// Copyright 2001 freehep package org.freehep.graphicsio.pdf; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.TexturePaint; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; /** * Delay <tt>Paint</tt> objects (gradient/texture, not color) for writing * pattern/shading/function dictionaries to the pdf file when the pageStream is * complete.<br> * TODO: - reuse pattern dictionaries if possible - cyclic function not working * yet (ps calculation) * * @author Simon Fischer * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-pdf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/pdf/PDFPaintDelayQueue.java 2fa79ac3a135 2007/01/09 18:18:57 duns $ */ public class PDFPaintDelayQueue { private static int currentNumber = 0; private class Entry { private Paint paint; private String name; private AffineTransform trafo; private String writeAs; private boolean written; private Entry(Paint paint, AffineTransform trafo, String writeAs) { this.paint = paint; this.trafo = trafo; this.writeAs = writeAs; this.name = "Paint" + (currentNumber++); this.written = false; } } private List<Entry> paintList; private PDFWriter pdf; // private PDFImageDelayQueue imageDelayQueue; private AffineTransform pageMatrix; /** Don't forget to call <tt>setPageMatrix()</tt>. */ public PDFPaintDelayQueue(PDFWriter pdf, PDFImageDelayQueue imageDelayQueue) { this.pdf = pdf; this.paintList = new LinkedList<Entry>(); // this.imageDelayQueue = imageDelayQueue; this.pageMatrix = new AffineTransform(); } /** * Call this method in order to inform this class about the transformation * that is necessary to map the pattern's coordinate space to the default * coordinate system of the parent's content stream (in our case the * flipping of the page). */ public void setPageMatrix(AffineTransform t) { pageMatrix = new AffineTransform(t); } public PDFName delayPaint(Paint paint, AffineTransform transform, String writeAs) { Entry e = new Entry(paint, transform, writeAs); paintList.add(e); return pdf.name(e.name); } /** Creates a stream for every delayed image. */ public void processAll() throws IOException { ListIterator<Entry> i = paintList.listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Entry e = i.next(); if (!e.written) { e.written = true; if (e.paint instanceof GradientPaint) { addGradientPaint(e); } else if (e.paint instanceof TexturePaint) { addTexturePaint(e); } else { System.err.println("PDFWriter: Paint of class '" + e.paint.getClass() + "' not supported."); // FIXME, we could write a color here, to keep the file // valid. } } } } /** * Adds all names to the dictionary which should be the value of the * resources dicionrary's /Pattern entry. */ public int addPatterns() throws IOException { if (paintList.size() > 0) { PDFDictionary patterns = pdf.openDictionary("Pattern"); ListIterator<Entry> i = paintList.listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Entry e = i.next(); patterns.entry(e.name, pdf.ref(e.name)); } pdf.close(patterns); } return paintList.size(); } private void addGradientPaint(Entry e) throws IOException { GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) e.paint; // open the pattern dictionary PDFDictionary pattern = pdf.openDictionary(e.name); pattern.entry("Type", pdf.name("Pattern")); pattern.entry("PatternType", 2); setMatrix(pattern, e, 0, 0); // the shading subdictionary PDFDictionary shading = pattern.openDictionary("Shading"); shading.entry("ShadingType", 2); shading.entry("ColorSpace", pdf.name("DeviceRGB")); Point2D p1 = gp.getPoint1(); Point2D p2 = gp.getPoint2(); shading.entry("Coords", new double[] { p1.getX(), p1.getY(), p2.getX(), p2.getY() }); double[] domain = new double[] { 0, 1 }; shading.entry("Domain", domain); // the function subdictionary (necessarily by reference, because // the type 4 function is a stream) String functionRef = e.name + "Function"; shading.entry("Function", pdf.ref(functionRef)); shading.entry("Extend", new boolean[] { true, true }); pattern.close(shading); pdf.close(pattern); // get color components and generate the functions float[] col0 = new float[3]; gp.getColor1().getRGBColorComponents(col0); double c0[] = new double[] { col0[0], col0[1], col0[2] }; float[] col1 = new float[3]; gp.getColor2().getRGBColorComponents(col1); double c1[] = new double[] { col1[0], col1[1], col1[2] }; if (gp.isCyclic()) { // FIXME: cyclic function only eveluated between 0 and 1 for short // range, not repetitive. // addCyclicFunction(functionRef, c0, c1, domain); addLinearFunction(functionRef, c0, c1, domain); } else { addLinearFunction(functionRef, c0, c1, domain); } } /** Writes a type 2 (exponential) function (exponent N=1) to the pdf file. */ private void addLinearFunction(String functionRef, double[] c0, double[] c1, double[] dom) throws IOException { PDFDictionary function = pdf.openDictionary(functionRef); function.entry("FunctionType", 2); function.entry("Domain", dom); function.entry("Range", new double[] { 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1. }); function.entry("C0", c0); function.entry("C1", c1); function.entry("N", 1); pdf.close(function); } /** * Writes a type 4 (PostScript calculator) function that describes a * triangle function to the pdf file. */ // NOT USED protected void addCyclicFunction(String functionRef, double[] c0, double[] c1, double[] dom) throws IOException { // PDFStream function = pdf.openStream(functionRef, new String[] { // "Flate", "ASCII85" }); PDFStream function = pdf.openStream(functionRef); function.entry("FunctionType", 4); // function.entry("Domain", new double[] {-1000.0, 1000.0} ); function.entry("Domain", dom); function.entry("Range", new double[] { 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1. }); function.println("{"); /* * function.println("2 mod"); function.println("1 sub"); * function.println("abs"); function.println("1 exch sub"); */ // function.println("sin"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i < 2) function.println("dup"); function.println((c1[i] - c0[i]) + " mul"); function.println(c0[i] + " add"); if (i < 2) function.println("exch"); } // function.println("pop 0.8 0.0 0.0"); function.println("}"); pdf.close(function); } private void addTexturePaint(Entry e) throws IOException { TexturePaint tp = (TexturePaint) e.paint; // open the pattern stream that also holds the inlined picture PDFStream pattern = pdf.openStream(e.name, null); // image is encoded. pattern.entry("Type", pdf.name("Pattern")); pattern.entry("PatternType", 1); pattern.entry("PaintType", 1); BufferedImage image = tp.getImage(); pattern.entry("TilingType", 1); double width = tp.getAnchorRect().getWidth(); double height = tp.getAnchorRect().getHeight(); double offsX = tp.getAnchorRect().getX(); double offsY = tp.getAnchorRect().getY(); pattern.entry("BBox", new double[] { 0, 0, width, height }); pattern.entry("XStep", width); pattern.entry("YStep", height); PDFDictionary resources = pattern.openDictionary("Resources"); resources.entry("ProcSet", new Object[] { pdf.name("PDF"), pdf.name("ImageC") }); pattern.close(resources); setMatrix(pattern, e, offsX, offsY); // scale the tiling image to the correct size pattern.matrix(width, 0, 0, -height, 0, height); pattern.inlineImage(image, null, e.writeAs); pdf.close(pattern); } /** * Sets both the page (flip) matrix and the actual transformation matrix * plus a translation offset (which may of course be be 0). */ private void setMatrix(PDFDictionary dict, Entry e, double translX, double translY) throws IOException { // concatenate the page matrix and the actual transformation matrix AffineTransform trafo = new AffineTransform(pageMatrix); trafo.concatenate(e.trafo); trafo.translate(translX, translY); double[] matrix = new double[6]; trafo.getMatrix(matrix); dict.entry("Matrix", new double[] { matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5] }); } }