// Copyright 2001-2006, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.graphicsio.svg; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext; import java.awt.font.GlyphVector; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.awt.font.TextLayout; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.freehep.graphics2d.font.FontUtilities; import org.freehep.graphicsio.font.FontTable; /** * A table to remember which glyphs were used while writing a svg file. * Entries are added by calling {@link #addGlyphs(String, java.awt.Font)}. * The final SVG tag for the <defs> section is generated using {@link #toString()}. * Use {@link #normalize(java.util.Map)} for referencing embedded glyphs * in <text> tags. * * @author Steffen Greiffenberg * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-svg/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/svg/SVGFontTable.java 4c4708a97391 2007/06/12 22:32:31 duns $ */ public class SVGFontTable { /** * Stores fonts and a glyph-hashtable. The font key ist normalized using * {@link #untransform(java.awt.Font)} */ private Hashtable/*<Font, Hashtable<String, SVGGlyph>*/<Font, Hashtable<String, SVGGlyph>> glyphs = new Hashtable/*<Font, Hashtable<String SVGGlyph>>*/<Font, Hashtable<String, SVGGlyph>>(); /** * creates a glyph for the string character * * @param c * @param font * @return unique font name */ private SVGGlyph addGlyph(int c, Font font) { // is the font stored? Hashtable/*<String, SVGGlyph>*/<String, SVGGlyph> glyphs = getGlyphs(font); // does a glyph allready exist? SVGGlyph result = glyphs.get(String.valueOf(c)); // create a new one? if (result == null) { // create and store the SVG Glyph result = createGlyph(c, font); glyphs.put(String.valueOf(c), result); } return result; } /** * @param c * @param font * @return GlyphVector using a default rendering context */ private SVGGlyph createGlyph(int c, Font font) { GlyphVector glyphVector = font.createGlyphVector( // flipping is done by SVGGlyph new FontRenderContext(null, true, true), // unicode to char String.valueOf((char) c)); // create and store the SVG Glyph return new SVGGlyph( glyphVector.getGlyphOutline(0), c, glyphVector.getGlyphMetrics(0)); } /** * creates the glyph for the string * * @param string * @param font */ protected void addGlyphs(String string, Font font) { font = untransform(font); // add characters for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i ++) { addGlyph(string.charAt(i), font); } } /** * @param font * @return glyph vectors for font */ private Hashtable/*<String SVGGlyph>*/<String, SVGGlyph> getGlyphs(Font font) { // derive a default font for the font table font = untransform(font); Hashtable/*<String SVGGlyph>*/<String, SVGGlyph> result = glyphs.get(font); if (result == null) { result = new Hashtable/*<String SVGGlyph>*/<String, SVGGlyph>(); glyphs.put(font, result); } return result; } /** * creates the font entry: * <PRE> * <font> * <glyph ... /> * ... * </font> * </PRE> * * @return string representing the entry */ public String toString() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); Enumeration/*<Font>*/<Font> fonts = this.glyphs.keys(); while (fonts.hasMoreElements()) { Font font = fonts.nextElement(); // replace font family for svg Map /*<TextAttribute, ?>*/<Attribute, Object> attributes = FontUtilities.getAttributes(font); // Dialog -> Helvetica normalize(attributes); // familiy result.append("<font id=\""); result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.FAMILY)); result.append("\">\n"); // font-face result.append("<font-face font-family=\""); result.append(attributes.get(TextAttribute.FAMILY)); result.append("\" "); // bold if (TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD.equals(attributes.get(TextAttribute.WEIGHT))) { result.append("font-weight=\"bold\" "); } else { result.append("font-weight=\"normal\" "); } // italic if (TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE.equals(attributes.get(TextAttribute.POSTURE))) { result.append("font-style=\"italic\" "); } else { result.append("font-style=\"normal\" "); } // size Float size = (Float) attributes.get(TextAttribute.SIZE); result.append("font-size=\""); result.append(SVGGraphics2D.fixedPrecision(size.floatValue())); result.append("\" "); // number of coordinate units on the em square, // the size of the design grid on which glyphs are laid out result.append("units-per-em=\""); result.append(SVGGraphics2D.fixedPrecision(SVGGlyph.FONT_SIZE)); result.append("\" "); TextLayout tl = new TextLayout("By", font, new FontRenderContext(new AffineTransform(), true, true)); // The maximum unaccented height of the font within the font coordinate system. // If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if the attribute were set // to the difference between the units-per-em value and the vert-origin-y value // for the corresponding font. result.append("ascent=\""); result.append(tl.getAscent()); result.append("\" "); // The maximum unaccented depth of the font within the font coordinate system. // If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if the attribute were set // to the vert-origin-y value for the corresponding font. result.append("desscent=\""); result.append(tl.getDescent()); result.append("\" "); // For horizontally oriented glyph layouts, indicates the alignment // coordinate for glyphs to achieve alphabetic baseline alignment. // result.append("alphabetic=\"0\" // close "<font-face" result.append("/>\n"); // missing glyph SVGGlyph glyph = createGlyph(font.getMissingGlyphCode(), font); result.append("<missing-glyph "); result.append(glyph.getHorizontalAdvanceXString()); result.append(" "); result.append(glyph.getPathString()); result.append("/>\n"); // regular glyphs Iterator<SVGGlyph> glyphs = getGlyphs(font).values().iterator(); while (glyphs.hasNext()) { result.append(glyphs.next().toString()); result.append("\n"); } // close "<font>" result.append("</font>\n"); } return result.toString(); } /** * creates a font based on the parameter. The size will be {@link SVGGlyph#FONT_SIZE} * and transformation will be removed. Example:<BR> * <code>java.awt.Font[family=SansSerif,name=SansSerif,style=plain,size=30]</code><BR> * will result to:<BR> * <code>java.awt.Font[family=SansSerif,name=SansSerif,style=plain,size=100]</code><BR><BR> * * This method does not substitute font name or family. * * @param font * @return font based on the parameter */ private Font untransform(Font font) { // replace font family Map<Attribute, Object> attributes = FontUtilities.getAttributes(font); // set default font size attributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Float(SVGGlyph.FONT_SIZE)); // remove font transformation attributes.remove(TextAttribute.TRANSFORM); attributes.remove(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT); return new Font(attributes); } /** * font replacements makes SVG in AdobeViewer look better, firefox replaces * all font settings, even the family fame */ private static final Properties replaceFonts = new Properties(); static { replaceFonts.setProperty("dialog", "Helvetica"); replaceFonts.setProperty("dialoginput", "Courier New"); // FIXME: works well on windows, others? // "TimesRoman" is not valid under Firefox 1.5 replaceFonts.setProperty("serif", "Times"); replaceFonts.setProperty("timesroman", "Times"); replaceFonts.setProperty("sansserif", "Helvetica"); // FIXME: works well on windows, others? // "Courier" is not valid under Firefox 1.5 replaceFonts.setProperty("monospaced", "Courier New"); // FIXME: replacement for zapfdingbats? replaceFonts.setProperty("zapfdingbats", "Wingdings"); } /** * Replaces TextAttribute.FAMILY by values of replaceFonts. When a * font created using the result of this method the transformation would be: * * <code>java.awt.Font[family=SansSerif,name=SansSerif,style=plain,size=30]</code><BR> * will result to:<BR> * <code>java.awt.Font[family=SansSerif,name=Helvetica,style=plain,size=30]</code><BR><BR> * * Uses {@link FontTable#normalize(java.util.Map)} first. * * @param attributes with font name to change */ public static void normalize(Map /*<TextAttribute, ?>*/<Attribute, Object> attributes) { // dialog.bold -> Dialog with TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD FontTable.normalize(attributes); // get replaced font family name (Yes it's right, not the name!) String family = replaceFonts.getProperty( ((String) attributes.get(TextAttribute.FAMILY)).toLowerCase()); if (family == null) { family = (String) attributes.get(TextAttribute.FAMILY); } // replace the family (Yes it's right, not the name!) in the attributes attributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, family); } }