package org.aksw.sparqlify.database; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.aksw.commons.collections.CartesianProduct; import org.aksw.commons.collections.FlatMapView; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.normal_form.Clause; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.normal_form.Dnf; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var; import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.Expr; import; import; class DnfIndex { private Multimap<Var, Expr> singleVarExpr = HashMultimap.create(); //private Map<Clause> specific // NOTE: Additions are conjunctive! public void add(Dnf dnf) { Collection<Clause> clauses = dnf.getClauses(); //dnf.getCommonExprs() } } /** * * TODO Clarify: Do I want disjunctive or conjunctive normal form? * (a and b) or (c and d) or * (a or b) and(c or d) ? * I guess the former is better, as (a and not a) can be easily detected * * What happens if we allow conjunctions of disjunctive normal forms? * ((a, b) or (c, d) AND ((x) or (y))) * becomes * (abx or aby or cdx or cdy) (so the cross product of the involved clauses) * * Maybe i could do virtual clauses: * CrossJoinClause(Clauses ...) * * * * Hm, but with CNF it is easier to add new expressions. * * @author Claus Stadler <> * */ public class ExprIndex { private ExprIndex parent; // TODO I need this method due to the lack of suppert for CNF lookups on tables right now public void getEffectiveDnf(Collection<Var> vars) { } /** * I use this method for getting constraints for finding view candidates * * * @param dnfs * @param index * @param dnfIndex * @param blacklist * @param depth * @param parentClause * @param result */ public void calcEffectiveClauses(final List<Dnf> dnfs, int index, final Set<Clause> blacklist, Clause parentClause, final Set<Clause> result) { if(index >= dnfs.size()) { if(parentClause != null) { result.add(parentClause); } return; } Dnf dnf = dnfs.get(index); for(Clause clause : dnf.getClauses()) { if(blacklist.contains(clause)) { continue; } Clause merged; if(parentClause == null) { merged = parentClause; } else { Set<Expr> exprs = new HashSet<Expr>(parentClause.getExprs()); exprs.addAll(clause.getExprs()); merged = new Clause(exprs); calcEffectiveClauses(dnfs, index + 1, blacklist, merged, result); } } } /** * This method is an ugly hack right, but I don't know * where to better calculate it * * @return */ public Set<Clause> calcEffectiveClauses() { Set<Clause> result = new HashSet<Clause>(); List<Collection<Clause>> tmp = new ArrayList<Collection<Clause>>(); for(Dnf dnf : dnfs) { tmp.add(dnf.getClauses()); } CartesianProduct<Clause> cartesian = CartesianProduct.create(tmp); for(List<Clause> list : cartesian) { Set<Expr> exprs = new HashSet<Expr>(); for(Clause c : list) { exprs.addAll(c.getExprs()); } result.add(new Clause(exprs)); } return result; } public Set<Clause> getEffectiveClauses() { return effectiveClauses; } private Set<Clause> effectiveClauses; //private List<Dnf> dnfs = new ArrayList<Dnf>(); // The DNFs are sorted by number of clauses private NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Dnf>> dnfGroups = new TreeMap<Integer, Set<Dnf>>(); private Collection<Dnf> dnfs = new FlatMapView<Dnf>(dnfGroups.values()); private Set<Var> varsMentioned = new HashSet<Var>(); //private Map<Var, Expr> //private Map<Var, Expr> commonSingleVarExprs //private Dnf dnf = new Dnf(); //private Map<Var, Clause> varToClauses = new HashMap<Var, Clause>(); //private ExprList exprs = new ExprList(); //private Multimap<Var, Expr> varToExprs = HashMultimap.create(); //VarExprList x; //private Map<Var, PrefixSet> varToPrefixes = new HashMap<Var, PrefixSet>(); //private Map<Var> public ExprIndex() { } public ExprIndex(ExprIndex parent) { this.parent = parent; /* for(Dnf dnf : parent.getDnf()) { add(dnf); }*/ } public ExprIndex(ExprIndex parent, Iterable<Expr> exprs) { this.parent = parent; addAll(exprs); } public ExprIndex(Set<Dnf> dnfs) { addAll(dnfs); } public ExprIndex getParent() { return parent; } public Collection<Dnf> getDnf() { return dnfs; } public Set<Var> getVarsMentioned() { return varsMentioned; } void add(Dnf dnf) { int n = dnf.getClauses().size(); Set<Dnf> set = dnfGroups.get(n); if(set == null) { set = new HashSet<Dnf>(); dnfGroups.put(n, set); } set.add(dnf); varsMentioned.addAll(dnf.getVarsMentioned()); this.effectiveClauses = calcEffectiveClauses(); } void addAll(Collection<Dnf> dnfs) { for(Dnf dnf : dnfs) { add(dnf); } } void add(Expr expr) { Dnf dnf = Dnf.create(expr); add(dnf); //dnfs.add(dnf); /* exprs.add(expr); for(Var var : exprs.getVarsMentioned()) { varToExprs.put(var, expr); }*/ //DnfUtils.toDnf(expr); //varToExp } /** * Any clause containing a var means, that in order for the clause to evaluate * to true, the expression it is involved must be true. * * @param var * @return */ public Set<Clause> getAllClausesWith(Var var) { Set<Clause> result = new HashSet<Clause>(); for(Set<Dnf> dnfGroup : dnfGroups.values()) { for(Dnf dnf : dnfGroup) { Collection<Clause> clauses = dnf.get(var); result.addAll(clauses); } } return result; } public Set<Clause> getAllSingleVarExprs(Var var) { Set<Clause> result = new HashSet<Clause>(); for(Set<Dnf> dnfGroup : dnfGroups.values()) { for(Dnf dnf : dnfGroup) { Collection<Clause> clauses = dnf.get(Collections.singleton(var)); result.addAll(clauses); } } return result; } public void addAll(Iterable<Expr> exprs) { for(Expr expr : exprs) { add(expr); } } @Override public String toString() { return dnfs.toString(); } public ExprIndex filterByVars(Set<Var> requiredVars) { //List<Dnf> filteredDnfs = new ArrayList<Dnf>(); ExprIndex result = new ExprIndex(); for(Set<Dnf> dnfGroup : dnfGroups.values()) { for(Dnf dnf : dnfGroup) { Set<Clause> clauses = dnf.filterByVars(requiredVars); Dnf filteredDnf = new Dnf(clauses); result.add(filteredDnf); } } return result; } } /* class EffectiveClauseIterator extends SinglePrefetchIterator<Clause> { //private ExprIndex dnfIndex; private Set<Clause> blacklist; private StackCartesianProductIterator<Clause> it; public EffectiveClauseIterator(ExprIndex dnfIndex, Set<Clause> blacklist) { Collection<Dnf> dnfs = dnfIndex.getDnf(); List<Collection<Clause>> clauses = new ArrayList<Collection<Clause>>(); for(Dnf dnf : dnfs) { clauses.add(dnf.getClauses()); } //DescenderIterator<Clause> it = new DescenderIterator<Clause>(clauses, ) = new StackCartesianProductIterator<Clause>(clauses); } @Override protected Clause prefetch() throws Exception { while(it.hasNext()) { List<Clause> item =; Clause newClause = item.get(item.size() - 1); if(blacklist.contains(newClause)) { continue; } else if(it.canDescend()) { it.descend(); } } } } */ /** * A class intended for keeping track of possible constant values of a variable. * * Do I have to work with clauses? Or is it possible to simplify? * * OK, I don't think this class makes sense right now. * If we map a variable to a constant, then we don't need to deal with alternatives. * And if we want to mess around with expressions and satisfiability, then we can just * work on the expression level, rather trying to destill possible constant assignments from the exprs * (althought it might be useable for optimization) * * @author Claus Stadler <> * * @param <T> */ class ValueSet<T> { private Set<Set<T>> alternatives; /** * Example 1: Alternatives, or * (a = x || a = y) * -> ((x), (y)) * * ... && (a = x || a = z) * -> a = x * * * * Example 2: Negated alternatives * (?a != y || ?a != z) -> no constraint derivable * "x is either not an Animal or it is not a Person" * ((!y), (!z)) * * * Example 3: Negative alternatives * (?a != y && ?a != z) * "x is neither an Animal nor a Person" * -> neg = (!y, !z) * * Example 4: Mixed * (?a = x || ?a = y || ?a != y || ?a != z) * * * Example 5: Mixed * (?a = v || ?a = w) && (?a != v && ?a != y) * -> (?a = v && ?a != v && ?a != y) || (?a = w && ?a != v && ?a != y) * -> (false) || (?a = w && ?a != v && ?a != y) * pos = {w} * * * So stating an equality * * @param values */ public void stateAlternatives(Set<T> values) { } }