package org.aksw.isomorphism;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class Iso {
* This is a generalized version of VF2:
* Given two sets of items A and B, in addition to matching items (such as nodes in a graph) directly,
* it is possible to create mappings between *attributes* X and Y of these items.
* For instance, if you are matching expressions, than this implementation can yield a mapping of variables appearing in it.
* Relations between objects: In a graph setting, nodes are connected via edges.
* We take advantage of this fact, that whenever two items are matched, we can process the equivalence classes
* that contain the related objects and see if these classes become smaller than any other equiv classes so far.
* It is fine to leave
* The algorithm can be viewed as to unify solution *generating* and solution *validating* elements:
* Consider a graph: If its edges are unlabeled, then equivalence classes of vertices can be built based on in/out degree
* If however, the degrees are all the some, yet the edge labels vary significantly, it is possible to create equivalence classes from them
* But this means, we have to abstract from the concrete objects we are matching (nodes, edges, quads, expressions) - and hence
* the algorithm may only operate on equivalence class objects and partial solutions.
* @param srcs The items to match with tgts
* @param tgts
* @param matchToPartialSolution
* @param srcToEquivClass
* @param tgtToEquivClass
* @param partialSolution
* @param candidatePairingGenerator A function that generates candidate
* pairings on members of of an equivalence class in regard to a partial solution
* @return
// public static <A, B, PA, PB, X, Y, E extends Comparable<E>> Stream<Map<M, N>> iso(
// Collection<A> srcs,
// Collection<B> tgts,
// BiFunction<A, B, Entry<X, Y>> matchToPartialSolution, // Function that returns a partial solution by matching A with B
// Function<A, Collection<Triplet<A, PA>>> aRelations, // related items with A - could be predecessor and successor nodes
// Function<B, Collection<Triplet<B, PB>>> bRelations, // related items with B
// Function<? super A, E> srcToEquivClass,
// Function<? super B, E> tgtToEquivClass,
// Map<M, N> partialSolution,
// TriFunction<
// Collection<? extends M>, // In: A collection of items from M
// Collection<? extends N>, // In: A collection of items from N
// Map<M, N>, // In: A partial solution
// TreeMultimap<Number, Entry<Collection<M>, Collection<N>>> // Out: A stream of candidate pairings
// > equivClassPartitioner,
// TriFunction<
// ? super Collection<? extends M>, // In: A collection of items from M
// ? super Collection<? extends N>, // In: A collection of items from N
// Map<M, N>, // In: A partial solution
// Stream<Entry<M, N>> // Out: A stream of candidate pairings
// > candidatePairingGenerator)
// {
// Multimap<E, M> srcEquivClasses = indexItemsByEquivClass(srcs, srcToEquivClass);
// Multimap<E, N> tgtEquivClasses = indexItemsByEquivClass(tgts, tgtToEquivClass);
// Stream<Map<M, N>> result = iso(srcEquivClasses, tgtEquivClasses);
// return result;
// }
public static <M, N, E extends Comparable<E>> Stream<Map<M, N>> iso(
Multimap<E, M> srcEquivClasses,
Multimap<E, N> tgtEquivClasses)
Stream<Map<M, N>> result;
// Create a list of all equiv classes and order it by the number of possible pairings
// We use a tree multi map for that purpose
TreeMultimap<Integer, E> sizeToEquivClasses = TreeMultimap.create();
Set<E> equivClasses = Sets.union(srcEquivClasses.keySet(), tgtEquivClasses.keySet());
for(E equivClass : equivClasses) {
Collection<M> srcItems = srcEquivClasses.get(equivClass);
Collection<N> tgtItems = tgtEquivClasses.get(equivClass);
// If there are a zero sized equiv classes, there can be no solution mappings
Collection<E> zeroSizedEquivClasses = sizeToEquivClasses.get(0);
if(!zeroSizedEquivClasses.isEmpty()) {
result = Collections.<Map<M, N>>emptySet().stream();
} else {
return null;
public static <S, E> Multimap<E, S> indexItemsByEquivClass(Collection<S> items, Function<? super S, E> itemToEquivClass) {
Multimap<E, S> result = HashMultimap.create();
for(S item : items) {
E equivClass = itemToEquivClass.apply(item);
result.put(equivClass, item);
return result;