package org.aksw.combinatorics.algos; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.BinaryOperator; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import org.aksw.combinatorics.collections.Combination; import org.aksw.combinatorics.collections.CombinationStack; import com.codepoetics.protonpack.functions.TriFunction; /** * Cartesian product generation with support for solution computation and early bail out * on unsatisfiable solutions * * @author raven * * @param <A> * @param <B> */ public class StateCartesian<A, B, S> { /** * The purpose of the lookup function is, that given * an item of A together with the so-far found solution, * retrieve a set of candidates for further processing * * In the simplest case, the lookup function returns always * an iterator over the same collection of B items. * */ //protected Iterator<A> itA; protected List<A> as; // cached size of as protected int asSize; // TODO We could add a function which allows reordering the items of as // after choosing an item b (returned by the lookup function) /** * Lookup function that for a given item of A, the partial solution (the stack) * yields the candidate items of B for the given solution contribution S. */ protected TriFunction<A, S, CombinationStack<A, B, S>, Iterator<B>> lookupB; protected BiFunction<A, B, S> computeSolutionContribution; protected BinaryOperator<S> solutionCombiner; protected Predicate<S> isUnsatisfiable; protected Consumer<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> completeMatch; public StateCartesian( List<A> as, TriFunction<A, S, CombinationStack<A, B, S>, Iterator<B>> lookupB, BiFunction<A, B, S> computeSolutionContribution, BinaryOperator<S> solutionCombiner, Predicate<S> isUnsatisfiable, Consumer<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> completeMatch) { super(); = as; this.lookupB = lookupB; this.computeSolutionContribution = computeSolutionContribution; this.solutionCombiner = solutionCombiner; this.isUnsatisfiable = isUnsatisfiable; this.completeMatch = completeMatch; asSize = as.size(); } public void run(S baseSolution) { nextA(baseSolution, 0, null); } public void nextA(S baseSolution, int ia, CombinationStack<A, B, S> stack) { if(ia >= asSize) { completeMatch.accept(stack); } else { A a = as.get(ia); Iterator<B> itB = lookupB.apply(a, baseSolution, stack); while(itB.hasNext()) { B b =; S contribution = computeSolutionContribution.apply(a, b); S combination = solutionCombiner.apply(baseSolution, contribution); boolean unsatisfiable = isUnsatisfiable.test(combination); if(!unsatisfiable) { Combination<A, B, S> c = new Combination<>(a, b, combination); CombinationStack<A, B, S> newStack = new CombinationStack<>(stack, c); nextA(combination, ia + 1, newStack); } } } } public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> as = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); List<Integer> bs = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); createCartesian(as, bs).forEach(item -> { System.out.println(item); }); } public static <A, B> Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, Void>> createCartesian( Collection<A> as, Collection<B> bs) { Void nil = null; Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, Void>> result = createCartesian(as, bs, nil, (k, n) -> nil, (sa, sb) -> nil, (s) -> false); return result; } /** * This function will modify the collections. * The collections will eventually contain the original items. * * @param as * @param bs */ public static <A, B, S> Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> createCartesian( Collection<A> as, Collection<B> bs, S baseSolution, BiFunction<A, B, S> computeSolutionContribution, BinaryOperator<S> solutionCombiner, Predicate<S> isUnsatisfiable ) { List<A> las = as instanceof List ? (List<A>)as : new ArrayList<>(as); // List<A> las = new ArrayList<>(as); // // // A little trick for the nested stack to hold items of A in the specified order // // but probably not really needed; also the alternation of Bs is still reverse order //[(a, 1; null), (b, 1; null), (c, 1; null)] //[(a, 2; null), (b, 1; null), (c, 1; null)] // Collections.reverse(las); TriFunction<A, S, CombinationStack<A, B, S>, Iterator<B>> lookupB = (a, s, stack) -> bs.iterator(); List<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> list = new ArrayList<>(); StateCartesian<A, B, S> runner = new StateCartesian<A, B, S>( las, lookupB, computeSolutionContribution, solutionCombiner, isUnsatisfiable, (stack) -> { list.add(stack); }); //System.out.println("MATCH: " + (++i[0]) + stack));; Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> result =; return result; } }