// Copyright 2000-2007, FreeHEP package org.freehep.graphicsio.pdf; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants; import org.freehep.util.io.ASCII85OutputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.ASCIIHexOutputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.CountedByteOutputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.FinishableOutputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.FlateOutputStream; /** * This class allows you to write/print into a PDFStream. Several methods are * available to specify the content of a page, image. This class performs some * error checking, while writing the stream. * <p> * The stream allows to write dictionary entries. The /Length entry is written * automatically, referencing an object which will also be written just after * the stream is closed and the length is calculated. * <p> * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-pdf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/pdf/PDFStream.java 344e3292515f 2007/06/08 22:23:13 duns $ */ public class PDFStream extends PDFDictionary implements PDFConstants { private String name; private PDFObject object; private boolean dictionaryOpen; private OutputStream[] stream; private CountedByteOutputStream byteCountStream; private String[] encode; PDFStream(PDF pdf, PDFByteWriter writer, String name, PDFObject parent, String[] encode) throws IOException { super(pdf, writer); this.name = name; object = parent; if (object == null) System.err .println("PDFWriter: 'PDFStream' cannot have a null parent"); // first write the dictionary dictionaryOpen = true; this.encode = encode; } /** * Starts the stream, writes out the filters using the preset encoding, and * encodes the stream. */ private void startStream() throws IOException { startStream(encode); } /** * Starts the stream, writes out the filters using the given encoding, and * encodes the stream. */ private void startStream(String[] encode) throws IOException { if (dictionaryOpen) { PDFName[] filters = decodeFilters(encode); if (filters != null) entry("Filter", filters); super.close(); dictionaryOpen = false; out.printPlain("stream\n"); byteCountStream = new CountedByteOutputStream(out); stream = openFilters(byteCountStream, encode); } } private void write(int b) throws IOException { startStream(); stream[0].write(b); } private void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { write((int) b[i]); } } private static PDFName[] decodeFilters(String[] encode) { PDFName[] filters = null; if ((encode != null) && (encode.length != 0)) { filters = new PDFName[encode.length]; for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) { filters[i] = new PDFName(encode[encode.length - i - 1] + "Decode"); } } return filters; } // open new stream using Standard Filters (see table 3.5) // stream[0] is the one to write to, the last one is s private static OutputStream[] openFilters(OutputStream s, String[] filters) { OutputStream[] os; if ((filters != null) && (filters.length != 0)) { os = new OutputStream[filters.length + 1]; os[os.length - 1] = s; for (int i = os.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (filters[i].equals("ASCIIHex")) { os[i] = new ASCIIHexOutputStream(os[i + 1]); } else if (filters[i].equals("ASCII85")) { os[i] = new ASCII85OutputStream(os[i + 1]); } else if (filters[i].equals("Flate")) { os[i] = new FlateOutputStream(os[i + 1]); } else if (filters[i].equals("DCT")) { os[i] = os[i + 1]; } else { System.err.println("PDFWriter: unknown stream format: " + filters[i]); } } } else { os = new OutputStream[1]; os[0] = s; } return os; } // stream[0] is the first one to finish, the last one is not finished private static void closeFilters(OutputStream[] s) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < s.length - 1; i++) { s[i].flush(); if (s[i] instanceof FinishableOutputStream) { ((FinishableOutputStream) s[i]).finish(); } } s[s.length - 1].flush(); } private void write(String s) throws IOException { byte[] b = s.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { write(b[i]); } } void close() throws IOException { closeFilters(stream); stream = null; out.printPlain("\nendstream"); out.println(); object.close(); if (gStates > 0) { System.err.println("PDFStream: unbalanced saves()/restores(), too many saves: "+gStates); } } String getName() { return name; } public int getLength() { return byteCountStream.getCount(); } public void print(String s) throws IOException { write(s); } public void println(String s) throws IOException { write(s); write(EOL); } public void comment(String comment) throws IOException { println("% " + comment); } // ========================================================================== // PDFStream Operators according to Table 4.1 // ========================================================================== // // Graphics State operators (see Table 4.7) // private int gStates = 0; public void save() throws IOException { println("q"); gStates++; } public void restore() throws IOException { if (gStates <= 0) { System.err.println("PDFStream: unbalanced saves()/restores(), too many restores"); } gStates--; println("Q"); } public void matrix(AffineTransform xform) throws IOException { matrix(xform.getScaleX(), xform.getShearY(), xform.getShearX(), xform .getScaleY(), xform.getTranslateX(), xform.getTranslateY()); } public void matrix(double m00, double m10, double m01, double m11, double m02, double m12) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m00) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m10) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m01) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m11) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m02) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m12) + " cm"); } public void width(double width) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(width) + " w"); } public void cap(int capStyle) throws IOException { println(capStyle + " J"); } public void join(int joinStyle) throws IOException { println(joinStyle + " j"); } public void mitterLimit(double limit) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(limit) + " M"); } public void dash(int[] dash, double phase) throws IOException { print("["); for (int i = 0; i < dash.length; i++) { print(" " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(dash[i])); } println("] " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(phase) + " d"); } public void dash(float[] dash, double phase) throws IOException { print("["); for (int i = 0; i < dash.length; i++) { print(" " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(dash[i])); } println("] " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(phase) + " d"); } public void flatness(double flatness) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(flatness) + " i"); } public void state(PDFName stateDictionary) throws IOException { println(stateDictionary + " gs"); } // // Path Construction operators (see Table 4.9) // public void cubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x1) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y1) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x2) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y2) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x3) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y3) + " c"); } public void cubicV(double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x2) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y2) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x3) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y3) + " v"); } public void cubicY(double x1, double y1, double x3, double y3) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x1) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y1) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x3) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y3) + " y"); } public void move(double x, double y) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y) + " m"); } public void line(double x, double y) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y) + " l"); } public void closePath() throws IOException { println("h"); } public void rectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(width) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(height) + " re"); } // // Path Painting operators (see Table 4.10) // public void stroke() throws IOException { println("S"); } public void closeAndStroke() throws IOException { println("s"); } public void fill() throws IOException { println("f"); } public void fillEvenOdd() throws IOException { println("f*"); } public void fillAndStroke() throws IOException { println("B"); } public void fillEvenOddAndStroke() throws IOException { println("B*"); } public void closeFillAndStroke() throws IOException { println("b"); } public void closeFillEvenOddAndStroke() throws IOException { println("b*"); } public void endPath() throws IOException { println("n"); } // // Clipping Path operators (see Table 4.11) // public void clip() throws IOException { println("W"); } public void clipEvenOdd() throws IOException { println("W*"); } // // Text Object operators (see Table 5.4) // private boolean textOpen = false; public void beginText() throws IOException { if (textOpen) System.err.println("PDFStream: nested beginText() not allowed."); println("BT"); textOpen = true; } public void endText() throws IOException { if (!textOpen) System.err .println("PDFStream: unbalanced use of beginText()/endText()."); println("ET"); textOpen = false; } // // Text State operators (see Table 5.2) // public void charSpace(double charSpace) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(charSpace) + " Tc"); } public void wordSpace(double wordSpace) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(wordSpace) + " Tw"); } public void scale(double scale) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(scale) + " Tz"); } public void leading(double leading) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(leading) + " TL"); } private boolean fontWasSet = false; public void font(PDFName fontName, double size) throws IOException { println(fontName + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(size) + " Tf"); fontWasSet = true; } public void rendering(int mode) throws IOException { println(mode + " Tr"); } public void rise(double rise) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(rise) + " Ts"); } // // Text Positioning operators (see Table 5.5) // public void text(double x, double y) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y) + " Td"); } public void textLeading(double x, double y) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(x) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y) + " TD"); } public void textMatrix(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(a) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(b) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(c) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(d) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(e) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(f) + " Tm"); } public void textLine() throws IOException { println("T*"); } // // Text Showing operators (see Table 5.6) // public void show(String text) throws IOException { if (!fontWasSet) System.err .println("PDFStream: cannot use Text Showing operator before font is set."); if (!textOpen) System.err .println("PDFStream: Text Showing operator only allowed inside Text section."); println("(" + PDFUtil.escape(text) + ") Tj"); } public void showLine(String text) throws IOException { if (!fontWasSet) System.err .println("PDFStream: cannot use Text Showing operator before font is set."); if (!textOpen) System.err .println("PDFStream: Text Showing operator only allowed inside Text section."); println("(" + PDFUtil.escape(text) + ") '"); } public void showLine(double wordSpace, double charSpace, String text) throws IOException { if (!fontWasSet) System.err .println("PDFStream: cannot use Text Showing operator before font is set."); if (!textOpen) System.err .println("PDFStream: Text Showing operator only allowed inside Text section."); println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(wordSpace) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(charSpace) + " (" + PDFUtil.escape(text) + ") \""); } public void show(Object[] array) throws IOException { print("["); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { Object object = array[i]; if (object instanceof String) { print(" (" + PDFUtil.escape(object.toString()) + ")"); } else if (object instanceof Integer) { print(" " + ((Integer) object).intValue()); } else if (object instanceof Double) { print(" " + ((Double) object).doubleValue()); } else { System.err .println("PDFStream: input array of operator TJ may only contain objects of type 'String', 'Integer' or 'Double'"); } } println("] TJ"); } // // Type 3 Font operators (see Table 5.10) // public void glyph(double wx, double wy) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(wx) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(wy) + " d0"); } public void glyph(double wx, double wy, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(wx) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(wy) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(llx) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(lly) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(urx) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(ury) + " d1"); } // // Color operators (see Table 4.21) // public void colorSpace(PDFName colorSpace) throws IOException { println(colorSpace + " cs"); } public void colorSpaceStroke(PDFName colorSpace) throws IOException { println(colorSpace + " CS"); } public void colorSpace(double[] color) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < color.length; i++) { print(" " + color[i]); } println(" scn"); } public void colorSpaceStroke(double[] color) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < color.length; i++) { print(" " + color[i]); } println(" SCN"); } public void colorSpace(double[] color, PDFName name) throws IOException { if (color != null) { for (int i = 0; i < color.length; i++) { print(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(color[i]) + " "); } } println(name + " scn"); } public void colorSpaceStroke(double[] color, PDFName name) throws IOException { if (color != null) { for (int i = 0; i < color.length; i++) { print(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(color[i]) + " "); } } println(name + " SCN"); } public void colorSpace(double g) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(g) + " g"); } public void colorSpaceStroke(double g) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(g) + " G"); } public void colorSpace(double r, double g, double b) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(r) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(g) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(b) + " rg"); } public void colorSpaceStroke(double r, double g, double b) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(r) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(g) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(b) + " RG"); } public void colorSpace(double c, double m, double y, double k) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(c) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(k) + " k"); } public void colorSpaceStroke(double c, double m, double y, double k) throws IOException { println(PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(c) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(m) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(y) + " " + PDFUtil.fixedPrecision(k) + " K"); } // // Shading Pattern operator (see Table 4.24) // public void shade(PDFName name) throws IOException { println(name + " sh"); } /** * returns the decode-format for an image -format * * @param encode {@link ImageConstants#ZLIB} or {@link ImageConstants#JPG} * @return {@link #decodeFilters(String[])} */ private PDFName[] getFilterName(String encode) { if (ImageConstants.ZLIB.equals(encode)) { return decodeFilters(new String[] { ImageConstants.ENCODING_FLATE, ImageConstants.ENCODING_ASCII85}); } if (ImageConstants.JPG.equals(encode)) { return decodeFilters(new String[] { ImageConstants.ENCODING_DCT, ImageConstants.ENCODING_ASCII85}); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown image encoding " + encode + " for PDFStream"); } /** * Image convenience function (see Table 4.35). Ouputs the data of the image * using "DeviceRGB" colorspace, and the requested encodings * * @param image Image to write * @param bkg Background color, null for transparent image * @param encode {@link org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants#ZLIB} or {@link org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants#JPG} * @throws java.io.IOException thrown by ImageBytes */ public void image(RenderedImage image, Color bkg, String encode) throws IOException { ImageBytes bytes = new ImageBytes(image, bkg, encode, ImageConstants.COLOR_MODEL_RGB); entry("Width", image.getWidth()); entry("Height", image.getHeight()); entry("ColorSpace", pdf.name("DeviceRGB")); entry("BitsPerComponent", 8); entry("Filter", getFilterName(bytes.getFormat())); write(bytes.getBytes()); } public void imageMask(RenderedImage image, String encode) throws IOException { ImageBytes bytes = new ImageBytes(image, null, encode, ImageConstants.COLOR_MODEL_A); entry("Width", image.getWidth()); entry("Height", image.getHeight()); entry("BitsPerComponent", 8); entry("ColorSpace", pdf.name("DeviceGray")); entry("Filter", getFilterName(bytes.getFormat())); write(bytes.getBytes()); } /** * Inline Image convenience function (see Table 4.39 and 4.40). Ouputs the * data of the image using "DeviceRGB" colorspace, and the requested * encoding. * @param image Image to write * @param bkg Background color, null for transparent image * @param encode {@link org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants#ZLIB} or {@link org.freehep.graphicsio.ImageConstants#JPG} * @throws java.io.IOException thrown by ImageBytes */ public void inlineImage(RenderedImage image, Color bkg, String encode) throws IOException { ImageBytes bytes = new ImageBytes(image, bkg, ImageConstants.JPG, ImageConstants.COLOR_MODEL_RGB); println("BI"); imageInfo("Width", image.getWidth()); imageInfo("Height", image.getHeight()); imageInfo("ColorSpace", pdf.name("DeviceRGB")); imageInfo("BitsPerComponent", 8); imageInfo("Filter", getFilterName(bytes.getFormat())); print("ID\n"); write(bytes.getBytes()); println("\nEI"); } // // In-line Image operators (see Table 4.38) // private void imageInfo(String key, int number) throws IOException { println("/" + key + " " + number); } private void imageInfo(String key, PDFName name) throws IOException { println("/" + key + " " + name); } private void imageInfo(String key, Object[] array) throws IOException { print("/" + key + " ["); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { print(" " + array[i]); } println("]"); } /** * Draws the <i>points</i> of the shape using path <i>construction</i> * operators. The path is neither stroked nor filled. * * @return true if even-odd winding rule should be used, false if non-zero * winding rule should be used. */ public boolean drawPath(Shape s) throws IOException { PDFPathConstructor path = new PDFPathConstructor(this); return path.addPath(s); } // // XObject operators (see Table 4.34) // public void xObject(PDFName name) throws IOException { println(name + " Do"); } // // Marked Content operators (see Table 8.5) // // FIXME: missing all // // Compatibility operators (see Table 3.19) // private boolean compatibilityOpen = false; public void beginCompatibility() throws IOException { if (compatibilityOpen) System.err .println("PDFStream: nested use of Compatibility sections not allowed."); println("BX"); compatibilityOpen = true; } public void endCompatibility() throws IOException { if (!compatibilityOpen) System.err .println("PDFStream: unbalanced use of begin/endCompatibilty()."); println("EX"); compatibilityOpen = false; } }