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Quad>>, Map<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>>> candidates = findQuadWithFewestViewCandidates(queryQuads, restrictions); NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Quad>> nToQuads = candidates.getKey(); Map<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>> quadToCandidates = candidates.getValue(); List<Quad> order = new ArrayList<Quad>(); for(Set<Quad> quads : nToQuads.values()) { order.addAll(quads); } System.out.println("Order:\n" + Joiner.on("\n").join(order)); Set<ViewQuad> viewQuads = quadToCandidates.get(order.get(0)); getApplicableViewsRec2(0, order, viewQuads, quadToCandidates, restrictions, null, result); return result; } private static final String[] columnNames = new String[]{"g_prefix", "s_prefix", "p_prefix", "o_prefix"}; public Set<ViewQuad> findCandidates(Quad quad, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { //Multimap<Quad, ViewQuad> quadToView = HashMultimap.create(); Set<Map<String, Constraint>> constraints = new HashSet<Map<String, Constraint>>(); Set<Var> quadVars = QuadUtils.getVarsMentioned(quad); Set<Clause> dnf = restrictions.getEffectiveDnf(quadVars); // TODO Get clauses by var RestrictionImpl[] termRestriction = new RestrictionImpl[4]; for(Clause clause : dnf) { Map<String, Constraint> columnConstraints = new HashMap<String, Constraint>(); // Prefix constraints for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Node n = QuadUtils.getNode(quad, i); if(!(n instanceof Var)) { System.out.println("debug"); } Var var = (Var)QuadUtils.getNode(quad, i); RestrictionImpl r = clause.getRestriction(var); termRestriction[i] = r; if(r == null) { continue; } if(r.getType().equals(RdfTermType.URI) && r.hasConstant()) { String columnName = columnNames[i]; columnConstraints.put(columnName, new IsPrefixOfConstraint(r.getNode().getURI())); } } // Object type constraint RestrictionImpl r = termRestriction[3]; if(r != null) { switch(r.getType()) { case URI: columnConstraints.put("o_type", new EqualsConstraint(1)); break; case LITERAL: columnConstraints.put("o_type", new EqualsConstraint(2)); break; } } // TODO Remove subsumed constraints constraints.add(columnConstraints); } if(constraints.isEmpty()) { // Add a dummy element to look up all views in the subsequent loop constraints.add(new HashMap<String, Constraint>()); } Set<ViewQuad> viewQuads = new HashSet<ViewQuad>(); for(Map<String, Constraint> columnConstraints : constraints) { Collection<List<Object>> rows =; /* System.out.println("BEGIN"); System.out.println("Constraints: " + columnConstraints); TableImpl.printTable(rows, System.out); System.out.println("END"); */ for(List<Object> row : rows) { // The view is the last element of the list ViewQuad viewQuad = (ViewQuad)row.get(row.size() - 1); viewQuads.add(viewQuad); } } return viewQuads; } public Pair<NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Quad>>, Map<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>>> findQuadWithFewestViewCandidates(QuadPattern queryQuads, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { //Map<Integer, Map<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>>> quadToView = new TreeMap<Integer, Map<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>>>(); NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Quad>> nToQuads = new TreeMap<Integer, Set<Quad>>(); Map<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>> quadToCandidates = new HashMap<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>>(); for(Quad quad : queryQuads) { if(quadToCandidates.containsKey(quad)) { continue; } Set<ViewQuad> viewQuads = findCandidates(quad, restrictions); int n = viewQuads.size(); Set<Quad> nQuads = nToQuads.get(n); if(nQuads == null) { nQuads = new HashSet<Quad>(); nToQuads.put(n, nQuads); } nQuads.add(quad); quadToCandidates.put(quad, viewQuads); } return Pair.create(nToQuads, quadToCandidates); } public static List<String> getCandidateNames(NestedStack<SparqlViewInstance> instances) { List<String> viewNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if(instances != null) { for(SparqlViewInstance instance : instances.asList()) { viewNames.add(instance.getParent().getName()); } } return viewNames; } /** * * @param index * @param quadOrder * @param viewQuads The viewQuads provided by the parent invocation - with any restrictions encountered during the rewrite taken into account * @param candidates The viewQuads here are the ones from only analyzing the query filter * In some cases (small candidate sets) it might be faster filtering this set of view candidates, rather than doing a new lookup. * @param restrictions * @param result */ public void getApplicableViewsRec2(int index, List<Quad> quadOrder, Set<ViewQuad> viewQuads, Map<Quad, Set<ViewQuad>> candidates, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions, NestedStack<SparqlViewInstance> instances, List<SparqlViewConjunction> result) { List<String> debug = Arrays.asList("view_nodes", "node_tags_resource_kv"); // "view_lgd_relation_specific_resources"); List<String> viewNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if(instances != null) { for(SparqlViewInstance instance : instances.asList()) { viewNames.add(instance.getParent().getName()); } } if(index >= quadOrder.size()) { // We expect at least one quad - Bail out of the recursion happens at the end throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } int nextIndex = index + 1; boolean isRecursionEnd = nextIndex == quadOrder.size(); Quad queryQuad = quadOrder.get(index); /* System.out.println(index + " " + queryQuad); for(ViewQuad viewQuad : viewQuads) { System.out.println("\t" + viewQuad); } System.out.println(""); */ //Set<ViewQuad> viewQuads = candidates.get(queryQuad); int subId = 0; for(ViewQuad viewQuad : viewQuads) { ++subId; String viewName = viewQuad.getView().getName(); if(viewName.equals("view_nodes")) { System.out.println("debug"); } if(viewNames.containsAll(debug) && viewName.equals("view_lgd_relation_specific_resources")) { System.out.println("debug"); } if(viewName.equals("view_lgd_relation_specific_resources")) { System.out.println("debug"); } RestrictionManagerImpl subRestrictions = new RestrictionManagerImpl(restrictions); RestrictionManagerImpl viewRestrictions = viewQuad.getView().getRestrictions(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Var queryVar = (Var)QuadUtils.getNode(queryQuad, i); Node viewNode = QuadUtils.getNode(viewQuad.getQuad(), i); if(viewNode.isVariable()) { Var viewVar = (Var)viewNode; RestrictionImpl viewRs = viewRestrictions.getRestriction(viewVar); if(viewRs != null) { subRestrictions.stateRestriction(queryVar, viewRs); } if(subRestrictions.isUnsatisfiable()) { break; } //subRestrictions.stateEqual(queryVar, viewVar); if(subRestrictions.isUnsatisfiable()) { break; } } else { subRestrictions.stateNode(queryVar, viewNode); } if(subRestrictions.isUnsatisfiable()) { break; } } if(subRestrictions.isUnsatisfiable()) { continue; } // TODO The restriction manager supersedes the two way binding // But changing that is a bit of work TwoWayBinding binding = TwoWayBinding.getVarMappingTwoWay(queryQuad, viewQuad.getQuad()); // Try to join this instance with the candidates of the other quads int instanceId = index; // TODO Use a View factory SparqlViewInstance instance = new SparqlViewInstance(queryQuad, viewQuad.getQuad(), instanceId, subId, viewQuad.getView(), binding); // Try adding the restrictions of the view to the subRestriction // TODO: Use the restrictions of the view, rather than using "the inferred defining exprs" /* RestrictionManager viewRestrictions = instance.getParent().getRestrictions(); isUnsatisfiable = false; Set<Var> queryQuadVars = QuadUtils.getVarsMentioned(queryQuad); for(Var queryQuadVar : queryQuadVars) { Restriction viewR = viewRestrictions.getRestriction(queryQuadVar); if(viewR != null) { subRestrictions.stateRestriction(queryQuadVar, viewR); } isUnsatisfiable = subRestrictions.isUnsatisfiable(); if(isUnsatisfiable) { break; } /* Collection<Expr> es = instance.getInferredDefiningExprs(queryQuadVar); for(Expr expr : es) { VariableConstraint vc = deriveViewLookupConstraint(expr); if(vc != null) { System.out.println(vc); } // Check if this constraint has an impact on the satisfiability isUnsatisfiable = subRestriction.getSatisfiability() == Boolean.FALSE; if(isUnsatisfiable) { break; } } * / if(isUnsatisfiable) { break; } } if(isUnsatisfiable) { continue; } */ NestedStack<SparqlViewInstance> nextInstances = new NestedStack<SparqlViewInstance>(instances, instance); if(isRecursionEnd) { System.out.println("got: " + getCandidateNames(nextInstances)); /* TwoWayBinding completeBinding = new TwoWayBinding(); List<SparqlViewInstance> list = instances.asList(); for(SparqlViewInstance item : list) { completeBinding.addAll(item.getBinding()); }*/ SparqlViewConjunction viewConjunction = new SparqlViewConjunction(nextInstances.asList(), subRestrictions); result.add(viewConjunction); // We have reached the end! // Yield another view conjunction continue; } else { Quad nextQuad = quadOrder.get(nextIndex); // With the new restriction do a lookup for the next quad Set<ViewQuad> nextCandidates = findCandidates(nextQuad, subRestrictions); getApplicableViewsRec2(nextIndex, quadOrder, nextCandidates, candidates, subRestrictions, nextInstances, result); } } } // A thing I noticed: Actually I don't want to pick the most selective quad (the one with the most filters/least view candidates), // but those quads that most likely cause unsatisfiabilities. // Hm, but actually: If I pick those quads with the least view candidates first, then I will quickly // Get to those quads causing contradictions public Op getApplicableViews(OpQuadPattern op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { throw new RuntimeException("Dont use this class anymore"); /* List<SparqlViewConjunction> conjunctions = getApplicableViewsBase(op, restrictions); OpDisjunction result = OpDisjunction.create(); for(SparqlViewConjunction item : conjunctions) { Op tmp = new OpSparqlViewPattern(item); result.add(tmp); } return result; */ //return null; //return new OpRdfUnionViewPattern(conjunctions); } public static boolean isSatisfiable(List<SparqlViewInstance> list) { TwoWayBinding completeBinding = new TwoWayBinding(); boolean isOk = true; for(SparqlViewInstance item : list) { if(!completeBinding.isCompatible(item.getBinding())) { isOk = false; break; } completeBinding.addAll(item.getBinding()); } return isOk; } /** * Given a sparql query in quad form, this method replaces * (sub sets of) quad patterns with view instances (view patterns) * * The method also passes the filter conditions that an op must * satisfy. * * @param op * @return */ public Op _getApplicableViews(Op op) { return _getApplicableViews(op, new RestrictionManagerImpl()); } public Op _getApplicableViews(Op op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { return MultiMethod.invoke(this, "getApplicableViews", op, restrictions); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpProject op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { return new OpProject(_getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), restrictions), op.getVars()); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpOrder op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { return new OpOrder(_getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), restrictions), op.getConditions()); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpGroup op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { return new OpGroup(_getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), restrictions), op.getGroupVars(), op.getAggregators()); } // We treat OpExtend as a filter for now // TODO Huh??? Is op extend simply a projection???? /* public Op getApplicableViews(OpExtend op, RestrictionManager _restrictions) { RestrictionManager restrictions = new RestrictionManager(_restrictions); for(Var var : op.getVarExprList().getVars()) { Expr expr = op.getVarExprList().getExpr(var); Expr item = new E_Equals(new ExprVar(var), expr); restrictions.stateExpr(item); } //return _getApplicableViews(OpFilterIndexed.filter(restrictions, op.getSubOp()), restrictions); return OpFilterIndexed.filter(restrictions, _getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), restrictions)); } */ public Op getApplicableViews(OpExtend op, RestrictionManagerImpl _restrictions) { return OpExtend.extend(_getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp()), op.getVarExprList()); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpFilter op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { /* RestrictionManager subRestrictions = new RestrictionManager(restrictions); for(Expr expr : op.getExprs()) { subRestrictions.stateExpr(expr); } return OpFilter.filter(op.getExprs(), _getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), subRestrictions)); */ RestrictionManagerImpl subRestrictions = new RestrictionManagerImpl(restrictions); for(Expr expr : op.getExprs()) { subRestrictions.stateExpr(expr); } return OpFilterIndexed.filter(subRestrictions, _getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), subRestrictions)); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpUnion op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { //ExprList subExprsLeft = new ExprList(exprs); //ExprList subExprsRight = new ExprList(exprs); RestrictionManagerImpl subRestrictionsLeft = new RestrictionManagerImpl(restrictions); RestrictionManagerImpl subRestrictionsRight = new RestrictionManagerImpl(restrictions); //return new OpDisjunction. return OpDisjunction.create(_getApplicableViews(op.getLeft(), subRestrictionsLeft), _getApplicableViews(op.getRight(), subRestrictionsRight)); //return new OpUnion(getApplicableViews(op.getLeft(), subExprsLeft), getApplicableViews(op.getRight(), subExprsRight)); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpJoin op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { return OpJoin.create(_getApplicableViews(op.getLeft(), restrictions), _getApplicableViews(op.getRight(), restrictions)); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpLeftJoin op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { Op left = _getApplicableViews(op.getLeft(), restrictions); //List<RestrictionManager> moreRestrictions = getRestrictions(left); RestrictionManagerImpl subRestrictions = new RestrictionManagerImpl(restrictions); RestrictionManagerImpl moreRestrictions = getRestrictions2(left); if(moreRestrictions != null) { subRestrictions.stateRestriction(moreRestrictions); } if(op.getExprs() != null) { for(Expr expr : op.getExprs()) { subRestrictions.stateExpr(expr); } } //RestrictionManager union = RestrictionManager.createUnion(moreRestrictions); //System.out.println(union); Op right = _getApplicableViews(op.getRight(), subRestrictions); return OpLeftJoin.create(left, right, new ExprList()); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpSlice op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { return new OpSlice(_getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), restrictions), op.getStart(), op.getLength()); } public Op getApplicableViews(OpDistinct op, RestrictionManagerImpl restrictions) { return new OpDistinct(_getApplicableViews(op.getSubOp(), restrictions)); } public static RestrictionManagerImpl getRestrictions2(Op op) { if(op instanceof OpFilterIndexed) { return ((OpFilterIndexed) op).getRestrictions(); } else if(op instanceof Op1) { return getRestrictions2(((Op1) op).getSubOp()); } else if(op instanceof OpJoin) { throw new RuntimeException("TODO Merge the restrictions of both sides of the join"); } else if(op instanceof OpLeftJoin) { return getRestrictions2(((OpLeftJoin) op).getLeft()); } else if(op instanceof OpDisjunction) { return null; // TODO We could factor out restrictions common to all elements /*} else if(op instanceof OpSparqlViewPattern) { return null; */ } else { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } } public static List<RestrictionManagerImpl> getRestrictions(Op op) { List<RestrictionManagerImpl> result = new ArrayList<RestrictionManagerImpl>(); getRestrictions(op, result); return result; } /** * * Returns a disjunction (list) of restrictions that apply for a given node */ public static void getRestrictions(Op op, Collection<RestrictionManagerImpl> result) { if(op instanceof Op1) { getRestrictions(((Op1) op).getSubOp(), result); } else if(op instanceof OpJoin) { throw new RuntimeException("TODO Merge the restrictions of both sides of the join"); } else if(op instanceof OpLeftJoin) { getRestrictions(((OpLeftJoin) op).getLeft(), result); } else if(op instanceof OpDisjunction) { OpDisjunction o = (OpDisjunction)op; for(Op subOp : o.getElements()) { getRestrictions(subOp, result); } } else if(op instanceof OpSparqlViewPattern) { OpSparqlViewPattern o = (OpSparqlViewPattern)op; result.add(o.getConjunction().getRestrictions()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } } /* public static void main(String[] args) { Query query = QueryFactory.create("Select Distinct ?s {?s ?p ?o }"); Op op = Algebra.compile(query); op = Algebra.toQuadForm(op); System.out.println(op); }*/ /* public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { File configFile = new File("examples/LinkedGeoData - PrefixTest.sparqlify"); ConfigParser parser = new ConfigParser(); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(configFile); Config config; try { config = parser.parse(in); } finally { in.close(); } SparqlViewSystem2 system = new SparqlViewSystem2(); ConfiguratorSparqlViewSystem.configure(config, system); Query query = QueryFactory.create("Select * { ?s a <> . ?s ?p ?o . Filter(?o = <http://o1> || ?o = <http://o2>) .}"); system.getApplicableViews(query); }*/ @Override public Collection<SparqlView> getViews() { return views; } /** * About my index: * Actually i'd like an index that can provide multiple "access-paths": * So for each column, a set of different indexes can be used: * * For instance, I could index by column "o" using a prefix index or a tree set index (supports ordering) * * Basically, my idea of indexing is having a map<K, Object>, whereas different map implementations * support efficiently answering different constraints (?a greater constant, ?a startsWith, etc...) * * MultiIndex idx = new MultiIndex(); * SubIndex sub = idx.addTreeMap("columnName") * sub.add * * * sub.add("columnName", * * */ }