package org.aksw.combinatorics.algos; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import; import org.aksw.combinatorics.collections.Combination; import org.aksw.combinatorics.collections.CombinationStack; import org.aksw.commons.collections.lists.LinkedListNode; import org.aksw.commons.collections.utils.StreamUtils; import com.codepoetics.protonpack.functions.TriFunction; /** * kPermutationsOfN implementation with support for solution computation and early bailout should a solution * turn out to be unsatisfiable. * At the core, this implementation notifies clients about results via a callback during a recursion. * * A static utility method is available which collects results into a list and returns a stream. * Hence, all valid permutations will be computed regardless of the number of items consumed from the stream. * However, as this approach is about 5-10 times faster than the recursive stream solution, * this approach is recommended. * * * @author raven * * @param <A> * @param <B> * @param <S> */ public class StateCombinatoricCallback<A, B, S> extends KPermutationsOfNCallbackBase<A, B, S> { protected LinkedListNode<B> remainingB; public StateCombinatoricCallback( // LinkedListNode<A> remainingA, List<A> as, LinkedListNode<B> remainingB, TriFunction<S, A, B, Stream<S>> solutionCombiner) { super(as, solutionCombiner); this.remainingB = remainingB; this.solutionCombiner = solutionCombiner; } public static <A, B> Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, Void>> createKPermutationsOfN( Collection<A> as, Collection<B> bs) { Void nil = null; Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, Void>> result = createKPermutationsOfN(as, bs, nil, (s, a, b) -> Stream.of(nil)); return result; } /** * This function will modify the collections. * The collections will eventually contain the original items. * * @param as * @param bs */ public static <A, B, S> Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> createKPermutationsOfN( Collection<A> as, Collection<B> bs, S baseSolution, TriFunction<S, A, B, Stream<S>> solutionCombiner ) { // LinkedListNode<A> nas = LinkedListNode.create(as); List<A> xas = as instanceof List ? (List<A>)as : new ArrayList<>(as); LinkedListNode<B> nbs = LinkedListNode.create(bs); StateCombinatoricCallback<A, B, S> engine = new StateCombinatoricCallback<A, B, S>( xas, nbs, solutionCombiner); Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> result =; return result; } // [a b c] [1 2 3 4 5] -> [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 4], ... // public void nextA(S baseSolution, CombinationStack<A, B, S> stack) { // // // pick // LinkedListNode<A> curr = remainingA.successor; // if(!curr.isTail()) { // LinkedListNode<A> pick = curr; // A a =; // // pick.unlink(); // // curr = pick.successor; // // // recurse // nextB(i + 1, baseSolution, a, stack); // // // restore // pick.relink(); // } else { // completeMatch.accept(stack); // } // } @Override public void nextB(int i, S baseSolution, CombinationStack<A, B, S> stack, Consumer<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> completeMatch) { if(i < as.size()) { A a = as.get(i); LinkedListNode<B> curr = remainingB.successor; while(!curr.isTail()) { LinkedListNode<B> pick = curr; B b =; pick.unlink(); curr = pick.successor; Stream<S> partialSolutions = solutionCombiner.apply(baseSolution, a, b); partialSolutions.forEach(partialSolution -> { Combination<A, B, S> c = new Combination<>(a, b, partialSolution); CombinationStack<A, B, S> newStack = new CombinationStack<>(stack, c); // recurse nextB(i + 1, partialSolution, newStack, completeMatch); }); // restore pick.relink(); } } else { completeMatch.accept(stack); } } // public Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> stream(S baseSolution) { // Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> result = as.isEmpty() // ? Stream.empty() // : streamNotWorking(0, baseSolution, null); // // return result; // } public static <A, B> Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, Void>> createKPermutationsOfN2( Collection<A> as, Collection<B> bs) { Void nil = null; Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, Void>> result = createKPermutationsOfN2(as, bs, nil, (s, a, b) -> Stream.of(nil)); return result; } public static <A, B, S> Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> createKPermutationsOfN2( Collection<A> as, Collection<B> bs, S baseSolution, TriFunction<S, A, B, Stream<S>> solutionCombiner ) { List<A> xas = as instanceof List ? (List<A>)as : new ArrayList<>(as); LinkedListNode<B> nbs = LinkedListNode.create(bs); List<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> list = new ArrayList<>(); StateCombinatoricCallback<A, B, S> engine = new StateCombinatoricCallback<A, B, S>( xas, nbs, solutionCombiner); Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> result =; return result; } public Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> streamNotWorking(int i, S baseSolution, CombinationStack<A, B, S> stack) { Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> result; if(i < as.size()) { A a = as.get(i); Iterable<LinkedListNode<B>> curr = () -> remainingB.nodeIterator(); result =, false) .flatMap(pick -> { B b =; System.out.println("Depth: " + i + ": " + a + " - " + b + " - remaining bs: " + remainingB.size()); pick.unlink(); Stream<S> partialSolutions = solutionCombiner.apply(baseSolution, a, b); Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> s = partialSolutions.flatMap(partialSolution -> { Combination<A, B, S> c = new Combination<>(a, b, partialSolution); CombinationStack<A, B, S> newStack = new CombinationStack<>(stack, c); // recurse Stream<CombinationStack<A, B, S>> t = streamNotWorking(i + 1, partialSolution, newStack); t = StreamUtils.appendAction(t, () -> pick.relink()); return t; }); return s; }); } else { System.out.println("Done - with stack " + stack); result = Stream.of(stack); } //; return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> as = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); List<Integer> bs = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); createKPermutationsOfN(as, bs); } // This is too excessive - kept for reference;) // public void nextAWithAllPermutationsOfA(S baseSolution) { // // // pick // LinkedListNode<A> curr = remainingA.successor; //// System.out.println("as: " + curr); // while(!curr.isTail()) { // LinkedListNode<A> pick = curr; // A a =; // // pick.unlink(); // // curr = pick.successor; // //System.out.println("as unlink: " + remainingA + "; " + a); // // // recurse // nextB(baseSolution, a, stack); // // // restore // pick.relink(); // //System.out.println("as relink: " + remainingA + "; " + a); // } // // if(remainingA.successor.isTail()) { // //completeMatch.accept(stack, baseSolution); // } // } }