package org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.utils; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple; import org.apache.jena.graph.impl.GraphMatcher; import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad; import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator; public class CompareUtils { //public Set<Quad> public static Set<Quad> alignActualQuads(Set<Quad> expected, Set<Quad> actual) { Map<Node, Graph> e = QuadPatternUtils.indexAsGraphs(expected); Map<Node, Graph> a = QuadPatternUtils.indexAsGraphs(actual); Set<Quad> result = alignActualQuads(e, a); return result; } public static Set<Quad> toQuads(Node g, Graph graph) { Set<Quad> result = new HashSet<Quad>(); ExtendedIterator<Triple> it = graph.find(null, null, null); try { while(it.hasNext()) { Triple t =; Quad quad = new Quad(g, t); result.add(quad); } } finally { it.close(); } return result; } public static Set<Quad> toQuads(Node g, Graph graph, Map<Node, Node> subst) { Set<Quad> result = new HashSet<Quad>(); ExtendedIterator<Triple> it = graph.find(null, null, null); try { while(it.hasNext()) { Triple t =; Quad tmp = new Quad(g, t); Quad quad = QuadUtils.copySubstitute(tmp, subst); result.add(quad); } } finally { it.close(); } return result; } /** * Per graph alignment of quads. * Equivalent blank node objects in distinct graphs may be mapped differently. * Result of this method is not necessarily deterministic; see GraphMacher.match() * * @param expected * @param actual * @return */ public static Set<Quad> alignActualQuads(Map<Node, Graph> expected, Map<Node, Graph> actual) { Set<Quad> result = new HashSet<Quad>(); // Set<Quad> excessiveQuads = new HashSet<Quad>(); // Set<Quad> missingQuads = new HashSet<Quad>(); Set<Node> expectedGs = expected.keySet(); Set<Node> actualGs = actual.keySet(); Set<Node> excessiveGs = Sets.difference(actualGs, expectedGs); Set<Node> commonGs = Sets.intersection(expectedGs, actualGs); // Set<Node> missingGs = Sets.difference(expectedGs, actualGs); for(Node g : excessiveGs) { Graph graph = actual.get(g); Set<Quad> tmp = toQuads(g, graph); result.addAll(tmp); } for(Node g : commonGs) { Graph expectedGraph = expected.get(g); Graph actualGraph = actual.get(g); Node[][] rawMapping = GraphMatcher.match(actualGraph, expectedGraph); Map<Node, Node> mapping = new HashMap<Node, Node>(); if(rawMapping != null) { for(int i = 0; i < rawMapping.length; ++i) { Node source = rawMapping[i][0]; Node target = rawMapping[i][1]; mapping.put(source, target); } } else { //logger.warn("Could not establish a mapping between the graphs") } Set<Quad> tmp = toQuads(g, actualGraph, mapping); result.addAll(tmp); } return result; } }