// Copyright 2002-2007, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.gdi; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.IOException; import org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageGraphics2D; import org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFConstants; import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFInputStream; import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFOutputStream; import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFTag; import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFImageLoader; import org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFRenderer; import org.freehep.util.io.NoCloseOutputStream; /** * PNG and JPG seem not to work. * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-emf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/emf/gdi/AlphaBlend.java c0f15e7696d3 2007/01/22 19:26:48 duns $ */ public class AlphaBlend extends EMFTag implements EMFConstants { private final static int size = 108; private Rectangle bounds; private int x, y, width, height; private BlendFunction dwROP; private int xSrc, ySrc; private AffineTransform transform; private Color bkg; private int usage; private BitmapInfo bmi; private BufferedImage image; public AlphaBlend() { super(114, 1); } public AlphaBlend( Rectangle bounds, int x, int y, int width, int height, AffineTransform transform, BufferedImage image, Color bkg) { this(); this.bounds = bounds; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.dwROP = new BlendFunction(AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 0xFF, AC_SRC_ALPHA); this.xSrc = 0; this.ySrc = 0; this.transform = transform; this.bkg = (bkg == null) ? new Color(0, 0, 0, 0) : bkg; this.usage = DIB_RGB_COLORS; this.image = image; this.bmi = null; } public EMFTag read(int tagID, EMFInputStream emf, int len) throws IOException { AlphaBlend tag = new AlphaBlend(); tag.bounds = emf.readRECTL(); // 16 tag.x = emf.readLONG(); // 20 tag.y = emf.readLONG(); // 24 tag.width = emf.readLONG(); // 28 tag.height = emf.readLONG(); // 32 tag.dwROP = new BlendFunction(emf); // 36 tag.xSrc = emf.readLONG(); // 40 tag.ySrc = emf.readLONG(); // 44 tag.transform = emf.readXFORM(); // 68 tag.bkg = emf.readCOLORREF(); // 72 tag.usage = emf.readDWORD(); // 76 // ignored /* int bmiOffset = */ emf.readDWORD(); // 80 int bmiSize = emf.readDWORD(); // 84 /* int bitmapOffset = */ emf.readDWORD(); // 88 int bitmapSize = emf.readDWORD(); // 92 /* int width = */ emf.readLONG(); // 96 /* int height = */ emf.readLONG(); // 100 // FIXME: this size can differ and can be placed somewhere else tag.bmi = (bmiSize > 0) ? new BitmapInfo(emf) : null; tag.image = EMFImageLoader.readImage( tag.bmi.getHeader(), tag.width, tag.height, emf, bitmapSize, tag.dwROP); return tag; } public void write(int tagID, EMFOutputStream emf) throws IOException { emf.writeRECTL(bounds); emf.writeLONG(x); emf.writeLONG(y); emf.writeLONG(width); emf.writeLONG(height); dwROP.write(emf); emf.writeLONG(xSrc); emf.writeLONG(ySrc); emf.writeXFORM(transform); emf.writeCOLORREF(bkg); emf.writeDWORD(usage); emf.writeDWORD(size); // bmi follows this record immediately emf.writeDWORD(BitmapInfoHeader.size); emf.writeDWORD(size + BitmapInfoHeader.size); // bitmap follows bmi emf.pushBuffer(); int encode; // plain encode = BI_RGB; ImageGraphics2D.writeImage( (RenderedImage) image, ImageConstants.RAW.toLowerCase(), ImageGraphics2D.getRAWProperties(bkg, "*BGRA"), new NoCloseOutputStream(emf)); // emf.writeImage(image, bkg, "*BGRA", 1); // png // encode = BI_PNG; // ImageGraphics2D.writeImage(image, "png", new Properties(), new // NoCloseOutputStream(emf)); // jpg // encode = BI_JPEG; // ImageGraphics2D.writeImage(image, "jpg", new Properties(), new // NoCloseOutputStream(emf)); int length = emf.popBuffer(); emf.writeDWORD(length); emf.writeLONG(image.getWidth()); emf.writeLONG(image.getHeight()); BitmapInfoHeader header = new BitmapInfoHeader(image.getWidth(), image .getHeight(), 32, encode, length, 0, 0, 0, 0); bmi = new BitmapInfo(header); bmi.write(emf); emf.append(); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "\n bounds: " + bounds + "\n x, y, w, h: " + x + " " + y + " " + width + " " + height + "\n dwROP: " + dwROP + "\n xSrc, ySrc: " + xSrc + " " + ySrc + "\n transform: " + transform + "\n bkg: " + bkg + "\n usage: " + usage + "\n" + ((bmi != null) ? bmi.toString() : " bitmap: null"); } /** * displays the tag using the renderer * * @param renderer EMFRenderer storing the drawing session data */ public void render(EMFRenderer renderer) { // This function displays bitmaps that have transparent or semitransparent pixels. if (image != null) { renderer.drawImage(image, x, y, width, height); } } }