// Copyright 2001, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.graphicsio.swf; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Vector; import org.freehep.util.io.Action; import org.freehep.util.io.TaggedInputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream; /** * SWF Abstract Action Class. * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @author Charles Loomis * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-swf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/swf/SWFAction.java db861da05344 2005/12/05 00:59:43 duns $ */ public abstract class SWFAction extends Action { private int version; protected SWFAction(int code, int version) { super(code); this.version = version; } public int getVersion() { return version; } public Action read(int actionCode, TaggedInputStream input, int length) throws IOException { return read(actionCode, (SWFInputStream) input, length); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { return this; } public void write(int actionCode, TaggedOutputStream input) throws IOException { write(actionCode, (SWFOutputStream) input); } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { // empty } /** * Goto Frame Action. */ public static class GotoFrame extends SWFAction { private int frame; public GotoFrame(int frame) { this(); this.frame = frame; } public GotoFrame() { super(0x81, 3); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { GotoFrame action = new GotoFrame(); action.frame = swf.readUnsignedShort(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeUnsignedShort(frame); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", frame " + frame; } } /** * Get URL Action. */ public static class GetURL extends SWFAction { private String url; private String window; public GetURL(String url, String window) { this(); this.url = url; this.window = window; } public GetURL() { super(0x83, 3); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { GetURL action = new GetURL(); action.url = swf.readString(); action.window = swf.readString(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeString(url); swf.writeString(window); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", URL " + url + ", window " + window; } } /** * Next Frame Action. */ public static class NextFrame extends SWFAction { public NextFrame() { super(0x04, 3); } } /** * Previous Frame Action. */ public static class PreviousFrame extends SWFAction { public PreviousFrame() { super(0x05, 3); } } /** * Play Action. */ public static class Play extends SWFAction { public Play() { super(0x06, 3); } } /** * Stop Action. */ public static class Stop extends SWFAction { public Stop() { super(0x07, 3); } } /** * Toggle Quality Action. */ public static class ToggleQuality extends SWFAction { public ToggleQuality() { super(0x08, 3); } } /** * Stop Sounds Action. */ public static class StopSounds extends SWFAction { public StopSounds() { super(0x09, 3); } } /** * Wait For Frame Action. */ public static class WaitForFrame extends SWFAction { private int frame; private int skip; public WaitForFrame(int frame, int skip) { this(); this.frame = frame; this.skip = skip; } public WaitForFrame() { super(0x8a, 3); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { WaitForFrame action = new WaitForFrame(); action.frame = swf.readUnsignedShort(); action.skip = swf.readUnsignedByte(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeUnsignedShort(frame); swf.writeUnsignedByte(skip); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", frame " + frame + ", skip " + skip; } } /** * Set Target Action. */ public static class SetTarget extends SWFAction { private String target; public SetTarget(String target) { this(); this.target = target; } public SetTarget() { super(0x8b, 3); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { SetTarget action = new SetTarget(); action.target = swf.readString(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeString(target); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", target " + target; } } /** * Goto Label Action. */ public static class GotoLabel extends SWFAction { private String label; public GotoLabel(String label) { this(); this.label = label; } public GotoLabel() { super(0x8c, 3); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { GotoLabel action = new GotoLabel(); action.label = swf.readString(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeString(label); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", label " + label; } } // Flash 4 Actions Set /** * Add Action. */ public static class Add extends SWFAction { public Add() { super(0x0a, 4); } } /** * Subtract Action. */ public static class Subtract extends SWFAction { public Subtract() { super(0x0b, 4); } } /** * Multiply Action. */ public static class Multiply extends SWFAction { public Multiply() { super(0x0c, 4); } } /** * Divide Action. */ public static class Divide extends SWFAction { public Divide() { super(0x0d, 4); } } /** * WaitForFrame2 Action. */ public static class WaitForFrame2 extends SWFAction { private int skip; public WaitForFrame2(int skip) { this(); this.skip = skip; } public WaitForFrame2() { super(0x8D, 4); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { WaitForFrame2 action = new WaitForFrame2(); action.skip = swf.readUnsignedByte(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeUnsignedByte(skip); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", skipCount:" + skip; } } /** * Equals Action. */ public static class Equals extends SWFAction { public Equals() { super(0x0e, 4); } } /** * Less Action. */ public static class Less extends SWFAction { public Less() { super(0x0f, 4); } } /** * And Action. */ public static class And extends SWFAction { public And() { super(0x10, 4); } } /** * Or Action. */ public static class Or extends SWFAction { public Or() { super(0x11, 4); } } /** * Not Action. */ public static class Not extends SWFAction { public Not() { super(0x12, 4); } } /** * StringEquals Action. */ public static class StringEquals extends SWFAction { public StringEquals() { super(0x13, 4); } } /** * StringLength Action. */ public static class StringLength extends SWFAction { public StringLength() { super(0x14, 4); } } /** * StringExtract Action. */ public static class StringExtract extends SWFAction { public StringExtract() { super(0x15, 4); } } /** * Push Action. */ public static class Push extends SWFAction { public static final int STRING = 0; public static final int FLOAT = 1; public static final int NULL = 2; public static final int UNDEFINED = 3; public static final int REGISTER = 4; public static final int BOOLEAN = 5; public static final int DOUBLE = 6; public static final int INTEGER = 7; public static final int LOOKUP = 8; public static final int LOOKUP2 = 9; private Vector<Value> values; public static class Value { private byte type; private Object value; private byte[] data; public Value(String s) { type = STRING; value = s; } public Value(float f) { type = FLOAT; value = new Float(f); } public Value(Object x) { type = NULL; value = null; } public Value(byte r) { type = REGISTER; value = new Byte(r); } public Value(boolean b) { type = BOOLEAN; value = new Boolean(b); } public Value(double d) { type = DOUBLE; value = new Double(d); } public Value(int i) { type = INTEGER; value = new Integer(i); } public Value(short index) { type = LOOKUP; value = new Short(index); } public Value(byte type, byte[] data) { this.type = type; this.data = data; } public static Value read(SWFInputStream swf) throws IOException { byte type = swf.readByte(); switch (type) { case STRING: return new Value(swf.readString()); case FLOAT: return new Value(swf.readFloat()); case NULL: return new Value(null); case REGISTER: return new Value((byte) swf.readUnsignedByte()); case BOOLEAN: return new Value((swf.readByte() != 0) ? true : false); case DOUBLE: return new Value(swf.readDouble()); case INTEGER: return new Value(swf.readInt()); case LOOKUP: return new Value((short) swf.readUnsignedByte()); case LOOKUP2: return new Value((byte) LOOKUP2, swf.readByte(2)); default: return new Value(type, swf.readByte((int) swf.getLength())); } } public void write(SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeByte(type); switch (type) { case STRING: swf.writeString((String) value); break; case FLOAT: swf.writeFloat(((Float) value).floatValue()); break; case NULL: break; case UNDEFINED: break; case REGISTER: swf.writeUnsignedByte(((Byte) value).byteValue()); break; case BOOLEAN: swf.writeBoolean(((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); break; case DOUBLE: swf.writeDouble(((Double) value).doubleValue()); break; case INTEGER: swf.writeInt(((Integer) value).intValue()); break; case LOOKUP: swf.writeUnsignedByte(((Short) value).shortValue()); break; case LOOKUP2: swf.writeShort(((Short) value).shortValue()); break; default: swf.writeByte(data); break; } } public String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("PushValue "); if ((type < 0) || (type > 9)) { s.append("Unknown Data Type " + type + " with length " + data.length); } else { s.append(value); } return s.toString(); } } public Push() { super(0x96, 4); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { Push action = new Push(); action.values = new Vector<Value>(); try { while (true) { action.values.add(Value.read(swf)); } } catch (EOFException e) { } return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { values.get(i).write(swf); } } public String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); s.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { s.append(" "); s.append(values.get(i)); s.append("\n"); } return s.toString(); } } /** * Pop Action. */ public static class Pop extends SWFAction { public Pop() { super(0x17, 4); } } /** * ToInteger Action. */ public static class ToInteger extends SWFAction { public ToInteger() { super(0x18, 4); } } /** * Jump Action. */ public static class Jump extends SWFAction { private short offset; public Jump(short offset) { this(); this.offset = offset; } public Jump() { super(0x99, 4); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { Jump action = new Jump(); action.offset = swf.readShort(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeShort(offset); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + offset; } } /** * GetURL2 Action. */ public static class GetURL2 extends SWFAction { private byte method; public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int GET = 1; public static final int POST = 2; public GetURL2(byte method) { this(); this.method = method; } public GetURL2() { super(0x9A, 4); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { GetURL2 action = new GetURL2(); action.method = swf.readByte(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeByte(method); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + method; } } /** * GetVariable Action. */ public static class GetVariable extends SWFAction { public GetVariable() { super(0x1c, 4); } } /** * SetVariable Action. */ public static class SetVariable extends SWFAction { public SetVariable() { super(0x1d, 4); } } /** * If Action. */ public static class If extends SWFAction { private short offset; public If(short offset) { this(); this.offset = offset; } public If() { super(0x9d, 4); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { If action = new If(); action.offset = swf.readShort(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeShort(offset); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + offset; } } /** * Call Action. */ public static class Call extends SWFAction { public Call() { super(0x9e, 4); } } /** * GotoFrame2 Action. */ public static class GotoFrame2 extends SWFAction { private byte play; public GotoFrame2(byte play) { this(); this.play = play; } public GotoFrame2() { super(0x9f, 4); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { GotoFrame2 action = new GotoFrame2(); action.play = swf.readByte(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeByte(play); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + play; } } /** * SetTarget2 Action. */ public static class SetTarget2 extends SWFAction { public SetTarget2() { super(0x20, 4); } } /** * StringAdd Action. */ public static class StringAdd extends SWFAction { public StringAdd() { super(0x21, 4); } } /** * GetProperty Action. */ public static class GetProperty extends SWFAction { public GetProperty() { super(0x22, 4); } } /** * SetProperty Action. */ public static class SetProperty extends SWFAction { public SetProperty() { super(0x23, 4); } } /** * CloneSprite Action. */ public static class CloneSprite extends SWFAction { public CloneSprite() { super(0x24, 4); } } /** * RemoveSprite Action. */ public static class RemoveSprite extends SWFAction { public RemoveSprite() { super(0x25, 4); } } /** * Trace Action. */ public static class Trace extends SWFAction { public Trace() { super(0x26, 4); } } /** * StartDrag Action. */ public static class StartDrag extends SWFAction { public StartDrag() { super(0x27, 4); } } /** * EndDrag Action. */ public static class EndDrag extends SWFAction { public EndDrag() { super(0x28, 4); } } /** * StringLess Action. */ public static class StringLess extends SWFAction { public StringLess() { super(0x29, 4); } } /** * RandomNumber Action. */ public static class RandomNumber extends SWFAction { public RandomNumber() { super(0x30, 4); } } /** * MBStringLength Action. */ public static class MBStringLength extends SWFAction { public MBStringLength() { super(0x31, 4); } } /** * CharToAscii Action. */ public static class CharToAscii extends SWFAction { public CharToAscii() { super(0x32, 4); } } /** * AsciiToChar Action. */ public static class AsciiToChar extends SWFAction { public AsciiToChar() { super(0x33, 4); } } /** * GetTime Action. */ public static class GetTime extends SWFAction { public GetTime() { super(0x34, 4); } } /** * MBStringExtract Action. */ public static class MBStringExtract extends SWFAction { public MBStringExtract() { super(0x35, 4); } } /** * MBCharToAscii Action. */ public static class MBCharToAscii extends SWFAction { public MBCharToAscii() { super(0x36, 4); } } /** * MBAsciiToChar Action. */ public static class MBAsciiToChar extends SWFAction { public MBAsciiToChar() { super(0x37, 4); } } // Flash 5 actions. /** * StoreRegister Action. */ public static class StoreRegister extends SWFAction { private byte number; public StoreRegister(byte number) { this(); this.number = number; } public StoreRegister() { super(0x87, 5); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { StoreRegister action = new StoreRegister(); action.number = swf.readByte(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeByte(number); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + number; } } /** * ConstantPool Action. */ public static class ConstantPool extends SWFAction { private String[] pool; public ConstantPool(String[] pool) { this(); this.pool = pool; } public ConstantPool() { super(0x88, 5); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { ConstantPool action = new ConstantPool(); action.pool = new String[swf.readUnsignedShort()]; for (int i = 0; i < action.pool.length; i++) { action.pool[i] = swf.readString(); } return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeUnsignedShort(pool.length); for (int i = 0; i < pool.length; i++) { swf.writeString(pool[i]); } } public String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); s.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < pool.length; i++) { if (i != 0) s.append(", "); s.append(pool[i]); } s.append("]"); return s.toString(); } } /** * With Action. */ public static class With extends SWFAction { private int size; private String block; public With(int size, String block) { this(); this.size = size; this.block = block; } public With() { super(0x94, 5); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { With action = new With(); action.size = swf.readUnsignedShort(); action.block = swf.readString(); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeUnsignedShort(size); swf.writeString(block); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + size + ", " + block; } } /** * DefineFunction Action. */ public static class DefineFunction extends SWFAction { private String name; private String[] params; private byte[] code; public DefineFunction(String name, String[] params, byte[] code) { this(); this.name = name; this.params = params; this.code = code; } public DefineFunction() { super(0x9b, 5); } public SWFAction read(int actionCode, SWFInputStream swf, int length) throws IOException { DefineFunction action = new DefineFunction(); action.name = swf.readString(); int n = swf.readUnsignedShort(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { action.params[i] = swf.readString(); } int cs = swf.readUnsignedShort(); action.code = swf.readByte(cs); return action; } public void write(int actionCode, SWFOutputStream swf) throws IOException { swf.writeString(name); swf.writeUnsignedShort(params.length); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { swf.writeString(params[i]); } swf.writeUnsignedShort(code.length); swf.writeByte(code); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + name + ", " + (new String(code)); } } /** * Delete Action. */ public static class Delete extends SWFAction { public Delete() { super(0x3a, 5); } } /** * Delete2 Action. */ public static class Delete2 extends SWFAction { public Delete2() { super(0x3b, 5); } } /** * DefineLocal Action. */ public static class DefineLocal extends SWFAction { public DefineLocal() { super(0x3c, 5); } } /** * CallFunction Action. */ public static class CallFunction extends SWFAction { public CallFunction() { super(0x3d, 5); } } /** * Return Action. */ public static class Return extends SWFAction { public Return() { super(0x3e, 5); } } /** * Modulo Action. */ public static class Modulo extends SWFAction { public Modulo() { super(0x3f, 5); } } /** * NewObject Action. */ public static class NewObject extends SWFAction { public NewObject() { super(0x40, 5); } } /** * DefineLocal2 Action. */ public static class DefineLocal2 extends SWFAction { public DefineLocal2() { super(0x41, 5); } } /** * InitArray Action. */ public static class InitArray extends SWFAction { public InitArray() { super(0x42, 5); } } /** * InitObject Action. */ public static class InitObject extends SWFAction { public InitObject() { super(0x43, 5); } } /** * TypeOf Action. */ public static class TypeOf extends SWFAction { public TypeOf() { super(0x44, 5); } } /** * TargetPath Action. */ public static class TargetPath extends SWFAction { public TargetPath() { super(0x45, 5); } } /** * Enumerate Action. */ public static class Enumerate extends SWFAction { public Enumerate() { super(0x46, 5); } } /** * Add2 Action. */ public static class Add2 extends SWFAction { public Add2() { super(0x47, 5); } } /** * Less2 Action. */ public static class Less2 extends SWFAction { public Less2() { super(0x48, 5); } } /** * Equals2 Action. */ public static class Equals2 extends SWFAction { public Equals2() { super(0x49, 5); } } /** * ToNumber Action. */ public static class ToNumber extends SWFAction { public ToNumber() { super(0x4a, 5); } } /** * ToString Action. */ public static class ToString extends SWFAction { public ToString() { super(0x4b, 5); } } /** * PushDuplicate Action. */ public static class PushDuplicate extends SWFAction { public PushDuplicate() { super(0x4c, 5); } } /** * StackSwap Action. */ public static class StackSwap extends SWFAction { public StackSwap() { super(0x4d, 5); } } /** * GetMember Action. */ public static class GetMember extends SWFAction { public GetMember() { super(0x4e, 5); } } /** * SetMember Action. */ public static class SetMember extends SWFAction { public SetMember() { super(0x4f, 5); } } /** * Increment Action. */ public static class Increment extends SWFAction { public Increment() { super(0x50, 5); } } /** * Decrement Action. */ public static class Decrement extends SWFAction { public Decrement() { super(0x51, 5); } } /** * CallMethod Action. */ public static class CallMethod extends SWFAction { public CallMethod() { super(0x52, 5); } } /** * NewMethod Action. */ public static class NewMethod extends SWFAction { public NewMethod() { super(0x53, 5); } } /** * BitAnd Action. */ public static class BitAnd extends SWFAction { public BitAnd() { super(0x60, 5); } } /** * BitOr Action. */ public static class BitOr extends SWFAction { public BitOr() { super(0x61, 5); } } /** * BitXor Action. */ public static class BitXor extends SWFAction { public BitXor() { super(0x62, 5); } } /** * BitLShift Action. */ public static class BitLShift extends SWFAction { public BitLShift() { super(0x63, 5); } } /** * BitRShift Action. */ public static class BitRShift extends SWFAction { public BitRShift() { super(0x64, 5); } } /** * BitURShift Action. */ public static class BitURShift extends SWFAction { public BitURShift() { super(0x65, 5); } } /** * InstanceOf Action. */ public static class InstanceOf extends SWFAction { public InstanceOf() { super(0x54, 6); } } /** * Enumerate2 Action. */ public static class Enumerate2 extends SWFAction { public Enumerate2() { super(0x55, 6); } } /** * StrictEquals Action. */ public static class StrictEquals extends SWFAction { public StrictEquals() { super(0x66, 6); } } /** * Greater Action. */ public static class Greater extends SWFAction { public Greater() { super(0x67, 6); } } /** * StringGreater Action. */ public static class StringGreater extends SWFAction { public StringGreater() { super(0x68, 6); } } }