// Copyright 2000-2007 FreeHEP package org.freehep.graphicsio.svg; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.TexturePaint; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.FontUtilities; import org.freehep.graphicsbase.util.UserProperties; import org.freehep.graphicsbase.util.Value; import org.freehep.graphicsbase.xml.util.XMLWriter; import org.freehep.graphicsio.AbstractVectorGraphicsIO; import org.freehep.graphicsio.FontConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageGraphics2D; import org.freehep.graphicsio.InfoConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.PageConstants; import org.freehep.util.io.Base64OutputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.WriterOutputStream; /** * This class implements the Scalable Vector Graphics output. SVG specifications * can be found at http://www.w3c.org/Graphics/SVG/ * * The current implementation is based on REC-SVG11-20030114 * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-svg/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/svg/SVGGraphics2D.java 4c4708a97391 2007/06/12 22:32:31 duns $ */ public class SVGGraphics2D extends AbstractVectorGraphicsIO { public static final String VERSION_1_1 = "Version 1.1 (REC-SVG11-20030114)"; private static final String rootKey = SVGGraphics2D.class.getName(); public static final String TRANSPARENT = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.TRANSPARENT; public static final String BACKGROUND = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.BACKGROUND; public static final String BACKGROUND_COLOR = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.BACKGROUND_COLOR; public static final String VERSION = rootKey + ".Version"; public static final String COMPRESS = rootKey + ".Binary"; /** * use style="font-size:20" instaed of font-size="20" * see {@link #style(java.util.Properties)} for details */ public static final String STYLABLE = rootKey + ".Stylable"; public static final String IMAGE_SIZE = rootKey + "." + ImageConstants.IMAGE_SIZE; public static final String EXPORT_IMAGES = rootKey + ".ExportImages"; public static final String EXPORT_SUFFIX = rootKey + ".ExportSuffix"; public static final String WRITE_IMAGES_AS = rootKey + "." + ImageConstants.WRITE_IMAGES_AS; public static final String FOR = rootKey + "." + InfoConstants.FOR; public static final String TITLE = rootKey + "." + InfoConstants.TITLE; private BasicStroke defaultStroke = new BasicStroke(); public static final String EMBED_FONTS = rootKey + "." + FontConstants.EMBED_FONTS; private SVGFontTable fontTable; private static final UserProperties defaultProperties = new UserProperties(); static { defaultProperties.setProperty(TRANSPARENT, true); defaultProperties.setProperty(BACKGROUND, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color.GRAY); defaultProperties.setProperty(VERSION, VERSION_1_1); defaultProperties.setProperty(COMPRESS, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(STYLABLE, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(IMAGE_SIZE, new Dimension(0, 0)); // ImageSize defaultProperties.setProperty(EXPORT_IMAGES, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(EXPORT_SUFFIX, "image"); defaultProperties.setProperty(WRITE_IMAGES_AS, ImageConstants.SMALLEST); defaultProperties.setProperty(FOR, ""); defaultProperties.setProperty(TITLE, ""); defaultProperties.setProperty(CLIP, true); defaultProperties.setProperty(EMBED_FONTS, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(TEXT_AS_SHAPES, true); } public static Properties getDefaultProperties() { return defaultProperties; } public static void setDefaultProperties(Properties newProperties) { defaultProperties.setProperties(newProperties); } public static final String version = "$Revision$"; // current filename including path private String filename; // The lowerleft and upper right points of the bounding box. private int bbx, bby, bbw, bbh; // The private writer used for this file. private OutputStream ros; private PrintWriter os; // table for gradients Hashtable<GradientPaint, String> gradients = new Hashtable<GradientPaint, String>(); // table for textures Hashtable<?, ?> textures = new Hashtable<Object, Object>(); private Stack<String> closeTags = new Stack<String>(); private int imageNumber = 0; private Value clipNumber; private int width, height; /* * ================================================================================ | * 1. Constructors & Factory Methods * ================================================================================ */ public SVGGraphics2D(File file, Dimension size) throws IOException { this(new FileOutputStream(file), size); this.filename = file.getPath(); } public SVGGraphics2D(File file, Component component) throws IOException { this(new FileOutputStream(file), component); this.filename = file.getPath(); } public SVGGraphics2D(OutputStream os, Dimension size) { super(size, false); init(os); width = size.width; height = size.height; } public SVGGraphics2D(OutputStream os, Component component) { super(component, false); init(os); width = getSize().width; height = getSize().height; } private void init(OutputStream os) { this.ros = os; initProperties(getDefaultProperties()); this.filename = null; this.clipNumber = new Value().set(0); } protected SVGGraphics2D(SVGGraphics2D graphics, boolean doRestoreOnDispose) { super(graphics, doRestoreOnDispose); // Now initialize the new object. filename = graphics.filename; os = graphics.os; bbx = graphics.bbx; bby = graphics.bby; bbw = graphics.bbw; bbh = graphics.bbh; gradients = graphics.gradients; textures = graphics.textures; clipNumber = graphics.clipNumber; fontTable = graphics.fontTable; } /* * ================================================================================ | * 2. Document Settings * ================================================================================ */ /** * Get the bounding box for this image. */ public void setBoundingBox() { bbx = 0; bby = 0; Dimension size = getSize(); bbw = size.width; bbh = size.height; } /* * ================================================================================ | * 3. Header, Trailer, Multipage & Comments * ================================================================================ */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 3.1 Header & Trailer *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Write out the header of this SVG file. */ public void writeHeader() throws IOException { ros = new BufferedOutputStream(ros); if (isProperty(COMPRESS)) { ros = new GZIPOutputStream(ros); } os = new PrintWriter(ros, true); fontTable = new SVGFontTable(); // Do the bounding box calculation. setBoundingBox(); imageNumber = 0; os.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>"); if (getProperty(VERSION).equals(VERSION_1_1)) { // no DTD anymore } else { // FIXME experimental version } os.println(); int x = 0; int y = 0; Dimension size = getPropertyDimension(IMAGE_SIZE); int w = size.width; if (w <= 0) w = width; int h = size.height; if (h <= 0) h = height; os.println("<svg "); if (getProperty(VERSION).equals(VERSION_1_1)) { os.println(" version=\"1.1\""); os.println(" baseProfile=\"full\""); os.println(" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\""); os.println(" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\""); os.println(" xmlns:ev=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events\""); } os.println(" x=\"" + x + "px\""); os.println(" y=\"" + y + "px\""); os.println(" width=\"" + w + "px\""); os.println(" height=\"" + h + "px\""); os.println(" viewBox=\"" + bbx + " " + bby + " " + bbw + " " + bbh + "\""); os.println(" >"); closeTags.push("</svg> <!-- bounding box -->"); os.print("<title>"); os.print(XMLWriter.normalizeText(getProperty(TITLE))); os.println("</title>"); String producer = getClass().getName(); if (!isDeviceIndependent()) { producer += " " + version.substring(1, version.length() - 1); } os.print("<desc>"); os.print("Creator: " + XMLWriter.normalizeText(getCreator())); os.print(" Producer: " + XMLWriter.normalizeText(producer)); os.print(" Source: " + XMLWriter.normalizeText(getProperty(FOR))); if (!isDeviceIndependent()) { os.print(" Date: " + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL).format(new Date())); } os.println("</desc>"); // write default stroke os.print("<g "); Properties style = getStrokeProperties(defaultStroke, true); os.print(style(style)); os.println(">"); // close default settings at the end closeTags.push("</g> <!-- default stroke -->"); } public void writeBackground() throws IOException { if (isProperty(TRANSPARENT)) { setBackground(null); } else if (isProperty(BACKGROUND)) { setBackground(getPropertyColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR)); clearRect(0.0, 0.0, getSize().width, getSize().height); } else { setBackground(getComponent() != null ? getComponent() .getBackground() : Color.WHITE); clearRect(0.0, 0.0, getSize().width, getSize().height); } } /** * Writes the font definitions and calls {@link #writeGraphicsRestore()} to * close all open XML Tags * * @throws IOException */ public void writeTrailer() throws IOException { // write font definition if (isProperty(EMBED_FONTS)) { os.println("<defs>"); os.println(fontTable.toString()); os.println("</defs> <!-- font definitions -->"); } // restor graphic writeGraphicsRestore(); } public void closeStream() throws IOException { os.close(); } /* * ================================================================================ | * 4. Create * ================================================================================ */ public Graphics create() { try { writeGraphicsSave(); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } return new SVGGraphics2D(this, true); } public Graphics create(double x, double y, double width, double height) { try { writeGraphicsSave(); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } SVGGraphics2D graphics = new SVGGraphics2D(this, true); // FIXME: All other drivers have a translate(x,y), clip(0,0,w,h) here os.println("<svg x=\"" + fixedPrecision(x) + "\" " + "y=\"" + fixedPrecision(y) + "\" " + "width=\"" + fixedPrecision(width) + "\" " + "height=\"" + fixedPrecision(height) + "\" " + ">"); graphics.closeTags.push("</svg> <!-- graphics context -->"); // write default stroke os.print("<g "); Properties style = getStrokeProperties(defaultStroke, true); os.print(style(style)); os.println(">"); graphics.closeTags.push("</g> <!-- default stroke -->"); return graphics; } protected void writeGraphicsSave() throws IOException { // not applicable } protected void writeGraphicsRestore() throws IOException { while (!closeTags.empty()) { os.println(closeTags.pop()); } } /* * ================================================================================ | * 5. Drawing Methods * ================================================================================ */ /* 5.1 shapes */ /* 5.1.4. shapes */ /** * Draws the shape using the current paint as border * * @param shape Shape to draw */ public void draw(Shape shape) { // others than BasicStrokes are written by its // {@link Stroke#createStrokedShape()} if (getStroke() instanceof BasicStroke) { PathIterator path = shape.getPathIterator(null); Properties style = new Properties(); if (getPaint() != null) { style.put("stroke", hexColor(getPaint())); style.put("stroke-opacity", fixedPrecision(alphaColor(getPaint()))); } // no filling style.put("fill", "none"); style.putAll(getStrokeProperties(getStroke(), false)); writePathIterator(path, style); } else if (getStroke() != null) { // fill the shape created by stroke fill(getStroke().createStrokedShape(shape)); } else { // FIXME: do nothing or draw using defaultStroke? fill(defaultStroke.createStrokedShape(shape)); } } /** * Fills the shape without a border using the current paint * * @param shape Shape to be filled with the current paint */ public void fill(Shape shape) { // draw paint as image if needed if (!(getPaint() instanceof Color || getPaint() instanceof GradientPaint)) { // draw paint as image fill(shape, getPaint()); } else { PathIterator path = shape.getPathIterator(null); Properties style = new Properties(); if (path.getWindingRule() == PathIterator.WIND_EVEN_ODD) { style.put("fill-rule", "evenodd"); } else { style.put("fill-rule", "nonzero"); } // fill with paint if (getPaint() != null) { style.put("fill", hexColor(getPaint())); style.put("fill-opacity", fixedPrecision(alphaColor(getPaint()))); } // no border style.put("stroke", "none"); writePathIterator(path, style); } } /** * writes a path using {@link #getPath(java.awt.geom.PathIterator)} * and the given style * * @param pi PathIterator * @param style Properties for <g> tag */ private void writePathIterator(PathIterator pi, Properties style) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // write style result.append("<g "); result.append(style(style)); result.append(">\n "); // draw shape result.append(getPath(pi)); // close style result.append("\n</g> <!-- drawing style -->"); boolean drawClipped = false; // test if clip intersects pi if (getClip() != null) { GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); gp.append(pi, true); // create the stroked shape Stroke stroke = getStroke() == null? defaultStroke : getStroke(); Rectangle2D bounds = stroke.createStrokedShape(gp).getBounds(); // clip should intersect the path // if clip contains the bounds completely, clipping is not needed drawClipped = getClip().intersects(bounds) && !getClip().contains(bounds); } if (drawClipped) { // write in a transformed and clipped context os.println( getTransformedString( getTransform(), getClippedString(result.toString()))); } else { // write in a transformed context os.println( getTransformedString( getTransform(), result.toString())); } } /* 5.2. Images */ public void copyArea(int x, int y, int width, int height, int dx, int dy) { writeWarning(getClass() + ": copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) not implemented."); } protected void writeImage(RenderedImage image, AffineTransform xform, Color bkg) throws IOException { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("<image x=\"0\" y=\"0\" " + "width=\""); result.append(image.getWidth()); result.append("\" " + "height=\""); result.append(image.getHeight()); result.append("\" " + "xlink:href=\""); String writeAs = getProperty(WRITE_IMAGES_AS); boolean isTransparent = image.getColorModel().hasAlpha() && (bkg == null); String encode; byte[] imageBytes; // write as PNG if (ImageConstants.PNG.equalsIgnoreCase(writeAs) || isTransparent) { encode = ImageConstants.PNG; imageBytes = ImageGraphics2D.toByteArray( image, ImageConstants.PNG, null, null); } // write as JPG else if (ImageConstants.JPG.equalsIgnoreCase(writeAs)) { encode = ImageConstants.JPG; imageBytes = ImageGraphics2D.toByteArray( image, ImageConstants.JPG, null, null); } // write as SMALLEST else { byte[] pngBytes = ImageGraphics2D.toByteArray(image, ImageConstants.PNG, null, null); byte[] jpgBytes = ImageGraphics2D.toByteArray(image, ImageConstants.JPG, null, null); // define encode and imageBytes if (jpgBytes.length < 0.5 * pngBytes.length) { encode = ImageConstants.JPG; imageBytes = jpgBytes; } else { encode = ImageConstants.PNG; imageBytes = pngBytes; } } if (isProperty(EXPORT_IMAGES)) { imageNumber++; // create filenames if (filename == null) { writeWarning("SVG: cannot write embedded images, since SVGGraphics2D"); writeWarning(" was created from an OutputStream rather than a File."); return; } int pos = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); String dirName = (pos < 0) ? "" : filename.substring(0, pos + 1); String imageName = (pos < 0) ? filename : filename .substring(pos + 1); imageName += "." + getProperty(EXPORT_SUFFIX) + "-" + imageNumber + "." + encode; result.append(imageName); // write the image separately FileOutputStream imageStream = new FileOutputStream(dirName + imageName); imageStream.write(imageBytes); imageStream.close(); } else { result.append("data:image/"); result.append(encode); result.append(";base64,"); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Base64OutputStream b64 = new Base64OutputStream( new WriterOutputStream(writer)); b64.write(imageBytes); b64.finish(); result.append(writer.toString()); } result.append("\"/>"); os.println(getTransformedString(getTransform(), getClippedString(getTransformedString(xform, result .toString())))); } /* 5.3. Strings */ protected void writeString(String str, double x, double y) throws IOException { // str = FontEncoder.getEncodedString(str, getFont().getName()); if (isProperty(EMBED_FONTS)) { fontTable.addGlyphs(str, getFont()); } // font transformation should _not_ transform string position // so we draw at 0:0 and translate _before_ using getFont().getTransform() // we could not just translate before and reverse translation after // writing because the clipping area // create font properties Properties style = getFontProperties(getFont()); // add stroke properties if (getPaint() != null) { style.put("fill", hexColor(getPaint())); style.put("fill-opacity", fixedPrecision(alphaColor(getPaint()))); } else { style.put("fill", "none"); } style.put("stroke", "none"); // convert tags to string values str = XMLWriter.normalizeText(str); // replace leading space by �a0; otherwise firefox 1.5 fails if (str.startsWith(" ")) { str = " " + str.substring(1); } os.println(getTransformedString( // general transformation getTransform(), // general clip getClippedString( getTransformedString( // text offset new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y), getTransformedString( // font transformation and text getFont().getTransform(), "<text " // style + style(style) // coordiantes + " x=\"0\" y=\"0\">" // text + str + "</text>"))))); } /** * Creates the properties list for the given font. * Family, size, bold italic, underline and strikethrough are converted. * {@link java.awt.font.TextAttribute#SUPERSCRIPT} * is handled by {@link java.awt.Font#getTransform()} * * @return properties in svg style for the font * @param font Font to */ private Properties getFontProperties(Font font) { Properties result = new Properties(); // attribute for font properties Map /*<TextAttribute, ?>*/<Attribute, Object> attributes = FontUtilities.getAttributes(font); // dialog.bold -> Helvetica with TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD SVGFontTable.normalize(attributes); // family result.put("font-family", attributes.get(TextAttribute.FAMILY)); // weight if (TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD.equals(attributes.get(TextAttribute.WEIGHT))) { result.put("font-weight", "bold"); } else { result.put("font-weight", "normal"); } // posture if (TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE.equals(attributes.get(TextAttribute.POSTURE))) { result.put("font-style", "italic"); } else { result.put("font-style", "normal"); } Object ul = attributes.get(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE); if (ul != null) { // underline style, only supported by CSS 3 if (TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_DOTTED.equals(ul)) { result.put("text-underline-style", "dotted"); } else if (TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_DASHED.equals(ul)) { result.put("text-underline-style", "dashed"); } else if (TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON.equals(ul)) { result.put("text-underline-style", "solid"); } // the underline itself, supported by CSS 2 result.put("text-decoration", "underline"); } if (attributes.get(TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH) != null) { // is the property allready witten? if (ul == null) { result.put("text-decoration", "underline, line-through"); } else { result.put("text-decoration", "line-through"); } } Float size = (Float) attributes.get(TextAttribute.SIZE); result.put("font-size", fixedPrecision(size.floatValue())); return result; } /* * ================================================================================ | * 6. Transformations * ================================================================================ */ protected void writeTransform(AffineTransform transform) throws IOException { // written when needed } protected void writeSetTransform(AffineTransform transform) throws IOException { // written when needed } /* * ================================================================================ | * 7. Clipping * ================================================================================ */ protected void writeClip(Shape s) throws IOException { // written when needed } protected void writeSetClip(Shape s) throws IOException { // written when needed } /* * ================================================================================ | * 8. Graphics State * ================================================================================ */ /* 8.1. stroke/linewidth */ protected void writeWidth(float width) throws IOException { // written when needed } protected void writeCap(int cap) throws IOException { // Written when needed } protected void writeJoin(int join) throws IOException { // written when needed } protected void writeMiterLimit(float limit) throws IOException { // written when needed } protected void writeDash(float[] dash, float phase) throws IOException { // written when needed } /** * return the style tag for the stroke * * @param s * Stroke to convert * @param all * all attributes (not only the differences to defaultStroke) are * handled * @return corresponding style string */ private Properties getStrokeProperties(Stroke s, boolean all) { Properties result = new Properties(); // only BasisStrokes are written if (!(s instanceof BasicStroke)) { return result; } BasicStroke stroke = (BasicStroke) s; // append linecap if (all || (stroke.getEndCap() != defaultStroke.getEndCap())) { // append cap switch (stroke.getEndCap()) { default: case BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT: result.put("stroke-linecap", "butt"); break; case BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND: result.put("stroke-linecap", "round"); break; case BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE: result.put("stroke-linecap", "square"); break; } } // append dasharray if (all || !Arrays.equals(stroke.getDashArray(), defaultStroke .getDashArray())) { if (stroke.getDashArray() != null && stroke.getDashArray().length > 0) { StringBuffer array = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < stroke.getDashArray().length; i++) { if (i > 0) { array.append(","); } // SVG does not allow dash entry to be zero (Firefox 2.0). float dash = stroke.getDashArray()[i]; array.append(fixedPrecision(dash > 0 ? dash : 0.1)); } result.put("stroke-dasharray", array.toString()); } else { result.put("stroke-dasharray", "none"); } } if (all || (stroke.getDashPhase() != defaultStroke.getDashPhase())) { result.put("stroke-dashoffset", fixedPrecision(stroke.getDashPhase())); } // append meter limit if (all || (stroke.getMiterLimit() != defaultStroke.getMiterLimit())) { result.put("stroke-miterlimit", fixedPrecision(stroke.getMiterLimit())); } // append join if (all || (stroke.getLineJoin() != defaultStroke.getLineJoin())) { switch (stroke.getLineJoin()) { default: case BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER: result.put("stroke-linejoin", "miter"); break; case BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND: result.put("stroke-linejoin", "round"); break; case BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL: result.put("stroke-linejoin", "bevel"); break; } } // append linewidth if (all || (stroke.getLineWidth() != defaultStroke.getLineWidth())) { // width of 0 means thinnest line, which does not exist in SVG if (stroke.getLineWidth() == 0) { result.put("stroke-width", fixedPrecision(0.000001f)); } else { result.put("stroke-width", fixedPrecision(stroke.getLineWidth())); } } return result; } /* 8.2. paint/color */ public void setPaintMode() { writeWarning(getClass() + ": setPaintMode() not implemented."); } public void setXORMode(Color c1) { writeWarning(getClass() + ": setXORMode(Color) not implemented."); } protected void writePaint(Color c) throws IOException { // written with every draw } protected void writePaint(GradientPaint paint) throws IOException { if (gradients.get(paint) == null) { String name = "gradient-" + gradients.size(); gradients.put(paint, name); Point2D p1 = paint.getPoint1(); Point2D p2 = paint.getPoint2(); os.println("<defs>"); os.print(" <linearGradient id=\"" + name + "\" "); os.print("x1=\"" + fixedPrecision(p1.getX()) + "\" "); os.print("y1=\"" + fixedPrecision(p1.getY()) + "\" "); os.print("x2=\"" + fixedPrecision(p2.getX()) + "\" "); os.print("y2=\"" + fixedPrecision(p2.getY()) + "\" "); os.print("gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" "); os.print("spreadMethod=\"" + ((paint.isCyclic()) ? "reflect" : "pad") + "\" "); os.println(">"); os.println(" <stop offset=\"0\" stop-color=\"" + hexColor(paint.getColor1()) + "\" " + "opacity-stop=\"" + alphaColor(paint.getColor1()) + "\" />"); os.println(" <stop offset=\"1\" stop-color=\"" + hexColor(paint.getColor2()) + "\" " + "opacity-stop=\"" + alphaColor(paint.getColor2()) + "\" />"); os.println(" </linearGradient>"); os.println("</defs>"); } // create style Properties style = new Properties(); style.put("stroke", hexColor(getPaint())); // write style os.print("<g "); os.print(style(style)); os.println(">"); // close color later closeTags.push("</g> <!-- color -->"); } protected void writePaint(TexturePaint paint) throws IOException { // written when needed } protected void writePaint(Paint p) throws IOException { // written when needed } /* 8.3. font */ protected void writeFont(Font font) throws IOException { // written when needed } /* * ================================================================================ | * 9. Auxiliary * ================================================================================ */ public GraphicsConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration() { writeWarning(getClass() + ": getDeviceConfiguration() not implemented."); return null; } public void writeComment(String s) throws IOException { os.println("<!-- " + s + " -->"); } public String toString() { return "SVGGraphics2D"; } /* * ================================================================================ | * 10. Private/Utility Methos * ================================================================================ */ /** * Encapsulates a SVG-Tag by the given transformation matrix * * @param t * Transformation * @param s * SVG-Tag */ private String getTransformedString(AffineTransform t, String s) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); if (t != null && !t.isIdentity()) { result.append("<g transform=\"matrix("); result.append(fixedPrecision(t.getScaleX())); result.append(", "); result.append(fixedPrecision(t.getShearY())); result.append(", "); result.append(fixedPrecision(t.getShearX())); result.append(", "); result.append(fixedPrecision(t.getScaleY())); result.append(", "); result.append(fixedPrecision(t.getTranslateX())); result.append(", "); result.append(fixedPrecision(t.getTranslateY())); result.append(")\">\n"); } result.append(s); if (t != null && !t.isIdentity()) { result.append("\n</g> <!-- transform -->"); } return result.toString(); } /** * Encapsulates a SVG-Tag by the current clipping area matrix * * @param s SVG-Tag * @return SVG Tag encapsulated by the current clip */ private String getClippedString(String s) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // clipping if (isProperty(CLIP) && getClip() != null) { // SVG uses unique lip numbers, don't reset allways increment them clipNumber.set(clipNumber.getInt() + 1); // define clip result.append("<clipPath id=\"clip"); result.append(clipNumber.getInt()); result.append("\">\n "); result.append(getPath(getClip().getPathIterator(null))); result.append("\n</clipPath>\n"); // use clip result.append("<g clip-path=\"url(#clip"); result.append(clipNumber.getInt()); result.append(")\">\n"); } // append the string result.append(s); // close clipping if (isProperty(CLIP) && getClip() != null) { result.append("\n</g> <!-- clip"); result.append(clipNumber.getInt()); result.append(" -->"); } return result.toString(); } private float alphaColor(Paint p) { if (p instanceof Color) { return (float) (getPrintColor((Color) p).getAlpha() / 255.0); } else if (p instanceof GradientPaint) { return 1.0f; } else if (p instanceof TexturePaint) { return 1.0f; } writeWarning(getClass() + ": alphaColor() not implemented for " + p.getClass() + "."); return 1.0f; } private String hexColor(Paint p) { if (p instanceof Color) { return hexColor(getPrintColor((Color) p)); } else if (p instanceof GradientPaint) { return hexColor((GradientPaint) p); } else if (p instanceof TexturePaint) { return hexColor((TexturePaint) p); } writeWarning(getClass() + ": hexColor() not implemented for " + p.getClass() + "."); return "#000000"; } private String hexColor(Color c) { String s1 = Integer.toHexString(c.getRed()); s1 = (s1.length() != 2) ? "0" + s1 : s1; String s2 = Integer.toHexString(c.getGreen()); s2 = (s2.length() != 2) ? "0" + s2 : s2; String s3 = Integer.toHexString(c.getBlue()); s3 = (s3.length() != 2) ? "0" + s3 : s3; return "#" + s1 + s2 + s3; } private String hexColor(GradientPaint p) { return "url(#" + gradients.get(p) + ")"; } private String hexColor(TexturePaint p) { return "url(#" + textures.get(p) + ")"; } protected static String getPathContent(PathIterator path) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); double[] coords = new double[6]; result.append("d=\""); while (!path.isDone()) { int segType = path.currentSegment(coords); switch (segType) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: result.append("M "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[0])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[1])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: result.append("L "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[0])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[1])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: result.append("C "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[0])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[1])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[2])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[3])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[4])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[5])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: result.append("Q "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[0])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[1])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[2])); result.append(" "); result.append(fixedPrecision(coords[3])); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: result.append("z"); break; } // Move to the next segment. path.next(); // Not needed but makes the output readable if (!path.isDone()) { result.append(" "); } } result.append("\""); return result.toString(); } protected String getPath(PathIterator path) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("<path "); result.append(getPathContent(path)); result.append("/>"); return result.toString(); } /** * For a given "key -> value" property set the * method creates * style="key1:value1;key2:value2;" or * key2="value2" key2="value2" depending on * {@link #STYLABLE}. * * @param style properties to convert * @return String */ private String style(Properties style) { if (style == null || style.isEmpty()) { return ""; } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); boolean styleable = isProperty(STYLABLE); // embed everything in a "style" attribute if (styleable) { result.append("style=\""); } Enumeration<?> keys = style.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) keys.nextElement(); String value = style.getProperty(key); result.append(key); if (styleable) { result.append(":"); result.append(value); result.append(";"); } else { result.append("=\""); result.append(value); result.append("\""); if (keys.hasMoreElements()) { result.append(" "); } } } // close the style attribute if (styleable) { result.append("\""); } return result.toString(); } /** * for fixedPrecision(double d), SVG does not understand "1E-7" * we have to use ".0000007" instead */ private static DecimalFormat scientific = new DecimalFormat( "#.####################", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); /** * converts the double value to a representing string * * @param d double value to convert * @return same as string */ public static String fixedPrecision(double d) { return scientific.format(d); } protected PrintWriter getOutputStream() { return os; } }