package minestrapteam.mods.minestrappolation; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import; import java.util.HashMap; public class Config { // ********** Booleans ********** public static HashMap<Block, Boolean> blocks = new HashMap<Block, Boolean>(); public static Boolean radiationEffects; public static Boolean blaziumFireEffect; public static Boolean frostSpeedEffect; public static Boolean checkForUpdates; public static Boolean removeRecipes; //Ores public static Boolean genCopper; public static Boolean genTin; public static Boolean genTitanium; public static Boolean genMeurodite; public static Boolean genSunstone; public static Boolean genTorite; public static Boolean genPlutonium; public static Boolean genUranium; public static Boolean genSlate; public static Boolean genRadiant; public static Boolean genMud; public static Boolean genRubble; public static Boolean genContinnium; public static Boolean genDimensium; public static Boolean genBiomeStones; //Biomes public static Boolean genRedwood; public static Boolean genFrost; // ********* Integers ********** //Misc public static int soulGemDropChance; public static int soulBlockDamage; public static int bedrockBlockDamage; public static int soulGemXPGain; public static int soulBottleStorage; //Plants public static int bushGrowChance; public static int seaweedGrowChance; public static int pepperSeedChance; public static int onionSeedChance; public static int riceSeedChance; public static int celerySeedChance; public static int tomatoSeedChance; public static int cornSeedChance; //Drops public static int animalBoneDropAmount; public static int fatDropAmount; public static int sinewDropAmount; public static int animalFeetDropAmount; public static int wolfHideDropAmount; public static int slimeCoreDropAmount; public static int fleshDropAmount; public static int tentacleDropAmount; public static int doodadDropAmount; public static int fungusDropAmount; public static int guanoDropAmount; public static int enderAuraDropAmount; public static int witherBoneDropAmount; public static int candyDropAmount; public static int nyehHehHehAmount; // ********* Floats ********** //Drops public static float animalBoneDropChance; public static float fatDropChance; public static float sinewDropChance; public static float animalFeetDropChance; public static float wolfHideDropChance; public static float slimeCoreDropChance; public static float fleshDropChance; public static float tentacleDropChance; public static float doodadDropChance; public static float fungusDropChance; public static float guanoDropChance; public static float enderAuraDropChance; public static float witherBoneDropChance; public static float candyDropChance; public static float nyehHehHehChance; // ********* Doubles ********** public static double healthIncreaseMax; public static double healthStarting; public static void configMain(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { Configuration config = new Configuration(new File("config/M4/Main.cfg")); config.load(); radiationEffects = config.get("Mechanics", "RadiationEffects", true, "Set to False to prevent Uranium and Plutonium Ore from giving you Poison/Wither effects while mining.") .getBoolean(); blaziumFireEffect = config.get("Mechanics", "BlaziumFireEffect", true, "Set to False to prevent Blocks of Blazium from igniting nearby flammable blocks.") .getBoolean(); frostSpeedEffect = config.get("Mechanics", "TheFrostSpeedEffect", true, "Set to False to disable the slowness effect that occurs while walking in the Frost biome.") .getBoolean(); checkForUpdates = config.get("Mechanics", "CheckForUpdates", true, "Set to True to allow Minestrapp to notify you if there is a newer stable release available.") .getBoolean(); removeRecipes = config.get("Mechanics", "RemoveRecipes", true, "Set to False to prevent Minestrapp from removing Vanilla crafting recipes.") .getBoolean(); soulGemDropChance = config.get("Mechanics", "SoulGemDropChance", 3, "The percentage chance that harvesting a fully-grown Nether Wart planted on Soul Ore will drop a Soul Gem.") .getInt(); soulBlockDamage = config.get("Mechanics", "SoulBlockDamage", 200, "The amount of durability damage inflicted on a tool when mining a Soul Block.") .getInt(); bedrockBlockDamage = config.get("Mechanics", "BedRockBlockDamage", 2000, "The amount of durability damage inflicted on a tool when mining Bedrock.") .getInt(); soulGemXPGain = config.get("Mechanics", "SoulGemXPGain", 20, "The amount of XP gained by right-clicking while holding a Soul Gem.").getInt(); soulBottleStorage = config.get("Mechanics", "SoulBottleStorage", 10, "The maximum number of XP levels a Soul Bottle can hold.").getInt(); healthIncreaseMax = config.get("Mechanics", "MaxHealthIncrease", 40D, "The maximum amount of health players can get from using Heart Containers.") .getDouble(); healthStarting = config.get("Mechanics", "StartingHealth", 10D, "The amount of health players have when entering the world (Vanilla players have 20).") .getDouble(); bushGrowChance = config.get("Plants", "BushGrowthChance", 4, "The growth rate of Bushes, Glacieric Ice Deposits, and Gene Blocks. Increasing this will cause these blocks to grow slower.") .getInt(); seaweedGrowChance = config.get("Plants", "SeaweedGrowthChance", 20, "The growth rate of Seaweed. Increasing this will cause Seaweed to grow slower.") .getInt(); pepperSeedChance = config.get("Plants", "PepperSeedChance", 10, "The percentage chance of finding Peppercorns when breaking Tall Grass.") .getInt(); onionSeedChance = config.get("Plants", "OnionSeedChance", 10, "The percentage chance of finding Onions when breaking Allium flowers.").getInt(); riceSeedChance = config.get("Plants", "RiceSeedChance", 10, "The percentage chance of finding Rice when breaking Tall Grass.").getInt(); celerySeedChance = config.get("Plants", "CelerySeedChance", 10, "The percentage chance of finding Celery Seeds when breaking Shrub Grass.") .getInt(); tomatoSeedChance = config.get("Plants", "TomatoSeedChance", 10, "The percentage chance of finding Tomato Seeds when breaking Ferns.").getInt(); cornSeedChance = config.get("Plants", "CornSeedChance", 10, "The percentage chance of finding Corn when breaking Double Tall Grass.").getInt(); animalBoneDropChance = config.get("Drops", "AnimalBoneDropChance", 20, "The percentage chance of finding Animal Bones when killing any farm animal.") .getInt(); animalBoneDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "AnimalBoneDropQuantity", 2, "The maximum amount of Animal Bones dropped when killing any farm animal.") .getInt(); fatDropChance = config.get("Drops", "FatDropChance", 40, "The percentage chance of finding Fat when killing Pigs or Zombie Pigmen.").getInt(); fatDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "FatDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Animal Bones dropped when killing Pigs or Zombie Pigmen.") .getInt(); animalFeetDropChance = config.get("Drops", "AnimalFeetDropChance", 8, "The percentage chance of finding animal feet when killing any farm animal.") .getInt(); animalFeetDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "AnimalFeetDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of animal feet dropped when killing any farm animal.") .getInt(); wolfHideDropChance = config.get("Drops", "WolfHideDropChance", 10, "The percentage chance of finding Wolf Hide when killing Wolves.").getInt(); wolfHideDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "WolfHideDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Wolf Hide dropped when killing Wolves.").getInt(); sinewDropChance = config.get("Drops", "WingSinewDropChance", 50, "The percentage chance of finding Wing Sinew when killing Bats.").getInt(); sinewDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "WingSinewDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Wing Sinew dropped when killing Bats.").getInt(); slimeCoreDropChance = config.get("Drops", "SlimeCoreDropChance", 50, "The percentage chance of finding Slime Cores when killing Slimes or Magma Cubes.") .getInt(); slimeCoreDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "SlimeCoreDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Slime Cores dropped when killing Slimes or Magma Cubes.") .getInt(); fleshDropChance = config.get("Drops", "FleshDropChance", 80, "The percentage chance of finding Flesh when killing Villagers.").getInt(); fleshDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "FleshDropQuantity", 3, "The maximum amount of Flesh dropped when killing Villagers.").getInt(); tentacleDropChance = config.get("Drops", "SquidTentacleDropChance", 55, "The percentage chance of finding Squid Tentacles when killing Squids or Guardians.") .getInt(); tentacleDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "SquidTentacleDropQuantity", 3, "The maximum amount of Squid Tentacles dropped when killing Squids or Guardians.") .getInt(); doodadDropChance = config.get("Drops", "TechnologicalDoodadDropChance", 90, "The percentage chance of finding Technological Doodads when killing Iron Golems.") .getInt(); doodadDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "TechnologicalDoodadDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Technological Doodads dropped when killing Iron Golems.") .getInt(); fungusDropChance = config.get("Drops", "InfectiousFungusDropChance", 15, "The percentage chance of finding Infectious Fungus when killing Mooshrooms.") .getInt(); fungusDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "InfectiousFungusDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Infectious Fungus dropped when killing Mooshrooms.") .getInt(); guanoDropChance = config.get("Drops", "GuanoDropChance", 30, "The percentage chance of finding Guano when killing Bats.").getInt(); guanoDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "GuanoDropQuantity", 3, "The maximum amount of Guano dropped when killing Bats.").getInt(); enderAuraDropChance = config.get("Drops", "EnderAuraDropChance", 50, "The percentage chance of finding Ender Aura when killing Endermites.") .getInt(); enderAuraDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "EnderAuraDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Ender Aura dropped when killing Endermites.").getInt(); witherBoneDropChance = config.get("Drops", "WitherBoneDropChance", 30, "The percentage chance of finding Withered Bones when killing Wither Skeletons.") .getInt(); witherBoneDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "WitherBoneDropQuantity", 1, "The maximum amount of Withered Bones dropped when killing Wither Skeletons.") .getInt(); candyDropChance = config.get("Drops", "CandyDropChance", 30, "The percentage chance of finding Candy when killing various mobs during late October.") .getInt(); candyDropAmount = config.get("Drops", "CandyDropQuantity", 2, "The maximum amount of Candy dropped when killing various mobs during late October.") .getInt(); nyehHehHehChance = config.get("Drops", "NyehHehHehChance", 1, "NyehHehHEH!!!").getInt(); nyehHehHehAmount = config.get("Drops", "NyehHehHehAmount", 1, "-Papyrus").getInt(); genCopper = config.get("Ores", "GenerateCopper", true, "Set to False to prevent Copper Ore from generating.") .getBoolean(); genTin = config.get("Ores", "GenerateTin", true, "Set to False to prevent Tin Ore from generating.") .getBoolean(); genTitanium = config.get("Ores", "GenerateTitanium", true, "Set to False to prevent Titanium Ore from generating.").getBoolean(); genMeurodite = config.get("Ores", "GenerateMeurodite", true, "Set to False to prevent Meurodite Ore from generating.").getBoolean(); genSunstone = config.get("Ores", "GenerateSunstone", true, "Set to False to prevent Sunstone Ore from generating.").getBoolean(); genTorite = config.get("Ores", "GenerateTorite", true, "Set to False to prevent Torite Ore from generating.") .getBoolean(); genPlutonium = config.get("Ores", "GeneratePlutonium", true, "Set to False to prevent Plutonium Ore from generating.").getBoolean(); genUranium = config.get("Ores", "GenerateUranium", true, "Set to False to prevent Uranium Ore from generating.") .getBoolean(); genSlate = config.get("Ores", "GenerateSlate", true, "Set to False to prevent Slate from generating.") .getBoolean(); genRadiant = config.get("Ores", "GenerateRadiant", true, "Set to False to prevent Radiant Quartz Ore from generating.").getBoolean(); genMud = config.get("Ores", "GenerateMud", true, "Set to False to prevent Mud from generating.").getBoolean(); genRubble = config.get("Ores", "GenerateRubble", true, "Set to False to prevent Rubble from generating.") .getBoolean(); genContinnium = config.get("Ores", "GenerateContinnium", true, "Set to False to prevent Continnium Ore from generating.").getBoolean(); genDimensium = config.get("Ores", "GenerateDimensium", true, "Set to False to prevent Dimensium Ore from generating.").getBoolean(); genBiomeStones = config.get("Mechanics", "GenerateBiomeStones", true, "Set to False to prevent Biome stones from generating.").getBoolean(); genRedwood = config.get("Biomes", "GenerateRedwood", true, "Set to False to prevent Redwood biomes from generating.").getBoolean(); genFrost = config .get("Biomes", "GenerateTheFrost", true, "Set to False to prevent Frost biomes from generating.") .getBoolean();; } }