// Copyright FreeHEP 2007. package org.freehep.graphicsio.emf; import org.freehep.graphicsbase.util.export.ExportFileType; import java.util.List; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.File; /** * This class converts an EMF image to all available * grafik formats, e.g. PDF, or PNG * * @author Steffen Greiffenberg * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-emf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/emf/EMFConverter.java 9c0688d78e6b 2007/01/30 23:58:16 duns $ */ public class EMFConverter { /** * Looks for an (FreeHEP-) ExportFileType in class path * to create the selected output format for destFileName. * * @param type extension / file format to write * @param srcFileName emf file to read * @param destFileName file to create, if null srcFileName * is used with the extension type */ protected static void export(String type, String srcFileName, String destFileName) { try { List<?> exportFileTypes = ExportFileType.getExportFileTypes(type); if (exportFileTypes == null || exportFileTypes.size() == 0) { System.out.println( type + " library is not available. check your classpath!"); return; } ExportFileType exportFileType = (ExportFileType) exportFileTypes.get(0); // read the EMF file EMFRenderer emfRenderer = new EMFRenderer( new EMFInputStream( new FileInputStream(srcFileName))); // create the destFileName, // replace or add the extension to the destFileName if (destFileName == null || destFileName.length() == 0) { // index of the beginning of the extension int lastPointIndex = srcFileName.lastIndexOf("."); // to be sure that the point separates an extension // and is not part of a directory name int lastSeparator1Index = srcFileName.lastIndexOf("/"); int lastSeparator2Index = srcFileName.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (lastSeparator1Index > lastPointIndex || lastSeparator2Index > lastPointIndex) { destFileName = srcFileName + "."; } else if (lastPointIndex > -1) { destFileName = srcFileName.substring( 0, lastPointIndex + 1); } // add the extension destFileName += type.toLowerCase(); } // TODO there is no possibility to use Constants of base class! /* create SVG properties Properties p = new Properties(); p.put(SVGGraphics2D.EMBED_FONTS, Boolean.toString(false)); p.put(SVGGraphics2D.CLIP, Boolean.toString(true)); p.put(SVGGraphics2D.COMPRESS, Boolean.toString(false)); p.put(SVGGraphics2D.TEXT_AS_SHAPES, Boolean.toString(false)); p.put(SVGGraphics2D.FOR, "Freehep EMF2SVG"); p.put(SVGGraphics2D.TITLE, emfFileName);*/ EMFPanel emfPanel = new EMFPanel(); emfPanel.setRenderer(emfRenderer); // TODO why uses this classes components?! exportFileType.exportToFile( new File(destFileName), emfPanel, emfPanel, null, "Freehep EMF converter"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * starts the conversion * * @param args args[0] source file, args[1] destination * file with target format in extension */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { export( args[1].substring(args[1].lastIndexOf(".") + 1), args[0], args[1]); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("usage: EMFConverter imput.emf output.extension"); } } }