// Copyright 2001-2006, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.graphicsio.emf; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.ActionHeader; import org.freehep.util.io.Tag; import org.freehep.util.io.TagHeader; import org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream; /** * EMF Binary Output Stream. Tags written with this OutputStream will produce a * binary EMF file. * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-emf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/emf/EMFOutputStream.java eb6e9c24f3e4 2006/03/02 00:56:03 duns $ */ public class EMFOutputStream extends TaggedOutputStream { private String application; private String name; private int recordCount; private Rectangle imageBounds; private int version; private EMFHandleManager handles; private Dimension device; public EMFOutputStream(OutputStream os, Rectangle imageBounds, EMFHandleManager handles, String application, String name, Dimension device, int version) throws IOException { // EMF is little-endian super(os, new EMFTagSet(version), null, true); this.recordCount = 0; this.version = version; this.imageBounds = imageBounds; this.handles = handles; this.application = application; this.name = name; this.device = device; // will be popped by close() pushBuffer(); } public EMFOutputStream(OutputStream os, Rectangle imageBounds, EMFHandleManager handles, String application, String name, Dimension device) throws IOException { this(os, imageBounds, handles, application, name, device, 1); } public void close() throws IOException { int len = popBuffer(); recordCount++; EMFHeader header = new EMFHeader(imageBounds, getVersion(), 0, len, recordCount, handles.maxHandlesUsed(), application, name, device); writeHeader(header); append(); super.close(); } // DWORD public void writeDWORD(int i) throws IOException { writeUnsignedInt(i); } // DWORD [] public void writeDWORD(int[] w) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { writeDWORD(w[i]); } } // WORD public void writeWORD(int s) throws IOException { writeUnsignedShort(s); } public void writeFLOAT(float f) throws IOException { writeFloat(f); } public void writeCOLORREF(Color c) throws IOException { writeByte(c.getRed()); writeByte(c.getGreen()); writeByte(c.getBlue()); // NOTE: if not 0x00 EMF does not display correctly in full screen mode. writeByte(0x00); } // COLOR16 public void writeCOLOR16(Color c) throws IOException { writeShort(c.getRed() << 8); writeShort(c.getGreen() << 8); writeShort(c.getBlue() << 8); writeShort(c.getAlpha() << 8); } public void writeXFORM(AffineTransform t) throws IOException { writeFLOAT((float) t.getScaleX()); writeFLOAT((float) t.getShearY()); writeFLOAT((float) t.getShearX()); writeFLOAT((float) t.getScaleY()); writeFLOAT((float) t.getTranslateX()); writeFLOAT((float) t.getTranslateY()); } // POINTS [] public void writePOINTS(Point[] p) throws IOException { writePOINTS(p.length, p); } public void writePOINTS(int n, Point[] p) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { writePOINTS(p[i]); } } public void writePOINTS(Point p) throws IOException { writeSHORT((short) p.x); writeSHORT((short) p.y); } // POINTL [] public void writePOINTL(Point[] p) throws IOException { writePOINTL(p.length, p); } public void writePOINTL(int n, Point[] p) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { writePOINTL(p[i]); } } // POINTL public void writePOINTL(Point p) throws IOException { writeLONG(p.x); writeLONG(p.y); } // RECTL public void writeRECTL(Rectangle r) throws IOException { writeLONG(r.x); writeLONG(r.y); writeLONG(r.x + r.width); writeLONG(r.y + r.height); } // SIZEL public void writeSIZEL(Dimension d) throws IOException { writeLONG(d.width); writeLONG(d.height); } // UINT public void writeUINT(int i) throws IOException { writeUnsignedInt(i); } // ULONG public void writeULONG(int i) throws IOException { writeUnsignedInt(i); } // LONG public void writeLONG(int i) throws IOException { writeInt(i); } public void writeSHORT(short i) throws IOException { writeShort(i); } // BYTE [] public void writeBYTE(byte[] b) throws IOException { writeByte(b); } // BYTE public void writeBYTE(byte b) throws IOException { writeByte(b); } // BYTE public void writeBYTE(int b) throws IOException { writeByte(b); } public void writeBYTE(boolean b) throws IOException { writeBYTE((b) ? 1 : 0); } public void writeWORD(boolean b) throws IOException { writeWORD((b) ? 1 : 0); } public void writeDWORD(boolean b) throws IOException { writeDWORD((b) ? 1 : 0); } public void writeWCHAR(String s) throws IOException { writeByte(s.getBytes("UTF-16LE")); } public void writeWCHAR(String s, int size) throws IOException { writeWCHAR(s); for (int i = size - s.length(); i > 0; i--) { writeWORD(0); } } protected int getTagAlignment() { return 4; } protected void writeTagHeader(TagHeader header) throws IOException { int tagID = header.getTag(); long length = header.getLength(); writeUnsignedInt(tagID); writeUnsignedInt(length + 8); } public void writeTag(Tag tag) throws IOException { recordCount++; super.writeTag(tag); } protected void writeActionHeader(ActionHeader header) throws IOException { // empty } public void writeHeader(EMFHeader header) throws IOException { header.write(this); } public int getVersion() { return version; } }