package org.aksw.combinatorics.solvers; import java.util.Collection; import; import org.aksw.isomorphism.CostAware; /** * A problem is an abstract entity that supports generation of (partial) solutions together with an estimated cost of doing so. * The cost should thereby be proportional to the number of solutions returned, because: * the more solution candidates there are, the more work has to be performed to check them all. * * Usually, a problem is backed by an equivalence class of items, * which are the basis for generating solutions. * Note, that the framework does not care about the nature of the items and solutions. * * @author Claus Stadler * * @param <S> The solution type */ public interface GenericProblem<S, P extends GenericProblem<S, P>> extends Comparable<GenericProblem<S, P>>, CostAware { /** * Report an estimate cost for solving the problem with its current setup. * Note, that the cost computation should be cheap. * @return */ //long getEstimatedCost(); /** * Return a stream of solution *contributions* * Contribution means, that it should not be necessary to repeat e.g. solution data injected via refine. *# * Note: if generate solutions should operate on a partial solution, use refine first * * @return */ Stream<S> generateSolutions(); /** * Refine the problem by a partial solution * * @param partialSolution * @return */ Collection<? extends P> refine(S partialSolution); boolean isEmpty(); /** * By default, compares the estimated costs */ @Override default int compareTo(GenericProblem<S, P> o) { int result; if(o == null) { result = 1; // Sort nulls first } else { long a = this.getEstimatedCost(); long b = o.getEstimatedCost(); result =, b); } return result; } }