package org.freehep.graphicsio.test; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import org.freehep.graphics2d.VectorGraphics; /** * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-tests/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/test/ f493ff6e61b2 2005/12/01 18:46:43 duns $ */ public class TestClip extends TestingPanel { private Shape[] clip; private Shape[] path; public TestClip(String[] args) throws Exception { super(args); setName("Clip"); GeneralPath p; clip = new Shape[6]; clip[0] = new Rectangle2D.Double(1, 1, 6, 2); p = new GeneralPath(); p.moveTo(1, 1); p.lineTo(1, 3); p.lineTo(7, 3); p.lineTo(7, 1); p.lineTo(5, 1); p.lineTo(4, 3); p.lineTo(3, 1); p.closePath(); clip[1] = p; clip[2] = new Rectangle2D.Double(1, 1, 6, 2); clip[3] = new Rectangle2D.Double(1, 1, 6, 2); clip[4] = new Rectangle2D.Double(1, 1, 6, 2); clip[5] = new Ellipse2D.Double(1, 1, 6, 2); path = new Shape[6]; p = new GeneralPath(); p.moveTo(0, 2); p.lineTo(2, 2); p.lineTo(3, 1); p.lineTo(4, 1); p.lineTo(5, 0); p.lineTo(6, 2); p.lineTo(8, 2); p.lineTo(8, 0); p.lineTo(0, 0); p.closePath(); path[0] = p; path[1] = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 8, 2); p = new GeneralPath(); p.moveTo(0, 2); p.lineTo(2, 2); p.lineTo(3, 1); p.lineTo(5, 1); p.lineTo(6, 2); p.lineTo(8, 2); p.lineTo(8, 0); p.lineTo(0, 0); p.closePath(); path[2] = p; path[3] = new Ellipse2D.Double(2, 0, 4, 4); p = new GeneralPath(); p.moveTo(0, 2); p.lineTo(3, 2); p.lineTo(4, 1); p.lineTo(5, 2); p.lineTo(8, 2); p.lineTo(8, 0); p.lineTo(0, 0); p.closePath(); path[4] = p; path[5] = new Ellipse2D.Double(2, 0, 4, 4); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { VectorGraphics vg = VectorGraphics.create(g); Dimension dim = getSize(); vg.setColor(Color.lightGray); vg.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height); int nx = 6; int ny = 6; int dw = dim.width / (nx + 1); int dh = dim.height / ny; double factor = Math.min(dw, dh) / 10; // size of shape vg.setColor(; // vg.setFont(new Font("Lucida", Font.PLAIN, 10)); VectorGraphics svg; // Java Draw svg = (VectorGraphics) vg.create(); svg.drawString("NoClip", 10, 10 + 10 + 0 * dh); svg.scale(factor, factor); svg.translate(10 / factor, 10 / factor + 0 * dh / factor); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { svg.translate(dw / factor, 0); svg.setColor(; svg.setLineWidth(1.0 / factor); svg.draw(clip[i]); svg.setColor(; svg.setLineWidth(3.0 / factor); svg.draw(path[i]); } svg.dispose(); // Java Clip and Draw svg = (VectorGraphics) vg.create(); svg.drawString("JavaClip", 10, 10 + 10 + 1 * dh); svg.scale(factor, factor); svg.translate(10 / factor, 10 / factor + 1 * dh / factor); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { svg.translate(dw / factor, 0); VectorGraphics svg2 = (VectorGraphics) svg.create(); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(1.0 / factor); svg2.draw(clip[i]); svg2.clip(clip[i]); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(3.0 / factor); svg2.draw(path[i]); svg2.dispose(); } svg.dispose(); // Our Clip and Draw svg = (VectorGraphics) vg.create(); svg.drawString("OurClip", 10, 10 + 10 + 2 * dh); svg.scale(factor, factor); svg.translate(10 / factor, 10 / factor + 2 * dh / factor); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { svg.translate(dw / factor, 0); VectorGraphics svg2 = (VectorGraphics) svg.create(); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(1.0 / factor); svg2.draw(clip[i]); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(3.0 / factor); Area clippedPath = new Area(clip[i]); clippedPath.intersect(new Area(path[i])); svg2.draw(clippedPath); svg2.dispose(); } svg.dispose(); // Java Fill svg = (VectorGraphics) vg.create(); svg.drawString("NoClip", 10, 10 + 10 + 3 * dh); svg.scale(factor, factor); svg.translate(10 / factor, 10 / factor + 3 * dh / factor); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { svg.translate(dw / factor, 0); svg.setColor(; svg.setLineWidth(1.0 / factor); svg.draw(clip[i]); svg.setColor(; svg.setLineWidth(3.0 / factor); svg.fill(path[i]); } svg.dispose(); // Java Clip and Fill svg = (VectorGraphics) vg.create(); svg.drawString("JavaClip", 10, 10 + 10 + 4 * dh); svg.scale(factor, factor); svg.translate(10 / factor, 10 / factor + 4 * dh / factor); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { svg.translate(dw / factor, 0); VectorGraphics svg2 = (VectorGraphics) svg.create(); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(1.0 / factor); svg2.draw(clip[i]); svg2.clip(clip[i]); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(3.0 / factor); svg2.fill(path[i]); svg2.dispose(); } svg.dispose(); // Our Clip and Fill svg = (VectorGraphics) vg.create(); svg.drawString("AreaClip", 10, 10 + 10 + 5 * dh); svg.scale(factor, factor); svg.translate(10 / factor, 10 / factor + 5 * dh / factor); for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { svg.translate(dw / factor, 0); VectorGraphics svg2 = (VectorGraphics) svg.create(); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(1.0 / factor); svg2.draw(clip[i]); svg2.setColor(; svg2.setLineWidth(3.0 / factor); Area clippedPath = new Area(clip[i]); clippedPath.intersect(new Area(path[i])); svg2.fill(clippedPath); svg2.dispose(); } svg.dispose(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new TestClip(args).runTest(); } }