// Copyright 2001-2009 FreeHEP package org.freehep.graphicsio.font; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.CharTable; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.FontUtilities; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.Lookup; /** * A table to remember which fonts were used while writing a document. * * @author Simon Fischer */ public abstract class FontTable { protected class Entry { private Font font; private String ref; private CharTable encoding; private boolean written; private Entry(Font f, CharTable encoding) { // get attributes of font for the stored default font Map<Attribute, Object> attributes = FontUtilities.getAttributes(f); // set default font size attributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Float(FontEmbedder.FONT_SIZE)); // remove font transformations attributes.remove(TextAttribute.TRANSFORM); attributes.remove(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT); this.font = new Font(attributes); this.ref = createFontReference(this.font); this.encoding = encoding; this.written = false; } public Font getFont() { return font; } public String getReference() { return ref; } protected void setReference(String ref) { this.ref = ref; } public CharTable getEncoding() { return encoding; } public void setWritten(boolean written) { this.written = written; } public boolean isWritten() { return written; } public String toString() { return ref + "=" + font; } } private Hashtable<String, Entry> table; public FontTable() { this.table = new Hashtable<String, Entry>(); } /** * Returns a default CharTable to be used for normal text (not Symbol or * Dingbats). */ public abstract CharTable getEncodingTable(); /** * Called whenever a specific font is used for the first time. Subclasses * may use this method to include the font instantly. This method may change * the value of the reference by calling <tt>e.setReference(String)</tt> * e.g. if it wants to substitute the font by a standard font that can be * addressed under a name different from the generated one. */ protected abstract void firstRequest(Entry e, boolean embed, String embedAs) throws IOException; /** Creates a unique reference to address this font. */ protected abstract String createFontReference(Font f); protected abstract Font substituteFont(Font font); /** * Returns a name for this font that can be used in the document. A new name * is generated if the font was not used yet. For different fontsizes the * same name is returned. */ public String fontReference(Font font, boolean embed, String embedAs) { // look for stored font font = substituteFont(font); String key = getKey(font); Entry e = table.get(key); // create new one if (e == null) { e = new Entry(font, getEncodingTable(font)); try { firstRequest(e, embed, embedAs); } catch (IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } table.put(key, e); } return e.ref; } /** * To embed all derivations of a font too (with underline, * strikethrough etc.) the key consists all these attributes. * * @param font ist attributes are used * @return something like Helvetica[BOLD:1][ITALIC:0][UNDERLINE:1] */ private String getKey(Font font) { Map/*<TextAttribute,?>*/<?, ?> attributes = FontUtilities.getAttributes(font); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(font.getName()); // bold result.append("[WEIGHT:"); result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.WEIGHT)); result.append("]"); // italic result.append("[POSTURE:"); result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.POSTURE)); result.append("]"); // underline is not handled as an font property // result.append("[UNDERLINE:"); // result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE)); // result.append("]"); // strike through is not handled as an font property // result.append("[STRIKETHROUGH:"); // result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH)); // result.append("]"); // SUPERSCRIPT is apllied by font.getTransformation() // leave this as a reminder! // result.append("["); // result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT)); // result.append("]"); // width is not handled as an font property // result.append("[WIDTH:"); // result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.WIDTH)); // result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } /** * creates a normalized attribute map, e.g. * java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=dialog.bold,style=plain,size=20] * becomes * java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=bold,size=20] * * @param attributes */ public static void normalize(Map<Attribute, Object> attributes) { // get name String family = (String) attributes.get(TextAttribute.FAMILY); // Java font names could end with ".plain" ".bold" // and ".italic". We have to convert this to an // attribute first if (family.toLowerCase().endsWith(".bold")) { attributes.put(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD); // cut the ".bold" int pos = family.toLowerCase().indexOf(".bold"); family = family.substring(0, pos); } else if (family.toLowerCase().endsWith(".italic")) { attributes.put(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE); // cut the ".italic" int pos = family.toLowerCase().indexOf(".italic"); family = family.substring(0, pos); } else if (family.toLowerCase().endsWith(".plain")) { // cut the ".plain" int pos = family.toLowerCase().indexOf(".plain"); family = family.substring(0, pos); } // first character up family = family.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + family.substring(1, family.length()); attributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, family); } /** * Returns a Collection view of all fonts. The elements of the collection * are <tt>Entrie</tt>s. */ public Collection<Entry> getEntries() { return table.values(); } private CharTable getEncodingTable(Font font) { String fontname = font.getName().toLowerCase(); if (fontname.indexOf("symbol") >= 0) return Lookup.getInstance().getTable("Symbol"); if (fontname.indexOf("zapfdingbats") >= 0) return Lookup.getInstance().getTable("Zapfdingbats"); return getEncodingTable(); } }