package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.shape; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.aksw.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.aksw.commons.util.Pair; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concept.builder.api.ConceptExpr; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concepts.Concept; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concepts.ConceptOps; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.concepts.Relation; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionFactory; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.SparqlService; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.lookup.LookupService; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.lookup.LookupServiceUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.mapper.Agg; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.mapper.AggDatasetGraph; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.mapper.AggGraph; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.mapper.MappedConcept; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.ElementUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.ExprUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.Generator; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.TripleUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.Triples; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.VarGeneratorImpl; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.VarUtils; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.Vars; import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple; import org.apache.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.BasicPattern; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.QuadPattern; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_Equals; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.E_OneOf; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprList; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ExprVar; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue; import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionEnv; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.Element; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementBind; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementFilter; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementNamedGraph; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementSubQuery; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementTriplesBlock; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.PatternVars; import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.Template; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * How to deal with inserts? * * For example, the shape is: get all buyers (of dvds) togther with their (immediate friends), thus: * * Nav(Out(hasBuyer), Out(hasFriend)) * * * Whenever we add triples that were not part of the original working set, * we could just add them to the store (it does not matter whether they already existed there or not). * * Yet, it would be very useful to validate whether newly inserted triples are part of a working set or not. * * * * * Whenever we delete triples from the working set, well, its a delete * * * If we added (EvilDead hasBuyer Alice), * then we know that this triple is real addition, because * - the subject equals the source resource * - the triple matches one of the immediate relations of the shape * - the triple was not part of the shape's graph * * However, if we added that triple, we might want to fetch data for Alice according to the shape. * * * */ //class Target { // private Concept concept; //} /** * A graph expression is a SPARQL expression which only makes use of the variables ?s ?p and ?o * The evaluation of a graph expression te over an RDF dataset D yields a graph (a set of triples) * * [[te]]_D * * * Maybe we should take a set of triples, derive a set of related resources, * and then for this related set of resources specify which triples we are interested in again. * * In this case, the model is Map<Expr, TripleTree> * i.e. the expression evaluates to a resource for each triple, and these resources are used for further lookups. * However, how would we navigate in inverse direction? * * Each resource r is associated with a set of ingoing and outgoing triples: * * outgoing: { t | t in G and t.s = r} * ingoing: { t | t in G and t.o = r} * * * * * Navigating to the set of related triples: * Let G be the set of all triples and G1 and G2 subsetof G be two graphs. * { t2 | t1 in G1 and expr(t1, t2)} * * * We could use expressions over the additional variables ?x ?y ?z to perform joins: * (?s ?p ?o ?x ?y ?z) * * ?s = ?x * * * G1 x G2 * * * @author raven * */ public class ResourceShape { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceShape.class); private Map<Relation, ResourceShape> out = new HashMap<Relation, ResourceShape>(); private Map<Relation, ResourceShape> in = new HashMap<Relation, ResourceShape>(); private ConceptExpr expr; public boolean isEmpty() { boolean result = out.isEmpty() && in.isEmpty(); return result; } public Map<Relation, ResourceShape> getOutgoing() { return out; } public Map<Relation, ResourceShape> getIngoing() { return in; } public void extend(ResourceShape that) { // TODO Maybe we should create a deep clone of 'that' first this.out.putAll(that.out);; } public static List<Concept> collectConcepts(ResourceShape source, boolean includeGraph) { List<Concept> result = new ArrayList<Concept>(); collectConcepts(result, source, includeGraph); return result; } public static void collectConcepts(Collection<Concept> result, ResourceShape source, boolean includeGraph) { Generator<Var> vargen = VarGeneratorImpl.create("v"); collectConcepts(result, source, vargen, includeGraph); } public static void collectConcepts(Collection<Concept> result, ResourceShape source, Generator<Var> vargen, boolean includeGraph) { Concept baseConcept = new Concept((Element)null, Vars.x); collectConcepts(result, baseConcept, source, vargen, includeGraph); } public static void collectConcepts(Collection<Concept> result, Concept baseConcept, ResourceShape source, Generator<Var> vargen, boolean includeGraph) { Map<Relation, ResourceShape> outgoing = source.getOutgoing(); Map<Relation, ResourceShape> ingoing = source.getIngoing(); collectConcepts(result, baseConcept, outgoing, false, vargen, includeGraph); collectConcepts(result, baseConcept, ingoing, true, vargen, includeGraph); //collectConcepts(result, null, source,); } public static void collectConcepts(Collection<Concept> result, Concept baseConcept, Map<Relation, ResourceShape> map, boolean isInverse, Generator<Var> vargen, boolean includeGraph) { // Var baseVar = baseConcept.getVar(); { Set<Relation> raw = map.keySet(); Collection<Relation> opt = group(raw); for(Relation relation : opt) { //Concept sc = new Concept(relation.getElement(), baseVar); Concept sc = baseConcept; Concept item = createConcept(sc, vargen, relation, isInverse, includeGraph); result.add(item); } } Multimap<ResourceShape, Relation> groups = HashMultimap.create(); for(Entry<Relation, ResourceShape> entry : map.entrySet()) { groups.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } for(Entry<ResourceShape, Collection<Relation>> group : groups.asMap().entrySet()) { ResourceShape target = group.getKey(); Collection<Relation> raw = group.getValue(); Collection<Relation> opt = group(raw); for(Relation relation : opt) { //Concept sc = new Concept(relation.getElement(), baseVar); Concept sc = baseConcept; Concept item = createConcept(sc, vargen, relation, isInverse, includeGraph); //result.add(item); // Map the // Now use the concept as a base for its children collectConcepts(result, item, target, vargen, includeGraph); } } } public static List<Relation> group(Collection<Relation> relations) { List<Relation> result = new ArrayList<Relation>(); Set<Node> concretePredicates = new HashSet<Node>(); Set<Expr> simpleExprs = new HashSet<Expr>(); // Find all relations that are simply ?p = expr for(Relation relation : relations) { Var s = relation.getSourceVar(); // Var t = relation.getTargetVar(); Element e = relation.getElement(); if(e instanceof ElementFilter) { ElementFilter filter = (ElementFilter)e; Expr expr = filter.getExpr(); Entry<Var, NodeValue> c = ExprUtils.extractConstantConstraint(expr); if(c != null && c.getKey().equals(s)) { Node n = c.getValue().asNode(); concretePredicates.add(n); } else { simpleExprs.add(expr); } } else { result.add(relation); //throw new RuntimeException("Generic re") } } if(!simpleExprs.isEmpty()) { Expr orified = ExprUtils.orifyBalanced(simpleExprs); Relation r = asRelation(orified); result.add(r); } if(!concretePredicates.isEmpty()) { ExprList exprs = new ExprList(); for(Node node : concretePredicates) { Expr expr = org.apache.jena.sparql.util.ExprUtils.nodeToExpr(node); exprs.add(expr); } ExprVar ep = new ExprVar(Vars.p); Expr ex = exprs.size() > 1 ? new E_OneOf(ep, exprs) : new E_Equals(ep, exprs.get(0)); Relation r = asRelation(ex); result.add(r); } return result; } public static Relation asRelation(Expr expr) { ElementFilter e = new ElementFilter(expr); Relation result = new Relation(e, Vars.p, Vars.o); return result; } public static Element remapVars(Element element, Map<Var, Var> varMap) { return null; } public static Query createQuery(ResourceShape resourceShape, Concept filter, boolean includeGraph) { List<Concept> concepts = ResourceShape.collectConcepts(resourceShape, includeGraph); Query result = createQuery(concepts, filter); return result; } /** * Deprecated, because with the construct approach we cannot get a tripe's context resource * * @param concepts * @param filter * @return */ @Deprecated public static Query createQueryConstruct(List<Concept> concepts, Concept filter) { Template template = new Template(BasicPattern.wrap(Collections.singletonList(Triples.spo))); List<Concept> tmps = new ArrayList<Concept>(); for(Concept concept : concepts) { Concept tmp = ConceptOps.intersect(concept, filter, null); tmps.add(tmp); } List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); for(Concept concept : tmps) { Element e = concept.getElement(); elements.add(e); } Element element = ElementUtils.union(elements); Query result = new Query(); result.setQueryConstructType(); result.setConstructTemplate(template); result.setQueryPattern(element); return result; } // public static MappedConcept<Map<Node, Graph>> createMappedConcept(ResourceShape resourceShape, Concept filter) { // Query query = createQuery(resourceShape, filter); // MappedConcept<Map<Node, Graph>> result = createMappedConcept(query); // return result; // } // // public static MappedConcept<Map<Node, Graph>> createMappedConcept(Query query) { // BasicPattern bgp = new BasicPattern(); // bgp.add(new Triple(Vars.s, Vars.p, Vars.o)); // Template template = new Template(bgp); // // Agg<Map<Node, Graph>> agg = AggMap.create(new BindingMapperExpr(new ExprVar(Vars.g)), new AggGraph(template)); // // Concept concept = new Concept(new ElementSubQuery(query), Vars.g); // // MappedConcept<Map<Node, Graph>> result = new MappedConcept<Map<Node, Graph>>(concept, agg); // return result; // } public static MappedConcept<DatasetGraph> createMappedConcept2(ResourceShape resourceShape, Concept filter, boolean includeGraph) { Query query = createQuery(resourceShape, filter, includeGraph); logger.debug("Created query from resource shape: " + query); MappedConcept<DatasetGraph> result = createMappedConcept2(query); return result; } public static MappedConcept<Graph> createMappedConcept(ResourceShape resourceShape, Concept filter, boolean includeGraph) { Query query = createQuery(resourceShape, filter, includeGraph); logger.debug("Created query from resource shape: " + query); MappedConcept<Graph> result = createMappedConcept(query); return result; } public static MappedConcept<DatasetGraph> createMappedConcept2(Query query) { QuadPattern qp = new QuadPattern(); qp.add(new Quad(Vars.g, Vars.s, Vars.p, Vars.o)); Agg<DatasetGraph> agg = new AggDatasetGraph(qp); Concept concept = new Concept(new ElementSubQuery(query), Vars.x); MappedConcept<DatasetGraph> result = new MappedConcept<DatasetGraph>(concept, agg); return result; } public static MappedConcept<Graph> createMappedConcept(Query query) { // TODO We need to include the triple direction in var ?z BasicPattern bgp = new BasicPattern(); bgp.add(new Triple(Vars.s, Vars.p, Vars.o)); Template template = new Template(bgp); //Agg<Map<Node, Graph>> agg = AggMap.create(new BindingMapperExpr(new ExprVar(Vars.g)), new AggGraph(template)); Agg<Graph> agg = new AggGraph(template, Vars.z); Concept concept = new Concept(new ElementSubQuery(query), Vars.x); MappedConcept<Graph> result = new MappedConcept<Graph>(concept, agg); return result; } public static Query createQuery(List<Concept> concepts, Concept filter) { List<Concept> tmps = new ArrayList<Concept>(); for(Concept concept : concepts) { Concept tmp = ConceptOps.intersect(concept, filter, null); tmps.add(tmp); } List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); for(Concept concept : tmps) { Element e = concept.getElement(); // Check if the Vars.g is part of the element - if not, create a sub query that remaps ?s to ?g Collection<Var> vs = PatternVars.vars(e); if(!vs.contains(Vars.x)) { Query q = new Query(); q.setQuerySelectType(); q.getProject().add(Vars.x, new ExprVar(Vars.s)); if(vs.contains(Vars.g)) { q.getProject().add(Vars.g); } q.getProject().add(Vars.s); q.getProject().add(Vars.p); q.getProject().add(Vars.o); q.getProject().add(Vars.z); q.setQueryPattern(e); e = new ElementSubQuery(q); } elements.add(e); } Element element = ElementUtils.union(elements); Query result; if(elements.size() > 1) { result = new Query(); result.setQuerySelectType(); result.getProject().add(Vars.x); result.getProject().add(Vars.g); result.getProject().add(Vars.s); result.getProject().add(Vars.p); result.getProject().add(Vars.o); result.getProject().add(Vars.z); result.setQueryPattern(element); } else{ result = ((ElementSubQuery)element).getQuery(); } return result; } /** * Creates elements for this node and then descends into its children * * @param predicateConcept * @param target * @param isInverse * @return */ public static Concept createConcept(Concept baseConcept, Generator<Var> vargen, Relation predicateRelation, boolean isInverse, boolean includeGraph) { Var sourceVar; Var baseVar = baseConcept.getVar(); Element baseElement = baseConcept.getElement(); Triple triple = isInverse ? new Triple(Vars.o, Vars.p, Vars.s) : new Triple(Vars.s, Vars.p, Vars.o); BasicPattern bp = new BasicPattern(); bp.add(triple); Element etmp = new ElementTriplesBlock(bp); Element e2 = includeGraph ? new ElementNamedGraph(Vars.g, etmp) : etmp; Element e; if(baseElement != null) { //Var baseVar = baseConcept.getVar(); //Element baseElement = baseConcept.getElement(); // Rename the variables s, p, o with fresh variables from the vargenerator Map<Var, Var> rename = new HashMap<Var, Var>(); rename.put(Vars.s,; rename.put(Vars.p,; rename.put(Vars.z,; rename.put(Vars.o, Vars.s); rename.put(baseVar, Vars.x); sourceVar = MapUtils.getOrElse(rename, baseVar, baseVar); //Element e1 = Element Element e1 = ElementUtils.createRenamedElement(baseElement, rename); e = ElementUtils.mergeElements(e1, e2); } else { e = e2; sourceVar = Vars.s; } Collection<Var> eVars = PatternVars.vars(e); Set<Var> pVars = predicateRelation.getVarsMentioned(); // Add the predicateConcept Map<Var, Var> pc = VarUtils.createDistinctVarMap(eVars, pVars, true, vargen); // Map the predicate concept's var to ?p pc.put(predicateRelation.getSourceVar(), Vars.p); pc.put(predicateRelation.getTargetVar(), Vars.o); Element e3 = ElementUtils.createRenamedElement(predicateRelation.getElement(), pc); Element newElement = ElementUtils.mergeElements(e, e3); Element e4 = new ElementBind(Vars.z, NodeValue.makeBoolean(isInverse)); newElement = ElementUtils.mergeElements(newElement, e4); Concept result = new Concept(newElement, sourceVar); return result; } /** * Whether a triple matches any of the ingoing or outgoing filter expression of this node * @param triple * @param functionEnv * @return */ // public boolean contains(Triple triple, FunctionEnv functionEnv) { // Set<Expr> exprs = Sets.union(outgoing.keySet(), ingoing.keySet()); // // boolean result = contains(exprs, triple, functionEnv); // return result; // } public static boolean contains(Collection<Expr> exprs, Triple triple, FunctionEnv functionEnv) { Binding binding = TripleUtils.tripleToBinding(triple); boolean result = false; for(Expr expr : exprs) { NodeValue nodeValue = expr.eval(binding, functionEnv); if(nodeValue.equals(NodeValue.TRUE)) { result = true; break; } } return result; } /** * Get all triples about the titles of books, together with the books' * male buyers' names and age. * * The generated query has the structure * * Construct { * ?s ?p ?o * } { * { ?x a Book . Bind(?x as ?s)} # Root concept * * { # get the 'buyer' triples * ?s ?p ?o . Filter(?p = boughtBy) // outgoing * { ?o gender male }} // restricting the resources of the relation * * * #Optional { * # ?x ?y ?z . Filter(?y = rdfs:label) * #} * } * Union { * { # get the buyers names - requires repetition of above's pattern * ?x ?y ?s . Filter(?y = boughtBy) * { ?s gender male }} // restricting the resources of the relation * * ?s ?p ?o . Filter(?p = rdfs:label) * } * Union * { * ?s ?p ?o . Filter(?p = dc:title && langMatches(lang(?o), 'en')) # outgoing * } * } * * * @param root * @return */ // public static Query createQuery(ResourceShape root) { // List<Element> unionMembers = new ArrayList<Element>(); // } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((in == null) ? 0 : in.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((out == null) ? 0 : out.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; ResourceShape other = (ResourceShape) obj; if (in == null) { if ( != null) return false; } else if (!in.equals( return false; if (out == null) { if (other.out != null) return false; } else if (!out.equals(other.out)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "ResourceShape [outgoing=" + out + ", ingoing=" + in + "]"; } public static Graph fetchData(SparqlService sparqlService, ResourceShape shape, Node node) { QueryExecutionFactory qef = sparqlService.getQueryExecutionFactory(); Graph result = fetchData(qef, shape, node); return result; } public static Graph fetchData(QueryExecutionFactory qef, ResourceShape shape, Node node) { MappedConcept<Graph> mc = ResourceShape.createMappedConcept(shape, null, false); LookupService<Node, Graph> ls = LookupServiceUtils.createLookupService(qef, mc); Map<Node, Graph> map = ls.apply(Collections.singleton(node)); // if(map.size() > 1) { // throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); // } Graph result = map.isEmpty() ? null : map.values().iterator().next(); return result; } }