package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper;
import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.FunctionLabel;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue;
* Problem:
* Create V1 { ?s label ?o2 . } ?s = Uri(id); ?o1 = Uri(uri); Select id,
* concat("abc", u) as uri From tab1;
* Create V2 { ?s label ?o2 . } ?s = Uri(id); ?o2 = PlainLiteral(name); Select
* id, name From tab2;
* Select { ?x label ?y }
* The problem is, that ?y is mapped to both o1 and o2. However, the layout
* differs (o1 is a Uri, o2 is a Plain Literal).
* Resultset formats:
* a) A separate column for each possible part of an RDF variable. s_type
* s_value, o_type, o_value, o_lang, o_datatype, ...
* b) A column indicating the source view (bit-pattern)
* c) Each variable may be created from multiple columns ?s
* Select view_1_id, view_5_id ...
* d)
* Create View Products { ?s a Product . ?s rdfs:label ?name . ?s x:code ?code .
* } With ?s = Uri(Concat("http://", ?id)) ?name = ?code = Select id, name, code
* From product;
public class SparqlifyConstants {
public static final FunctionLabel vectorLabel = new FunctionLabel("vector");
public static final String blankNodeLabel = "";
public static final String uriLabel = "";
public static final String rdfTermLabel = "";
public static final String plainLiteralLabel = "";
public static final String typedLiteralLabel = "";
public static final String urlDecode = "";
public static final String urlEncode = "";
public static final String rightPadLabel = "";
public static final String numericTypeLabel = "";
public static final NodeValue nvTypeError = NodeValue.makeNode(NodeFactory.createLiteral("type-error", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(""))); //NodeValue.makeNode(Node.createAnon(new AnonId("node value type error"))) ;