// Copyright 2000-2007, FreeHEP package org.freehep.graphicsio.pdf; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.TexturePaint; import java.awt.font.LineMetrics; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.freehep.graphics2d.TagString; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.FontUtilities; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.Lookup; import org.freehep.graphicsbase.util.UserProperties; import org.freehep.graphicsio.AbstractVectorGraphicsIO; import org.freehep.graphicsio.FontConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageGraphics2D; import org.freehep.graphicsio.InfoConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.MultiPageDocument; import org.freehep.graphicsio.PageConstants; /** * Implementation of <tt>VectorGraphics</tt> that writes the output to a PDF * file. Users of this class have to generate a <tt>PDFWriter</tt> and create * an instance by invoking the factory method or the constructor. Document * specific settings like page size can then be made by the appropriate setter * methods. Before starting to draw, <tt>startExport()</tt> must be called. * When drawing is finished, call <tt>endExport()</tt>. * * @author Simon Fischer * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-pdf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/pdf/PDFGraphics2D.java 59372df5e0d9 2007/02/06 21:11:19 duns $ */ public class PDFGraphics2D extends AbstractVectorGraphicsIO implements MultiPageDocument, FontUtilities.ShowString { /* * ================================================================================ * Table of Contents: ------------------ 1. Constructors & Factory Methods * 2. Document Settings 3. Header, Trailer, Multipage & Comments 3.1 Header & * Trailer 3.2 MultipageDocument methods 4. Create & Dispose 5. Drawing * Methods 5.1. shapes (draw/fill) 5.1.1. lines, rectangles, round * rectangles 5.1.2. polylines, polygons 5.1.3. ovals, arcs 5.1.4. shapes * 5.2. Images 5.3. Strings 6. Transformations 7. Clipping 8. Graphics State / * Settings 8.1. stroke/linewidth 8.2. paint/color 8.3. font 8.4. rendering * hints 9. Private/Utility Methods 9.1. drawing, shape creation 9.2. font, * strings 9.3. images 9.4. transformations 10. Auxiliary * ================================================================================ */ private static final String rootKey = PDFGraphics2D.class.getName(); public static final String VERSION6 = "Acrobat Reader 6.x"; public static final String VERSION5 = "Acrobat Reader 5.x"; public static final String VERSION4 = "Acrobat Reader 4.x"; public static final String TRANSPARENT = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.TRANSPARENT; public static final String BACKGROUND = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.BACKGROUND; public static final String BACKGROUND_COLOR = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.BACKGROUND_COLOR; /** * Property name for setting the size of the pages output by this {@code PDFGraphics2D}. * <p> * To set a pre-defined page size, set this property to one of the page size constants defined * in {@link PageConstants} - for instance, {@linkplain PageConstants#A4}, * {@linkplain PageConstants#LETTER}. * <p> * To set a custom page size, set this property to the value {@link CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE}. Then, * set the {@link CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE} property to a {@link Dimension} object. * @see UserProperties */ public static final String PAGE_SIZE = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.PAGE_SIZE; /** * Property name (and value!) for setting a custom page size. * <p> * If the {@link PAGE_SIZE} property is set to THIS VALUE, then the properties are consulted * for the value of THIS KEY. The value of this key should be a {@link Dimension} object, * in the "user coordinates" of Java2D. * */ public static final String CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE; public static final String PAGE_MARGINS = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.PAGE_MARGINS; public static final String ORIENTATION = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.ORIENTATION; public static final String FIT_TO_PAGE = rootKey + "." + PageConstants.FIT_TO_PAGE; public static final String EMBED_FONTS = rootKey + "." + FontConstants.EMBED_FONTS; public static final String EMBED_FONTS_AS = rootKey + "." + FontConstants.EMBED_FONTS_AS; public static final String THUMBNAILS = rootKey + ".Thumbnails"; public static final String THUMBNAIL_SIZE = rootKey + ".ThumbnailSize"; public static final String COMPRESS = rootKey + ".Compress"; public static final String VERSION = rootKey + ".Version"; public static final String WRITE_IMAGES_AS = rootKey + "." + ImageConstants.WRITE_IMAGES_AS; public static final String AUTHOR = rootKey + "." + InfoConstants.AUTHOR; public static final String TITLE = rootKey + "." + InfoConstants.TITLE; public static final String SUBJECT = rootKey + "." + InfoConstants.SUBJECT; public static final String KEYWORDS = rootKey + "." + InfoConstants.KEYWORDS; private static final UserProperties defaultProperties = new UserProperties(); static { defaultProperties.setProperty(TRANSPARENT, true); defaultProperties.setProperty(BACKGROUND, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(BACKGROUND_COLOR, Color.GRAY); defaultProperties.setProperty(VERSION, VERSION5); defaultProperties.setProperty(COMPRESS, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(PAGE_SIZE, PageConstants.INTERNATIONAL); defaultProperties.setProperty(PAGE_MARGINS, PageConstants .getMargins(PageConstants.SMALL)); defaultProperties.setProperty(ORIENTATION, PageConstants.PORTRAIT); defaultProperties.setProperty(FIT_TO_PAGE, true); defaultProperties.setProperty(EMBED_FONTS, false); defaultProperties.setProperty(EMBED_FONTS_AS, FontConstants.EMBED_FONTS_TYPE3); defaultProperties.setProperty(THUMBNAILS, defaultProperties .getProperty(VERSION).equals(VERSION4)); defaultProperties.setProperty(THUMBNAIL_SIZE, new Dimension(128, 128)); defaultProperties.setProperty(WRITE_IMAGES_AS, ImageConstants.SMALLEST); defaultProperties.setProperty(AUTHOR, ""); defaultProperties.setProperty(TITLE, ""); defaultProperties.setProperty(SUBJECT, ""); defaultProperties.setProperty(KEYWORDS, ""); defaultProperties.setProperty(CLIP, true); defaultProperties.setProperty(TEXT_AS_SHAPES, true); } public static Properties getDefaultProperties() { return defaultProperties; } public static void setDefaultProperties(Properties newProperties) { defaultProperties.setProperties(newProperties); } public static final String version = "$Revision$"; private static final String PDF_VERSION = "1.4"; private static final String[] COMPRESS_FILTERS = { ImageConstants.ENCODING_FLATE, ImageConstants.ENCODING_ASCII85}; private static final String[] NO_FILTERS = {}; private static final double FONTSIZE_CORRECTION = 1.0; /* * Not Used private static final CharTable STANDARD_CHAR_TABLES[] = { * Lookup.getInstance().getTable("PDFLatin"), * Lookup.getInstance().getTable("Symbol"), * Lookup.getInstance().getTable("Zapfdingbats") }; * * private static final Font STANDARD_FONT[] = { null, new Font("Symbol", * Font.PLAIN, 10), new Font("ZapfDingbats", Font.PLAIN, 10), }; */ // output private OutputStream ros; private PDFWriter os; private PDFStream pageStream; // remember some things to do private PDFFontTable fontTable; // remember which standard fonts were used private PDFImageDelayQueue delayImageQueue; // remember images XObjects to // include in the file private PDFPaintDelayQueue delayPaintQueue; // remember patterns to include // in the file // multipage private int currentPage; private boolean multiPage; private TagString[] headerText; private int headerUnderline; private Font headerFont; private TagString[] footerText; private int footerUnderline; private Font footerFont; private List<String> titles; // extra pointers int alphaIndex; Map<Float, String> extGStates; /* * ================================================================================ | * 1. Constructors & Factory Methods * ================================================================================ */ public PDFGraphics2D(File file, Dimension size) throws FileNotFoundException { this(new FileOutputStream(file), size); } public PDFGraphics2D(File file, Component component) throws FileNotFoundException { this(new FileOutputStream(file), component); } public PDFGraphics2D(OutputStream ros, Dimension size) { super(size, false); init(ros); } public PDFGraphics2D(OutputStream ros, Component component) { super(component, false); init(ros); } private void init(OutputStream ros) { this.ros = new BufferedOutputStream(ros); currentPage = 0; multiPage = false; titles = new ArrayList<String>(); initProperties(defaultProperties); } /** Cloneconstructor */ protected PDFGraphics2D(PDFGraphics2D graphics, boolean doRestoreOnDispose) { super(graphics, doRestoreOnDispose); this.os = graphics.os; this.pageStream = graphics.pageStream; this.delayImageQueue = graphics.delayImageQueue; this.delayPaintQueue = graphics.delayPaintQueue; this.fontTable = graphics.fontTable; this.currentPage = graphics.currentPage; this.multiPage = graphics.multiPage; this.titles = graphics.titles; this.alphaIndex = graphics.alphaIndex; this.extGStates = graphics.extGStates; } /* * ================================================================================ | * 2. Document Settings * ================================================================================ */ public void setMultiPage(boolean multiPage) { this.multiPage = multiPage; } public boolean isMultiPage() { return multiPage; } /** * Set the clipping enabled flag. This will affect all output operations * after this call completes. In some circumstances the clipping region is * set incorrectly (not yet understood; AWT seems to not correctly dispose * of graphic contexts). A workaround is to simply switch it off. */ public static void setClipEnabled(boolean enabled) { defaultProperties.setProperty(CLIP, enabled); } /* * ================================================================================ | * 3. Header, Trailer, Multipage & Comments * ================================================================================ */ /* 3.1 Header & Trailer */ /** * Writes the catalog, docinfo, preferences, and (as we use only single page * output the page tree. */ public void writeHeader() throws IOException { os = new PDFWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(ros), PDF_VERSION); delayImageQueue = new PDFImageDelayQueue(os); delayPaintQueue = new PDFPaintDelayQueue(os, delayImageQueue); fontTable = new PDFFontTable(os); String producer = getClass().getName(); if (!isDeviceIndependent()) { producer += " " + version.substring(1, version.length() - 1); } PDFDocInfo info = os.openDocInfo("DocInfo"); info.setTitle(getProperty(TITLE)); info.setAuthor(getProperty(AUTHOR)); info.setSubject(getProperty(SUBJECT)); info.setKeywords(getProperty(KEYWORDS)); info.setCreator(getCreator()); info.setProducer(producer); if (!isDeviceIndependent()) { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); info.setCreationDate(now); info.setModificationDate(now); } info.setTrapped("False"); os.close(info); // catalog PDFCatalog catalog = os.openCatalog("Catalog", "RootPage"); catalog.setOutlines("Outlines"); catalog.setPageMode("UseOutlines"); catalog.setViewerPreferences("Preferences"); catalog.setOpenAction(new Object[] { os.ref("Page1"), os.name("Fit") }); os.close(catalog); // preferences PDFViewerPreferences prefs = os.openViewerPreferences("Preferences"); prefs.setFitWindow(true); prefs.setCenterWindow(false); os.close(prefs); // extra stuff alphaIndex = 1; extGStates = new HashMap<Float, String>(); // hide the multipage functionality to the user in case of single page // output by opening the first and only page immediately if (!isMultiPage()) openPage(getSize(), null, getComponent()); } public void writeBackground() { if (isProperty(TRANSPARENT)) { setBackground(null); } else if (isProperty(BACKGROUND)) { setBackground(getPropertyColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR)); clearRect(0.0, 0.0, getSize().width, getSize().height); } else { setBackground(getComponent() != null ? getComponent() .getBackground() : Color.WHITE); clearRect(0.0, 0.0, getSize().width, getSize().height); } } public void writeTrailer() throws IOException { if (!isMultiPage()) closePage(); // pages PDFPageTree pages = os.openPageTree("RootPage", null); for (int i = 1; i <= currentPage; i++) { pages.addPage("Page" + i); } Dimension pageSize = getPageSize(); pages.setMediaBox(0, 0, pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight()); pages.setResources("Resources"); os.close(pages); // ProcSet os.object("PageProcSet", new Object[] { os.name("PDF"), os.name("Text"), os.name("ImageC") }); // Font int nFonts = fontTable.addFontDictionary(); // XObject int nXObjects = delayImageQueue.addXObjects(); // Pattern int nPatterns = delayPaintQueue.addPatterns(); // ExtGState if (extGStates.size() > 0) { PDFDictionary extGState = os.openDictionary("ExtGState"); for (Iterator<Float> i = extGStates.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Float alpha = i.next(); String alphaName = extGStates.get(alpha); PDFDictionary alphaDictionary = extGState .openDictionary(alphaName); alphaDictionary.entry("ca", alpha.floatValue()); alphaDictionary.entry("CA", alpha.floatValue()); alphaDictionary.entry("BM", os.name("Normal")); alphaDictionary.entry("AIS", false); extGState.close(alphaDictionary); } os.close(extGState); } // resources PDFDictionary resources = os.openDictionary("Resources"); resources.entry("ProcSet", os.ref("PageProcSet")); if (nFonts > 0) resources.entry("Font", os.ref("FontList")); if (nXObjects > 0) resources.entry("XObject", os.ref("XObjects")); if (nPatterns > 0) resources.entry("Pattern", os.ref("Pattern")); if (extGStates.size() > 0) resources.entry("ExtGState", os.ref("ExtGState")); os.close(resources); // outlines PDFOutlineList outlines = os.openOutlineList("Outlines", "Outline1", "Outline" + currentPage); os.close(outlines); for (int i = 1; i <= currentPage; i++) { String prev = i > 1 ? "Outline" + (i - 1) : null; String next = i < currentPage ? "Outline" + (i + 1) : null; PDFOutline outline = os.openOutline("Outline" + i, titles .get(i - 1), "Outlines", prev, next); outline .setDest(new Object[] { os.ref("Page" + i), os.name("Fit") }); os.close(outline); } // delayed objects (images, patterns, fonts) processDelayed(); } public void closeStream() throws IOException { os.close(); } private void processDelayed() throws IOException { delayImageQueue.processAll(); delayPaintQueue.processAll(); fontTable.embedAll(getFontRenderContext(), isProperty(EMBED_FONTS), getProperty(EMBED_FONTS_AS)); } /* 3.2 MultipageDocument methods */ public void openPage(Component component) throws IOException { openPage(component.getSize(), component.getName(), component); } public void openPage(Dimension size, String title) throws IOException { openPage(size, title, null); } private void openPage(Dimension size, String title, Component component) throws IOException { if (size == null) size = component.getSize(); resetClip(new Rectangle(0, 0, size.width, size.height)); if (pageStream != null) { writeWarning("Page " + currentPage + " already open. " + "Call closePage() before starting a new one."); return; } BufferedImage thumbnail = null; // prepare thumbnail if possible if ((component != null) && isProperty(PDFGraphics2D.THUMBNAILS)) { thumbnail = ImageGraphics2D.generateThumbnail(component, getPropertyDimension(PDFGraphics2D.THUMBNAIL_SIZE)); } currentPage++; if (title == null) title = "Page " + currentPage + " (untitled)"; titles.add(title); PDFPage page = os.openPage("Page" + currentPage, "RootPage"); page.setContents("PageContents" + currentPage); if (thumbnail != null) page.setThumb("Thumb" + currentPage); os.close(page); if (thumbnail != null) { PDFStream thumbnailStream = os.openStream("Thumb" + currentPage); thumbnailStream.image(thumbnail, Color.black, ImageConstants.ZLIB); os.close(thumbnailStream); } pageStream = os.openStream("PageContents" + currentPage, isProperty(COMPRESS) ? COMPRESS_FILTERS : NO_FILTERS); // transform the coordinate system as necessary // 1. flip the coordinate system down and translate it upwards again // so that the origin is the upper left corner of the page. AffineTransform pageTrafo = new AffineTransform(); pageTrafo.scale(1, -1); Dimension pageSize = getPageSize(); Insets margins = PageConstants.getMargins( getPropertyInsets(PAGE_MARGINS), getProperty(ORIENTATION)); pageTrafo .translate(margins.left, -(pageSize.getHeight() - margins.top)); // in between write the header and footer (which should not be scaled!) writeHeadline(pageTrafo); writeFootline(pageTrafo); // 2. check whether we have to rescale the image to fit onto the page double scaleFactor = Math.min(getWidth() / size.width, getHeight() / size.height); if ((scaleFactor < 1) || isProperty(FIT_TO_PAGE)) { pageTrafo.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); } else { scaleFactor = 1; } // 3. center the image on the page double dx = (getWidth() - size.width * scaleFactor) / 2 / scaleFactor; double dy = (getHeight() - size.height * scaleFactor) / 2 / scaleFactor; pageTrafo.translate(dx, dy); writeTransform(pageTrafo); // save the graphics context resets before setClip writeGraphicsSave(); clipRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height); // save the graphics context resets before setClip writeGraphicsSave(); delayPaintQueue.setPageMatrix(pageTrafo); writeGraphicsState(); writeBackground(); } public void closePage() throws IOException { if (pageStream == null) { writeWarning("Page " + currentPage + " already closed. " + "Call openPage() to start a new one."); return; } writeGraphicsRestore(); writeGraphicsRestore(); os.close(pageStream); pageStream = null; processDelayed(); // This does not work properly with acrobat reader // 4! } public void setHeader(Font font, TagString left, TagString center, TagString right, int underlineThickness) { this.headerFont = font; this.headerText = new TagString[3]; this.headerText[0] = left; this.headerText[1] = center; this.headerText[2] = right; this.headerUnderline = underlineThickness; } public void setFooter(Font font, TagString left, TagString center, TagString right, int underlineThickness) { this.footerFont = font; this.footerText = new TagString[3]; this.footerText[0] = left; this.footerText[1] = center; this.footerText[2] = right; this.footerUnderline = underlineThickness; } private void writeHeadline(AffineTransform pageTrafo) throws IOException { if (headerText != null) { LineMetrics metrics = headerFont.getLineMetrics("mM", getFontRenderContext()); writeLine(pageTrafo, headerFont, headerText, -metrics.getLeading() - headerFont.getSize2D() / 2, TEXT_BOTTOM, -headerFont .getSize2D() / 2, headerUnderline); } } private void writeFootline(AffineTransform pageTrafo) throws IOException { if (footerText != null) { LineMetrics metrics = footerFont.getLineMetrics("mM", getFontRenderContext()); double y = getHeight() + footerFont.getSize2D() / 2; writeLine(pageTrafo, footerFont, footerText, y + metrics.getLeading(), TEXT_TOP, y, footerUnderline); } } private void writeLine(AffineTransform trafo, Font font, TagString[] text, double ty, int yAlign, double ly, int underline) throws IOException { writeGraphicsSave(); setColor(Color.black); setFont(font); writeTransform(trafo); if (text[0] != null) drawString(text[0], 0, ty, TEXT_LEFT, yAlign); if (text[1] != null) drawString(text[1], getWidth() / 2, ty, TEXT_CENTER, yAlign); if (text[2] != null) drawString(text[2], getWidth(), ty, TEXT_RIGHT, yAlign); if (underline >= 0) { setLineWidth((double) underline); drawLine(0, ly, getWidth(), ly); } writeGraphicsRestore(); } /* * ================================================================================ | * 4. Create & Dispose * ================================================================================ */ public Graphics create() { try { writeGraphicsSave(); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } return new PDFGraphics2D(this, true); } public Graphics create(double x, double y, double width, double height) { try { writeGraphicsSave(); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } PDFGraphics2D graphics = new PDFGraphics2D(this, true); graphics.translate(x, y); graphics.clipRect(0, 0, width, height); return graphics; } protected void writeGraphicsSave() throws IOException { pageStream.save(); } protected void writeGraphicsRestore() throws IOException { pageStream.restore(); } /* * ================================================================================ | * 5. Drawing Methods * ================================================================================ /* * 5.1.4. shapes */ public void draw(Shape s) { try { if (getStroke() instanceof BasicStroke) { // in this case we've already handled the stroke pageStream.drawPath(s); pageStream.stroke(); } else { // otherwise handle it now pageStream.drawPath(getStroke().createStrokedShape(s)); pageStream.fill(); } } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } public void fill(Shape s) { try { boolean eofill = pageStream.drawPath(s); if (eofill) { pageStream.fillEvenOdd(); } else { pageStream.fill(); } } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } } /* 5.2 Images */ public void copyArea(int x, int y, int width, int height, int dx, int dy) { writeWarning(getClass() + ": copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) not implemented."); } protected void writeImage(RenderedImage image, AffineTransform xform, Color bkg) throws IOException { PDFName ref = delayImageQueue.delayImage(image, bkg, getProperty(WRITE_IMAGES_AS)); AffineTransform imageTransform = new AffineTransform(image.getWidth(), 0.0, 0.0, -image.getHeight(), 0.0, image.getHeight()); xform.concatenate(imageTransform); writeGraphicsSave(); pageStream.matrix(xform); pageStream.xObject(ref); writeGraphicsRestore(); } /* 5.3. Strings */ protected void writeString(String str, double x, double y) throws IOException { // save the graphics context, especially the transformation matrix writeGraphicsSave(); // translate the offset to x and y AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y); // transform for font at.concatenate(getFont().getTransform()); // mirror the matrix at.scale(1, -1); // write transform writeTransform(at); pageStream.beginText(); pageStream.text(0, 0); showCharacterCodes(str); pageStream.endText(); // restore the transformation matrix writeGraphicsRestore(); } /* * ================================================================================ | * 6. Transformations * ================================================================================ */ /** Write the given transformation matrix to the file. */ protected void writeTransform(AffineTransform t) throws IOException { pageStream.matrix(t); } /* * ================================================================================ | * 7. Clipping * ================================================================================ */ protected void writeSetClip(Shape s) throws IOException { // clear old clip try { AffineTransform at = getTransform(); Stroke stroke = getStroke(); writeGraphicsRestore(); writeGraphicsSave(); writeStroke(stroke); writeTransform(at); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(e); } // write clip writeClip(s); } protected void writeClip(Shape s) throws IOException { if (s == null || !isProperty(CLIP)) { return; } if (s instanceof Rectangle2D) { pageStream.move(((Rectangle2D) s).getMinX(), ((Rectangle2D) s) .getMinY()); pageStream.line(((Rectangle2D) s).getMaxX(), ((Rectangle2D) s) .getMinY()); pageStream.line(((Rectangle2D) s).getMaxX(), ((Rectangle2D) s) .getMaxY()); pageStream.line(((Rectangle2D) s).getMinX(), ((Rectangle2D) s) .getMaxY()); pageStream.closePath(); pageStream.clip(); pageStream.endPath(); } else { boolean eoclip = pageStream.drawPath(s); if (eoclip) { pageStream.clipEvenOdd(); } else { pageStream.clip(); } pageStream.endPath(); } } /* * ================================================================================ | * 8. Graphics State * ================================================================================ */ /* 8.1. stroke/linewidth */ protected void writeWidth(float width) throws IOException { pageStream.width(width); } protected void writeCap(int cap) throws IOException { switch (cap) { default: case BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT: pageStream.cap(0); break; case BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND: pageStream.cap(1); break; case BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE: pageStream.cap(2); break; } } protected void writeJoin(int join) throws IOException { switch (join) { default: case BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER: pageStream.join(0); break; case BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND: pageStream.join(1); break; case BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL: pageStream.join(2); break; } } protected void writeMiterLimit(float limit) throws IOException { pageStream.mitterLimit(limit); } protected void writeDash(float[] dash, float phase) throws IOException { pageStream.dash(dash, phase); } /* 8.2. paint/color */ public void setPaintMode() { writeWarning(getClass() + ": setPaintMode() not implemented."); } public void setXORMode(Color c1) { writeWarning(getClass() + ": setXORMode(Color) not implemented."); } protected void writePaint(Color c) throws IOException { float[] cc = c.getRGBComponents(null); // System.out.println("alpha = "+cc[3]); Float alpha = new Float(cc[3]); String alphaName = extGStates.get(alpha); if (alphaName == null) { alphaName = "Alpha" + alphaIndex; alphaIndex++; extGStates.put(alpha, alphaName); } pageStream.state(os.name(alphaName)); pageStream.colorSpace(cc[0], cc[1], cc[2]); pageStream.colorSpaceStroke(cc[0], cc[1], cc[2]); } protected void writePaint(GradientPaint c) throws IOException { writePaint((Paint) c); } protected void writePaint(TexturePaint c) throws IOException { writePaint((Paint) c); } protected void writePaint(Paint paint) throws IOException { pageStream.colorSpace(os.name("Pattern")); pageStream.colorSpaceStroke(os.name("Pattern")); PDFName shadingName = delayPaintQueue.delayPaint(paint, getTransform(), getProperty(WRITE_IMAGES_AS)); pageStream.colorSpace(null, shadingName); pageStream.colorSpaceStroke(new double[] {}, shadingName); } protected void setNonStrokeColor(Color c) throws IOException { float[] cc = c.getRGBColorComponents(null); pageStream.colorSpace(cc[0], cc[1], cc[2]); } protected void setStrokeColor(Color c) throws IOException { float[] cc = c.getRGBColorComponents(null); pageStream.colorSpaceStroke(cc[0], cc[1], cc[2]); } /* 8.3. font */ protected void writeFont(Font font) throws IOException { // written when needed } /* * ================================================================================ | * 9. Auxiliary * ================================================================================ */ public GraphicsConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration() { writeWarning(getClass() + ": getDeviceConfiguration() not implemented."); return null; } public void writeComment(String comment) throws IOException { // comments are ignored and disabled, because they confuse compressed // streams } public String toString() { return "PDFGraphics2D"; } /* * ================================================================================ | * 10. Private/Utility * ================================================================================ */ public void showString(Font font, String str) throws IOException { String fontRef = fontTable.fontReference(font, isProperty(EMBED_FONTS), getProperty(EMBED_FONTS_AS)); pageStream.font(os.name(fontRef), font.getSize() * FONTSIZE_CORRECTION); pageStream.show(str); } /** * See the comment of VectorGraphicsUtitlies1. * * @see FontUtilities#showString(java.awt.Font, String, * org.freehep.graphics2d.font.CharTable, * org.freehep.graphics2d.font.FontUtilities.ShowString) */ private void showCharacterCodes(String str) throws IOException { FontUtilities.showString(getFont(), str, Lookup.getInstance().getTable( "PDFLatin"), this); } /** * Reads the PAGE_SIZE Property. If A4 .. A0 is found, * PageConstants will determine the size. If CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE * is found, CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE is used as a Property key for * a dimension object. * * @return Size of page */ protected Dimension getPageSize() { // A4 ... A0 or PageConstants.CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE expected // if PageConstants.CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE is found, // PageConstants.CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE is used as Key too String pageSizeProperty = getProperty(PAGE_SIZE); // determine page size Dimension result; if (CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE.equals(pageSizeProperty)) { result = getPropertyDimension(CUSTOM_PAGE_SIZE); } else { result = PageConstants.getSize(getProperty(PAGE_SIZE), getProperty(ORIENTATION)); } // set a default value if (result == null) { result = PageConstants.getSize(PageConstants.INTERNATIONAL); } return result; } private double getWidth() { Dimension pageSize = getPageSize(); Insets margins = PageConstants.getMargins( getPropertyInsets(PAGE_MARGINS), getProperty(ORIENTATION)); return pageSize.getWidth() - margins.left - margins.right; } private double getHeight() { Dimension pageSize = getPageSize(); Insets margins = PageConstants.getMargins( getPropertyInsets(PAGE_MARGINS), getProperty(ORIENTATION)); return pageSize.getHeight() - margins.top - margins.bottom; } }