package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.aksw.commons.collections.multimaps.BiHashMultimap; import org.aksw.commons.collections.multimaps.IBiSetMultimap; import org.aksw.commons.collections.multimaps.MultimapUtils; import; /** * A map where keys can be stated as equivalent. * * Provides methods for checking consistency (the map gets inconsistent * as soon as a key maps to multiple non-equal values) * * * TODO Not sure if a conflict resultion strategy for the case that * values are not directly equal but not contradictory should go here. * For instance if a key x maps to {A, B} and y maps to {A} one resolution stragtegy * might be to map both to A. * * Essentially I have the ValueSets in mind to quickly reject inconsistent bindings. * * @author raven * * @param <K> * @param <V> */ public class EquiMap<K, V> { private IBiSetMultimap<K, K> equivalences = new BiHashMultimap<K, K>(); private Map<K, V> keyToValue = new HashMap<K, V>(); /** * * @return A view of all keys */ public Set<K> keySet() { return Sets.union(equivalences.asMap().keySet(), keyToValue.keySet()); } public void clear() { equivalences.clear(); keyToValue.clear(); } public boolean isEqual(K a, K b) { return get(a).contains(b); } public boolean areAllEqual(Collection<K> set) { if(set.isEmpty()) { return true; // Is that sane? Should it be false? } return get(set.iterator().next()).containsAll(set); } public boolean isConsistentInsertEquiv(K a, K b) { return isConsistentSet(Sets.union(get(a), get(b))); } public boolean isConsistentSet(Set<V> set) { return set.size() <= 1; } public boolean isConsistentInsertValue(K a, V b) { Set<V> values = get(a); if(values.isEmpty()) { return true; } else if(values.size() == 1 && values.contains(b)) { return true; } else if(values.size() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } return false; } public boolean isSelfConsistent() { Set<K> open = new HashSet<K>(keyToValue.keySet()); while(!open.isEmpty()) { K key = open.iterator().next(); open.remove(key); Set<K> keys = getEquivalences(key, false); open.removeAll(keys); Set<V> values = get(keys); if(!isConsistentSet(values)) { return false; } } return true; } public EquiMap() { } public EquiMap(EquiMap<K, V> other) { for(Map.Entry<K, Collection<K>> entry : equivalences.asMap().entrySet()) { for(K value : entry.getValue()) { this.equivalences.put(entry.getKey(), value); } } this.keyToValue.putAll(other.keyToValue); } public IBiSetMultimap<K, K> getEquivalences() { return equivalences; } public Map<K, V> getKeyToValue() { return keyToValue; } public void put(K key, V value) { keyToValue.put(key, value); } public Set<V> getAll(Set<?> keys) { Set<V> result = new HashSet<V>(); for(Object key : keys) { if(keyToValue.containsKey(key)) { result.add(keyToValue.get(key)); } } return result; } public Set<K> getEquivalences(Object key, boolean reflexiv) { Set<K> result = MultimapUtils.transitiveGetBoth(equivalences, key); if(reflexiv) { result.add((K)key); } return result; } public Set<K> getAllEquivalences(Collection<?> keys, boolean reflexiv) { Set<K> result = new HashSet<K>(); Set<Object> open = new HashSet<Object>(keys); while(!open.isEmpty()) { Object key = open.iterator().next(); open.remove(key); Set<K> equivs = getEquivalences(key, reflexiv); open.removeAll(equivs); result.addAll(equivs); } return result; } public Set<V> get(Object key) { return getAll(getEquivalences(key, true)); } public boolean makeEqual(K a, K b) { return equivalences.put(a, b); } /** * Checks whether the union of two equimaps is again consistent. * * * @param other * @return */ public boolean isCompatible(EquiMap<K, V> other) { // We have to check whether any of the keys refer to multiple distinct variables // So we need to check for each key that has a value attached Set<K> open = new HashSet<K>(keyToValue.keySet()); while(!open.isEmpty()) { K key = open.iterator().next(); open.remove(key); Set<K> bothEquivs = new HashSet<K>(); //bothEquivs.add(key); redundant // We need to traverse the bipartite graph is order to collect // all equivalences // // Set<K> newEquivs = Collections.singleton(key); do { Set<K> thisEquivs = getAllEquivalences(newEquivs, true); thisEquivs.removeAll(bothEquivs); open.removeAll(thisEquivs); bothEquivs.addAll(thisEquivs); newEquivs = other.getAllEquivalences(thisEquivs, true); newEquivs.removeAll(bothEquivs); open.removeAll(newEquivs); bothEquivs.addAll(newEquivs); } while(!newEquivs.isEmpty()); Set<V> thisValues = getAll(bothEquivs); Set<V> otherValues = other.getAll(bothEquivs); Set<V> union = Sets.union(thisValues, otherValues); if(!isConsistentSet(union)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "[equivalences=" + equivalences + ", keyToValue=" + keyToValue + "]"; } }