package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Algebra; import org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.Op; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Equals; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LogicalAnd; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LogicalNot; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_LogicalOr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_NotEquals; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprFunction; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprList; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue; import; //TODO There is already org.apache.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize.TransformFilterDisjunction public class DnfUtils { public static void main(String[] args) { //String sA = "Select * { ?s ?p ?o . Filter((?s || ?p) && ?o) . }"; //String sA = "Select * { ?s ?p ?o . Filter((?s || ?p) && !(?o || ?g)) . }"; String sA = "Select * { ?s ?p ?o . Filter(?o != <http://Person>). Optional { { ?x ?y ?z . Filter(?x != <http://x> && ?x = ?y) . } Union { ?x a ?y . Filter(?x = <http://x>) . } } . }"; //String sA = "Select * { ?s ?p ?o . Filter(!(?s = ?p || ?p = ?o && ?s = ?o || ?o = ?s)) . }"; //String sA = "Select * { ?s ?p ?o . Filter(!(?s = ?p || ?j = <http://x>)) . }"; Query qA = QueryFactory.create(sA); Op opA = Algebra.compile(qA); opA = Algebra.toQuadForm(opA); System.out.println(opA); // How to deal with union? variables appearing in them //System.out.println(opA.getClass()); ExprList exprs = FilterUtils.collectExprs(opA, new ExprList()); ExprList proc = eval(exprs); System.out.println(proc); List<ExprList> clauses = dnfToClauses(proc); System.out.println("Mentioned vars:" + proc.getVarsMentioned()); System.out.println("Clauses: " + clauses); } public static Expr toExpr(Iterable<? extends Iterable<Expr>> ors) { List<Expr> tmpOrs = new ArrayList<Expr>(); for(Iterable<Expr> ands : ors) { Expr and = ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(ands); tmpOrs.add(and); } if(Iterables.isEmpty(ors)) { return NodeValue.FALSE; } Expr result = ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(tmpOrs); return result; } public static void addConstantConstraint(Map<Var, NodeValue> map, Entry<Var, NodeValue> constraint) { if(constraint == null) { return; } addConstantConstraint(map, constraint.getKey(), constraint.getValue()); } public static void addConstantConstraint(Map<Var, NodeValue> map, Var var, NodeValue nodeValue) { if(map.containsKey(var)) { NodeValue oldValue = map.get(var); if(oldValue != null && !oldValue.equals(nodeValue)) { map.put(var, null); } } else { map.put(var, nodeValue); } } public static Set<Map<Var, NodeValue>> extractConstantConstraints(Collection<? extends Collection<? extends Expr>> dnf) { dnf = dnf == null ? Collections.emptySet() : dnf; Set<Map<Var, NodeValue>> result = new HashSet<>(dnf.size()); for(Collection<? extends Expr> clause : dnf) { Map<Var, NodeValue> map = ClauseUtils.extractConstantConstraints(clause); result.add(map); } return result; } /** * For each clause determine the constant constraints, and return those, * that are common to all clauses. * * @param dnf */ public static Map<Var, NodeValue> extractCommonConstantConstraints(Set<Set<Expr>> dnf) { Map<Var, NodeValue> result = new HashMap<Var, NodeValue>(); Iterator<Set<Expr>> clauseIt = dnf.iterator(); if(!clauseIt.hasNext()) { return result; } Set<Expr> firstClause =; for(Expr expr : firstClause) { Entry<Var, NodeValue> constraint = ExprUtils.extractConstantConstraint(expr); addConstantConstraint(result, constraint); } Set<Var> seenVars = new HashSet<Var>(); while(clauseIt.hasNext()) { if(result.isEmpty()) { return result; } Set<Expr> clause =; for(Expr expr : clause) { Entry<Var, NodeValue> constraint = ExprUtils.extractConstantConstraint(expr); if(constraint == null || !result.containsKey(constraint.getKey())) { continue; } addConstantConstraint(result, constraint); seenVars.add(constraint.getKey()); } result.keySet().retainAll(seenVars); seenVars.clear(); } return result; } public static Set<Set<Expr>> toSetDnf(Expr expr) { Set<Set<Expr>> result = toSetDnf(expr, false); return result; } public static Set<Set<Expr>> toSetDnf(Expr expr, boolean allowEmptyClauseInsteadOfNull) { List<ExprList> clauses = DnfUtils.toClauses(expr); Set<Set<Expr>> dnf = FilterUtils.toSets(clauses); if(dnf == null && allowEmptyClauseInsteadOfNull) { dnf = Collections.singleton(Collections.emptySet()); } return dnf; } public static Set<Set<Expr>> toSetDnf(ExprList exprs) { List<ExprList> clauses = DnfUtils.toClauses(exprs); Set<Set<Expr>> dnf = FilterUtils.toSets(clauses); return dnf; } public static boolean isSatisfiable(Set<Set<Expr>> dnf) { for(Set<Expr> clause : dnf) { if(ClauseUtils.isSatisfiable(clause)) { return true; } } return false; } // FIXME This method removes redundant TRUEs from clauses public static Expr dnfToExpr(Set<Set<Expr>> dnf, boolean skipUnsatisfiable) { Set<Expr> exprs = new HashSet<Expr>(); for(Set<Expr> clause : dnf) { if(clause.size() > 1 && clause.contains(NodeValue.TRUE)) { clause.remove(NodeValue.TRUE); } if(skipUnsatisfiable) { if(!ClauseUtils.isSatisfiable(clause)) { continue; } } exprs.add(ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(clause)); } Expr result = ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(exprs); return result != null ? result : NodeValue.FALSE; } /** * Concatenates the sub exressions using Logical_And * * and(and(and(0, 1), 2, 3) * * @param exprs * @return */ public static Expr andifyLeftSided(ExprList exprs) { Expr result = null; for(Expr expr : exprs.getList()) { result = (result == null) ? expr : new E_LogicalAnd(result, expr); } return result; } public static List<ExprList> toClauses(Expr expr) { Expr evaluated = eval(expr); return evaluated == null ? null : dnfToClauses(Collections.singleton(evaluated)); } public static List<ExprList> toClauses(ExprList exprs) { Expr evaluated = eval(ExprUtils.andifyBalanced(exprs)); return evaluated == null ? null : dnfToClauses(Collections.singleton(evaluated)); } /** * This method only words if the input expressions are in DNF, * otherwise you will likely get junk back. * * @param exprs * @return */ public static List<ExprList> dnfToClauses(Iterable<Expr> exprs) { List<ExprList> result = new ArrayList<ExprList>(); for(Expr expr : exprs) { collectOr(expr, result); } return result; } public static void collectAnd(Expr expr, ExprList list) { if(expr instanceof E_LogicalAnd) { E_LogicalAnd e = (E_LogicalAnd)expr; collectAnd(e.getArg1(), list); collectAnd(e.getArg2(), list); } else { list.add(expr); } } public static void collectOr(Expr expr, List<ExprList> list) { if(expr instanceof E_LogicalOr) { E_LogicalOr e = (E_LogicalOr)expr; collectOr(e.getArg1(), list); collectOr(e.getArg2(), list); } else if(expr instanceof E_LogicalAnd) { //List<Expr> ors = new ArrayList<Expr>(); ExprList ors = new ExprList(); collectAnd(expr, ors); list.add(ors); } else { ExprList tmp = new ExprList(); // Turn true into empty clause if(!NodeValue.TRUE.equals(expr)) { tmp.add(expr); } list.add(tmp); } } public static ExprList eval(ExprList exprs) { System.out.println("ExprList.size = " + exprs.size()); ExprList result = new ExprList(); for(Expr expr : exprs) { result.add(eval(expr)); } return result; } public static Expr eval(Expr expr) { if(expr instanceof ExprFunction) { return handle((ExprFunction)expr); } else { return expr; } } public static boolean containsDirectFuncChild(Expr expr, Class<?> clazz) { if(!(expr instanceof ExprFunction)) { return false; } ExprFunction func = (ExprFunction)expr; for(Expr arg : func.getArgs()) { if(arg == null) { continue; } if(clazz.isAssignableFrom(arg.getClass())) { return true; } } return false; } //return new FuncExpr("and", children); public static Expr handle(ExprFunction expr) { //System.out.println("Converting to DNF: [" + expr.getClass() + "]: " + expr); // not(and(A, B)) -> or(not A, not B) // not(or(A, B)) -> or(not A, not B) if(expr instanceof E_LogicalNot) { Expr tmp = ((E_LogicalNot)expr).getArg(); if (!(tmp instanceof ExprFunction)) { return expr; } ExprFunction child = (ExprFunction)tmp; Expr newExpr = expr; if (child instanceof E_LogicalAnd) { newExpr = new E_LogicalOr(eval(new E_LogicalNot(child.getArg(1))), eval(new E_LogicalNot(child.getArg(2)))); } else if (child instanceof E_LogicalOr) { newExpr = new E_LogicalAnd(eval(new E_LogicalNot(child.getArg(1))), eval(new E_LogicalNot(child.getArg(2)))); } else if (child instanceof E_LogicalNot) { // Remove double negation newExpr = eval(child.getArg(1)); } else { return expr; } return eval(newExpr); } else if (expr instanceof E_LogicalOr) { //return expr; //return eval(expr); return new E_LogicalOr(eval(expr.getArg(1)), eval(expr.getArg(2))); } /* Given: * (A or B) AND (C x D) becomes: * (A and (C x D)) OR (B and (c x D)) * * * (A or B) AND (C or D) * * Goal: * (A and C) OR (A and D) OR (B and C) OR (B and D) * * This method transforms any "or" children of an AND node. * other nodes are left untouched: * (A or B) AND (c x D) becomes: * (A and (c x D)) OR (B and (c x D)) */ else if (expr instanceof E_LogicalAnd) { Expr aa = eval(expr.getArg(1)); Expr bb = eval(expr.getArg(2)); E_LogicalOr a = null; Expr b = null; if (aa instanceof E_LogicalOr) { a = (E_LogicalOr)aa; b = bb; } else if(bb instanceof E_LogicalOr) { a = (E_LogicalOr)bb; b = aa; } if(a == null) { return new E_LogicalAnd(aa, bb); } else { return new E_LogicalOr(eval(new E_LogicalAnd(a.getArg(1), b)), eval(new E_LogicalAnd(a.getArg(2), b))); } } else if (expr instanceof E_NotEquals) { // Normalize (a != b) to !(a = b) --- this makes it easier to find "a and !a" cases return new E_LogicalNot(eval(new E_Equals(expr.getArg(1), expr.getArg(2)))); } return expr; /* if(expr instanceof E_LogicalNot) { Expr tmp = ((E_LogicalNot)expr).getArg(); if (!(tmp instanceof ExprFunction)) return expr; ExprFunction child = (ExprFunction) tmp; String newFuncName = ""; if (child.getName().equals("and")) newFuncName = "or"; else if (child.getName().equals("or")) newFuncName = "and"; else if (child.getName().equals("not")) // Remove double negation return eval(child.getChildren().get(0)); else return expr; FuncExpr result = new FuncExpr(newFuncName, child.getArity()); for (int i = 0; i < child.getArity(); ++i) result.setChild(i, new FuncExpr("not", child.getChildren().get(i))); return eval(result); } if (expr.getName().equals("or")) { List<IExpr> children = new ArrayList<IExpr>(); for (IExpr child : expr.getChildren()) children.add(eval(child)); if (!ExprUtil.containsDirectFuncChild(children, "or")) return new FuncExpr("or", children); // flatten or expressions // or(or(A, B), C) becomes or(A, B, C) List<IExpr> resultChildren = new ArrayList<IExpr>(); for (IExpr child : children) if (ExprUtil.isFunc(child, "or")) resultChildren.addAll(child.getChildren()); else resultChildren.add(child); return new FuncExpr("or", resultChildren); } if (expr.getName().equals("and")) { List<IExpr> children = new ArrayList<IExpr>(); for (IExpr child : expr.getChildren()) children.add(eval(child)); // FIXME an and-node must have at least 2 children // but maybe validation should be done somewhere else // On the other hand it might be convenient to assume that // whenever a binary expression only contains a single child // it should be treated as if there was no operation at all. // No 'or'-expression => nothing todo if (!ExprUtil.containsDirectFuncChild(children, "or")) return new FuncExpr("and", children); // Collect all expressions List<List<IExpr>> tables = new ArrayList<List<IExpr>>(); for (IExpr child : children) { if (ExprUtil.isFunc(child, "or")) tables.add(child.getChildren()); else tables.add(Collections.singletonList(child)); } Collection<List<IExpr>> joinedTable = new JoinIterable<IExpr>( tables); FuncExpr result = new FuncExpr("or", joinedTable.size()); // List<IExpr> resultChildren = new ArrayList<IExpr>(); int i = 0; for (List<IExpr> row : joinedTable) { IExpr newChild = new FuncExpr("and", row); result.setChild(i, newChild); ++i; } return result; } // TODO Auto-generated method stub return expr; */ } }