// Copyright 2001-2006, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.graphicsio.swf; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import org.freehep.util.io.ActionHeader; import org.freehep.util.io.TagHeader; import org.freehep.util.io.TaggedOutputStream; /** * This class extends the TaggedOutputStream with several methods to write SWF * primitives to the stream and to write TagHeaders. * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @author Charles Loomis * @version $Id: freehep-graphicsio-swf/src/main/java/org/freehep/graphicsio/swf/SWFOutputStream.java fe6d709a107e 2006/11/27 18:25:46 duns $ */ public class SWFOutputStream extends TaggedOutputStream implements SWFConstants { private Dimension size; private float frameRate; private int frameCount = 0; private boolean compress; private final static AffineTransform identityMatrix = new AffineTransform(); public SWFOutputStream(OutputStream os, Dimension size, float frameRate, boolean compress) throws IOException { this(os, DEFAULT_VERSION, size, frameRate, compress); } public SWFOutputStream(OutputStream os, int version, Dimension size, float frameRate, boolean compress) throws IOException { this(os, new SWFTagSet(version), new SWFActionSet(version), size, frameRate, compress); } public SWFOutputStream(OutputStream os, SWFTagSet tagSet, SWFActionSet actionSet, Dimension size, float frameRate, boolean compress) throws IOException { // SWF is little-endian super(os, tagSet, actionSet, true); this.size = size; this.frameRate = frameRate; this.compress = compress; // will be popped by close() pushBuffer(); // add FileAttributes writeTag(new FileAttributes()); } public void close() throws IOException { long len = popBuffer() + SWFHeader.size(); SWFHeader header = new SWFHeader(getVersion(), len, size, frameRate, frameCount, compress); writeHeader(header); append(); super.close(); } public void writeTag(ShowFrame tag) throws IOException { frameCount++; super.writeTag(tag); } public void writeFixed(double d) throws IOException { byteAlign(); long whole = (long) d; long frac = (long) ((d - whole) * 0x10000); long fixed = ((whole & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (frac & 0xFFFF); writeUnsignedInt(fixed); } public void writeFixed8(double d) throws IOException { byteAlign(); int whole = (int) d; int frac = (int) ((d - whole) * 0x100); int fixed = ((whole & 0xFF) << 8) | (frac & 0xFF); writeUnsignedShort(fixed); } public void writeRect(Rectangle2D rect) throws IOException { int nbits = 0; nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((int) (rect.getMinX() * TWIPS), true)); nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((int) (rect.getMaxX() * TWIPS), true)); nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((int) (rect.getMinY() * TWIPS), true)); nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((int) (rect.getMaxY() * TWIPS), true)); writeRect(rect, nbits); } public void writeRect(Rectangle2D rect, int nbits) throws IOException { byteAlign(); writeUBits(nbits, 5); writeSBits((int) (rect.getMinX() * TWIPS), nbits); writeSBits((int) (rect.getMaxX() * TWIPS), nbits); writeSBits((int) (rect.getMinY() * TWIPS), nbits); writeSBits((int) (rect.getMaxY() * TWIPS), nbits); } public void writeColor(Color color, boolean alpha) throws IOException { byteAlign(); writeUnsignedByte(color.getRed()); writeUnsignedByte(color.getGreen()); writeUnsignedByte(color.getBlue()); if (alpha) writeUnsignedByte(color.getAlpha()); } public void writeMatrix(AffineTransform matrix) throws IOException { if (matrix == null) matrix = identityMatrix; byteAlign(); // Get the scale bits. if ((matrix.getScaleX() != 1.f) || (matrix.getScaleY() != 1.f)) { writeBitFlag(true); int nbits = 0; nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((float) matrix.getScaleX())); nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((float) matrix.getScaleY())); writeUBits(nbits, 5); writeFBits((float) matrix.getScaleX(), nbits); writeFBits((float) matrix.getScaleY(), nbits); } else { writeBitFlag(false); } // Rotate or skew values. if ((matrix.getShearX() != 0.f) || (matrix.getShearY() != 0.f)) { writeBitFlag(true); int nbits = 0; nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((float) matrix.getShearY())); nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((float) matrix.getShearX())); writeUBits(nbits, 5); writeFBits((float) matrix.getShearY(), nbits); writeFBits((float) matrix.getShearX(), nbits); } else { writeBitFlag(false); } // Translation values. int nbits = 0; nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((int) (matrix.getTranslateX() * TWIPS), true)); nbits = Math.max(nbits, minBits((int) (matrix.getTranslateY() * TWIPS), true)); writeUBits(nbits, 5); writeSBits((int) (matrix.getTranslateX() * TWIPS), nbits); writeSBits((int) (matrix.getTranslateY() * TWIPS), nbits); } public void writeString(String s) throws IOException { if (getVersion() >= 6) { writeUTF(s); writeByte(0); } else { writeAsciiZString(s); } } public void writeLanguageCode(int code) throws IOException { writeUnsignedByte(code); } protected void writeTagHeader(TagHeader tagHeader) throws IOException { byteAlign(); int th = (tagHeader.getTag() << 6); if (tagHeader.getLength() >= 0x3f) { th |= 0x3f; writeUnsignedShort(th); writeUnsignedInt(tagHeader.getLength()); } else { th |= tagHeader.getLength(); writeUnsignedShort(th); } } protected void writeActionHeader(ActionHeader header) throws IOException { int actionCode = header.getAction(); long length = header.getLength(); writeUnsignedByte(actionCode); if ((actionCode & 0x80) > 0) { writeUnsignedShort((int) length); } } public void writeHeader(SWFHeader header) throws IOException { header.write(this); } public int getVersion() { return ((SWFTagSet) tagSet).getVersion(); } }