package org.aksw.sparqlify.database;
//public class PatriciaPrefixMapStoreAccessor
// implements MapStoreAccessor
// public static Set<Class<?>> supportedConstraintClasses = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
// static
// {
// supportedConstraintClasses.add(EqualsConstraint.class);
// supportedConstraintClasses.add(StartsWithConstraint.class);
// supportedConstraintClasses.add(IsPrefixOfConstraint.class);
// }
// public Set<Class<?>> getSupportedConstraintClasses() {
// return supportedConstraintClasses;
// }
// private int indexColumn;
// private Transformer<Object, Set<String>> prefixExtractor;
// public PatriciaPrefixMapStoreAccessor(int[] indexColumns, Transformer<Object, Set<String>> prefixExtractor) {
// if(indexColumns.length != 1) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Prefix index can only operate on single columns");
// }
// this.indexColumn = indexColumns[0];
// this.prefixExtractor = prefixExtractor;
// }
// /**
// * We assume that
// * . only classes that are in supportedConstraintClasses are passed to this method.
// * . only constraints for which the index has the right columns are passed
// *
// * This method should only be used by the engine
// *
// * @param constraints
// * @return
// */
// /*
// @Override
// public Collection<Object> lookup(Object store, List<Constraint> constraints)
// {
// return lookup((NavigableMap<String, Object>)store, constraints);
// }*/
// @Override
// public void put(Object store, List<?> row, Object value) {
// /*
// PatriciaTrie<String, Integer> x;
// x.prefixMap(arg0)
// */
// put((PatriciaTrie<String, Object>)store, row, value);
// }
// public void put(PatriciaTrie<String, Object> map, List<?> row, Object value) {
// map.put((String)row.get(indexColumn), value);
// }
// ///*protected PrefixMap<PrefixIndexElement>
// /**
// * The constraints given as arguments are interpreted as conjunctions.
// * The set of prefixes within a constraint is interpreted as a disjunction.
// *
// *
// * @param constraints
// */
// public Collection<Object> lookup(Object store, Constraint constraint) {
// PatriciaTrie<String, Object> map = (PatriciaTrie<String, Object>)store;
// if(constraint instanceof IsPrefixOfConstraint) {
// return lookup(map, (IsPrefixOfConstraint)constraint);
// } else if(constraint instanceof StartsWithConstraint) {
// return lookup(map, (StartsWithConstraint)constraint);
// } else if(constraint instanceof EqualsConstraint) {
// return lookup(map, (EqualsConstraint)constraint);
// } else {
// throw new RuntimeException("Could not handle constraint " + constraint);
// }
// }
// public Collection<Object> lookup(PatriciaTrie<String, Object> map, EqualsConstraint constraint) {
// return Collections.singleton(map.get(constraint.getValue()));
// }
// public Collection<Object> lookup(PatriciaTrie<String, Object> map, StartsWithConstraint constraint) {
// if(!constraint.isInclusive()) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Patricia tree does not support 'non-inclusive' constraint, and I haven't hacked that in yet");
// }
// return map.prefixMap(constraint.getPrefix()).values();
// }
// public Collection<Object> lookup(PatriciaTrie<String, Object> map, IsPrefixOfConstraint constraint) {
// String lookup = constraint.getValue();
// if(!constraint.isInclusive()) {
// int n = lookup.length();
// if(n == 0) {
// return Collections.emptySet();
// } else {
// lookup.substring(0, n - 1);
// }
// }
// //Object o= map.get("");
// if(true) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Either the patricia tree impl is broken, or I misunderstood something about it..., but the prefix map does not contain all prefixes of a given string");
// }
// Collection<Object> result = map.prefixMap(lookup).values();
// return result;
// //return StringUtils.getAllPrefixes(constraint.getValue(), constraint.isInclusive(), map).values();
// }
// @Override
// public Object get(Object store, List<Object> row) {
// return get((PatriciaTrie<String, Object>)store, row);
// }
// public Object get(PatriciaTrie<String, Object> map, List<Object> row) {
// return map.get(row.get(indexColumn));
// }
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// @Override
// public Collection<Object> list(Object store) {
// return ((PatriciaTrie<String, Object>)store).values();
// }
// @Override
// public PatriciaTrie<String, Object> createStore() {
// return new PatriciaTrie<String, Object>(StringKeyAnalyzer.BYTE);
// }