// Copyright 2001-2005 freehep package org.freehep.graphicsio.font; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.io.IOException; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.CharTable; /** * Instances of this class write the information into documents (ps or pdf) that * is necessary in order to include or embed fonts. In order to guarantee a * time-invariant interface the main methods to implement by subclasses * <tt>includeFont</tt> takes no arguments. All necessary data should be * available by getter methods which can easily be added. <br> * The abstract methods are called in the following order: * <ul> * <li><tt>openIncludeFont</tt> * <li><tt>writeEncoding</tt> * <li><tt>closeIncludeFont</tt> * </ul> * * @author Simon Fischer * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/font/FontIncluder.java 5641ca92a537 2005/11/26 00:15:35 duns $ */ public abstract class FontIncluder { public static final double FONT_SIZE = 1000; // -------------------- abstract methods -------------------- /** * Writes the given information about the font into the file. When this * method is called all <tt>getXXX()</tt> are guaranteed to return * reasonable values. */ protected abstract void openIncludeFont() throws IOException; /** Writes the encoding table to the file. */ protected abstract void writeEncoding(CharTable charTable) throws IOException; /** Does nothing, but can be implemented by subclasses if necessary. */ protected void closeIncludeFont() throws IOException { } // ----------------------------------------------------------- private FontRenderContext context; private Rectangle2D fontBBox; private Font font; private String fontName; private CharTable charTable; private char[] unicode; private String[] charName; private int noDefinedChars; public FontIncluder(FontRenderContext context) { this.context = context; this.noDefinedChars = -1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- protected FontRenderContext getContext() { return context; } protected String getFontName() { return fontName; } protected Font getFont() { return font; } protected CharTable getEncodingTable() { return charTable; } protected Rectangle2D getFontBBox() { return fontBBox; } protected String getCharName(int i) { return charName[i]; } protected char getUnicode(int i) { return unicode[i]; } protected char[] getUnicode() { return unicode; } protected int getNODefinedChars() { return noDefinedChars; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- /** * Embed this font to the file. * * @param font The font to include * @param name The name under which this font is addressed within the * document (can be retrieved by <tt>getFontName()</tt>) */ public void includeFont(Font font, CharTable charTable, String name) throws IOException { unicode = null; charName = null; this.font = font; this.charTable = charTable; this.fontName = name; // figure out the maximum bounding box for all characters this.fontBBox = font.getMaxCharBounds(context); // figure out the unicodes and character names and // create a glyph vector containing the 256 glyphs of the font this.noDefinedChars = 0; this.unicode = new char[256]; this.charName = new String[256]; for (int i = 0; i < unicode.length; i++) { charName[i] = charTable.toName(i); if (charName[i] != null) { unicode[i] = charTable.toUnicode(charName[i]); noDefinedChars++; } else { unicode[i] = 0; } } openIncludeFont(); writeEncoding(charTable); closeIncludeFont(); } protected double getUndefinedWidth() { return FONT_SIZE; } }