package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.restriction; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.exprs_ext.E_StrConcatPermissive; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.normal_form.Clause; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.normal_form.NestedNormalForm; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.CnfUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.PrefixSet; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views.RdfTermType; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingHashMap; import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingMap; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Equals; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LogicalNot; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_StrConcat; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprFunction; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprList; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue; import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.ExprUtils; /** * This class combines two concepts: * - <i>Construction of expressions</i> * - <i>Binding variables</i> to values (thus constraining the set of possible values for variables) * * Furthermore, we can distinguish between bindings inferred from expressions, * such as (?p = rdf:type) -> (?p -> rdf:type) * * and bindings stated by the user * * A monotone container for assigning constraints to expressions. * A constraint that has been added cannot be removed anymore. * * WARNING: While working on an instance having the parent set, * do not modify any of the parents in the chain. Otherwise * results can be unexpected. * * * * Note adding constraints to variables is logically equivalent * to extending the encapsulated filter expression with * [...] AND (constraint). e.g. [?a = foo] AND (?a prefix bar) * * Therfore, if a constraint is inconsistent (FALSE), then the * whole expression is inconsistent. * * Furthermore, it is possible to state expressions, such as * ?a = concat('foo', bar). * In this case, constraints for the variable will be derived * from the expression. * * TODO Now that i realize: actually we first derive a description * (startsWith), and depending on the context we derive a constraint. * * However, a description is always a constraint (for what it describes and vice versa) * so there is no point in separating the concepts in the class hierarchy, * but on the instance level (so when using these constraints). * * TODO Actually we can delay checking of filter expressions * * * @author Claus Stadler <> * */ public class RestrictionManagerImpl implements RestrictionManager { private RestrictionManagerImpl parent; //private IndirectEquiMap<Var, Restriction> restrictions = new IndirectEquiMap<Var, Restriction>(); private HashMap<Var, RestrictionImpl> restrictions = new HashMap<Var, RestrictionImpl>(); private NestedNormalForm cnf; // TODO I want to get rid of this ExprIndex instance // I rather want to have a set of dnfs managed here // The question is how to combine that with the parent lookup (can we avoid copying everything?) // Hm, is it sufficient to cache unsatisfiable clauses? // So I never copy the DNF, but I keep track of the clauses which can be ignored //private Set<Clause> unsatisfiableClauses = new HashSet<Clause>(); /* public Iterator<Clause> getEffectiveClauses() { }*/ //private ExprIndex expr; // Mapping of constraints derived from the expressions in expr private Map<Expr, RestrictionImpl> exprToRestriction = new HashMap<Expr, RestrictionImpl>(); // Mapping of variables to constants - derived from the restrictions private Map<Var, Node> binding = new HashMap<Var, Node>(); private BindingMap bindingMap = new BindingHashMap(); // Without any constraints, we assume a tautology private Boolean satisfiability = Boolean.TRUE; public RestrictionManagerImpl() { this.cnf = new NestedNormalForm(null, false); //Set<Expr> emptyExprSet = Collections.emptySet(); //this.cnf.add(new Clause(emptyExprSet)); this.satisfiability = Boolean.TRUE; } public RestrictionManagerImpl(RestrictionManagerImpl parent) { this.parent = parent; this.cnf = new NestedNormalForm(parent.getCnf(), true); } public RestrictionManagerImpl(NestedNormalForm cnf) { this.cnf = cnf; deriveRestrictions(cnf); } public NestedNormalForm getCnf() { return cnf; } public Boolean getSatisfiability() { return satisfiability; } public static RestrictionImpl deriveRestriction(Expr expr) { if(expr instanceof E_StrConcat || expr instanceof E_StrConcatPermissive) { return deriveRestriction(expr); } else if(expr.isConstant()) { RestrictionImpl result = new RestrictionImpl(); result.stateNode(expr.getConstant().asNode()); return result; } return null; } public static RestrictionImpl deriveRestriction(E_StrConcat expr) { return deriveRestrictionConcat(expr); } public static RestrictionImpl deriveRestriction(E_StrConcatPermissive expr) { return deriveRestrictionConcat(expr); } public static RestrictionImpl deriveRestrictionConcat(ExprFunction concat) { // TODO If all arguments are constant, we could infer a constant constraint String prefix = ""; for(Expr arg : concat.getArgs()) { if(arg.isConstant()) { prefix += arg.getConstant().asUnquotedString(); } else { break; } } RestrictionImpl result = new RestrictionImpl(); result.stateUriPrefixes(new PrefixSet(prefix)); return result; }; // Actually we could have a global cache here - exprs have an identity, so we // will always derive the same constraint - so thats a nice property I should exploit! public void deriveRestrictions(Set<Clause> cnf) { for(Clause clause : cnf) { if(clause.getExprs().size() == 1) { for(Entry<Var, RestrictionImpl> entry : clause.getRestrictions().entrySet()) { stateRestriction(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } //deriveRestriction(clause.getExprs().iterator().next()); } } } //private EquiMap<Var, PrefixSet> varToUriPrefixes = new EquiMap<Var, PrefixSet>(); /* private IBiSetMultimap<Var, Var> equivalences = new BiHashMultimap<Var, Var>(); private Map<Var, Node> varToNode = new HashMap<Var, Node>(); //private Multimap<Var, Constraint> varToConstraint = HashMultimap.create(); private Map<Var, PrefixSet> varToUriPrefixes = new HashMap<Var, PrefixSet>(); */ public boolean stateRestriction(Var var, RestrictionImpl restriction) { RestrictionImpl r = getOrCreateLocalRestriction(var); if(r.stateRestriction(restriction)) { if(r.isUnsatisfiable()) { satisfiability = Boolean.FALSE; } else { check(var); } return true; } return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#check(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var) */ /* public void check(Var var) { Collection<Var> vars = restrictions.getEquivalences(var); check(vars); }*/ /* public Set<Clause> getClausesForVar(Var var) { Set<Clause> result = new HashSet<Clause>(); Set<Clause> tmp = cnf.getClausesByVar(var); if(tmp != null) { result.addAll(tmp); } return result; }*/ public Set<Clause> getClausesForVar(Var var) { return getClausesForVars(Collections.singleton(var)); } /** * Returns all clauses having any of the given variables * * @param vars * @return */ public Set<Clause> getClausesForVars(Collection<Var> vars) { Set<Clause> result = new HashSet<Clause>(); for(Var var : vars) { Set<Clause> tmp = cnf.getClausesByVar(var); if(tmp != null) { result.addAll(tmp); } } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#check(java.util.Collection) */ public void check(Var var) { Set<Clause> clauses = cnf.getClausesByVar(var); if(clauses != null) { checkClauses(clauses); } } public void checkClauses(Collection<Clause> clauses) { for(Clause clause : clauses) { check(clause); if(satisfiability == Boolean.FALSE) { return; } } } public void check(Clause clause) { // Hm, the cnf is nested for each restriction manager, but the clauses are not nested // Ok, so if I change a clause, I create a new one // The old one gets removed from the cnf, the new one gets added // The question is, do I want nesting withing clauses? Naaah, guess not //Clause modify = null; for(Expr expr : clause.getExprs()) { Boolean satisfiability = determineSatisfiability(expr); if(satisfiability == null || satisfiability == Boolean.TRUE) { return; } } this.satisfiability = Boolean.FALSE; } /* public void check(Clause clause) { // Hm, the cnf is nested for each restriction manager, but the clauses are not nested // Ok, so if I change a clause, I create a new one // The old one gets removed from the cnf, the new one gets added // The question is, do I want nesting withing clauses? Naaah, guess not //Clause modify = null; Set<Expr> modify = new HashSet<Expr>(); Boolean isClauseSat = true; for(Expr expr : clause.getExprs()) { Boolean satisfiability = determineSatisfiability(expr); if(satisfiability == null) { modify.add(expr); } else if(satisfiability == true) { continue; } else { // satisfiability == false isClauseSat = false; break; } } // If one of the clauses is not satisfiable, the whole cnf is'nt if(!isClauseSat) { this.satisfiability = Boolean.FALSE; return; } // TODO We could make nested clauses if(modify != null) { cnf.remove(clause); cnf.add(new Clause(modify)); } } */ /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#isUnsatisfiable(org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr) */ @Override public Boolean determineSatisfiability(Expr expr) { /* BindingMap bindingMap = new BindingMap(); for(Entry<Var, Node> entry : binding.entrySet()) { bindingMap.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); }*/ if(binding.keySet().containsAll(expr.getVarsMentioned())) { try { NodeValue value = ExprUtils.eval(expr, bindingMap); return value.getBoolean(); } catch(Exception e) { // Evaluation of the expression failed despite all variables were bound // Satisfiability unknown System.err.println(e); return null; } } else if(expr instanceof E_LogicalNot) { Boolean tmp = determineSatisfiability(((E_LogicalNot)expr).getArg()); return tmp == null ? null : !tmp; } else if(expr instanceof E_Equals) { E_Equals e = (E_Equals)expr; RestrictionImpl a = getRestriction(e.getArg1()); RestrictionImpl b = getRestriction(e.getArg2()); return determineSatisfiabilityEquals(a, b); } else { return null; } } public void collectRestrictions(Map<Var, RestrictionImpl> result) { if(parent != null) { parent.collectRestrictions(result); } result.putAll(this.restrictions); } public Map<Var, RestrictionImpl> getRestrictions() { Map<Var, RestrictionImpl> result = new HashMap<Var, RestrictionImpl>(); collectRestrictions(result); return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#getRestriction(org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr) */ @Override public RestrictionImpl getRestriction(Expr expr) { if(expr.isVariable()) { return restrictions.get(expr.asVar()); } else { return exprToRestriction.get(expr); } } /** * * Supported Constraints: Constant, StartsWith1 * * @param r * @param c */ public static Boolean determineSatisfiabilityEquals(RestrictionImpl a, RestrictionImpl b) { if(a == null || b == null) { return null; } RestrictionImpl tmp = new RestrictionImpl(a); tmp.stateRestriction(b); if(!tmp.isConsistent()) { return false; } else { return null; } } /* public boolean isEqual(Var a, Var b) { boolean e = restrictions.isEqual(a, b); if(e) { return true; } else { return (parent != null) ? parent.isEqual(a, b) : false; } } public Collection<Var> getEquivalences(Var a) { Collection<Var> result = restrictions.getEquivalences(a); if(result.isEmpty() && parent != null) { return parent.getEquivalences(a); } return result; }*/ /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#stateEqual(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var, org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var) */ /* @Override public void stateEqual(Var a, Var b) { boolean didCopy = false; if(restrictions.isEqual(a, b)) { return; } else { if(parent != null && parent.isEqual(a, b)) { return; } else { // Copy the equivalences from the parent Collection<Var> ae = getEquivalences(a); Restriction ar = getRestriction(a); Collection<Var> be = getEquivalences(b); Restriction br = getRestriction(b); // TODO We copy the equivalences in order to avoid ConcurrentModificationException restrictions.stateEqual(new HashSet<Var>(ae), ar); restrictions.stateEqual(new HashSet<Var>(be), br); didCopy = true; } } Pair<Restriction, Restriction> conflict = restrictions.stateEqual(a, b); //Restriction r; if(conflict != null) { Restriction r = conflict.getKey(); if(didCopy) { r = r.clone(); } r.stateRestriction(conflict.getValue()); restrictions.stateEqual(a, b, r); } /* else { r = restrictions.get(a); }* / // Recheck clauses with variable a (which is now equal to b) check(a); } */ /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#getRestriction(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var) */ @Override public RestrictionImpl getRestriction(Var a) { RestrictionImpl result = restrictions.get(a); if(result == null && parent != null) { return parent.getRestriction(a); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#getOrCreateRestriction(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var) */ @Override public RestrictionImpl getOrCreateLocalRestriction(Var a) { RestrictionImpl result = restrictions.get(a); if(result == null && parent != null) { RestrictionImpl toCopy = parent.getRestriction(a); if(toCopy != null) { result = toCopy.clone(); } } if(result == null) { result = new RestrictionImpl(); restrictions.put(a, result); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#stateType(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var, org.aksw.sparqlify.database.Type) */ @Override public void stateType(Var a, RdfTermType type) { RestrictionImpl r = getOrCreateLocalRestriction(a); if(r.stateType(type)) { if(r.isUnsatisfiable()) { this.satisfiability = false; } else { check(a); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#stateNode(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var, org.apache.jena.graph.Node) */ @Override public void stateNode(Var a, Node b) { RestrictionImpl r = getOrCreateLocalRestriction(a); if(r.stateNode(b)) { if(r.isConsistent() == false) { satisfiability = Boolean.FALSE; return; } check(a); if(!(satisfiability == Boolean.FALSE)) { binding.put(a, b); bindingMap.add(a, b); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#stateUri(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void stateUri(Var a, String uri) { stateNode(a, NodeFactory.createURI(uri)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#stateLiteral(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var, org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue) */ @Override public void stateLiteral(Var a, NodeValue b) { stateNode(a, b.asNode()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#stateLexicalValuePrefixes(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var, org.aksw.sparqlify.config.lang.PrefixSet) */ /* @Override public void stateLexicalValuePrefixes(Var a, PrefixSet prefixes) { RestrictionImpl r = getOrCreateLocalRestriction(a); if(r.stateUriPrefixes(prefixes)) { check(a); } } */ /** * States a new expression, which is treated as conjuncted with previous expressions. * * This means that the restrictions are monotone in regard to adding new expressions. * * Given (?a = b) && (?a = x || ?a = y) * * Note: We are only interested in 'global' restrictions, we are not dealing with alternate * varible assignments here (e.g. ?a = x OR ?a = y) * * * @param expr */ public void stateExpr(Expr expr) { Set<Set<Expr>> sets = CnfUtils.toSetCnf(expr); Set<Clause> clauses = new HashSet<Clause>(); for(Set<Expr> set : sets) { clauses.add(new Clause(set)); } NestedNormalForm newCnf = new NestedNormalForm(clauses); //NestedNormalForm newCnf = CnfUtils.toCnf(expr); stateCnf(newCnf); } public void stateCnf(NestedNormalForm newCnf) { deriveRestrictions(newCnf); if(satisfiability == Boolean.FALSE) { return; } /* if(cnf.contains(newCnf)) { for(Clause c : cnf) { if(c.equals(newCnf)) { System.out.println(c + " --- " + newCnf); } } }*/ cnf.addAll(newCnf); checkClauses(newCnf); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.aksw.sparqlify.database.IRestrictionManager#stateNonEqual(org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var, org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var) */ @Override public void stateNonEqual(Var a, Var b) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Map<Var, Node> getBindings() { Map<Var, Node> result = new HashMap<Var, Node>(); RestrictionManagerImpl current = this; while(current != null) { result.putAll(current.binding); current = current.parent; } return result; } public Set<Var> getVariables() { Set<Var> result = new HashSet<Var>(); RestrictionManagerImpl current = this; while(current != null) { result.addAll(current.restrictions.keySet()); current = current.parent; } return result; } // Adds all constraints of the rm to this one public boolean stateRestriction(RestrictionManagerImpl rm) { if(this.isUnsatisfiable()) { return false; } if(rm == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } Set<Var> vars = rm.getVariables(); for(Var var : vars) { RestrictionImpl r = rm.getRestriction(var); if(r != null) { this.stateRestriction(var, r); if(r.isUnsatisfiable()) { this.satisfiability = Boolean.FALSE; return true; } } } if(rm.isUnsatisfiable()) { this.satisfiability = Boolean.FALSE; return true; } this.stateCnf(rm.getCnf()); if(this.isUnsatisfiable()) { return true; } return true; } // TODO I need this method due to the lack of suppert for CNF lookups on tables right now // Also, it does not use nesting public Set<Clause> getEffectiveDnf(Collection<Var> vars) { List<Clause> clauses = new ArrayList<Clause>(getClausesForVars(vars)); // Order the clauses by number of expressions Collections.sort(clauses, new Comparator<Clause>() { @Override public int compare(Clause a, Clause b) { return a.size() - b.size(); } }); Set<Clause> result = new HashSet<Clause>(); getEffectiveDnf(0, clauses, null, result); return result; } public ExprList getExprs() { ExprList result = new ExprList(); for(Clause clause : this.getCnf()) { result.add(org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(clause.getExprs())); } return result; } /** * I use this method for getting constraints for finding view candidates * * * @param dnfs * @param index * @param dnfIndex * @param blacklist * @param depth * @param parentClause * @param result */ public void getEffectiveDnf(int index, List<Clause> cnfs, Clause parentClause, Set<Clause> result) { if(index >= cnfs.size()) { if(parentClause != null) { result.add(parentClause); } return; } Clause clause = cnfs.get(index); for(Expr expr : clause.getExprs()) { Set<Expr> exprs = new HashSet<Expr>(); if(parentClause != null) { exprs.addAll(parentClause.getExprs()); } exprs.add(expr); Clause merged = new Clause(exprs); getEffectiveDnf(index + 1, cnfs, merged, result); } } @Override public String toString() { if(satisfiability == Boolean.FALSE) { return "inconsistent"; } else { Map<Var, RestrictionImpl> varToRest = new HashMap<Var, RestrictionImpl>(); this.collectRestrictions(varToRest); return varToRest + " " + cnf.toString(); } } public void stateUriPrefixes(Var a, PrefixSet prefixes) { RestrictionImpl r = getOrCreateLocalRestriction(a); if(r.stateUriPrefixes(prefixes)) { if(!r.isConsistent()) { satisfiability = Boolean.FALSE; return; } check(a); } } public boolean isUnsatisfiable() { return satisfiability == Boolean.FALSE; } }