package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.views; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.aksw.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.aksw.commons.collections.multimaps.ISetMultimap; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils.QuadUtils; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import; class NodeV { private Node node; private int id; public NodeV(Node node, int id) { super(); this.node = node; = id; } public Node getNode() { return node; } public int getId() { return id; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + id; result = prime * result + ((node == null) ? 0 : node.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; NodeV other = (NodeV) obj; if (id != return false; if (node == null) { if (other.node != null) return false; } else if (!node.equals(other.node)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return node + "(" + id +")"; } } /** * In its current state this class only hides the copying that should be * avoided by a view * * @author raven * * @param <K> * @param <V> */ //class UnionBiMultiMap<K, V> // implements IBiSetMultimap<K, V> //{ // private Collection<IBiSetMultimap<K, V>> wrapped; // private UnionBiMultiMap<V, K> inverse; // // // public static <K, V> UnionBiMultiMap<K, V> create(IBiSetMultimap<K, V> a, IBiSetMultimap<K, V> b) // { // Collection<IBiSetMultimap<K, V>> union = new ArrayList<IBiSetMultimap<K, V>>(); // union.add(a); // union.add(b); // // return new UnionBiMultiMap<K, V>(union); // } // // public UnionBiMultiMap(Collection<IBiSetMultimap<K, V>> wrapped) // { // this.wrapped = wrapped; // inverse = new UnionBiMultiMap<V, K>(this); // } // // protected UnionBiMultiMap(UnionBiMultiMap<V, K> original) // { // this.inverse = original; // // wrapped = new ArrayList<IBiSetMultimap<K, V>>(); // for(IBiSetMultimap<V, K> item : original.wrapped) { // wrapped.add(item.getInverse()); // } // } // // /** // * Making a copy of the values is just what we want to avoid by doing all // * that stuff... guava doesn't have a union multimap view it seems // * But too much work to implement properly for now. // * // */ // private SetMultimap<K, V> copyAll() // { // SetMultimap<K, V> copy = HashMultimap.create(); // // for(IBiSetMultimap<K, V> item : wrapped) { // copy.asMap().putAll(item.asMap()); // } // // return copy; // } // // @Override // public Map<K, Collection<V>> asMap() // { // return copyAll().asMap(); // } // // @Override // public boolean put(K key, V value) // { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public Set<V> removeAll(Object key) // { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // // // TODO This should be a view // @Override // public Set<V> get(Object key) // { // Set<V> result = new HashSet<V>(); // // for(IBiSetMultimap<K, V> item : wrapped) { // result.addAll(item.get(key)); // } // // return result; // } // // @Override // public IBiSetMultimap<V, K> getInverse() // { // return inverse; // } // // @Override // public Set<Entry<K, V>> entries() // { // return copyAll().entries(); // } // // @Override // public void putAll(ISetMultimap<K, V> other) // { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public void clear() // { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public boolean containsEntry(Object key, Object value) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public boolean containsValue(Object value) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public boolean containsKey(Object key) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public int size() { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public void putAll(K key, Collection<V> values) { // for(V value : values) { // put(key, value); // } // } // // @Override // public Set<K> keySet() { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // // @Override // public Collection<K> keys() { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } //} public class TwoWayBinding { private EquiMap<Var, Node> equiMap = new EquiMap<Var, Node>(); /** * Returns union of the keySets of * equiMap.getEquivalences and equiMap.getKeyToValue * * @return */ public Set<Var> keySet() { return Sets.union(equiMap.getEquivalences().asMap().keySet(), equiMap.getKeyToValue().keySet()); } /** * Copies the map. * Leave null for a deep copy * * @param map * @return */ public TwoWayBinding copySubstitute(Map<? extends Node, Node> map) { //EquiMap<Var, Node> result = new EquiMap<Var, Node>(); TwoWayBinding result = new TwoWayBinding(); // Copy equivalences for(Entry<Var, Collection<Var>> entry : equiMap.getEquivalences().asMap().entrySet()) { Var newKey = map == null ? entry.getKey() : (Var)MapUtils.getOrElse(map, entry.getKey(), entry.getKey()); for(Var item : entry.getValue()) { Var newValue = map == null ? item :(Var)MapUtils.getOrElse(map, item, item); result.getEquiMap().getEquivalences().put(newKey, newValue); } } // Copy to values for(Entry<Var, Node> entry : equiMap.getKeyToValue().entrySet()) { Var newKey = map == null ? entry.getKey() : (Var)MapUtils.getOrElse(map, entry.getKey(), entry.getKey()); Node newValue = map == null ? entry.getValue() : MapUtils.getOrElse(map, entry.getValue(), entry.getValue()); result.getEquiMap().getKeyToValue().put(newKey, newValue); } return result; } public TwoWayBinding() { super(); } public void clear() { equiMap.clear(); } /* public boolean isConsistent() { for(NodeV key : equiMap.getKeyToValue().keySet()) { if(equiMap.get(key).size() > 1) { return false; } } return true; } */ public EquiMap<Var, Node> getEquiMap() { return equiMap; } /* public boolean isConsistent(NodeV a, NodeV b) { return Sets.union(equiMap.get(a), equiMap.get(b)).size() <= 1; } public boolean makeEqual(NodeV a, NodeV b) { if(isConsistent(a, b)) { equiMap.makeEqual(a, b); return true; } return false; } */ /* public boolean isInsertConsistent(Var a, Node b) { Set<Node> values = equiMap.get(a); if(values.size() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } return equiMap.isConsistentSet(values); }*/ public boolean put(Var a, Node b) { if(equiMap.isConsistentInsertValue(a, b)) { equiMap.put(a, b); return true; } return false; } public boolean makeEqual(Var a, Var b) { if(equiMap.isConsistentInsertEquiv(a, b)) { equiMap.makeEqual(a, b); return true; } return false; } /** * Returns false if the entry could not be added due to not being compatible * with the remaining mappings. * * @param entry * @return */ //public boolean add(Map.Entry<Node, Node> entry) //{ public boolean add(Node a, Node b) { //Node a = entry.getKey(); //Node b = entry.getValue(); //NodeV av = new NodeV(a, 1); //NodeV bv = new NodeV(b, 2);; if(a.isVariable() && b.isVariable()) { return makeEqual((Var)a, (Var)b); } else if(a.isVariable() && b.isConcrete()) { return put((Var)a, b); } else if(a.isConcrete() && b.isVariable()) { return put((Var)b, a); } else if(a.isConcrete() && b.isConcrete()) { return a.equals(b); } throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen."); } public void addAll(TwoWayBinding other) { this.equiMap.getEquivalences().putAll(other.getEquiMap().getEquivalences()); this.equiMap.getKeyToValue().putAll(other.getEquiMap().getKeyToValue()); } @Override public String toString() { return equiMap.toString(); } public boolean isCompatible(TwoWayBinding other) { return equiMap.isCompatible(other.getEquiMap()); } public static TwoWayBinding getVarMappingTwoWay(Quad a, Quad b) { TwoWayBinding result = new TwoWayBinding(); List<Node> nAs = QuadUtils.quadToList(a); List<Node> nBs = QuadUtils.quadToList(b); for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Node nA = nAs.get(i); Node nB = nBs.get(i); if(!result.add(nA, nB)) { return null; } } return result; } public Set<Var> getQueryVariables() { return this.equiMap.getEquivalences().asMap().keySet(); } /** * * @return The multimap that maps query variables to the corresponding set of view variables */ public ISetMultimap<Var, Var> getVariableMap() { return this.equiMap.getEquivalences(); } /** * * @return The map that maps query variables to an optionally associated constant */ public Map<Var, Node> getConstantMap() { return this.equiMap.getKeyToValue(); } public Set<Var> getViewVariablesForQueryVariable(Var queryVar) { return this.equiMap.getEquivalences().get(queryVar); } public Set<Var> getViewVariables() { return this.equiMap.getEquivalences().getInverse().asMap().keySet(); } }