// Copyright 2001 freehep package org.freehep.graphicsio.font; import java.awt.Shape; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import org.freehep.graphicsio.QuadToCubicPathConstructor; /** * Encoder to encode "CharStrings" used in PostScript and Type 1 Fonts. * * @author Simon Fischer * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/font/CharstringEncoder.java 5641ca92a537 2005/11/26 00:15:35 duns $ */ public class CharstringEncoder extends QuadToCubicPathConstructor { private static final int LAST_POINT = 0; private static final int HORIZONTAL = 1; private static final int VERTICAL = 2; private static final int BOTH = 3; private OutputStream out; private int currentX, currentY; public CharstringEncoder(OutputStream out) { this.out = out; currentX = currentY = 0; } private int writeNumber(double v) throws IOException { int round = (int) Math.round(v); writeNumber(round); return round; } private void writeNumber(int v) throws IOException { if ((v >= -107) && (v <= 107)) { out.write(v + 139); } else if ((v >= 108) && (v <= 1131)) { int highByte = (v - 108) / 256; out.write(highByte + 247); out.write(v - 108 - 256 * highByte); } else if ((v >= -1131) && (v <= -108)) { int highByte = (v + 108) / 256; out.write(-highByte + 251); out.write(-(v + 108 - 256 * highByte)); } else { out.write(255); // copied from DataOutputStream correct? '>>>'? out.write((v >>> 24) & 0xFF); out.write((v >>> 16) & 0xFF); out.write((v >>> 8) & 0xFF); out.write((v >>> 0) & 0xFF); } } protected void writeCommand(int com) throws IOException { if (com >= 31) throw new IOException("Charstring command out of range: " + com); out.write(com); } protected void writeExtCommand(int com) throws IOException { out.write(12); out.write(com); } // -------------------- PATH CONSTRUCTION -------------------- private void writePoint(double x, double y) throws IOException { currentX += writeNumber(x - currentX); currentY += writeNumber(y - currentY); } private void writeX(double x) throws IOException { currentX += writeNumber(x - currentX); } private void writeY(double y) throws IOException { currentY += writeNumber(y - currentY); } // -------------------- start/end -------------------- public void startChar(double sidebearing, double width) throws IOException { currentX = writeNumber(sidebearing); writeNumber(width); writeCommand(13); } public void endchar() throws IOException { writeCommand(14); } // -------------------- path construction -------------------- private int to(double x, double y) throws IOException { // writePoint(x, y); // return BOTH; int rx = (int) Math.round(x); int ry = (int) Math.round(y); if (rx == currentX) { if (ry == currentY) { return LAST_POINT; } else { writeY(y); return VERTICAL; } } else if (ry == currentY) { writeX(x); return HORIZONTAL; } else { writePoint(x, y); return BOTH; } } public void move(double x, double y) throws IOException { switch (to(x, y)) { case BOTH: writeCommand(21); break; case HORIZONTAL: writeCommand(22); break; case VERTICAL: writeCommand(4); break; case LAST_POINT: break; } super.move(x, y); } public void line(double x, double y) throws IOException { switch (to(x, y)) { case BOTH: writeCommand(5); break; case HORIZONTAL: writeCommand(6); break; case VERTICAL: writeCommand(7); break; case LAST_POINT: break; } super.line(x, y); } public void cubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) throws IOException { writePoint(x1, y1); writePoint(x2, y2); writePoint(x3, y3); writeCommand(8); super.cubic(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } public void closePath(double x0, double y0) throws IOException { writeCommand(9); super.closePath(x0, y0); } public void drawPath(Shape s) throws IOException { addPath(s); } }